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F032100020 –
English for
Making Career in Accounting

Abstrak Sub-CPMK (lihat di RPS)

One of the business entities Having completed reading and

is in the form of a company. It studying this course, each students are
is essential for us to know expected to know what matters
what types of company involved in managing companies. Each
existing in our daily life. of them is expected to tell in English
Anything concerns with the about matters concerning company
companies should give us management. (CPMK 1)
better understanding of how
to manage it.

Fakultas Program Studi Tatap Muka Disusun Oleh

Muhammad Nashar SE MBAi
Ekonomi dan Bisnis S1 Akuntansi
Unit 2: Making a career in accounting
In these uncertain economic times it can be hard to know which career path is right for
you, everywhere you look you can see job cuts and unemployment but the accounting
sector is still performing well.

A recent report on the starting salaries of 2012 university graduates stated that accounting
graduates salaries are still rising with an average salary of $42,500. When you add that to
the fact that in America accounting firms have almost recovered from the effects of the
global crisis, you can see why accountancy is becoming an attractive prospect.

And that is not all, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics the prediction is that in the
next 8 years the number of accounting jobs will rise from 1.2 million to 1.4 million in the

With such positive reports a lot of young people are looking to become one of the next
generation of accountants. A university education is the most common route into
accounting but it is not the only way, many firms offer apprenticeships where you learn
while you work. This means starting at the bottom so for the first year you are more likely
to be making the tea than preparing the balance sheet, or trial balance.

Those people who have graduated with a degree in accounting can expect to jump in at the
deep end and start dealing with the debits and credits that make up the foundation of
accounting. Although, further training will usually be given before you are expected to
work on the more complex accounting issues such as deferral.

Before applying for a job you should consider the area that you would like to work in.
Accounting is not limited to the private sector, with many accounting graduates being
employed by governmental and non-profit organisations.

Public accounting is perhaps the most common choice because they employ the most
CPAs. Public accounting also offers a wide variety of roles such as: corporate finance, due
diligence, as well as the more traditional accounting and tax advice. Some public firms also
specialise in a particular sector, such as entertainment or travel, so you can work in an area
which interests you. The job of a public accountant is always changing as new laws are
introduced, so you must always be learning new skills.

Public accounting may not be for everyone, and if you prefer the idea of working for the
government, you would do well to apply to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Working
for the national agency often involves analysing a company's financial statements and
attempting to reconcile the tax which has been paid on the reported earnings. It is a job
with a great deal of responsibility and would best suit someone with a strong knowledge of
accounting and tax affairs.

Other government organisations also make use of accounting staff so you could even end
up working for the CIA, but of course you can't talk about it.

To do well in either of these areas you need to remember that whether you are dealing with
a sole-trader, or a limited liability company (LLC), accounting is an exact science and

2021 English for Accounting

2 Muhammad Nashar SE MBA
Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU
every record must be precise. And if you are one of the increasing number of accountants
working for a multi-national corporation, you will need to be familiar with the often
confusing rules on double taxation and be up-to-date on the exchange rate of the foreign
currency you are working with.

There are even more opportunities if you continue your accounting education and get a
PhD in accounting. People, who do this often end up lecturing at Universities as well as
running successful practices or being CFO's of major corporations.

So remember the economy may be in bad shape, but a career in accountancy may just be
the best way to survive the crisis if you can cope with some of the challenges facing the
new generation of accountants.

These challenges include long hours. New graduates, especially, are often expected to
work in excess of 50 hour working weeks with many failing to meet the heavy workload
placed on them. Long hours are not the only challenge of a career in accounting though.
Major accounting firms are constantly raising the employment requirements with Big4
firms often only hiring MBA graduates.

Those who can meet the entry requirements and cope with the long hours, are likely to find
a rewarding career which will allow them to live in a comfortable style and enjoy the finer
things in life.

Should you need a university education to become an accountant?

Do companies expect too much from their employees?

What is your 'accounting' ambition?

Unit 2: Company Performance

A. READING Starting point

How can you measure the performance of a company? Put these in order from

the most important (1) to the least important (5)

- How much money the company makes.

- How green the company is.
- Who it employs.
- How it treats its staff.
- How safe it is to work there

2021 English for Accounting

3 Muhammad Nashar SE MBA
Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU
Company performance in socially responsible world.
Every investor loves a company when it achieves its sales targets, manages its costs,
and performs well on the stock market and, therefore, makes money.

However, a company nowadays also need to think about its reputation with the public
and its own staff. In other words, it has to be socially responsible. For example, it is expected
to improve its environmental performance. In addition, it is often judged these days on the
diversity of its workforce: the number of women, people from ethnic minorities, and
disabled people in all positions, including senior management. This has become an important
factor in recruitment. Finally, a company needs to have a good safety record, both in term of
its workers and the products it produces.

In a recent survey, 40% of workers said they would work longer hours and 48%
would work for less pay with a socially responsible company.
Interestingly, 46% of employees believed they already worked for a socially responsible
company. Without doubt, profits are no longer the only way to measure a company’s success.
Employees and customers expect a lot more.

Reading comprehension Exercise 1

Complete the sentences with words and phrases in bold from the text.

1. If a company is open to both sexes and all races, it believes in

2. A company which protects people and nature is usually…………………..
3. If your company has good results, its shares usually………………….
4. If people like or respect of the company, it has a good………………
5. If the company doesn’t spend too much, it reduces its
6. If there aren’t many accidents, the company has a good ……………..
7. If the company sells what it plans, it
8. If a company doesn’t pollute too much, it has a good
B. Vocabulary Exercise:
Complete the sentences with the words below

manager subordinates coach

chief executives (CEO) workers staff
directors employee
launching target

1. The new…..............Improve morale in the


2021 English for Accounting

4 Muhammad Nashar SE MBA
Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU
2. The..................praised his team upon reaching the
Cup Final.
3. Our board of.....................meets every three
months to discuss strategy.
4. The factory..................Went on strike because of
low pay.
5. The share price went up when the new …………
was appointed.
6. I have to do the appraisals for the six…………
who report to me.
7. An aggressive management style led to an increase in turnover.
8. the company gets
health and safety training.
9. We’re going to....................a new customer
10. The marketing department is..................the new
campaign this spring.

Exercise 2
Complete the article with the words below

strategy planning process resources threats

markets strategic objectives competition opportunities

Developing successful …………………………. (1) is a vital part of the

…………………… (2) for all business organizations. Analyzing where a
business stands in relation to its …………………..(3) and
………………………(4) enables it to identify potential ………………..(5) for
growth and potential …………………………(6). It is the possible to set
……………… (7) and to predict the human and financial
……………………… (8) needed to achieve them.
Past Simple and Present Perfect

The Past simple has the following uses:

1) Finished action and events

She worked here for five years. (not now)
Did you meet her at the conference?

2) Definite or finished time period

2021 English for Accounting

5 Muhammad Nashar SE MBA
Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU
I joined the company in 2003.
They launched the product two years ago.

Key words

Days, months, years, times, yesterday, ago, last week/month/year

The Present Perfect has the following uses:

1) Changes that affect the present.

The remuneration committee has finished the report.
Have the shareholders been informed yet?

2) Show duration
He has been the chairman since 2002.
I haven’t been promoted for five years.

Key words

For, since, already, yet, just, ever, never, recently, lately, in the last, today, this

Exercise 1

Complete the following text with the appropriate tense of the verbs, past simple
or present perfect.

Cantor Fitzgerald (be)……… (1) ………. tragically famous since September

11 2001, when it (lose) ………. (2) ….…… 658 of its staff in the World Trade

Center. Recently, it (appear) ……… (3) ………. back in the news in Britain because
one of its staff (take)……… (4) …….it to court for breach of contract. Steven
Honkulak (be)…… (5) ………. the managing director of interest rates derivatives,
which is a highly stressful job but he (earn) ………. (6) ……… 400,000 plus
bonuses. However, his boss, Lee Amaitis, who (work)……… (7) ………with the
company for many years is a very tough and aggressive man. Mr. Honkulak claims
that Mr. Amaitis, regularly (threaten)……… (8) ……to dismiss him and (cause)
……… (9) …… him so much stress that he (start)……… (10) …… to drink and
take medication. He finally (leave)……… (11) ……. the company and (ask)………
(12) ……… for 1 m compensation. The company defended itself by saying Mr.
Amaitis (contribute)……… (13) …… to the success of this company with his vision
and hard work. Mr. Honkulak, however, (want)……… (14) …… the rewards of the

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senior position but his weaknesses made him unable to cope with the job. The judge
awarded Mr. Honkulak 1 m, saying that there are limits beyond which no employer
should go.

Exercise 2

Put the verb into the correct form

1. I …………………………… (lose) my key. I can’t find it anywhere.

2. ……………………………. (you/see) the film on television last night?
3. Jill…………………………… (buy) a new car two weeks ago.
4. His hair is very short. He…………………………… (have) a haircut.
5. Last night I …………………………. (arrive) home at half past twelve. I
……………………………. (have) a bath and then I …………………………(go)
to bed.
6. ……………………………….. (you /visit) many museums when you were in
7. My bicycle isn’t here anymore. Somebody …………………………… (take) it.
8. When …………………………… (you/give) up smoking?
9. I …………………………… (not/eat) anything yesterday because I
…………………(not/feel) hungry.
10. Why ………………… (Jim/not/want) to play tennis last Friday?

Exercise 3:
Read the situation and then write a sentence. Use the verbs given in brackets.

1. I lost a lot of weight but now I am too heavy again.

(lose weight/put on weight) I ………. but now I ……….
2. She went to Australia but now she is back in Britain again.
(go/come back) She ………. but now ………
3. Last year Kevin bought a car. Now it belongs to someone else.
(buy/sell) ……….
4. The police arrested the man but now he is at home again.
(arrest/release) ……….
5. Bill cut his hair. Now it is log again.
(cut/grow) ……….
6. The prisoner escaped from the prison. Now he is back in prison.
(escape/be caught) ……….

A Company Visit

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7 Muhammad Nashar SE MBA
Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU
Could you give me direction to your office?

Just follow the signs.

Go past the station and take the first turning on the left.

You’ll see the office on the right-hand side.

I’ve left my car in a reserved space.

I have an appointment with Hans Ekburg.

Take the lift to the fourth floor.

His office is the fifth on the right, along the corridor.

Hello Hans, I’d like you to meet our marketing Manager.

Please to meet you.

Tell me something about the company.

What does the company do?

We’re in the transport business.

We employ just under 5000 people worldwide.

The company was set up five years ago.

We’re the largest manufacturer in the country.

North America is our biggest market in terms of sales by region.

We have an excellent reputation for service. Business is booming.

A. Dialogue

Dialogue 1

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8 Muhammad Nashar SE MBA
Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU
Directions to the office

A: Hi, Rosa. It’s June here. I’m in the Town center outside the bus station. Could
you tell me how to get to your office from here?

B: Sure. Follow the signs for Frankfurt. After about two kilometers, you’ll see a
garage on your right. Carry on for another 200 meters and then turn left. Our office
is on the left- hand side, just before a railway bridge. When you arrive, park in one
of the visitors spaces just outside the main building.

A: Thanks, Rosa. See you soon.

Dialogue 2

Getting lost

A: Hi, Carla.

B: Hello, Bob. Is everything all right?

A: Not really. I’m lost. I’m calling from a service station on the E7 just south of
place called Melton. I don’t have a map with me, so could you direct me to the

B: Sure. Take the first left after the service station and follow the road to Porlock.
Pass the shopping center on your right and then take the first left. Carry on for three
kilometers and you will see the factory.

A: Thanks.

Dialogue 3


A: Good morning, can I help you?

B: Yes, I have an appointment with Hans Ekburg. Could you tell him I am here?
I’ve left my car in a reserved space.

A: That’s OK, I’ll take the car registration number. Could you write your name
here please and wear this? Do you know the building?

B: I’m afraid I don’t.

A: OK, go up these stairs and take the lift to the third floor. Mr. Ekburg’s office is
the fifth on the right, along the corridor.

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9 Muhammad Nashar SE MBA
Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU
B: Thanks.

Dialogue 4


A: Hello John. Good to see you again.

B: And you.

A: John, I’d like you to meet Lera Berman, Our Marketing Manager.

C: Hello, John. Please to meet you. Did you have a good journey?

B: Yes, very good. The directions were very clear.

Dialogue 5

Introducing a company (1)

A: We’re in the label business. We produce all kinds of labels- price labels, bottle
labels, even postage stamps. We have factories in France, Germany, Malaysia,
China and the UK.

B: How many people work for the company?

A: We employ just over 5000 people worldwide. There are around 400 employees
in this factory.

B: Is business going well?

A: Yes it is, and it’s growing all the time.

Dialogue 6

Introducing a company (2)

A: So, tell me more about your mailing business.

B: Sure. We provide a complete packaging and mailing service for our customers.
We now have branches all over the south of the country and we have plans to open
new branches in the north.

A: What kind of company are you?

B: We’re private limited company. We’re not listed on the Stock Exchange yet.

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Dialogue 7

Company history

A: So, how long have you been on this site?

B: We moved here five years ago. Before that, we were in a very small office
building in the center of town.

A: and when was they company set up?

B: Ten years ago- by Simon Donna who is still the Managing Director. He started
the company with just two employees.

A: That’s very impressive.

Dialogue 8

A tour of the office

A: Let me show you around the office. Our sales representatives work in this open
plan area. The room in the corner is Brit Gamlin’s office. She/s the Senior Sales
Manager here. Do you know her?

B: No, I don’t. Has she been here long?

A: No, she joined the company two months ago. Come with

me. I’ll introduce you to her.

A: Hello Brit. I’d like you to meet Oliver Blaireau from the Paris office.

C: Pleased to meet you Oliver. How are things in Paris

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Catton David, FalveyDavid , and Kent Simon, MARKET LEADER, Course Book, Pre-
Intermediate Business English, 2002, Edinburg Gate, Harlow, Essex, CM
2JE, England.
Azar. S. Betty. 1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar 2nd Edition. New Jersey:
Prentice – Hall, Inc
Philips Deborah.2001.Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: New York: Addison
Wesley Longman
Wishon, E.G & Burks. M. Julia. 1980. Let’s Write English Revised Edition. New York:
Litton Educational Publishing
Oshima, A & Hogue A. 1997. Writing Academic English Second Edition: New York:
Addison Wesley Longman
Karnedi. 2001. Grammar Translation Exercises: PusatPenerbitanUniversitas Terbuka

Business Result Pre-Int (unit 1)

Practice files (unit 1) of Business Result Pre-Int
Structure – Internet link, verb tenses

2021 English for Accounting

12 Muhammad Nashar SE MBA
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