Slides 26

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Slides 26-27

 Mosques serve as the primary centers of worship for Muslims and are characterized by
unique architectural features, such as domes, minarets, and courtyards.

Slides 28-29
 Islamic calligraphy is widely recognized as an art form, and Quranic verses are often
artistically written and integrated into Islamic art and architecture, serving as a beautiful
expression of Islamic culture and spirituality.

Slides 30-31
 Arabesque is a prevalent design element in Islamic art, characterized by intricate and
delicate floral patterns and geometric shapes that create an alluring and captivating

Slide 32-33
 This statement highlights that Islamic teachings promote modesty in dress and behavior
for both genders, while also encouraging women to pursue education and careers if they
so desire.

 Islamic teachings promote modesty in dress and behavior for both genders and encourage
women to seek education, knowledge, and pursue careers, if they desire to do so.

 Islam upholds the belief that men and women are equal in the sight of Allah and
therefore, they have comparable rights and obligations in all aspects of life, including
society, family, and worship.

 Islam promotes the idea of women pursuing education, acquiring knowledge and
encourages them to pursue careers based on their own choices.

 Islamic teachings highlight the significance of family in Islam and advocate for mutual
respect, love, and shared responsibilities between spouses as fundamental values to
uphold within a marriage.

Slide 34
 Islam's ethical framework is centered around the teachings of the Quran and the Hadith,
with key principles including honesty, justice, compassion, humility, and generosity. The
religion stresses the significance of treating others with kindness, showing respect to
elders, providing for the poor and needy, and upholding moral values both in personal
and societal behavior.

Slide 35-36

 The medieval Islamic civilization between the 8th and 14th centuries played a significant
role in advancing various fields of study such as science, medicine, mathematics,
astronomy, and philosophy, among others.
 Islamic scholars played a vital role in preserving and translating ancient works from
Greek, Roman, Persian, and Indian cultures, which in turn helped to disseminate
knowledge to Europe during the Renaissance period.

 Islamic scholars contributed immensely to the field of medicine by making significant

advancements, such as establishing hospitals, developing surgical techniques, and
compiling medical encyclopedias.

 Islamic scholars made valuable contributions to astronomy and mathematics by

developing algebra, trigonometry, and refining the existing astronomical models.

Slide 37
 Islam promotes tolerance, respect, and peaceful coexistence with individuals of diverse
faiths, emphasizing the importance of mutual understanding and harmonious relations
between different religious communities.

 Muslims are encouraged to participate in interfaith dialogue, foster mutual

understanding, and promote harmony between individuals from diverse faiths and
cultures, to cultivate a peaceful and inclusive society.

 Numerous Muslims around the world actively engage in interfaith initiatives, advocating
for religious diversity, and striving towards building a more inclusive and harmonious
society through promoting mutual respect and understanding among different faiths.

Ramadan: A month-long period of fasting and spiritual reflection observed by Muslims

worldwide, where they abstain from food, drink, and other physical needs from dawn until

Mecca: The holiest city in Islam, located in Saudi Arabia, towards which Muslims face
during prayer and is the site of the Kaaba, the most sacred site in Islam.

Imam Hussein: A highly respected figure in Shia Islam, the grandson of Prophet
Muhammad, and the son of Imam Ali, known for his stand against tyranny and oppression,
and his martyrdom at the Battle of Karbala in 680 AD.
Dagiti slide 26-27
 Agserbi dagiti moske a kas kangrunaan a sentro ti panagdayaw para kadagiti Muslim
ken mailasin babaen kadagiti naisangsangayan nga arkitektura a tampok, kas kadagiti
simborio, minaret, ken paraangan.

Dagiti slide 28-29

 Ti Islamiko a kaligrapia ket nasaknap a mabigbigan a kas maysa a porma ti arte, ken
dagiti bersikulo ti Quranic ket masansan nga artistiko a naisurat ken naikapet iti Islamiko
nga arte ken arkitektura, nga agserbi a kas napintas nga ebkas ti Islamiko a kultura ken

Dagiti slide 30-31

 Ti Arabesko ket maysa a nasaknap nga elemento ti disenio iti Islamiko nga arte, a
nailasin babaen dagiti narikut ken nalamuyot a padron ti sabong ken heometriko a sukog
a mangparnuay iti makaallukoy ken makaawis nga estetika.

Slide ti 32-33
 Daytoy a sasao ket mangitag-ay a dagiti sursuro ti Islam ket mangitantandudo iti
kinaemma iti panagkawkawes ken kababalin para iti agpada a sekso, bayat a paregtaenda
pay dagiti babbai a mangsurot iti edukasion ken karera no kayatda.

 Dagiti Islamiko a pannursuro ket mangitandudo ti kinaemma iti panagkawkawes ken

kababalin para iti agpada a sekso ken paregtaenna dagiti babbai nga agsapul iti
edukasion, pannakaammo, ken mangsurot kadagiti karera, no kayatda nga aramiden

 Itandudo ti Islam ti pammati a dagiti lallaki ken babbai ket agpapada iti imatang ni
Allah ket ngarud, addaanda kadagiti maipada a karbengan ken obligasion iti amin nga
aspeto ti biag, agraman ti kagimongan, pamilia, ken panagdayaw.

 Itantandudo ti Islam ti kapanunotan a dagiti babbai ket agsursuro, makagun-od iti

pannakaammo ken paregtaenna ida a mangsurot kadagiti karera a naibatay iti bukodda a

 Dagiti Islamiko a pannursuro ket mangitag-ay ti kaipapanan ti pamilia iti Islam ken
mangitantandudo ti panagraem ti tunggal maysa, panagayat, ken panagbingbingay a
pagrebbengan iti nagbaetan dagiti assawa a kas dagiti kangrunaan a pateg a maitandudo
iti uneg ti panagasawa.

Slide nga 34
 Ti etikal a balangkas ti Islam ket naisentro iti aglawlaw dagiti sursuro ti Quran ken
Hadith, nga addaan kadagiti kangrunaan a prinsipio a pakairamanan ti kinamapagpiaran,
hustisia, pannakipagrikna, kinapakumbaba, ken kinaparabur. Ipaganetget ti relihion ti
kinapateg ti panangtrato iti sabsabali buyogen ti kinaimbag, panangipakita iti panagraem
kadagiti panglakayen, panangipaay kadagiti napanglaw ken agkasapulan, ken
panangitandudo kadagiti moral a pagalagadan agpadpada iti personal ken kababalin ti

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