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Class: nursery 1

Subject: civic education

1 We should be _________ to school a) late b) early

2 Early to bed is early to __________ a) go b)rise

3 A child should leave school before closing hour a) Yes b) No

4 What does red stand for in the traffic light a) stop b)go

5 we should obey our parents a) always b) sometimes

6 We should not take meat from our mother's pot ( Yes/ No)

7 We should not _________ a) read b) steal

8 We should watch television always ( Yes/No)

9 Stealing from religious places is a______ habit a) good b) bad

10 Religious places are places for ________a) playing ball b) worship

11 it is the work of________ to clean the place of worship a) everybody b) pastor only

12 Worshippers must pay offering in church Yes/No

13 The person that is born in Nigeria he is a citizen of _________ a) Nigeria b) Togo

14 We should ____________ when reciting the national anthem a) walk b) stand

15 _______________ are members of a country a) aliens b) citizens

16 We should______________ the rules of school a) respect b) neglect

17 The horse in the coat of arms stand for strength ( yes/no)


1 What is the name of your country? _______________________

2 _______________ is a religious place

3 Obedience means to ______________

Class: nursery 1

Subject: Health habit

1__________ is the modern toilet a) pit latrine b) water system

2 We should eat in the toilet ( Yes/No)

3 We should clean our toilet ___________ a) sometimes b) always

4 We flush with ________ a) water b) sand

5 We should clean our hands with ________ after eating a) our uniform b) water and soap

6 It is a ______ habit to cough inside our food a) good b) bad

7 Making unnecessary noise with your mouth or cutlery while eating is bad (Yes/No)

8 We should brush our teeth how many times daily a) twice b) once

9 We brush our teeth with________ a) paste b) stone

10 We have _______ fingers a) eight b) ten

11 Dirty fingers carry germs ( Yes/No)

12 We must cut our _______ always a) fingernails b) skin

13 We must take care of our hands with a) soap b) petrol

14 Healthy lifestyle is _________ a) good b) bad

15 Flushing the toilet keeps it _________ a) dirty b) clean

16 Our toilet must be kept ________ a) clean b) dirty


1 Mention two types of toilet

_____________________________ _______________________

3 Mention things used for taking care of our teeth

_____________________________ ________________________
Class : Nursery 1

Subject: physical development

1 We carry one leg at a time when walking ( yes/ No)

2 We should sit in comfortable chair when reading (Yes/ No)

3 Bunching forward will cause neck and back pain (Yes/ No)

4 Bad sitting posture during reading reduces focus (Yes/No)

5 Dance is an example of twisting (Yes/No)

6 We can twist to the right and __________ a) up b) left

7 _____________ is the materials used to make football? a) stone b) leather

8 How many team plays football game a) 2 b) 3

9 A team is made of _____ players a) 13 b) 11

10 The color of leaf is ________ a) blue b) black

11 The green color in the traffic light stands for ________ a) go b) stop

12 we have ____________ colours in the rainbow a) 7 b) 5

13 Blood is colour __________ a) black b) grey

14 __________ is good for the body a) exercise b) fight

15 We cross the line to ________ a race a) start b) finish

16 Jumping is done on the _________ a) field b) pot

17 Twisting is a form of __________ a) food b) exercise

18 Regular exercise is good for the body ( yes/No)

19 We can do exercise on the _________ a) field b) roof

20 Bad posture causes _________ a) pains b) nothing

Class: nursery 1

Subject: social habits

1 We should play with our neighbor (Yes/No)

2 Street lights can be seen within our neighbourhood (a) yes b) everybody

4 We should _______ with our neighbor a) play b) fight

5 White colour in Nigeria flag stands for a) peace b) war

6 We recite National pledge after the national anthem (Yes/No)

7 I pledge to Nigeria my __________ a) state b) country

8 there are ________ states in Nigeria a) 32 b) 36

9 The capital of Lagos is_________ a) oshodi b) Ikeja

10 Occupation is what we do to earn a ________ a) death b) living

11 Teacher work In a __________ a) farm b) school

12 Doctor works in a ___________ a) school b) hospital

13 __________ works in the aeroplane a) pilot b) farmer

14 We should keep our hair clean a) yearly b) always

15 Boys are to go to a_________ shop a) barbers b) hairdresser

16 We should not spit on people's body Yes/No

17 Occupation gives us __________ a) problem b) money


1 mention 3 types of occupation



Class: nursery one

Subject: basic science

1 Yam gives us energy a) Yes b) No

2 Beans gives us protein a) Yes b) No

3 _______________ is a protein giving food a) beans b) yam

4________________ is a energy giving food a) corn b) egg

5 Energy giving food is called ___________ a) carbohydrate b) protein

6 Apple is a body protective food a) yes b) no

7____________ is good for our body a) food b) acid

8 Seeds grow in the soil a) yes b) no

9 Our seed need ____________ a) sunlight b) acid

10 Our seeds needs good soil to grow well yes/no

11 Some seeds are tiny while some are ______ a) big b)powder

12 We measure with mouth Yes/No

13 __________ can be used to measure a) tape rule b) car

14 __________ is a living thing a) man b) cup

15 We measure with ruler Yes/No

16 We can measure the length of ______ a) pencil b) rice


1 mention 2 objects that we can measure

______________________________ _________________________

2 Write Living or Non living thing in front of the following

_________________________________ ____________________________
Class: Nursery 1

Subject: CRS

1 A child should greet ________ a) his/her parents b) drunkard

2 God commanded us to honour____________ a) elderly people b) terrorists

3 God created all things for________ a) one b) six

4 Abel killed _______ a) Moses b) Cain

5 Cain was a ____________ a) farmer b) shepherd

6 We should _____________ our brother or sister a) hate b)love

7 God sends message to us through his prophets Yes/No

8 Prophet are ______________ servants a) loyal b) disobedient

9 The holy book of Christians is called____________ a) Bible b) Quran

10 Christians serve _________ a) God b) thunder

11 They use musical instruments in the church Yes/No

12 We go to church on _________ a) Sunday b) Monday

13 We ____________ in the church a) fight b) pray

14 The Christians make use of __________ a) Bible b) novel

15 __________ preaches in the church a) Pastor b) Thief

16 ________________ was Cain's and Abel's mother a) Eve b) Sarah

17 Jesus Christ has ________ disciples a) 14 b) 12


1 The first chapter in the Bible is __________________

2 Mention two items used in the church


Subject: verbal

Class nursery one

Word coding


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Sample: 8 9 10 - cat

4 9 10 - mat

Do these

1)5 6 7 10-

2) 6 12 13 -

3) 5 6 7 10-

4 ) 11 12 13 -

5) 3 9 13 -

6) 13 5 10-

7 ) 10 2 3-

Count and write the number of letters in each words

Sample Ant = 3








Class Nursery 1

Subject Quantitative

Brain teaser

Sample 2 * 2 * 3 = 7

3 * 6 * 6 = 24

Do these

1) 2 * 3 * 5=

2) 2 * 2 * 6

3)2 * 4 * 5=

4) 3 * 3 * 5=

5 ) 1 * 6 * 10 =

6) 4 * 5 * 4 =

7) 2 * 3 * 7=

Sample 8 ∆ 2= 6


Do these:

8) 7∆3=

9 ) 14 ∆ 9 =

10 ) 15 ∆ 8 =

11 ) 6 ∆ 3 =

12 ) 13 ∆ 2 =
Class: nursery 1

Subject english

Underline the correct opposite of the following words

1 Come = ___________________

2 Take = _____________________

3 work = _____________________

4 down = _____________________

5 fast = ______________________

Write simple sentence for these pictures

6 _______________________________________________________________________

7 ________________________________________________________________________

Read the passage and answer the questions that follows

Mrs Johnson went to the market,

To buy fishes and pepper,

She saw her old friend who sells clothes and bought a cloth for N1000


8 Who went to the market a) Mr Johnson b) Mrs Smith

9 She has ________ naira a) N2000 b) N1000

10 she met her ___________ a) enemy b) friend

11 She went to buy fishes and pepper a) Yes b) No

12 What did Mrs Johnson buy a) cloth b) food

Class Nursery 1

Subject mathematics

1 write numbers 1- 80

______ ______ ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ _______ ________ _______ ________
_________ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ _______ ________ _______
________ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ _____ _______ ________
_______ ________ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ ______ ______
________ _______ ________ _________ ______ ______ _______ ______ _______ _______ ______
_____ _______ _______ _______ __________ _______ _______ ______ _____ ________ ______
______ _______ ________ _________ _________ _______ _______ ______ _______ _________
_________ ________ ________ ________

2 Add the following together


1 5 5 6

+2 3 +2 2
_______________ __________________

________________ __________________

Use > or < to fill the box

8 [ ] 4

5 [ ] 6

Write Roman figure 1- 10

1 7

2 8
3 9

4 10

Write in words 1- 40

Class : nursery 1

Subject creative arts

Color these object

Blue orange green

Yellow brown red

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