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TedTalks Script

All: Welcome to TedTalks, everyone! I am Santia, Victor and Cubillan. And we are a first year ME
students of the USTP and today we're here to talk about our ideal diverse world.



We believe that diversity is essential to building a vibrant, healthy, and just society. But it's not enough
to simply acknowledge diversity because we need to actively cultivate it.


But before we go through with that, let us define first Diversity. Diversity is so much more than just skin
color, gender or sexual orientation. It's about embracing different cultures, religions, and beliefs, and
recognizing the value that each person brings to the table.

With that definition, what is really our ideal diverse world?



For me, an ideal diverse world is one where everyone feels valued and respected for who they are. That
means celebrating our differences, but also recognizing our shared humanity.


And that is the great thing that makes an ideal diverse world so wonderful because we would all have
the opportunity to learn from one another. We could share our stories, our experiences, and our
perspectives without fear of judgment or discrimination.


I completely agree. And in order to achieve that, we also need to create spaces and systems that are
inclusive and accessible to all. In this way, we are breaking down barriers to education, employment,
and healthcare, and making sure that everyone has the resources they need to thrive.

Exactly! And that's why it's so important to actively seek out and celebrate diversity. Whether that's
through cultural events, community initiatives, or simply reaching out to people who are different from
us, we all have a role to play in creating a more inclusive world.


And let's not forget the power of representation. When we see people who look like us, talk like us, and
share our experiences in positions of power and influence, it sends a powerful message that our voices


So, to sum up: our ideal diverse world is one where everyone is valued and respected for who they are,
where we create spaces and systems that are inclusive and accessible, where we embrace diversity as a
strength, and where we actively seek out and celebrate diversity in all its forms.



Thank you all for joining us today. We hope this discussion has given you some food for thought about
what an ideal diverse world could look like, and what we can do to make it a reality.


Remember, diversity is not just a nice-to-have - it's essential for building a better future for all of us.


So let's go out there and make it happen!

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