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Dear University of Otago,

My name is Shane Ayden Palipane, and I am a student at hastings boy's high school. I have read the
information and other peoples outlooks on the university of Otago and have taken an interest in
joining this trip to your university. I would like to experience the Pacific on campus experience 2023
which be held Sunday the 7th of May 2023.

Through this introduction letter I would like to apply for enrolment in this course. For the past few
years, my grades have gradually been improving, however for this year I will improve significantly
and achieve all my externals in excellence. My interest in going to your university is to study the
medical sciences. I have a great passion for in understanding the human body and how it functions. I
believe I could contribute significantly to the health and wellness area of New Zealand.

As I have said before I will achieve in excellence in all my external subjects as follows:

- Calculus
- Chemistry
- Physics
- English
- Geography

Taking 80% of the above subjects would give me a good base to get into medical school. To further
improve my knowledge and understanding of human organism. I spent a considerable amount of
time researching on YouTube, websites, and my father's medical books. The reason for why I have
grown an interest in the medical sciences is because of my dad's passion for human wellness. He
would always talk to me and my sister of the beauty of the human body. That was the basis of my
interest in the medical sciences.

While in my 5 years in high school I have made sure to involve myself in anything medicine related
so that I would always gain more knowledge in that area. My main goal is to become a surgeon or to
be more precise a neurosurgeon. I have watched a lot of open surgeries on the brain on websites
and it really peaked my interests.

Very sincerely yours,


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