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Home assessment-2

1. Find the voltage drop, current flowing across 8Ω resistor and also the power dissipated by the
resistor using
a. Thevenin’s theorem
b. Norton’s thorem

2. Find Io using Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorem both.

3. How can we convert Thevenin’s equivalent circuit to Norton’s and vice versa?
4. Find voltage drop and pwer dissipated across terminal ab using thevenin’s theorem.


5. Find current flowing thorugh RL and power dissipated across it.


6. Define maximum power transfer theorem and derive the condition for maximum power to be
flowing through a load.
7. Define reciprocity theorem also state conditions for reciprocity.
8. Use MPT theorem to find the find the value of RL and also find maximum power dissipated
through it.


9. Define temperature coefficient of resistance in your own words. Semiconductors have negavtive
temperature coefficient of resistance. Explain why?
10. The resistance of the wire is 1 ohm at 300K. calculate its temperature coefficient at 273K.
11. The resistance of a bulb filament is 112Ω at a temperature of 110°C. and its resistance is 180Ω at
375 °C. Calculate its temperate coefficient.
12. The resistance of a bulb filament is 100Ω at a temperature of 100°C. If its TCR is 0.005 per °C, its
resistance will become 200Ω at a temperature of?
13. The temperature coefficient of resistance of wire is 12.5×10−4/C0. At 300K the resistance of the wire is 1
ohm. What is the value of the temperature at which resistance will be 2 ohm ?

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