CivRev Torts

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TORTS What is the remedy available to the

offended party when there is an abuse of

Abuse of Rights - When a right is exercised in a manner
which does not conform with the
- The doctrine of abuse of right is
norms enshrined in Article 19 and
embodied in Article 19 of the Civil
results in damage to another, a legal
Code which states "Every person
wrong is thereby committed for
must, in the exercise of his rights
which the wrongdoer must be held
and in the performance of his
duties, act with justice, give
everyone his due, and observe
- But while Article 19 lays down a rule of
honesty and good faith."
conduct for the government of human
relations and for the maintenance of
- Pursuant to this exhortation, each
social order, it does not provide a
person is called upon to act with
remedy for its violation. Generally, an
justice, give everyone his due and
action for damages under either
observe honesty and good faith, either
Article 20 or Article 21 would be
in the exercise of a right or in the
performance of a duty."

- In other words, a person must not use

his right unjustly or violate the norms Question:
of honesty and good faith. Doing so Tuyan, the owner of TSD, filed an action for
will expose him to liability. damages anchored on Articles 19, 20 and 21,
all of the Civil Code, alleging bad faith on the
part of Alimo, Oding and Cabeb, and Atty.
- Under the abuse of rights principle Alex for their unfounded complaint and
found in Article 19 of the Civil Code, a attempt to destroy its good name with the
person must, in the exercise of concerned offices and clients. Can Tuyan
legal right or duty, act in good faith. recover damages? Explain
He would be liable if he instead
acted in bad faith, with intent to
prejudice another.

In the absence of proof that there was malice

What are the requisites of abuse of right? or bad faith on the part of the respondents, no
damages can be awarded.
The elements of abuse of rights are as

(1) there is a legal right or duty; Question:

(2) which is exercised in bad faith; Rosa was leasing an apartment in the City.
Because of the Rent Control Law, her landlord
(3) for the sole intent of prejudicing or injuring could not increase the rental as much as he
another. wanted to, nor terminate her lease as long as
she was paying her rent.
In order to force her to leave the premises, the principles of justice, equity and
landlord stopped making repairs on the good conscience."
apartment, and caused the water and - There is unjust enrichment under Art.
electricity services to be disconnected. The 22 of the Civil Code when (1) a person
difficulty of living without electricity and is unjustly benefited, and (2) such
running water resulted in Rosa's suffering a benefit is derived at the expense of or
nervous breakdown. with damages to another.

She sued the landlord for actual and moral - Moreover, to substantiate a claim for
damages. Will the action prosper? Explain. unjust enrichment, the claimant must
[1996 Bar Question in Civil Law] unequivocally prove that another
party knowingly received
something of value to which he was
Answer: not entitled and that the state of
affairs are such that it would be
- YES, the action will prosper on the
unjust for the person to keep the
ground that the act of the lessor
violates the rules on human relations.
Article 19 calls upon each person to
- Unjust enrichment is a term used to
act with justice, give everyone his due
depict result or effect of failure to
and observe honesty and good faith,
make remuneration of or for property
not only in the exercise of one's rights
or benefits received under
but also in the performance of duties.
circumstances that give rise to legal or
equitable obligation to account for
- In the case, it is clear that the lessor
them; to be entitled to remuneration,
acted with bad faith when he stopped
one must confer benefit by mistake,
doing repairs on the apartment in
fraud, coercion, or request. Unjust
order to force Rosa to leave the
enrichment is not itself a theory of
premises. Said bad faith on the part of
reconvey. Rather, it is a prerequisite
the lessor also resulted in Rosa's
for the enforcement of the doctrine of
nervous breakdown.
- Lessor can also be held accountable
on the basis of breach of contract. It is
submitted that such breach was What is an "accion in rem verso"?
tainted with bad faith since it was - Accion in rem verso refers to an
motivated by a desire to force Rosa action for recovery of what has
out. been paid without just cause

- In order that the accion in rem verso

Unjust Enrichment may prosper, the following conditions
must concur:
When is there unjust enrichment?

- Unjust enrichment exists "when a (1) that the defendant has been
person unjustly retains a benefit to enriched;
the loss of another, or when a (2) that the plaintiff has suffered a
person retains money or property loss;
of another against the fundamental
(3) that the enrichment of the been enriched, (2) that the plaintiff has
defendant is without just or legal suflored a loss, (3) that the enrichment
ground, and of the defendant is without just or legal
(4) that the plaintiff has no other action ground, and (4) that the plaintiff has
based on contruct, quasi-contract, no other action based on contract,
crime, or quasi-delict quasi-contract, crime or quasi-delict.

Should “accion in rem verso” be resorted - An accion in rom verso is considered

to when there are other available merely an auxiliary action, available
remedies? only when there is no other remedy on
- An accion in rem verso is considered contruct, quasi-contract, crime, and
merely an auxiliary action, available quasi-delict. If there is on obtainable
only when there is no other remedy action under any other institution of
on contract, quasi-contract, crime, and positive law, that action must be
quasi-delict. If there is an obtainable resorted to, and the principle of accion
action under any other institution of in rem verso will not lie.
positive law, that action must be
resorted to, and the principle of accion
in rem verso will not lie. Question:

John, an Australian citizen, married Laila, a

Filipina. After five (5) years of cobabitation,
Question: Laila filed an action for mullity of marriage
Pet and Res executed an agreement whereby based on the psychological incapacity of
the latter will perform some works and supply John. The spouses do not have issue but
certain materials in one of Pet's projects, for during their cohabitation, they were able to
the total amount of Php 25, 000, 000. Due to purchase a parcel of land consisting of 3,
financial difficulties, Res was not able to finish 0000 square meters. John provided the
the entire works and demanded from Pet purchase price and made it appear that only
payment of the amount of Php 5, 000, 000 as Laila was the buyer, knowing that as a foreign
the latter's unpaid obligation. Pet refused to national, he cannot own lands in the
pay the entire amount, claiming that Res must Philippines. The trial court rendered judgment
deduct from his billing the cost of using some declaring their marriage mull and void and
of Pet's machineries, Albeit not mentioned in ruled that the spouses co-own the parcel of
their contract, Pet invoked unjust land. But since John cannot own even half of
enrichment as basis for charging Res the the land, on reasons of equity, the court
cost of using the facility, Is unjust required Laila to reimburse John half of the
enrichment applicable? Explain. purchase price. Was the court correct in
requiring Lalla to reimburse John balf of
the purchase price? Explain.

- NO, unjust enrichment is not Answer:

applicable since there is an action
available based on contract. - NO, the court was not correct since
equity will not apply to John. John is
- In order that accion in rem verso may not entitled to get reimbursement even
prosper, the essential elements must on the ground of equity.
be present: (1) that the defendant has
- In Elena Buenaventura Muller v.
Helmut Muller, the Court held that the - The doctrine of strict liability is
foreign spouse was aware of the commonly applied to cases
constitutional prohibition and involving defective products.
expressly admitted his knowledge
thereof to the court, hence his attempt - Such a claim relies, not on
at subsequently asserting or claiming wrongdoing, but on the inherent
a right on the said property cannot be hazards of the situation or product.
- The Court further clarified that Activities for which a plaintiff may be held
"invoking the principle that a court is strictly liable for possession of certain animals
not only a court of law but also a court and abnormally dangerous activities:
of equity, is likewise misplaced. It has
been held that equity as a rule will
follow the law and will not permit that Strict Liability
to be done indirectly which, because
Possessors or Users of Animals
of public policy, cannot be done
directly. He who seeks equity must - The possessors of an animal or
do equity, and he who comes into whoever may make use of the same is
equity must come with clean hands. responsible for the damage which it
The latter is a frequently stated maxim may cause, although it may escape or
which is also expressed in the be lost. However, the foregoing
principle that he who has done responsibility shall cease only in case
inequity shall not have equity. the damage should come from force
majeure or from the fault of the person
- It signifies that a litigant may be who has suffered damage.
denied relief by a court of equity on
the ground that his conduct has
been inequitable, unfair and Product Liability
dishonest, or fraudulent, or
deceitful as to the controversy in - Manufacturers and processors of
issue. foodstuffs, drinks, toilet articles, and
similar goods shall be liable for death
or injuries caused by any noxious or
Liability Without Fault harmful substances used, although no
contractual relation exists between
What is the doctrine of strict liability? them and the consumers.
- In both tort and criminal law, strict
liability exists when a defendant is
liable for committing an action, Requisites:
regardless of what his/her intent or (1) the defendant is a manufacturer or
mental state was when committing processor of foodstuft, drinks, toilet articles,
the action. and similar goods;

- Strict liability is a legal term (2) he used noxious or harmful substances in

referring to the holding of an the manufacture or processing of the
individual or entity liable for foodstuff, drink, or toilet articles consumed or
damages or losses, without having used by the plaintiff:
to prove carelessness or mistake.
(3) the plaintiffs death or injury was caused by Carding, feeling thirsty, drank from the bottle
the products so consumed or used; and of Sprat Royal through a drinking straw when
he noticed that the soft drink has a different
(4) the damages sustained and claimed by the taste and it smelled kerosene. Feeling
plaintif and the amount thereof nausea, Carding went to a nearby hospital
where he vomited. The hospital confirmed that
the bottle contains pure kerosene. Evidently,
however, Carding did not suffer physical
Liability of Head of Family
Carding asks you if he can file an action for
- The head of a family that lives in a
quasi-delict and recover moral and exemplary
building or a part thereof, is
damages from PSI, the manufacturer of Sprat
responsible for damages caused by
Royal. What will you tell Carding?
things thrown or falling from the same.

Question: Answer:
ART. 2187 of the Civil Code states that - I will tell Carding that there will be no
"Manufacturers and processors of foodstuffs, basis to file an action for quasi-delict
drinks, toilet articles and similar goods shall to recover moral and exemplary
be liable for death or injuries caused by any damages from PSI.
noxious or harmful substances used, although
no contractual relation exists between them - Moral damages are recoverable under
and the consumers." Is it required that the circumstances enumerated by
offended party resorts first to the Bureau Article 2219.
of Food and Drugs prior to the filing of an
action for quasi-delict? - The only circumstance that will seem
to apply to Carding is paragraph 2 of
the said provision on quasi-delict
Answer: which causes injury in relation to
Article 2187. However, both of these
NO, prior resort to BFD is not necessary for a instances require physical injuries to
suit for damages under Article 2187 of the justify an award for moral damages.
Civil Code to prosper. Since the cause of
action is quasi-delict, the doctrine of - But since Carding did not incur
exhaustion of administrative remedies is not physical injuries, there is therefore no
applicable. Such is not a condition precedent basis to claim moral damages
required in a complaint for damages with
respect to obligations arising from quasi-
delicts under Chapter 2, Title XVII on Extra-
Contractual Obligations, Article 2176 of the
Civil Code which includes Article 2187. - In Coca-cola Bottlers Phils., Inc. v.
Meñez, the Court reiterated the rule
that in quasi-delict cases, recovery for
Question: Carding bought a bottle of soft exemplary damages is grounded on
drink from a cafeteria owned and operated by gross negligence. In the absence of
Almer. The waitress gave Carding a bottle of gross neglect, there is no basis for an
Sprat Royal manufactured by People's Soft award of exemplary damages. Here,
drink Inc. (PSI). Carding does not have basis to
attribute gross negligence on the part - Quasi-delict, as defined in Article 2176
of PSI. of the Civil Code, is homologous but
- As held in the above-said case, an not identical to tort under the common
opened soft drink containing kerosene law, which includes not only
alone is not sufficient to prove gross negligence, but also intentional
neglect. Hence, exemplary damages criminal acts, such as assault and
cannot as well be recovered. battery, false imprisonment, and

Acts Contrary to Law

Article 20 of the Civil Code states:
- "Tort" in Anglo-American
jurisprudence includes not only Every person who, contrary to law,
negligence, but also intentional willingly or negligently causes damage to
criminal acts, such as assault and another shall indemnify the latter for the
battery, false imprisonment and same.

Naguiat v. National Labor Relations 1. The act must be a violation of a
Commission specific provision of the law
- Tort consists in the violation of a right 2. The act must either be willfully or
given or the omission of a duty negligently done
imposed by law. Simply stated, tort is 3. Damage sustained by another person
a breach of a legal duty. 4. Causal connection between the
unlawful act and the damage
sustained by the other person

Elcano v. Hill

- Article 2176 where it refers to "fault or Acts Contrary to Morals

negligence covers not only acts "not
punishable by law" but also acts - Any person who willfully causes loss
criminal in character, whether or miury to another in a manner that is
intentional and voluntary or negligent. contrary to morals, good customs or
With this declaration of the Court, it is public policy shall compensate the
understood that our concept of quasi- latter for the damage. (Article 21)
delict has broadened and is not only
confined with purely negligent acts.

The act referred to by Article 21 is known as

Lipata v. People of the Philippines act contra bonos mores and has the
- A civil suit for quasi-delict arising from following as its requisites:
murder maybe instituted separately by 1. an act which is legal
the heirs of the victim. 2. but which is contrary to morals,
good custom, public order or public
policy is done with intent to injure.
Coca-cola Bottiers Philippines, Inc. v. CA
What is malicious prosecution?

Agustin-Se vs. Office of the President

- An action for damages brought by one
against whom a criminal prosecution, Mary, a 23-year old woman, charged Jay
civil suit, or other legal proceeding has before the City Prosecutor's Office for forcible
been instituted maliciously and abduction with rape. The City Prosecutor,
without probable cause, after the after conducting the preliminary investigation,
termination of such prosecution, suit, dismissed the complaint on the ground of lack
or other proceeding in favor of the of probable cause. Thereafter, Mary filed a
defendant therein. civil action for damages against Jay.
- While generally associated with
unfounded criminal actions, the term Jay moved to dismiss on the ground that his
has been expanded to include civil liability was extinguished after Mary's
unfounded civil suits instituted just criminal complaint was dismissed by the
to vex and humiliate the defendant Prosecutor's Office. Is Jay correct? Explain.
despite the absence of cause of
action or probable cause.

NO, Jay is not correct.

- Further, to constitute malicious
prosecution, there must be proof In the instant case, the dismissal of the
that the prosecution was prompted complaint for forcible abduction with rape was
by a sinister design to vex and at the preliminary investigation stage. There is
humiliate a person, and that it was no declaration in a final judgment that the fact
initiated deliberately by the from which the civil case might arise did not
defendant knowing that his charges exist. Consequently, the dismissal did not in
were false and groundless. any way afoot the right of herein private
Concededly, the mere act of respondent to institute a civil action arising
submitting a case to the authorities for from the offense because such preliminary
prosecution does not make one liable dismissal of the penal action did not carry
for malicious prosecution. with it the extinction of the civil case.

Is a breach of promise to marry Question:

"X", an Iranian medical student, met and
General Rule: Breach of promise to marry is courted a 22-year old beautiful Filipina. "X"
not actionable. professed his love to "Y" and promised her
marriage. The promise of marriage was
however a mere device and a machination for
1. For moral damages, when defendant him to gain carnal knowledge. Because of his
was able to access carnal persistence and promise of marriage, "y"
knowledge with plaintiff through relented and gave "X* carnal entrance. This
criminal or moral seduction was "Y's" first intimate relationship. Also,
because of the promise of marriage, the
2. For actual damages, when parents of "Y" started to make preparations.
expenses were already incurred in They invited friends and relatives and
preparation of the wedding contracted sponsors. But "X” reneged on his
promise. Upon learning of "X's" lack of Question:
intention to enter into marriage, "Y" left him
and thereafter sued for damages on the Is the plaintiff who was himself at fault entitled
premise of breach of promise to marry under to recover damage under Article 21 of the Civil
Article 21 of the Civil Code. Will the action Code? Explain.
prosper? Explain


NO, a plaintiff who was himself at fault is not

entitled to recover under Article 21.

In Garciano v. Court of Appeals, the Court

states that "the right to recover [moral
Question: damages] under Article 21 is based on equity,
and he who comes to court to demand equity,
"X" charges "Y" for damages anchored on the must come with clean hands. Article 21 should
alleged breach of promise so marry by way of be construed as granting the right to recover
moral seduction. "Y" is ten (10) years younger damages to injured persons who are not
than "X", the latter being already 36 years old themselves at fault."
and a former teacher and life insurance agent.
“Y" is an apprentice pilot. "X" had carnal
knowledge with "Y" as proof of the beauty of
their relationship. When "Y" refused to marry Classifications of Tort
her, “X" sued on the ground the she was 1. Intentional - Art, 20
morally seduced by "Y". Is there moral
seduction? 2. Negligent - Art. z0

3. Strict Liability (slide z1)


YES. The Tortfeasor

In Hermosisima vs. Court of Appeals, the 1. Joint

Court held that petitioner is morally guilty of 2. Direct
seduction, not only because he is
approximately ten (10) years younger than the
Who are deemed joint tortfeasors and what
complainant - who was around thirty-six (36)
is the extent of their liability?
years of age, and as highly enlightened as a
former high school teacher and a life - Joint tortfeasors are those who
insurance agent are supposed to be - when command, instigate, promote,
she became intimate with petitioner, then a encourage, advise, countenance,
mere apprentice pilot, but, also, because the cooperate in, aid or abet the
court of first instance found that, complainant commission of a tort, or approve of it
"Surrendered herself” to petitioner because, after it is done, if done for their benefit.
"overwhelmed by her love" for him, she
"wanted to bind" him "having a fruit of their - They are also referred to as those who
engagement even before they had the benefit act together in committing wrong or
of marriage." whose acts, if independent of each
other, unite in causing a single injury.
Under Article 2194 of the Civil Code,
Joint _tortfeasors are solidarily liable
for the resulting damage.
Liability of Common Carrier and
- In other words, joint tortfeasors are Independent Contractor
each liable as principals, to the Transit Authority v. Navidad
same extent and in the same manner
as if they had performed the wrongful But in that case, the employer of the security
act themselves. guard was an independent contractor
(Prudent Security Agency). So, it was asked in
that case if Prudent could likewise be held
liable for the death of the commuter?

• LRTA, as a common carrier and whose

liability is based on breach of contract.
Solidary Liability of Employer and
Employee Under Quasi-delict: -Prudent, as independent contractor and
employer of the security guard who
1. For Negligent Act of Employee- committed the quasi-delict and whose
Employer May be Sued Alone liability is based on the vicarious liability
2. If Sued with the Employee- Employer of the employer under Article 2180 of the
is Solidarily Liable Civil Code, may be considered joint
3. Solidary Liability Attaches Even If tortfeasors under Article 2194 of the Civil
Driver is Sued Under Quasi- delict and Code.
Employer Under Culpa Contractual

Solidarity Liability of Operators and

Concurring Negligence of Two or More Drivers of Colliding Vehicles
Persons Resulting in Damage to Third
Party - The rule of solidary liability was
applied in situations where the
General Rule: negligence of the driver of the bus on
which the plaintiff was riding
- Negligence in order to render a person concurred with the negligence of a
liable need not be the sole cause of an third party who was the driver of
injury. It is sufficient that his another vehicle, thus causing an
negligence, concurring with one or accident
more efficient causes other than
plaintiffs, is the proximate cause of
the injury.
Quasi-Delict vs. Culpa Contractual vs.
- Accordingly, where several causes Culpa Criminal
combine to produce injuries, a person Batal v. San Pedro
is not relieved from liability because
he is responsible for only one of them, - Culpa or negligence, may be
it being sufficient that the negligence understood in two different senses:
of the person charged with injury is an either as culpa aquiliana, which is
efficient cause without which the injury the wrongful or negligent act or
would not have resulted to as great an omission which creates a vinculum
extent, and that such cause is not juris and gives rise to an obligation
attributable to the person injured. between two persons not formally
bound by any other obligation, or as
culpa contractual, which is the fault be dismissed, while in breach of
or negligence incident in the contract, negligence is presumed so
performance of an obligation which long as it can be proved that there
already existed, and which was breach of the contract and the
increases the liability from such burden is on the defendant to prove
already existing obligation. that there was no negligence in the
carrying out of the terms of the
- Culpa Aquiliana is governed by contract; the rule of respondeat
Article 2176 of the Civil Code and the superior is followed.
immediately following Articles; while
Culpa Contractual is governed by
Articles 1170 to 1174 of the same

Castillo v. CA
- That the same negligence causing
damages may produce civil liability
arising from a crime under the Penal Diana vs. Batangas Transportation
Code, or create an action for quasi
delicts or culpa extra-contractual unde - Crimes affect public interest, while
the Civil Code. quasi-delicts are only of private

OD VS. CULPA CONNTRACTUAL - The Penal Code punishes or corrects

the criminal act, while the Civil Code,
- In quasi-delict, negligence is direct, by means of indemnification, merely
substantive and independent, while in repairs the damage.
breach of contract, negligence is
merely incidental to the performance - Delicts are not as broad as quasi-
of the contractual obligation; there is a delicts, because the former are
pre-existing contract or obligation. punished only if there is a penal law
clearly covering them, while the latter,
- In quasi-delict, the defense of "good quasi-delict, include all acts in which
father of a family" is a complete and any kind of fault or negligence
proper defense insofar as parents, intervenes.
guardians and employers are
concerned, while in breach of contract, - The negligent act of the accused in
such is not a complete and proper crime would result to two kinds of
defense in the selection and liability: criminal and civil. In quasi-
supervision of employees. delict, a finding against the defendant
gives rise to civil obligations.
- In quasi- delict, there is no
presumption of negligence and it is - In crimes, the criminal liability of the
incumbent upon the injured party to accused is established by proof
prove the negligence of the defendant, beyond reasonable doubt, although
otherwise, the former's complaint will his civil obligations may only be shown
by preponderance of evidence. In producing a specific proof of
quesi-delict, the only evidence negligence.
required is preponderance of
evidence. - In other words, mere invocation and
application of the doctrine do not
- In crimes, the liability of the person dispense with the requirement of proof
who has the responsibility over the of negligence. It is simply a step in the
accused is only subsidiary. In quasi- process of such proof, permitting
delict, the person who is responsible plaintiff to present, along with the
for the negligent act of the defendant proof of the accident, enough of the
is jointly and severally liable. attending circumstances to invoke the
doctrine, creating an inference or
presumption of negligence, and
thereby placing on defendant the
burden of going forward with the proof.


What are the requisites for the application

of res ipsa loquitur? Question:

The following requirements must concur: Dr. G, an orthopedic surgeon, conducted an

open reduction surgery repair a displacement
1. The accident is of a kind which of the bone fragments at the fractured right
ordinarily does not occur in the wrist of an 8-year old boy. The family of "A"
absence of someone's negligence; chose Dr. J as the anesthesiologist. During
the operation, Dr. J failed to intubate the
2. It is caused by an instrumentality patient after five (5) attempts was
within the exclusive control of administered through a gas mask. Dr. G
defendant or defendants; and asked Dr. J if there is a need to postpone the
operation given the failure to intubate the
3. The possibility of contributing conduct patient, but Dr it was alright to proceed.
which would make the plaintiff
responsible is eliminated. The operation was already concluded and
alreadv about to write down his post-operation
notes in the adjacent room where he was
Is res ipsa loquitur a ground for liability? informed that "A" experienced difficulty in
breathing. Dr. G then asked for assistance
- NO, res ipsa loquitur is not a rule of
from other doctors to help in reviving "A" but
substantive law and does not
unfortunate due to asphyxia or cardiac arrest.
constitute as independent or
The parents of "A" sued Drs. G and J, alleging
separate ground for liability.
negligence on the part of the attending
Instead, it is considered as merely
physicians based on "res ipsa loquitur." Does
evidentiary, a mode of proof, or a
the said rule apply to Dr.G? Explain.
mere procedural convenience, since
it furnishes a substitute for, and
relieves a plaintiff of, the burden of
- NO, the rule on res ipsa loquitur will - I will deny the motion for
not apply to Dr. G. To give application reconsideration by applying the rule
to this rule, there must be showing on res ipsa loquito. In Africa v. Caltex
that defendant was control of the (Phil.), Inc., the Court held that "the
agency or instrumentality which gasoline station, with all its appliance
caused the injury. This is not true in equipment and employees, was under
the case of Dr. G. It must be stressed the control of appellees. A fire
that the instrument which caused the occurred therein and burned the
damage or injury to "A" was under the neighboring houses. The persons who
exclusive management and control knew or could have known how the
anesthesiologist. fire started were appellees and their
employees, but they gave no
- In Bontilao vs. Gerona, the Court held explanation whatsoever. It is a fair and
that the parents of the victim failed to reasonable inference that the incident
present substantial evidence of any happened because of want of care."
specific act of negligence on
respondent's (Dr. G in our case) part - The court also faulted the owner of the
of the undergoing facts and gasoline station for its failure to
circumstances which would lead to the provide a concrete wall high enough to
reasonable inference that the outward prevent the flames from leaping o was
consequence was caused by the concrete wall was only 2-1/2
respondent's negligence. In fact, Dr. G meters high, and beyond that height
was found to have exercised the merely of galvanized iron sheets,
required diligence when he inquired which would predictably crumple and
from Dr. J whether or not to proceed subjected to intense heat. Defendants'
with the operation. Dr. G cannot also negligence, therefore, was not only
be faulted for his reliance on the with respect to the cause of the fire
expert judgement of the Dr. J on but also with respect to the spread
matters relating to the administration thereof to the neighboring houses.
of anesthesia.

May a school be held to account for its
A fire broke out at a gasoline station while vicarious liability under Article 2180 if
gasoline was being transferred from a tank offending party is not a student of the
truck into the underground storage. The fire school? Explain.
occurred at the op receiving tank. Because of
the nature of gasoline and the absence
firewall, the fire spread to and destroyed a Answer:
neighbor's house. Mike, the owner of the
gutted house, sued Mickey, the owner and - NO, the school cannot be made to
operator of the gasoline station for damages. account for its vicarious liability if the
The trial court rendered judgment in favor of offending party is not its student. The
Mike, the Defendant filed a motion for Court has, time and again, stressed
reconsideration alleging that plaintiff fail any that in this jurisdiction on Article 2180
negligence on the part of defendant. How will "plainly provides that the damage
you resolve the reconsideration? Explain. should have been caused or inflicted
pupils or students of the educational
Answer: institution sought to be held liable for
the acts of its pupils or students while When is a student deemed under the
in its custody." custody of the school?

- In other words, even if the incident - In Amadora, the Court ruled that the
happened inside the school premises student is in the custody of the
and the victim is one of the students of school authorities as long as he is
school, but the offending person is not under the control and influence of
a member of the academic the school and within its premises
community, a cause of actin bared on whether the semester has not yet
substitute parental authority under begun or has already ended. In
Article 2180 will not lie. The school short, the student should be within
may however be held liable for quasi- the control and under the influence
delict under Article 21 of the Civil of the school authorities of the
Code or for its bad faith in the occurrence of the injury.
performance of its contractual
obligations to the victim-student. - The Court further ruled that custody is
not co-terminous with the semester,
What is the liability of the teacher for the beginning with the start of classes and
negligent acts of his pupil? ending upon the close thereof, and
excluding the time before or after such
- Under Article 2180, paragraph 7 of the period, such as the period of
Civil Code and Article 218 in relation registration, and in the case of
to Article 219 of the Family Code, graduating students, the period before
the liability of the teacher is joint the commencement exercises.
and solidary. Needless to say as long as the
student is under the control and
- However, Article 103 of the Revised influence of the school and within
Penal Code, the liability of the teach its premises in pursuance of a
arising from the damages caused legitimate student objective, in the
by the criminal act of the student is exercise of legitimate student right,
only subsidiary. and even in the enjoyment of a
legitimate student privilege,
whether the semester has not yet
Article 2180 states that teachers or heads begun or has already ended, he is
of establishments of arts and trades shall deemed to be in the school’s
be liable for damages caused by their custody to the mind of the Court,
pupils and students or apprentice they custody does not connote immediate
remain in their custody, does this mean and actual physical control but refers
that the student must live and board in the more to the influence exerted on the
school? child and the discipline.
- NO, it is not necessary that the
student lives or boards in the school.
The Court held that there is nothing in In an academic institution, who is the
the law that requires that for such teacher-in-charge referred to by Article
liability to attach the pupil or student 2180?
who commits the tortious act must live - ln Amadora, the teacher-in-charge is
and school. the one designated by the dean,
principal or other al administrative
superior to exercise supervision
over the pupils in the specific is it necessary that the offending student
classes or sections to which they be a minor?
are assigned. It is not necessary that
at the time of the injury, the teacher be - NO, there is no requirement of
physically preset and, in a position, to minority as far as the vicarious liability
proven it. of the head of the school of arts and
trade or the teacher is concerned. In
other words, vicarious liabily attaches
regardless of the age of the offending
Question: student.
Erwin enrolled as a Grade 11 student at lligan
Institute. After the dismissal of his class in - In this, the teacher will be held liable
History, Erwin waited for Rene, a classmate not on when he is acting in loco
and a rival, to come out of the classroom. parents for the law does not require
Upon seeing Rene and Maya, their love that the offending student be of
interest, Erwin punched him and caused Rene minority age.
injuries. Who could be held civilly liable for the
damage caused by Erwin to Rene? Explain.
- In connection, it should be observed
that Unlike the parent, who wig be
liable only if his child is still a minor,
the teacher is held answerable by
Erwin, the school and its administrators as the law for the act of the student
well as his teacher can be held solidarily under him regardless of the
liable. Erwin's parents can also be held student's age.
subsidiarily liable.
- Thus, in the Palisoc Case, liability
Article 218 of the Family Code states that the attached to the teacher and it head
school, its administrators and teachers, or the of the technical school although the
individual, entity or institution engaged in child wrongdoer was already of age. In
care shall have special parental authority and this sense, Article 2180 treats the
responsibility over the minor child while under parent more favorably than the
their supervision, instruction or custody. teacher.
Under Article 219 of the Family Code, the
persons and entities mentioned in Article - However, under Article 218 in
218 shall be principally and solidarily liable relation to Article 219 of the Family
for damages caused by the acts omissions Code, in order to hold the school,
of the unemancipated minor while the its administrators and teachers
parents, judicial guardians or the persons liable, the offending child must be
exercising substitute parental authority minor.
over said minor shall be subsidiarily liable.

Moreover, under Article 2180 of the Family How do you distinguish the liability of the
Code, the teacher-in charge can also be held head of the school of arts and trade and
liable. teacher-in-charge under Article 2180 of the
Civil Code and Article 218 to Article 219 of
the Family Code?
In order to hold the head of the school of
arts and trade or the teacher-in-char liable, - Under Article 2180, the head of the
school of arts and trade and the
teacher-in-charge are liable only when incident, Alfred was inside the school
the student was within their custody auditorium. Jo, father of Alfred, instituted a
and the offense inside the school civil suit for damages under Article 21 of the
premises. Civil Code against the school, its high school
- But under Article 218 in relation to principal, the dead, and the physics teacher.
Article 219, such liability extends to all In his complaint, Jo alleged that his son went
authorized activities whether inside or to school that day in order to submit his
outside the premises of the school physics experiment which is a prerequisite to
entity or institution. his graduation. In other words, when he was
shot by Pablo, Alfred was the custody of the
- Moreover, under Article 2180, there is school. The school and its co-defendants
no requirement of minority in order to maintained that Alfred was no longer in the
attach liability, unlike in Article 218 in custody of the school since he was inside the
relation to Article 219 of the Family school premises only for the purpose of
Code. submitting his physics experiment. Will the
action prosper? Explain.


NO, the action will not prosper.

Article 2180, among others, states that

Under Article 2180, may the school be held teachers or heads of establishment of arts
liable for the negligent act of its students? and trades shall be liable for damages caused
- Under Paragraph 7 of Article 2180, by their pupils and students or apprentice so
only the teachers or heads of long as they remain in their custody. The
establishment of arts and trades are to parties liable under this rule is the teacher-in-
be held liable for damages caused by charge of the offending student if the school is
their pupils and student or an academic institution; if it is a vocational
apprentices, so long as they remain in school or a school of arts and trades, the party
their custody. liable is its head.

Under this particular rule on "imputed

- However, the school can be held negligence" or vicarious liability, the
solidarily liable when the damage was school cannot be held liable, except when
caused by its employee under there is a finding that the teacher or the
paragraph 5 of Article 2180. But head of the establishment is liable. In which
notwithstanding Article 2180, the case, pursuant to the rule in respondeat
school, its administrators and teachers superior, the school is liable as well.
can be held solidarily liable pursuant
to Article 218 in relation to Article 219 There is no denying that Colegio de San
of the Family Code. Jose-Recoletos is an academic institution.
Pursuant to the above rule, only the teacher-
in-charge of Pablo is liable. The case
Question: against the school and the high school
principal, being not the teacher-in-charge,
Alfred, 17 years of age and a graduating high will thus have to be dismissed.
school student of Colegio de San Jose-
Recoletos in Cebu City, was shot to death by
his classmate, Pablo. At the time of the
GOVERNMENT negligent act of its special agents. In the
case above, "X" is a regular employee
Question: performing tasks and is thus not considered a
When a government agency's mandate is to special agent.
perform actions which performed by the
government in the exercise of its sovereignty,
is the agency concerned liable for the Question:
negligent act of its regular employee? Explain.
Paragraph 6, Article 2180 of the Civil Code
provides that "the State is responsible in-like
manner when it acts through a special agent;
Answer: but not when the damage has been caused by
No, the government agency is not liable for the official to whom the task done properly
the negligent act of its regular employee. pertains, in which case what is provided in
Art. 2176 shall be applicable." When should
In NIA v. Fontanilla, the Court reiterated the a person considered a special agent of the
long-held view that the liability of the State has state?
two aspects, namely:

1.) Its public or govermental aspects where it

is liable for the tortious acts of special agents

2.) Its private or business aspect: when it Answer:

engages in private enterprises) where it
becomes liable as an ordinary employer. - In NIA v. Fontanilla, the Court held
that the "State's agent, if a public
In the case above, the agency is performing official, must not only be specially
purely governmental functions, and it can only commissioned to do a particular
be held liable for the negligent acts of its task, but that such task must be
special agents. foreign to said official's usual
governmental functions.

Question: - If the tasked agent is not a public

official, and is commissioned to
Suppose "X" is appointed as regular driver at
perform non-governmental functions,
the Department of Energy (DOE), and through
then the State assumes the role of an
his reckless driving, he sideswiped a
ordinary employer and will be held
pedestrian. May the DOE be held answerable
liable as such for its agent's tort.
for "X's" negligence? Explain.
Where the government
commissions a private individual or
special governmental task, it is
Answer: acting through a special agent
No, the DOE cannot be held answerable for within the meaning of the provision.
"X's" negligence.

There is no denying that the DOE is a REGISTERED OWNER RULE

government instrumentality performing
purely governmental functions. Hence, it If the vehicle was used by the employee
can only be held accountable for the outside of his assigned task, is the
employer who is also the registered owner A passenger bus driven by Tino and operated
of the vehicle liable? by ACS Transport bumped Tuyan, resulting in
the latter's death. At the time of the incident,
- Yes, the employer is liable but not Tuyan had alighted from another bus. A suit
under Article 2180. The employer's for damages was filed by Dette, wife of Tuyan
liability is based on the registered- against Tino, ACS Transport and JBC
owner rule. Corporation, the registered owner of the bus.
In Aguilar Sr. v. Commercial Savings Bank, JBC Corporation denied liability and averred
the High Court ruled that the registered that it purchased the bus and sold it to ACS
owner of any vehicle, even if not for public Transport while remaining the registered
service, is primarily responsible to third owner. ACS Trans on other hand is trying to
persons for deaths, injuries and damages relieve itself of any liability by saying that
it caused. This is true even if the vehicle is under the jurisprudence, liability attaches only
leased to third persons. Thus, in the Finance to the registered owner and not the actual
Corporation vs. Court of Appeals case, the owner.
registered owner was held principally
liable even if he had no employer- Is ACS Transport correct? Who among the
employee relationship with the driver. parties are liable to Dette?

He may however demand reimbursement

from the lessee of the vehicle as per their
lease agreement.

What is the so-called registered-owner-of-

the-vehicle rule in vehicular mishaps?

- The registered owner of the vehicle Answer:

rule means that registered owner of
any vehicle, even if not used for No, ACS Transport is not correct.
public service, would primarily be
In action for quasi-delict, the rule is that the
responsible to the public or third
registered owner and the actual owner of
persons for injuries caused by the
the offending vehicle are solidarily liable to
latter while the vehicle was being
the victim, without prejudice to the right of
driven on the highways or streets.
the registered owner to seek
reimbursement from the actual owner of
- In Erezo v. Jepte., the Court advised
the vehicle.
that "the main aim of motor vehicle
registration is to identify the owner so Indeed, this Court has consistently been of
that if any accident happens, or that the view that it is for the better protection of
any damage or injury caused by the the public for both the owner of record and the
vehicle on the public highways, actual operator to be adjudged jointly of and
responsibility therefor can be fixed in a severally liable with the driver.
definite individual, the registered
owner. As aptly stated by the appellate court, the
principle of holding the registered owner liable
for damages notwithstanding the ownership of
Question: the offending vehicle has already been
transferred to another is designed to protect
Transport Corporation v. Yu
the public, and not as a shield on the part of
unscrupulous transferees of the vehicle to
take refuge in, in order to free itself from
liability arising from its own negligent act.


"E" was driving his car along Leon Guinto

Street in Manila when another car suddenly
hit and bumped him. "E's" car turned
clockwise and sustained damage, but the
other car escaped from the scene of the

"E" however was able to get its plate number

and traced it to F Transport as the registered
owner. Despite several demands for
reimbursement of expense incurred, F
Transport refused prompting "E” to file a case
for damages under Article 2176 in relation to
Article 2180 of the Civil Code. F Transport
admitted that it is the registered owner of the
car, but denied liability arguing that the driver
of the car at the time of the incident was not
its employee but a private driver of the
personnel to whom the car was assigned. Is F
Transport correct?


NO, F-Transport is not correct since as

registered owner of the vehicle, it is similarly
liable to E.

In Filcar Transport Services v. Espinas, the

registered owner of a motor vehicle tried to
escape liability by pointing the absence of
employer-employee relationship with the
offending driver. The Court not persuaded and
ruled otherwise. It held that in case of motor
vehicle mishaps, the registered owner of the
motor vehicle is considered as the employer
of the tortfeasor-driver, and is made primarily
liable for the tort committed by the Article
2176, in relation with Article 2180, of the Civil

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