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What is b\ood made up o


red blood cell

wh it e blood ctn

The red blood cells co ntJin hemoglobin . ~
protein that binds O.\ .\ gen . Reel blood cells

tran spon O.\~ ge n to. ~rnd remon~ca rbon

di ox ide from. th~ boch ti ssues .
The white blood cells fight infection.'-'

The platelets help th1..' blood to clot .

The pla sma contains sJlts Jncl , ari ous l. 111 1-.,

of proteins .
Blood and Bli od Pr~ rlucts
A bl ood tr~rnsfu sion is the infusion of\\ Iw lt-
bloocl or~ blood compo1k'nt such J S pbsmJ .
rc'cl blood cells. or pbtek ts into the 1x 1til·11 t ·s
,·enous circul~ti on. -~ bl ood tr~n sfu siL1l1 is
~i\·en bccJu se of reel bl ood cdl loss. such ~-,-:.
\Yith J mJjor cut or\\ hen the body is not
JclcquJtd:· producing cells such :-is pbtck l::.
Th~ person n::c~i\·ing the blood is thl' l'L'CJJ) ll J J I
The person gi\·jng the bl ood is the donor.
The .-\ antigen or agglutinogens is pr~scnt on the
RBC s of pcopk "ith blood group A . till· B
antigen is prcsl'nt in people ,, ith blood group
B. and both A and B a11t1~cns
~ Jrc found on tlh:
RBC surface in pcopk ,, ith group AB bk)nd
.Ncith~r atHigcn is prcSL'llt in pcopk '' ith
trro tlJ) 0 blood .
Preformed antibodie s to RBC anti~cns arc

prc sent in the plasma : tllL'sc antibodies :HL'

often called agglutinins. People \Yith blood
grou p A han~ B antibodie s (.igglutinins ). A
antibodies are present in people \\·ith blood
grou p B . and people " ·ith blood group O kH c '.
antibodies to both A ~rncl B antigens .Peopl,·
,Yith group AB blood do not ha, c antib ocli•/~ to I
either A or B antigens . I ,
If a person with t~-pc O blood is transfu sed ,, ith
blood from a person ,, ith either group A or
group B blood. there \\ ould be de struction of
the recipient ·s red blood cells becau se his or
he r anti-A or anti-B a~~lutinin s \\oulcl rea ct

\Yith the A or B antigens in the donor ·s t\d

blood cells.
Th e Rh factor is an inh erit ed antioen in hunwn
blood. Bl ~~ cl that contain s the Rh factor is kno\\11
as _Rh pos 1t1Ye. ,rh cn it is not present the blood is
said lo be Rh - negatire. Rh blo od docs not
natural I~ contain Rh antibodie s. If Rh-pos iti, c
blood is inj ected into an Rh-negati, c person. the
rec ipi ent cicrelop s Rh ai~t!boclic s. Sub sequent
trans fu sion with Rh-po slln e_blood may cau se .
seri ous reaction s "ith clumping and hcmol~s,~ol
reel bloocl ce lls.
Typing and Cro ssMatch ing

Befo re an: b\ oo d can be gi, \: n to :1

p:1ti~nt . it
mu st b~ dctc rrn,n cd that th e bl oo d
of th ,: donor
is co rnpatibk ,Yith th e pati ent . The
\ab oiator:
c' \~H n i nati o n to ck te nnin
c J perso n·s bl oo d
gro up and Rh fact o r 1s c \\kc\ Blood
T~pmg .
The process of dckrmining com1x1tibilit\
bet\\ ccn blood Sjk'ci111l·11s is crossmatd~ing.
RBC s from t hl· donor bloocl ;i I\' 111 i \eel ", Ill
Sl'rum from till' rccipil'llt. ~1 l"l\1gcnt from
(Coombs· scrum) is Jdckd. Jnd the 111i \ ltirl· is
C\ ~llninccl for\ is,blc aggluti11~1tio11 If 1h.1
antibodies to till' donakcl RBCS~Hl' prl·srn l in
the recipient ·s Sl'rum . aggluti11~1tio11 dt'.l'S nt. 11
occur and the ri sk of trJ11sfo s1011 t\.'~ict tl)ll ,:--
C~ Pl ~
t- - - -
·- - - r - B\O
f, --~--
B A and AB - -'
A and 0

B A BandAB Ban dO

/\~ A,B NONE AB A, B,
• . •
Selectionof Bloo dDonors

Blood donors must be selected with care . Not

only must the donor ·s blood be accuratdy
typed. but it is also impo11ant to dderminc that
the donor is free from diseases . The blood ,Yill
be tested for human immunodeficien cy , irus
(HIV). hepatitis B ,·irns (HBV). and other
\·irnscs that can be transmitted to the recipient.
Sorn( p~1tii..:nt s \\ ho k11 0\, in ~,ch J1hx th ~1t thl·, " ill
1h.:cd bkH) cl cJ n donJk th l..' 1r ln , 11 bi lh1 d IIH ·
tran sfu sion ( autolo2ous transfu sion) . Jb l) c~il k
aurotr~rn sfu sion Autotr:rn sfu s1on c l111111 1~1ll' s 1liL
clan~l...'r of trJn sm1tt111'.! cross -infrct1 on tr( ,rn ii· 1,1 1
- ..._
to rl...'c ipi ( nt ~,ncl cll'crc:J Sl'S the ri ~k for
co mpli ca ti ons from mi srn ~1tchcd bk)t) d hu l
ac h ancl.. '. plz11111in~ (th l· bl oo d mu st hl· d lll1 ~, t ~/
, , l...'t:k s bl' fo rL" t hl· su r~.lT~ )
Blood and Blood products for tran sfu sion

\\"hok blood 1s rareh used unkss blood loss h~1s

b~cn rn ass i \\? . \Vith current tcchnolog:. " hok
blood ca n be L'astl:· separated into its
components. ~mcl patic11ts reccl\ c onl} tlh.'
blood product the:,.· need.
Red hlllth..l l ·l'!I-... 111 ui 1h.'l' I1\L1kd l~•rm. l·:tlbl pat·kl·d
l'l' tf hIO O d l' l'I IS. 11U \ hl' l h l' d 111 l hl' I~ 1IIl 1\ \ 111 ~
. ~
" llllllll l )11"

~ · Pa t I e 11 t , , 1t h ;Ill l' rn 1, 1 , uIk ri fl :..'. , , 1l h ;1 I\1,, 1c d I ,I 1 )( 1~ I

L ~ ll l ' \ ) ll 11 l

'!> l\ 1t Ie 11 t , , 1t h c Ird Io \ , 1, l ' uL11 I: 1ii u I l' . , , 1lIi :1 11 cl\.I t 1 ,

111ne~1:'->l' h Io lld \ l ii ume , 11 h l I l \ .l h II hid l .l. II :-- ,, Ii I k
~ l \ ( ) l l l111 ~ ( ~ l 1·l ll t ) \ ~ l ~ c l l I~ l I l ) \ l" I Il ) ~ l l I

'~ f> a t Il' nt , , 1t h <rl h k t.'l..11n.._:. '. . , , 1t h ;1 11 l' l' d l() 111 , 111 11. , , ,
;1Lkqu.1k lh.'rn ll~' l() h1n kh·I:-- ,, 1th1iut 111u l\ 1, 11 1....: I 1 1 ,, I
pr~ ss urc
I j 7 t,

In other situations. onJ:· plasma is required. such

as \Yhen plasma protein or the bloocl"s cl ott ing
fa ctor is 10\Y. Fresh frozen plasma is
pa11icularl: · useful in emergencies for
immediate restoration of fluid bcc~rnsc scrum
transfu sion presents no compJtibilit~ problems
and time need not be lost seeking donors ~11,, I
matching blood .
, @Ina z

Transfusion Reacti ons

Transfu sion of ABO - or Rh incomp;itibk blood
can resuIt in a hemolytic transfusion reaction
\\·ith destni ction of the tr~rnsfu scd RBCs;incl
subsequent ri sk of kicln~~ cbm;igc or fa ilLJrL'.

Transfusion reactions

• Classification:
- Symptoms app ear with in minutes or
up to 24 hou rs post tran sfu sion
- Reacti o ns occurring more that 24
hou rs following tran sfusi on (u p to
month s following)
• Haemolyti c
• Febril e nonh emolyti c
• Al Ie rgi c
• An aphyl acti c
• Transf usion related- acute lung inj ury
• Bacterial contamination
• Circulatory overload
• Physical or chemical damage to RBCs
• Hyperkelemia
• Transfusion associated-infectio ns
Hepatitis B & C
HIV 1 & 2
• Iron overload
• Transfusion associated-infections
Hepatitis B& C
HIV 1 & 2
Malari a
• Iron overload f

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