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Bidhan Chandra College, Asansol


A Project

For partial completion of the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Under the Faculty of Commerce



Submitted By


REG N0- 20103003521


To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are so numerous and
the depth is so enormous.

I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh
dimensions in the completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank Bidhan Chandra College, Asansol forgiving me

chance to do this project.

I would like to thank my Principal, Prof. Falguni Mukhopadhyay for providing the
necessary facilities required for completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank Prof. Faisal Hammad, for his moral support and
guidance. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude towards my project guide
Prof. Faisal Ahmed whose guidance and care made the project successful.

I would like to thank my College Library, for having provided various reference
books and magazines related to my project.

Lastly, I would like to thank each and every person who directly or indirectly helped
me in the completion of the project especially my Parents and Peers who supported
me throughout my project.

Chapter 1···································································································1
1.1 Introduction RR KABEL LTD:·····························································1
1.2 Definition: Training and Development···················································1
1.3 Relation between Training and Development···········································2
1.4 Importance of Training and Development···············································2
1.5 Advantages of training and development················································4
1.6 Disadvantages of training and development············································5
1.7 Training and Development Process························································5
1.8 Different types of Training:·································································6
1.9 Improving Performance:······································································6
1.10 Formats of Training:·········································································8
1.11 Basic benefits employees get from Training and Development programs:···············9
1.12 Employee Performance Definition:······················································9
1.13Employee productivity Definition:······················································21
Chapter 2

2.1 Statement of the problem faced in RR KABEL LTD:


2.2 Need of study in RR KABEL LTD:


2.3 Research methodology:


2.4 Objectives:

2.5 Hypothesis:

Chapter 3

3.1 Review of literature:



Chapter 4
4.1 Data analysis:


Bibliography………………………………………………………………………. 51
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction:
The main aim behind this to explore the effects of training and
development on the employees performance and productivity of employees
the contemporary business organization are now in rapidly changing
environment in contributing to the overall goal of the organization training
and development processes are implemented to improve the performance of
the employees. Performance refers to the accomplishment of something or
mere working effectiveness. For the organization, training and development
leads to improve profitability while cultivating more positive attitudes
toward profit orientation. Training and development is defined as the
planned learning experiences that teach employees how to perform current
and future jobs.

1.2 Definition: Training and Development

Training and Development is a subsystem of an organization
which emphasize on the improvement of the performance of individuals
and groups. Training is an educational process which involves the
sharpening of skills, concepts, changing of attitude and gaining more
knowledge to enhance the performance of the employees. Good &
efficient training of employees helps in their skills & knowledge
development, which eventually helps a company
Training is about knowing where you are in the present and after some time
where will you reach with your abilities. By training, people can learn new
information, new methodology and refresh their existing knowledge and
skills. Due to this there is much improvement and adds up the effectiveness
at work. The motive behind giving the training is to create an impact that
lasts beyond the end time of the training itself and employee gets updated
with the new
phenomenon. Training can be offered as skill development for individuals
and groups.

Organizational Development is a process that “strives to build the capacity

to achieve and sustain a new desired state that benefits the organization or
community and the world around them.”

1.3 Relation between Training and Development
There is a relation between training and development, and there is
clear difference between the
two based on goals to be achieved. Development is made to answer the
training problems


Training is meant for operatives Development is meant for executives

It is reactive process It is pro- active process

AIM: To develop additional skills AIM: To develop the total personality

It is short term process It is continuous process

OBJECTIVE: To meet the present OBJECTIVE: To meet the future need

need of an employee of an employee

Initiative is taken by the management Initiative is taken by an individual.

1.4 Importance of Training and Development

For companies to keep improving, it is important for organizations to
have continuous training and development programs for their employees.
Competition and the business environment keeps changing, and hence it is
critical to keep learning and pickup new skills. The importance of training
and development is as follows:

Optimum Utilization of Human Resources:
Training and Development helps in optimizing the utilization of human
resource that further helps the employee to achieve the organizational goals
as well as their individual goals

Development of Human Resources:

Training and Development helps to provide an opportunity and broad
structure for the development of human resources technical and
behavioural skills in an organization. It also helps the employees in attaining
personal growth.

Development of skills of employees:

Training and Development helps in increasing the job knowledge and skills
of employees at each level. It helps to expand the horizons of human
intellect and an overall personality of the employees.

Training and Development helps in increasing the productivity of the
employees that helps the organizationfurther to achieve its long-term goal.
Team spirit:Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of
teamwork, team spirit, and inter- team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the
zeal to learn within the employees.

Organization Culture:

Training and Development helps to develop and improve the organizational health
culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture within the

Organization Climate:
Training and Development helps building the positive perception and feeling
about the organization. The employees get these feelings from leaders, subordinates,
and peers.

Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work and work-

Healthy work environment:

Training and Development helps in creating the healthy working environment. It

helps to build good employee, relationship so that individual goals aligns with
organizational goal.

Health and Safety:

Training and Development helps in improving the health and safety of the
organization thus preventing obsolescence.

Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the workforce.

Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate image.

Training and Development leads to improved profitability and more positive
attitudes towards profit orientation.
Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e. Organization
gets more effective decision making and problem solving. It helps in
understanding and carrying out organizational policies
Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills, motivation,
loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers
usually display.

1.5 Advantages of training and development

Training and development has a cost attached to it. However,

since it is beneficial for
companies in the long run, they ensure employees are trained regularly.
Some advantages are:
1. Helps employees develop new skills and increases their knowledge.
2. Improves efficiency and productivity of the individuals as well as the
3. Proper training and development can remove bottle-necks in operations.

4. New & improved job positions can be created to make the organization
5. Keeps employees motivated and refreshes their goals, ambitions and
contribution levels.

1.6 Disadvantages of training and development

Even though there are several advantages, some drawbacks of training

and development are
mentioned below:
1. It is an expensive process which includes arranging the correct trainers
and engaging employees for non-revenue activities.
2. There is a risk that after the training and development session, the
employee can quit the job.

1.7 Training and Development Process

Training and development is a continuous process as the skills,

knowledge and quality of work needs constant improvement. Since
businesses are changing rapidly, it is critical that companies focus on
training their employees after constantly monitoring them & developing
their overall personality.

Steps for training and development processes are:

1. Determine the need of training and development for individuals or teams
2. Establish specific objectives & goals which need to be achieved
3. Select the methods of training
4. Conduct and implement the programs for employees
5. Evaluate the output and performance post the training and development
6. Keep monitoring and evaluating the performances and again see if more
training is required.
Hence, this concludes the definition of Training and Development along
with its overview.

Training is a program that helps employees learn specific knowledge or
skills to improve performance in their current roles. Development is more
expansive and focuses on employee growth and future performance, rather
than an immediate job role. Training and development is the process of
providing opportunities for employees to gain the knowledge and experience
they require to perform their job.

1.8 Different types of Training:

. “Health and safety

. Induction
. Communication skills
. Problem-solving skills
. Team working
. Ability to improve personal learning and performance
. Motivation, judgement and leadership skills”

1.9 Improving Performance:

As the major purpose of training is to enhance the ability of

employees to perform their jobs at peak levels. Training for immediate
performance improvement is particularly important to organizations with
stagnant or declining rates of productivity or customer satisfaction. Training
for performance improvement is also important to organizations that are
rapidly incorporating new technologies and, constantly, increasing the
likelihood of employee obsolescence. Merger and acquisition is another
event that may make training needs more salient, as is expansion into global
New technology. New technologies account for much of the enhanced
levels of productivity achieved in recent years but new technology seldom
cannot be introduced without also providing training in how to use it. For
example at Gillette, significant training was needed when the company
introduced the new technology it used to produce the MACH3 razor, and
similar scenarios are repeated in manufacturing firms every month.Mergers
and Acquisitions. Following mergers and acquisitions, training that focuses
on socializing employees into a new culture is probably the most common.

But promoting cultural harmony need not be the only objective of post
merger training may serve.

The HR TRIAD in Training and Development

“In HR Triad the role and responsibilities in training and

development shows some activities for the line managers, HR professionals
and the employees.
Line Managers cooperate with HR professionals in identifying the
implications of business plans for training and development. They
participate in the delivery of training and development programs, works
with employees to determine their individual training and development
needs. They support employee’s participation in training and development
opportunities. Line managers also participate in efforts to access the
effectiveness of training and development activities.
HR professionals identify training and development needs in
cooperation with line managers. They assist employees in identifying their
individual training and development needs. Communicate with employees
regarding training and development opportunities. Develop and administer
training and development activities and also evaluate the effectiveness
of training and development activities.
Employees identify their own training and development needs with HR
professionals and line managers. They accept responsibility for learning
about training and development opportunities. Consider employment
opportunities from the perspective of the potential for personal learning and
development and also participate in efforts to assess the effectiveness of
training and development activities.”

Affective Outcomes
When the desired results of socialization, training or developmental
experiences is a change in motivation, attitudes, or values or all three, the
learning objectives of interest are effective outcomes. The objectives of
building team spirit and socializing employees into the corporate culture
aren’t the only effective outcomes of a training system. In fact, training
activities often are designed in part to develop employee’s feeling of
mastery and self confidence. Training programs designed to enhance
employee’s emotional intelligence are another example of efforts that
target effective outcomes. Emotional intelligence involves recognizing
and regulating emotions in ourselves and in others. It includes self-
awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management.

1.10 Formats of Training:
. There are three types of training and development formats.
. On the job training
. On site, but not on the job training
. Off the job Training

On the job training:

“On the job training occurs when employees learn their jobs under direct
supervision. Trainees learn by observing experienced employees and by
working with the actual materials, personnel or machinery. An experienced
employee trainer is expected to provide a favorable role model and take time
from regular job responsibilities to provide job related instruction and
guidance. Assuming the trainer works in the same area, the trainee receives
immediate feedback about
 Apprenticeship Training, internships and Assistantships
 Job Experiences
 Supervisory Assistance and mentoring
 Coaching

On Site but not on the Job Training:

“Training at the work site but not on the job is appropriate for required after
hours programs and for programs in which contact needs to be maintained
with work units but on the job training would be too distracting or harmful.
It’s also appropriate for voluntary after hours programs and for programs
that update employees competencies while allowing them to attend
 On site but not the job training can be done by following three ways:-
 Corporate universities and executive education programs
 Programmed Instructions
 Interactive Video Training

Off the Job:

When the consequences of error are high, it’s usually more appropriate to conduct
training off the job. For example most airline passengers would readily agree that its
preferable to train pilots in flight simulators rather than have them apprentice in the
cockpit of a plane. However the costs of off the job training are high. One cause for

concern is that knowledge learned off the job may not transfer to workplace. There
several different ways to conduct off the job
training for employees such as:-

 Formal Courses
 Simulation
 Assessment Centres
 Business Board games
 Roleplaying and Sensitivity Training
 Wilderness trips and Outdoor Training

1.11 Basic benefits employees get from Training and Development programs:
The core benefits which both employee and organization gets from different
training and development programs are that it increased the level of job satisfaction
and spirits among employees of the organization. It increases the employee motivation
which results in an increase in efficiencies in processes which then results in financial
gain for the organization. Training and development increased the captivity to adopt
new technologies and methods introduced by time to time, which results in increasing
the innovation in strategies from the management of the organization. After Training
and Development when all these above mentioned points comes into practicality it
increase the overall image of the company because after all organization is what its
employees are.

1.12 Employee Performance Definition:

“Performance criteria are standards for employee behaviour at work. This

criteria contains much more than how an employee does the work.
Employees are rated on how well they do their jobs compared with a set of
standards determined by the employer.”
Employee Performance Meaning:
The job related activities expected of a worker and how well those activities
were executed. Many business personnel directors assess the employee
performance of each staff member on
an annual or quarterly basis in order to help them identify suggested areas
for improvement.
Performance – Rich Stone’s unabashed dictionary describes performance as
achievement versus some benchmark. You cannot have a conversation

about performance, without understanding the quota, record, distance,
average, etc. Performance is always relative. When you say that someone is
not performing well, the standard of performance is what you are talking

Techniques to Manage and Improve Employee Performance

Here are some ideas for managing and improving employee performance:

. Set clear expectations and communicate them well, then continue to

manage expectations. Frequent communication is critical. Ensure
employees understand their objectives by asking them to explain them in
their own words.
. Train managers and give them the tools to help their employees excel.
Be on the lookout for managers who have underperforming teams—and see
what the root cause is.
. Utilize employee handbooks to keep everyone on the same page and help
to ensure employees understanding of company policies.
. Consistently follow the company’s employee discipline policy, and
always discipline promptly if necessary. This step maintains consistent and
fair treatment of employees so they see that they do not have to tolerate or
pick up slack for poor performers. Perhaps counterintuitively, a consistently
applied and fair disciplinary policy can keep morale up (assuming of course
it is appropriate and not overreaching). A disciplinary policy does this by
ensuring everyone is held accountable for their actions.
. Conduct regular and timely employee performance appraisals so
employees know where they stand and what their goals are.
. Use SMART goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable,
realistic, and time-bound. When employee goals are realistic, it gives them
ownership and encourages them to achieve their goals.
. Prioritize employee development. In other words, help them help you.
You can do this by ensuring your employees knowhow to achieve their
career goals within the organization and, likewise, ensuring that employee
goals are known so you can both plan accordingly. Work with the employee
to close any skills gaps that exist that would bean impediment to achieving
their long-term career goals. This improves employee skills, which benefit
both the employer and employee, and it also helps maintain and improve
employee satisfaction levels.
. Give frequent and timely feedback. When an employee does
something worth recognizing, give him or her that recognition. If
appropriate, consider giving a reward for employee service that exceeds
expectations. It’s also important to ensure that when an employee steers
slightly off course, he or she knows that too. Even negative feedback (as

long as it’s not the only feedback!) helps because it ensures
employees understand expectations.
. Be open to receiving feedback too. Listen to employees when they ask
for better tools. Listen to their needs to ensure they’re happy. Ensure each
person is in the right role for his or her needs and skills.
. Review company hiring procedures to ensure the best candidates are
being selected.
. Conduct employee engagement surveys; poor performance can be a
result of lack of engagement and low morale.
. Focus on morale. Take steps to ensure that employees are satisfied with
their jobs. Here are some ways:

Review benefits, work environment, salary levels, and more. Ensure the
benefits offered are benefits that your employees value. Remember that
employee benefits that help employees—
even if they’re not high-value items—can improve morale.

Ensure employees understand the organization’s mission and vision;

giving employees something to get behind can help them understand their
purpose and role in helping the
organization succeed.

Consider ways to improve team cohesiveness.

Ask employees what they need.

Ensure managers are being consistent in their application of company

policies. For example, ensure there’s no appearance of favouritism and no
individuals or groups who do not have to follow the rules. Inconsistency can
cause frustration, which can decrease

. Give employees the right tools and processes to excel. Sometimes

investing in a better tool or process can reap huge dividends in productivity
and employee satisfaction.
. Give employees the power to do their jobs well. Empowering employees
is critical; it allows them to not get absorbed by minor roadblocks.
Empowering employees can include ensuring they have the authority to
make decisions critical to their success—and the ability to delegate if
necessary to get the job done. Employees should know and have input into

their goals and objectives, which will also give ownership—they should help
to decide goals, deadlines, and more. Give them the resources they need, and
hold them accountable without micromanaging. Encourage employees to
find solutions to problems.

Many times when productivity suffers, there is an identifiable root

cause. Things like dissatisfied employees, the wrong fit for the role, not
enough training, lacking the right tools, conflicting priorities, and unclear
expectations can all get in the way of employee productivity.
Identifying these root causes can help uncover the path to maximum

Managing Employee Performance

The performance management process is often linked with other

organizational systems
such as:

Strategic planning.

Many long-term workforce planning models use performance management

to assess the "quality" of the workforce and whether the organization is
attracting and
retaining talented workers.

Total compensation.

Most organizations use performance measurements as the basis for pay-for-

performance compensation processes.

Individual and team development.

An individual development plan (IDP, also known as a career development

plan) is often used in conjunction with the performance review process as a
final documented step to assist employees in goal setting and individual

development that will serve to advance their career and promotional

Succession planning.

Performance data overtime are vital inputs for long-term planning for future
organizational leadership.

HR technology systems.

Many organizations use software applications to manage the processes

associated with goal setting, performance review and performance
improvement plans.

The HR department is key to efficient administration of the performance

management system. Having an educated HR team that is well-prepared to
train the organization's
managers and to assist them when issues arise is critical.

Legal Issues

Federal, state and local laws that prohibit discrimination in terms and
conditions of employment all apply to a covered organization's performance
management policies and practices. Accordingly, organizations should take
all appropriate steps, based on advice from counsel, to ensure that both the
design and the implementation of their performance management systems
do not run afoul of equal employment opportunity laws and


Organizations can prevent or remedy many performance problems by

ensuring that two- way conversations occur between managers and
employees, resulting in a complete understanding of what is required,
when it is required and how everyone's contribution
measures up. Everyone benefits when:

The employee knows exactly where he or she stands in relation to achieving
goals and reaching performance milestones that contribute to career
development, promotions and

The manager gains insights into the motivations of the people working for
him or her
through the required conversations.

The organization retains motivated employees who understand their role and
the roles of
others in contributing to the overall success of the organization.

Elements of Performance Management

Effective performance management systems typically include the following

three broad elements: goal setting, performance review and a performance
improvement process. Employers may use a multitude of options in the
execution of the performance management
process, but an effective system will incorporate the three basic elements in
some form.

Element one: goal setting

Goal setting is a process of establishing objectives to be achieved over a

period of time. It
is the performance criteria an employee will be evaluated against.
Performance goals for
individual employees should ideally align with organizational goals.
Common types of goals include the following:

Job description goals.

Goals may be based on the achievement of a pre-established set of job duties

from the description. These goals are expected to be accomplished
continuously until the job description changes. Examples might be
financial, customer oriented, or process- or

system-oriented goals.

Project goals.

Goals may be based on achievement of a project objective. These goals may

be set for a single year and changed as projects are completed. Job
description and project goals are
"what" needs to be accomplished.

Behavioural goals.

Goals may be based on certain behaviours. These goals are expected to be

continuously. Behavioural goals are "how" things need to be accomplished.

Stretch goals.

Goals that are especially challenging to reach are sometimes referred to as

stretch goals. Stretch goals are usually used to expand the knowledge, skills
and abilities of high-potential

In addition to focusing only on a few major goals during a single year, the
goals should be

Specific, clear and understandable.

Measurable, verifiable and results-oriented.

Attainable, yet sufficiently challenging
Relevant to the mission of the department or organization.
Time-bound with a schedule and specific milestones.

Finally, effective goals should be participative. Both manager and individual
should be involved in the development of goals to ensure understanding and
commitment. Goals should be documented, available for review,
managed on a continuous basis and
acknowledged. Goals should be flexible enough to account for changing

Examples of effective goals include statements such as these:

Increase revenue by 10 percent during the first quarter.
Reduce office expenses by 25 percent as compared with the prior year's
actual costs.
Decrease employee absences from three days to one day per quarter.

Element two: performance review

Performance review is the process of assessing an employee's progress

toward goals. Strengths and weaknesses of all employees are recorded
regularly so that the organization can make informed and accurate decisions
regarding an employee's contribution, career development, training needs,
promotional opportunities, pay increases and other topics. Performance
review and evaluation involve the objective and subjective consideration of
how to measure and evaluate employee performance results.

Recommendations for an effective performance review process include:

A feedback process that is continuous and timely throughout the review

period so that
employees knowhow they are doing and what is expected.

A dialogue that includes performance feedback measured against clear and

specific goals
and expectations established at the outset of the performance management

A process for acknowledging the outcomes of the performance review

process that is
documented between the manager and the employee.

A two-way individual conversation between the manager and the employee
face-to-face) atleast once a year..

Common Types of Performance Review Systems

Regardless of the type or format of the selected method to review an

employee's behavioural and work expectations, clear definitions of each
level of performance must be provided. Raters should be provided with
examples of behaviours, skills, measurements and other performance factors
to assist them in evaluating an employee. Several types of performance
review systems are in common use. Each system has its benefits and


Ranking systems list all employees in a designated group from highest to

lowest in order of performance. The primary drawback is that quantifying
the differences in individual performance is difficult and may involve
drawing very narrow—if not meaningless—

Forced distribution.

The ratings of employees in a particular group are disbursed along a bell

curve, with the supervisor allocating a certain percentage of the ratings
within the group to each performance level on the scale. The actual
distribution of employee performance may not resemble a bell curve, so
supervisors may be forced to include some employees at either
end of the scale when they would otherwise place them somewhere in the

360-degree feedback.

This process collects information from the employee's supervisor,

colleagues and subordinates about an individual's work-related behavior and

its impact. Other names for this approach include multirater feedback,
multisource feedback or group review. This form
of appraisal is widely favored for employee development purposes.


This type of system focuses on performance as measured against specified

(as opposed to specific tasks or behaviours) that are identified for each

Management by objectives.
Management by objectives (MBO) is a process through which goals are set
collaboratively for the organization, various departments and each individual
member. Employees are evaluated annually based on how well they have
achieved the results specified by the goals. MBO is particularly applicable
to no routine jobs, such as those of managers, project
leaders and individual contributors.

Graphic rating scales.

Graphic rating scale (GRS) appraisals list several factors, including general
behaviours and characteristics (e.g., attendance, dependability, quality of
work, quantity of work and relationships with people) on which a supervisor
rates an employee. The rating is usually based on a scale of three to five
gradations (e.g., unsatisfactory, marginal, satisfactory, highly satisfactory
and outstanding). This type of system allows the rater to determine the
performance of an employee along a continuum. Because of its simplicity,
GRS tends to
be one of the most frequently used forms of performance appraisal.

Behaviourally anchored rating scales.

Behaviourally anchored rating scales (BARSs) attempt to assess employee

behaviour rather than specific characteristics. The appraisal tool
generally contains a set of specific behaviours that represent gradations
of performance and are used as common reference points, called "anchors,"

for rating employees on various job dimensions. Developing a BARS
assessment tool is time-consuming and expensive because it is based on
job analysis and the collection of critical incidents for each specific job.

Common Performance Rating Errors

Regardless of the review system used, a variety of common rater errors

exist. HR should
take the lead to train managers on recognizing and ameliorating their effect
on the system.
Common errors include:

Lack of differentiation.

Because raters often lack the confidence to defend their ratings or are
reluctant to pass judgment, they may rate everyone pretty much the same.
This approach can take the form
of leniency (everyone gets high ratings), severity (everyone getslow ratings)
or a universal feeling that everyone is doing just fine (and everyone gets
rated in the middle). A reluctance
to differentiate can often be attributed to poor training or the failure of an
organization to
clarify that performance-based judgments are a critical part of the
managerial role.

Recency effect.

When managers are not diligent in continuously measuring

performance, providing
feedback and documenting results, they often cannot remember the earlier
part of the
performance period. As a result, they weigh the mostrecent events too
Halo/horns effect.

The "halo" and "horns" effects occur when an employee is highly competent
or incompetent in one area, respectively, and the supervisor rates the
employee correspondingly high or
low in all areas.


Some managers may allow their impressions of employees or their personal

feelings about
them to dominate the performance rating process.

Inaccurate information/preparation.

Managers sometimes fail to take the time to solicit relevant

information about the employee's actual performance from those who work
most directly with the employee,
resulting in an inaccurate assessment.

Element three: performance improvement plans

The use of a performance improvement plan (PIP) can range from employees
who maybe new to a role or who are unclear on performance expectations to
employees who are regularly falling short of meeting performance
expectations and whose performance may necessitate the beginning of a
progressive discipline process regarding the performance
The document used to guide the process is a critical tool as it helps facilitate
discussions, records areas of concern and ways to correct them, and serves
as legal and decision-making documentation. The format of the PIP will vary
by employer and should
include the following components:

1. Employee information.
2. Relevant dates.
3. Description of performance discrepancy/gap.

4. Description of expected performance.
5. Description of actual performance.
6. Description of consequences.
7. Plan of action.
8. Signatures of the manager and the employee.
9. Evaluation of plan of action and overall performance improvement plan.

A statement regarding expectations for sustained or consistent performance

should be included to ensure that true performance improvement has
been attained. This documentation may also prove helpful in protecting
the employer should performance fail to meet expectations and should
further disciplinary action need to be taken. If the PIP is part of a
progressive discipline process that may eventually lead to termination
of employment, language in the document should specify that termination
is a possible consequence of failure to meet expectations and that it may
occur with or without the employee's signature on the PIP. The employee
should clearly understand the consequences
of not meeting the goals outlined in the PIP.

1.13Employee productivity Definition:

Productivity is a measurement or calculation between inputs and outputs.

Inputs include raw materials, machinery and labour outputs are the goods or
services produced. If the outputs are
equivalent to the inputs, the worker is considered productive. If the same
number of workers starts to produce more goods services than in a prior
period, perhaps as the result in a change
in working conditions, then productivity has increased.

Employee Productivity

Employee productivity is the evaluation of an employee’s efficiency. The

evaluation may be done in terms of the specific output of an employee in a
specific time-period and is calculated against the average of other employees
that are completing the same tasks. As the success of the organization
depends on the workforce’s productivity, employee productivity is
paramount for enterprises. When looking at improving the employee
productivity rates, organizations being to incorporate collaboration solutions
into their daily workflows. The vast availability of mobile collaboration
tools allows for much greater productivity, regardless of geographic

location. A big emerging trend in the collaboration space is the Bring Your
Own Device (BYOD) system which encourages employees to collaborate
even more, while also ensuring
that they are always connected with colleagues.

Employee recognition often equates to greater productivity, even simple

acknowledgments of their work by co-workers increases productivity.
Recognizing the most productive employees is important as it will also drive
co-workers to be productive themselves. This can be achieved in many
ways, through compensation, or employee-of-the-month titles. That
being said, increasing the compensation does not always relate to an
increase in employee productivity. The constant connectivity that comes
with social networking, on the other hand, has detrimental effects on
employee productivity rates. To curb the issue, many organizations
monitor employee access to websites when working on the corporate
network. Another negative impact is processing of emails. The ineffective
handling of emails in the workplace takes up a significant amount of an
employee’s time. To combat this issue, many organizations are today
limiting the number of email processing sessions on a daily basis or limiting
the accessibility of emails from the corporate network to certain hours of the


Productivity directly affects a company’s profit. When employees are

productive they accomplish more in a given amount of time. In turn, their
efficiency saves their company money in time and labour. When employees
are unproductive, they take longer to complete
projects, which cost employers more money due to the lost time.


Productivity is linked to employee morale. When employees are happy at

work they have more
motivation, which increases productivity. Poor morale causes employees to
be disengaged.

If employees are not given the proper resources to do their jobs easily and
efficiently, their productivity will suffer. Quo Star Solutions, a
technology consulting service, states that innovative technology is one
way that employers can boost productivity. Having automated, electronic
processes for certain tasks can free up employee time so that they can
maximize their
efficiency with other tasks.


Low productivity can be boosted in a number of ways. Some managers might

install monitoring software that tracks what employees do all day long to try
to eliminate wasted employee hours,
while others will try to boost employee morale or training or invest in labour
saving devices.

Ways to increase Productivity at workplace:

Regardless of the size of your business, boosting productivity is essential to

enhancing gross profits and maintaining competitiveness. Productivity on
the manufacturing floor depends on a combination of efficient employees,
equipment and processes. Driving improvement in all of these areas involves
examining the current practices in place and making adjustments to
systems, employee training and even the equipment used to generate parts
and components.
Before you can adopt any method for productivity improvement, you'll need
to measure your
existing output levels, create a baseline and implement solutions for
measuring change.

1. Examine the Existing Workflow.

The first step is all about identifying pain points in your current workflow.
Analyze the people, technology and processes required for production–as
well as the procedures, communication tools and resources available across
the company. Consider using value mapping as an effective solution for
identifying and monitoring projects for process improvement; this strategy

managers to pinpoint issues and record how changes impact the overall

2. Update Business Processes.

Share current workflow problems with project managers to develop
improvement plans for the manufacturing process. This could mean re-
assigning resources to different areas of the manufacturing floors,
managing budgets or becoming sure to systematically evaluate
performance and interpret any appropriate changes.

3. Invest in Continued Employee Education.

The manufacturing, machining and cutting industries are constantly
changing–there’s always a new technology promising to make
manufacturing floors more efficient than ever. Technological
advancements often change the skills required for certain tasks, and workers
will require to keep up with more advanced specialist skills.

4. Have Realistic Expectations.

Client expectations, pressures regarding production and strict deadlines can
contribute to unrealistic goals. When workload benchmarks on the
manufacturing floor are unattainable without some compromise to safety or
quality, employees become dissatisfied, preventing the company from
reaching labor goals. To boost worker efficiency, it's important to set
realistic, clearly defined objectives that ensure a combination of punctuality,
high-quality output and
safe procedures.

5. Get Smarter Machining Tools.

Manufacturing is an industry in which an employee can only be as
productive as his or her tools. While innovative machines, such as waterjet
machines or CNC mills, can be costly in terms of initial setup and training,
advanced equipment can have a positive long-term effect. Manufacturing
companies often find that a machinery upgrade helps them stay competitive
a new and innovative market.

6. Invest in Maintenance.
There's a link between the costs associated with downtime and the time and
budget invested into preventive measures. While new equipment can

boost productivity, it also requires maintenance to ensure that it continues
working at an optimum level. It is important that employees knowhow to
troubleshoot instances of system downtime, to quickly find root causes of
errors. Don't be too quick to blame the tool for problems–remember to think
about the
process,the blueprint, the material and more.

7. Stay Organized.
The number of lost dollars and wasted man-hours that result from a lack of
organization can be surprising. One surefire way to enhance productivity in
any environment is to ensure there’s a well-organized place for everything–
from materials, to machine tools and documents. When organizing your
work area, think about the layout of your machining equipment and tools and
whether they currently maximize efficiency. If not, consider rearranging
your manufacturing
floor to create a smoother workflow.

8. Encourage Collaboration.
The manufacturing floor is most productive when everyone works together
towards the same goal with as little waste and conflict as possible. While
focusing on work is important, it's also
crucial to ensure that each staff member feels comfortable as part of a team.
The better the members of your team can work together, the more they will
encourage a productive workplace

How to motivate employees and boost productivity?

So how do you motivate employees? Here area few simple tips:

Be positive.

Employee motivation requires a company culture that is dynamic and

nurturing. As a manager, you are in a position to significantly influence the
atmosphere in your workplace, so be positive! If you can create an
environment that people actually enjoy working in, they’ll be more likely to
give you their
very best.

Listen to your people.

Money is not the number one motivating factor for everybody. In fact, given
the choice, an increasing number of people would prefer to receive non-
financial benefits. So pay attention to what they want – the more in touch
you are with your employees’ needs, the better they’ll feel about putting
forth their
best effort. Here are some examples of what employees are looking for these

Opportunities: Developing talent within your company and grooming

employees for leadership positions is a good way for you to prepare for the
future. It also engenders loyalty and helps people
feel as though they’re working hard towards something better.

Challenges: Giving your best people more responsibility or ownership of a

particular project helps them feel that their contributions are more
meaningful. If they are more directly connected to the
company’s success, they’re more likely to try harder to meet your common

Training: An effective training and development plan is one of the best ways
to show your commitment to your employees. When you consider the costs
(in time and money) of a high turnover
rate, the expense of a solid training program suddenly doesn't seem like too
much to bear.

Balance: Yes, your employees do have a life outside of the office. So let
them enjoy it! Flexible work schedules and mandatory vacations help
employees put some breathing space between them and their
jobs and give them time tore-energize and return to work at full strength.

Productivity & Performance are the terms employed as the strategy behind
the development in improving the determinant of success. Benchmarks are
those said to future performance and relative effectiveness which are said to
have standard setters. Productivity is a workflow process that gives output
qualitatively measured in terms of economy, profit and benefit. However,
Performance is totally dependent on independent workforce
measured quantitatively. Also, important part to know is Productivity is

directly proportional to Performance where each person brings to the table a
different knowledge of the process, as
well as individual experiences that maybe relevant.

People tend to confuse productivity and performance, with the two

often becoming interchangeable. Productivity is the measure of the
efficiency of production whereas performance deals with the way in
which someone functions to accomplish something successfully,”

Chapter 2

2.1 Statement of the problem faced in RR KABEL LTD:

Employee training is a learning experience, it seeks relatively permanent changes

in the employees that improves their job performance and enhance the
productivity. The reason for this study is the importance of training in
organizations has become necessary one to impart knowledge and skills to
employees for the better performance, in the organizations managers are
concentrating more on training both freshers and existing employees. The time
and money spent on training in insurance industry is also comparatively more.
But, it’s a big question.

Does the training bring changes in the employees‟ tendency, attitude &

They seems self-oriented or towards the self-development than contributing for

the company’s development. Hence the attrition rate in the insurance sector is
also high. Employees are moving to other companies after acquiring the necessary
skills through the training provided by the previous companies. How does the
organization get benefited through the employees

performance? Is there improvement in employees‟ productivity and

organizations profitability? Hence, this study has been conducted to find out the
effective and efficient

functioning of employees after the training.

This study begins from the realization of the need to effectively administer the
effect of training and development on employee performance and productivity.

Training is a systematic process to enhance employee’s skill, knowledge and
competency, necessary to perform effectively on job. Overall, training and
development impacts organizational competitiveness, revenue and performance.
Unfortunately, the majority of governmental, private organization and
international organizations are not recognizing the importance of training to
increase their employee's productivity and when the economy slows or when
profits decline, many organizations first seek cuts in their training budgets. This
will leads to high job turnover then increase the cost to hire new employees which
low down the organizational profitability. The problem of the present study is
related to the gap between the expected performance and the actual performance
of the employees. This gap can be bridged through well designed training
programs, so, the present study explores the impact of in-service training
programs on the performance of administrative employees. In the absence of
training and development of employees by Management of various organizations,
the employees sponsored themselves in furtherance of their education to obtain
professional or higher level certificates. Employees who expressed the desire to
pursue university education were not given any form of assistance like study
leave with pay. Their applications for study leave were turned down with those
who were persistent being advised to resign. Those who sought for part-time
programs were disengaged after their studies as management claimed their
programs were not relevant to the job. The few ones who were retained had no
promotion to match their added skills and competencies. This it is believed to
have led to high labour turnover in the organization. The study was therefore to
assess the role of training on the human resource and how this affects

worker performance.

Training and development play a vital role in any organization today. The hotels
and tourism sector is one of the fastest growing sectors of the global economy. It
is also among the top-job creating sectors because its labour intensive nature and
the significant multiplier effect on employment in other related sectors. There
are various forms of training carried out in organisations this study however
seeks to examine how the various training has helped in developing employees

and also improving their performance on the job. Training and development
is well planned and systematic in many organisations but still have issues of

employees still not performing up to standard operating procedure in the work


Some of the employees have not enhanced their skills and abilities to enable them
to be effective and efficient on their job duties. Overtime, there have been
complaints from the management and some of the clients about some employees‟
performance and attitude towards the job, it has however been an issue to ponder
on that despite several training undergone in the organization there are still some
employees that the performance has not improved. The motive behind this study
is to understand and know the reasons why training and development

do not have any impact on some employee’s performance in organizations.

2.2 Need of study in RR KABEL LTD:

. Main purpose is to classify the impact of training and development on

employees performance and productivity.

. To help the organization to prepare its employees for better performance and
productivity and to enhance skills and knowledge to do their job.

. This helps reduce any weak links within the company who rely heavily on
others to complete basic work tasks.

. Training and development program help the employees to work effectively and
efficiently in the organization.

. The outcomes of this research will help and support the organization to
identify the Training and Development factors that influence the employee
performance in the organizations.

. On the other hand, the research will be helpful in the department of human
resource of every organizations which are trying to increase the productivity of
their employees.

. A training program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee
needs to improve.

. A development program brings all employees to a higher level so they all have
similar skills and knowledge.

. Training and development of employees is a costly activity as it requires a lot

quality inputs from trainers as well as employees. But it is essential that the
company revises its goals and efficiencies with the changing environment. Here
are a few critical reasons why the company endorses training and development

When management thinks that there is a need to improve the performances of


. To setup the benchmark of improvement sofar in the performance

improvement effort

. To train about the specific job responsibility and skills like communication
management, team management etc.

. To test the new methodology for increasing the productivity

. The purpose of the training and development function is to:

. Organize and facilitate learning and development.

. Expedite acquisition of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for

effective job performance.

. Provide employees with career growth opportunities consistent with

corporate goals, objectives, and strategies.

. Training and employee development programs are designed to be effective,
efficient, and timely, using sources, methods, and strategies consistent with the
following goals:

. Ensure the availability of human resources to meet present and future

organizational needs.

. Ensure linkage with corporate goals and business strategies.

. Provide learning experiences that are responsive to the training and

development needs of Postal Service employees.

. Make instruction timely, using the most cost-effective methods.

. Reduce organizational training costs while increasing learner retention and


. Training and development help companies to improve the quality of work

done by their employees. Training programs concentrate on specific areas. There
by improving the quality of work in that area.

. Every employee who takes development program becomes better at his job.
Training provides perfection and required practice, therefore employee’s area
able to develop them professionally.

. Through training and development the employee is up to date with new

technology and the fear of being thrown out of the job is reduced.

. Training and development programs greatly help new employees to get

accustomed to new methods of working, new technology, the work culture of
the company etc.

Training and development program clearly identifies and teaches employees

about the different risk involved in their job, the different problems that can arise
and how to prevent such problems. This helps to improve the health and safety
measures in the company.

. “Training offers the hope of increased competitiveness for firms through

raising skill levels, productivity and value added .For trade unions and

professional associations, and training enhances members’ expertise facilitating
negotiations for pay and status. For individuals, education and training can
increase knowledge and opportunities give access to more highly rewarded work
and reduce the prospect of unemployment. Within firms, training and
development is a key element of human resource management. Work practices
such as employee involvement, team working or merit-based pay can be enhanced
as a result of employee development. Training also allows organisations to adapt
to changes in the business environmental especially in the introduction of new
technology. Training and development may also serve a social function, helping
workers to form friendships and distracting them from alienating work.” (Tyson,
S. 1995)

. Putting employees in their specific job designation does not guarantee any
success for them and for organization they work for. Newly recruited employees
are mostly unaware about their role and responsibilities in their new job. Both
training and development are needed for them, after an employee have been
trained and got the knowledge about their jobs, then they need additional
development to prepare for their further responsibilities. And with ongoing trend
towards greater work force diversity, flatter organizations and increased global
competition, training and development efforts are very important.

2.3 Research methodology:


Research as “ the manipulation of things, concepts of symbols for the purpose of

generalizing to extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aids
in construction of theory or in the practice of an art.” The Research Methodology
followed for further work can be primarily classified into two stages namely
Exploratory and Descriptive. The stepwise details

of the research areas follows:

This consists of mainly a descriptive style investigation to find out impact of
Training & Development on employees performance and productivity. The
present research study is descriptive by nature.

Descriptive Study: After carrying out initial Exploratory studies to bring clarity
on the subject understudy, Descriptive study will be carried out to know the
actual Training and Development method being followed. After this I get to know
the importance of training and development and its impact on employees
performance and productivity. The tools used to carry out

Descriptive study included both monitoring and Interrogation.

Collection of data:

Collection of data began when the research topic was finalized and research plan
was chalked out. Data are collected from primary source. The primary data
was collected through questionnaire, informal discussions, and it is interpreted.

2.4 Objectives:

The objective of this study is the impact of training and development of

employees and its effects on the performance of an enterprise or organization.
This chapter gives introductory information on the background, problem, and
objectives of the work. It also has information

on the scope and significant of the study.

. To identify the perception of the employees on how training and development

proved to be beneficial to them.

. To examine how training and development contribute to the individual

performance and productivity.

. To identify employees competency levels as enhanced by the training and
development implemented.

. By providing Systematic training through trained instructors will help to

reduce the training period. If the workers learn through trial and error, they will
take a longer time and even may not be able to learn right methods of doing work.

. Through Training employers can create a feeling of confidence in the minds of

the workers.

. To provide them security at the workplace.

. To reduce labour turnover and absenteeism rates.

. To provide job related knowledge to the workers.

To impart skills among the workers systematically so that they may learn

. To bring about change in the attitudes of the workers towards fellow workers,
supervisor and the organization.

. To improve the productivity of the workers and the organization.

. To reduce the number of accidents by providing safety training to the workers,

. To make the workers handle materials, machines and equipment efficiently

and thus to check wastage of time and resources.

. To prepare workers for promotion to higher jobs by imparting them advanced


. To improve productivity of workers by imparting the required skills.

. Customers have become quality conscious and their requirement keep on

changing. To satisfy the customers, quality of products must be continuously
improved through training of workers.

Determine the impact of training on employees performance and productivity.

Determine the impact of development on employees performance and

For any company, keeping the productivity at its peak is as important as getting in
new customers for business. Since even a slightest of the disturbance can take the
business to the brink of huge losses. Moreover, to tackle with the immensely
growing competition in the target market, it is important for one to increase the
productivity of its workers while reducing the cost of production of the products.
So, that’s where the training comes as a saviour of the company, jumps in the
scenario and takes it out of the dangers bravely.

Training takes the current capabilities of the workers of a brand, polishes it and
makes them learn and devise new and effective methods of doing the same thing,
in a repeated manner. In other words, the training, if done in a proper way, can
give your business a whole new look with a much powerful base as experienced
workers at its core.

Improving the quality of the product is obviously one of the main objectives
oftraining and developmentsince it’s not like those times when customers weren’t
such quality conscious.

Today’s customer knows what’s better for him and what’s not. Simply said, those
old methods of some sweet talk and business won’t work for much long, because
once they know the reality behind the curtains through the services and products
quality, they will leave the company as it is without giving it, even, a second

Just think of it as if you and your competitor are competing for the same service
with some difference in quality but at the same price, it is obvious that they will
choose the one who is better at handling the task without any quality degradation.

Even if your price is a little higher, then it is most likely the case that most of the
customers will come to you.

Keeping an eye on the learning capabilities of employees, and providing them the
help which they need, can be highly beneficial in longer runs. This capability of
theirs’ is what that determine show quickly an employee grabs the newly
discovered fact and so, shape the future products on this discovery. The weaker
the capability, the harder it is to learn. But this scenario can also be supported by
the usage of proper learning material and experienced instructors who prefer real-
life experience than cramming. So, reducing the learning time is also one of the
main objectives of training and development.

Safety of anyone, either he is a worker, an officer or even a customer, is not

something that can betaken lightly, especially in cases, where one knows that
even a minute mistake can even lead to life threats. Therefore, providing the
knowledge, for using the equipment in a proper way and creating the life-friendly
product, also belongs to one of the major objectives of training and development.
The higher, the employees are better at handling equipment, the better it is both
for the company and for the workers.

No business can flourish well while it is regularly turning over its workforce
since it is obvious that every new workforce will require sometime to understand
the type of work, its principle and safety precautions, which lead to decreased
productivity. Moreover, it also diminishes the feeling of self-confidence among
the workers, and this really isn’t a good thing.

On the contrary, training ensures that the company doesn’t need to turn over its
workforce again and again because it prepares the employees to face any situation

which proves helpful in bringing in the feeling of workers. Therefore, the
workforce feels safe and secure at a particular job.

Computers and mobile phones are the miracles of the past but the world of today
is far more advanced than that. It’s time for latest technologies capable of
connecting the world in just a blink of an eye. Now, earthlings are trying to reach
far off planets to get information about the lifeforce present there. Newer
technologies are rolling in and we could continue to list it down but we haven’t
got time for that.

Training and education to the employees keep them updated with the latest of the
additions to the technologies, methods, techniques and processes. Since it also
opens a new gateway for them to look for a way which is greater in productivity
and efficiency but decreases the need of manual work immensely.

One of the primary objectives of training and development process is to give rise
to a new and improved management which is capable of handling the planning
and control without any serious problem. With the knowledge and experience
gathered through training, acting as the guiding light for this newly shaped
management, it lets them handle the tough decisions and confusing realities thus
opening the way for bigger and better opportunities for business for the cause of
the brand.

2.5 Hypothesis:

H0: “There is not a significant relationship between employees training and



H1: “There is a significant relationship between employees training and



H0: “There is not a significance relationship between employees development and



H1: “There is a significance relationship between employees development and



H0: “There is not a significance relationship between employees training and


and employees performance”.

H1: “There is a significance relationship between employees training and

development and

employees performance” .

Chapter 3

3.1 Review of literature:

According to Easterby-Smith (1999)Training and Development basically deals

with the acquisition of understanding, know-how, techniques and practices. In
fact, training and development is one of the imperatives of human resource
management as it can improve performance at individual, collegial and
organizational levels. As the process of ‘increasing one’s capacity to take action,
organizations are now increasingly becoming particular with organizational
learning and therefore collective development. Organizational learning, on the
other hand, refers to the “efficient procedure to process, interpret and respond
to both internal and external information of a predominantly explicit nature, the
emergence of the concept of organizational learning is central on the
hitherto idea that prior advocacies of learning are tended to its commercial
significance and are lacking of empirical information on Learning processes.

Strategically, organizational learning, which makes use of training and

development as one of the several responses, deals with the acquisition of
understanding, know-how, techniques and practices. These intellectual
intangibles can be translated into an organizational resource through the people
that acquire, infer and utilize such towards the achievement of the organization-
wide training and development.

Regardless of individual differences and whether a trainee is learning a

new skill of acquiring knowledge of a given topic, the person should be given
opportunity to practice what is being taught. Practice is also essential after the
individual has been successfully trained (Sims 1990). There are two aspects of
practice – active practice and over learning. Active learning allows the
trainees to perform the task repeatedly or use the knowledge being learned. Over

learning occurs when trainees are given the opportunity to practice far beyond the
point where the task becomes ‘second nature’ and is said to be ‘over learned’. The
fifth and most important of all which will give life to other four is application
because training is useless unless learning can be applied.

Thereby, training and development is beneficial not just for the organization
itself but also to the individual employees. On the one hand, training and
development leads to improved profitability and/or more positive attitudes
toward profit orientation, improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of
the organization, improves the morale of the workforce and helps the employees
identify with organizational goals (Sims, 1990). On the other, training and
development benefits individual employees through helping them make better
decisions and effective problem solving, assisting in encouraging and
achieving self-development and self-confidence, helping an employee a person
handle stress, tension, frustration, and conflict, increasing job satisfaction and
recognition and moving the person toward personal goals while improving
interaction skills.




Employee performance

Employee productivity

Technique of job

Job satisfaction

Positive attitude of employees

Training and development plays a vital role

Increases performance and productivity

Skilled and unskilled employees

Chapter 4

4.1 Data analysis:

Data analysis is an analysis of inspecting, cleansing, transforming and modeling

data with the goals of discovering the information, and also informing
conclusions, and supporting the decision-making. Data analysis is the process of

evaluating and using the logical techniques to describe and illustrate the data.

Data analysis helps to ensure data integrity in order to find out an appropriate
analysis of research findings.

Figure 1 Gender

Source:-Primary Data

From the above pie chart it is clear that

55.7% respondents are female

55% of respondents are male.

Figure 2 Age
Source:-Primary Data

From the Above Pie chart we can understand that,

. Maximum number of respondents are 77.3% from the age group of 20 to 400
16.7 of respondents are from the age group of below 20

. Very few respondents are from the age group of 40 to 60

Figure 3: Qualification

Source- primary data

. In the above given pie chart we can understand that the

. 59.6% respondents are undergraduate that means learning population

. 30.5% respondents are graduates

Figure 4: Training and development enhances the skills of employees to
perform better

Source primary data

. From the above pie chart we found that

58.6 % respondents are highly agree with this statement as they think training
and development is important for employees to perform better

. 36.9% respondents are agree with this statement

. Some of the respondents has answered neutral

Figure 5: Skilled employees performance and productivity is more than

the unskilled

Source of data primary

. 45.3 % of the respondents are strongly agree that skilled employees

performance and productivity is more than the unskilled employees

. 45.3 respondents are agree with this statement

. 7.9 % of the respondents has answered neutral

Figure 6: training and development brings positive attitude in employees

59.6 % respondents are strongly agree with this statement

29.1 % respondents agreed that training and development helps employees to

think positive

10.3 % respondents responded neutral

Figure 7: With training and development job knowledge increase in

In this statement 52.2% of the respondents responded strongly agree because

with the help of training and development job knowledge increases in employees

. 29.1 % respondents are agree not fully agree but yes they also think that
training and development is really beneficial as it increases job knowledge

. Few people has answered neutral as they are not fully sure

. 13.8 % of the respondents answered disagree it means from their point of view
training and development does not helps in increasing job knowledge.

Figure 8: Highly well trained employees gives better performance

43.3 % of the respondents responded strongly agree that well trained
employees with proper training practices can perform better

. 33.5 % of the respondents are agree with this statement

. 9.4 % respondents responded neutral

. 13.8 % has answered disagree they are against of this statement

Figure 9: performance and productivity increase due to the technique of job

44.8% respondents are strongly agree with this statement that due to the
technique of job employees performance and productivity increases

. 42.9 % are agree with this statement they also think the same but not highly

. 8.9 % has answered neutral

. 2 to 3% of the respondents answered disagree

. 1% has answered strongly disagree as they are don’t think that technique of
job is important

Figure 10: training and development provide job satisfaction

39.4 % respondents are strongly agree with this statement they think training and
development is important as it provides job satisfaction

. 28.6 % are agree with this statement

. 27.6 % has answered neutral

. Rest of the people are disagree with this statement

Figure 11: training and development reduces consumption and cost and
increase performance and productivity

44.3 % are strongly agree with this statement

29.1 % are agree with the statement

9.4 % respondents responded neutral as they are not sure about it

17.2 % has answered disagree

Figure 12: most of the employees consider training and development for vital

. 45.3 % of the respondents are strongly agree with the statement

. 31 % are agree with this statement

. 8.9 % has answered neutral

. Few people are disagree with the statement

. 11.8 % are strongly disagree


Today, RR KABEL LTD focus on designing programs and process
and services to attract, develop and retain top talent. Utilizing the
latest technologies HR team has launched sophisticated online systems
that provide the employees with details on benefits, compensation,
special programs and internal job opportunities. As a global employee
population continues to grow, these cutting edge activities are
increasingly important to the deliver world-class HR solution.

The core function of HRM in the banking industry is to facilitate

performance improvement, measured not only in terms of financial
indicators of operational efficiency, but also in terms of the quality of
financial services provided. Factors like skills, attitudes and
knowledge of the human capital play a crucial role in determining the
competitiveness of the financial sector. The quality of human
resources indicates the ability of banks to deliver value to customers.
Capital and technology are replicable but not the human capital which
needs to be valued as a highly valuable resource for achieving that
competitive edge. The primary emphasis needs to be on integrating
human resource management strategies with the business strategy.
HRM strategies include managing change, creatingcommitment,
achieving flexibility and improving teamwork. The other processes
representing the overt aspects of HRM are recruitment, placement and
performancemanagement .





HRM: Contemporary Prospective – BREADWELL, IAN, HOLDEN, LEN







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