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‘c. Demonstrates knowledge of and follows all legal processes required by the individuals with |// |___Bisabittes. e | Establishes respect for the cultural backgrounds |____and perspectives of learners. vw [Understands how students learn. Z . Exhibits awareness of, and sensitivity to cultural differences and how they inform the multiple roles. | 7 ‘and responsibilities of learners. Mean 45 4. Curriculum and Planning T ‘a. Lesson plan consist of relevant and appropriate T activities. v i . Creates relevant learning experiences aligned with curriculum goals, content standards, and | benchmarks. Sequences leaming experiences effectively. v ¢. Instructional materials are utlized properly and effectively. Ee v @. Evaluates and adjusts plans to moet short and ong | range goals. Mean 5 5._Assessment and Reporting 7 ’@. Designs valid assessments that match learning objectives. v B. Uses mullple types of assessment data to document learning and develop instructional ft activities. Provides effective feedback to guide learner |___ progres 4 : 4. Guides learers fo assess ther own thinking and | 7 learning, as well as the performance of others. @._Uses technology to support assessment. Creates tests and assessments that alow students to show what they have learned. v [as Mean 7 6 Community Linkages and Professional Engagement v Advocates for learner, the school, the community, || 7 and the profession. ’b. Communicates with parents regarding curriculum - and instruction and students’ progress towards | | /| meeting learning goals. . Engages in school and district based professional development activities. Mean rt 7._ Personal Growth and Professional Development ‘2. Collaborates with colleagues to share responsibilty, for decision making and accountability for student | | leaming, ©. Works with other school professionals to plan and facitate learning on how to meet the diverse needs |y/ of learners. ‘e. Engages in professional development aligned with the needs of the teachers, leamers, school, and | system. ‘C_ Maintains professional appearance. Z ‘Second Floor Administration Building, P.Inocentes St, P.. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province Philippines 6560 Tel. (053) 507-0014 | Cellphone Number 09654261011 | Telefax. (053) 507-0014 SUC Level IIA (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #8 dated June 21, 2007 Website: wwitbipsu edu ch I Email ph | Facebook: School of Tecaher Education- The Victorious Bulletin #WoWBiPSU

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