Sample Essays (Argumentative)

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Chung Hwa Middle School English Language Year 9


Topic: City life is better than country life. Do you agree?


Introduction • Living in the city is better than living in the country

Body • 1 – Living in the city is more convenient

• 2 – There are more job opportunities in the city
• 3 – Some believe living in the city is stressful. However, there
are many ways to relax and destress in the city.

Conclusion • The advantages of city life over country life make living the city
better than living in the countryside

More and more people have migrated from the country to the city. People seem to
think that living in the city is better than living in the country. Given a choice, I would
definitely choose to remain in the city, as the city offers unsurpassed convenience, career
opportunities, and an exciting lifestyle.
One advantage of living in the city is that life is more convenient. Getting around
the city with public transportation is easy. Trains and buses bring commuters to places in
the city within a relatively short time. In addition, there are choices aplenty for furthering
our studies after secondary school with the large number of colleges in the city. Getting
medical attention is also easy as the big hospitals are located in the cities. Most
importantly, getting provisions is convenient with shops at every corner where you can
buy just about anything.
One main reason why people leave the country to start a new life in the city is
because it is easier to find employment in the city. In the city, there are opportunities to
build a career in a wide range of fields such as the services industry, management, sales
and marketing. Large international companies set up their offices in the cities, which
provide city people with more employment opportunities. Earnings are also higher in the
city and people can enjoy a better lifestyle.
Some people dislike living in the city as they think that the busy lifestyle of city
dwellers leads to stress. They believe that people living in the city are constantly rushing
from place to place, unable to slow down and relax. However, many find such an on-the-
go lifestyle exciting and appealing, as opposed to the crawling speed at which life happens
in the countryside. Moreover, residents in the city have easy access to a wide variety of
ways to entertain themselves. Within the city, there are all sorts of places to visit, including
shopping malls, theme parks, museums and cinemas. Life is definitely more exciting than
living in the country.
In summary, living in the city life is definitely more advantageous due to the
convenience, and ample employment opportunities available, not to mention the exciting
entertainment options that are on offer. These advantages are sufficient to persuade me
to spend the rest of my life in the city.
Chung Hwa Middle School English Language Year 9


Topic: What are the most important qualities of a good university?

It is common knowledge that education plays an important role in our lives.

The ultimate aim of education is undoubtedly to acquire a university degree.
However, not every university may meet your expectations. In order to be
considered a good university, some requirements must be met. In my opinion, a
good university should have qualified teachers, technologically adequate buildings
and many facilities for students.
First of all, a good university must have enough qualified teachers for each
course. Qualified teachers should have adequate teaching skills in their subjects.
Without adequate teaching skills, it will be difficult for the teacher to transfer his/her
knowledge to the students. Also, as a person, the teacher should have the right
personality for the profession. That is, a teacher should be kind, supportive and
understanding to his/her students. Having poor relationships with students may
cause students to transfer their dislike of the teacher towards learning the subject.
Therefore, good teachers are indispensable for a good university.
Secondly, a good university must have buildings with adequate technological
facilities for students. The classrooms must be large enough and well-equipped.
A small classroom or a classroom without technological supplies such as the
internet or television will certainly demotivate students. In addition, libraries should
have enough books and materials for students. This is very important for students’
to do research for their studies or assignments. All these above considered,
technologically developed buildings are necessary for a good university education.
Finally, a good university should have many facilities to serve students’
social needs. For example, there must be enough sport centres and cafes where
students can spend their time socially. Since students spend most of their time
studying at school, they need places to rest at and chat with their friends. In
addition, students sometimes need to get over their stress by spending time with
their friends in a sport centre. Thus, beside academic courses, a good university
should provide opportunities to develop socially for its students.
In conclusion, universities are places where students spend the most
important stage of their lives. Universities should support the learning process with
qualified teachers, technologically adequate buildings and many social facilities.
Students should become familiar with all these characteristics so that they can
choose a good university, which will play a big part in whether they succeed in the
future. (387 words)

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