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Maica Arevalo


The Dove and The Raven

There once was a dove whom who can't fly, wings are broken and useless. Only despair and
hopelessness is what you can see in his eyes. Can’t even do what the other birds can do. Dove wants his
wings back. He wants to fly and soar again but he can never do anything about it.

One time he was walking when he saw a raven who's breaking down under a small tree, he can’t help
but to be curious so he walked towards him and said "What's wrong?" "Why are you crying?" "Are you
okay?" questions keep going and going until the raven stopped and look at him and said "Oh, you don't
hate me?". Brow raised from that question and have no clue on what's happening but still managed to
reply with "What? why would I hate you?". "I thought doves hate me..." the dove suddenly felt in awe
after hearing the raven’s answer and then decided to reply "Why, what happened? did the doves bullied
you or something?”. The other replied "Yes, they said I don’t get to play and fly with them just because
I’m a raven" "Oh that's a though one" their conversation goes on and on until the raven finally notices
his wings and could not help it but to ask. "Anyways, what happened to you? Why are you alone?" the
dove gives him an awkward expression in which the raven thinks he knows the reason why but still
waited for the dove's answer. "Oh I'm actually an outcast too. The thing is, I can’t fly, one day I was
hanging out with my friends until we decided and go to have a flying trip, but unfortunately things
happened... Now they don’t want to play and be friends with me anymore since I’m useless. I can’t fly
that's why I’m walking all alone" the conversation starts to get deeper as time goes by. It felt like the
two found comfort in each other's company. Two outcasts sharing thoughts and laughter together as
they walk. "I can’t wait for my wings to be healed" white dove said "I know someone who can make the
healing faster!" said by the black dove. "Oh really! who? ". “My aunt she has been our family doctor and
helps us with our medical needs. We go to her every time when we’re sick or injured.”.

Dove is amazed, he thinks it will really be a great help for him because he wants to fly again, he wants
to soar high again. “I can try to help you with that since we’re basically friends now” raven chuckles as
he adds on. “Oh really! Oh my thank you very much!” Dove replied. They proceed to head on where
Raven’s aunt lives and soon after Raven knocked on her auntie’s door. Knock-Knock the door produced
a sound which the aunt heard then walk towards her door. As the door opens she was greeted by two
birds. One who’s familiar and one who isn’t, her nephew greeted her with a hug and then proceeds to
look at the unfamiliar guest. Dove smiled awkwardly as it’s her first time meeting her, dove tries to stop
his shaking voice as he speaks “Hello and Good day miss!” he said with a slightly shaky voice and a smile
in his face. Raven’s aunt replies “Hmm good day too, may I ask? What brings you two here? “Oh aunt
Lily this is Dove, Dove, this is aunt Lily” raven introduced the two to each other, ”He’s my newly found
friend and he has a broken wings he saw me earlier as I’ve been bullied by the other doves. We came
here because I know you know how to treat injuries like this, I just want to return the favor to him
because he helped me too.” he adds. “Oh is that so? Well come on in”. “Thank you miss Lily” Dove
loosened his awkward smile that he has earlier because he now knows that Miss Lily is not harmful, It’s
just her looks he thinks.

Miss Lily brought out some bandages and tools so she can now start treating Dove’s injury. “Come
here now, u may sit here. Hmm let me see your wing”. Dove didn’t hesitate to come and sat afterwards,
He shows his wings and let Miss Lily examine it. “Oh this will take like 3 days before it heals and you can
fly again” Miss lily explained. She then go ahead and wraps his wings in bandage. “There you go” she
says after she finishes. “Thank you very much Miss Lily! I appreciate you and your nephew’s kindness
like, really”. Raven then proceeds to thank his aunt too. “Thank you very much Aunt Lily for your hard
work, me and my friend will now be going.” After that, they went out to hang out some more Dove
showed where he lives and same as Raven.

Their bond eventually became more closer day by day, they always shares stories, they hang out
and ate together. As time goes by Dove’s wings heals. Two birds with different stories found solace and
comfort in each other’s presence. Two outcasts now friends and still growing together each and

“Come on faster!” Raven exclaims excitedly, today’s finally the day where they’ll try to see if Dove
can fly now. “Alright alright” Dove replies they tried to run as fast as they can because they are very
excited and they’ve been waiting for this day. Few minutes later they’ve reached where they want to go
somewhere high so they can easily fly. Raven flew first and that stopped to see Dove take his first flaps
again. “Go! Go!” Raven cheered Dove. And now came the moment. Dove is now flying. They flied freely
as if there’s no tomorrow.


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