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Section A : True or False Questions.

1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. False
11. False
12. True
13. False
14. False

Section B
1. SMEs play a big role in the vitalization and development of national economies
because they are creating job opportunities, promotes stability and development of
regional economies, produces much of the creativity and innovation that fuels
economic progress, promote the competition and cooperation and produce high value-
added products. Many individuals rely on small and medium-sized businesses either
directly or indirectly. With their assistance in absorbing labor, reducing poverty, and
generating income, they play a significant role. Due to their vested interests, all the
players, including government organizations, academic institutions, and multinational
corporations, should pay considerably greater attention to this sector given its crucial
2. The use of common definitions for SMEs will strengthen government efforts to create
effective policies and support programs for specific target, make it easier to provide
technical and financial assistance to SMEs, and allow for the identification of SMEs
in the various categories and levels.
3. SMEs are organisations in the manufacturing sector that have a full-time staff count of
no more than 200 or a sales turnover of no more than RM50 million. SMEs are
companies with annual sales turnover or the number of full-time workers under RM20
million in the services and other industries.
4. As the CEO of an SME company in Malaysia, ETP concentrates on a service-based
economy, which expands employment opportunities and brings them to rural regions.
ETP is more focused on doing than on thinking. As the private sector is in charge of
the ETP, it has a significant impact on it, with the government acting as a provider of
5. The advantage of the small business was easy to manage cause the owner is the boss,
can react quickly to change, easy to form and dissolve that minimum formalities, the
owner keep the profit, just few legal problems and pay tax based on total individual
income. The disadvantage of the small business was few or limited resources,
unlimited development, more responsibilities and life span depends upon the age of
6. There are four basic functions of management into which nearly action or process can
be categorized planning functions, organization, leading functions and controlling
functions. The planning functions was the long-term vision and objectives of a
corporation are the responsibility of the manager. This vision and goal-setting, as well
as the process of developing a strategy to achieve those goals, are all included in the
planning function. Next is the organising function, which describes how managers
allocate resources, assign projects, determine workforce levels, and more. This
function includes everything from selecting the proper team members for the relevant
responsibilities to determining how those team members fit into an organisational
structure. Next was leading function that every organisation, from design studios to
business operations, requires a force to propel it ahead by uniting the soldiers and
directing them towards a shared objective. There is a comparable requirement for
teams, projects, departments, and any other organisational or work structure that is in
place as you descend the levels of a firm. Lastly, controlling functions was the aim
(which was determined way back in the planning phase) is controlled by management
via all of its actions. It incorporates continuous evaluation of the strategy and iterative
revisions as necessary.

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