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Originated in America in 1950s

It was a social and literary movement in the USA
Joined bohemian artists' communities
Developed in San Francisco, New York, LA...
"BEAT" means tired spirituality, as well as "beatific".
Who became part of the movement was known as "beatnik"
Wanted the broken rules of society, with free sex, drug use, alcohol and practicing
disciplines of Zen Buddhism, also listening to jazz music.
they adopt a style in the ways of doing and dressing as that of jazz musicians.
They changed poetry into another form of expression.
Poetry told of the authentic lived experience.
The verse was chaotic with sexual references.
The works are a way to free the poetry of the academic schemes.
Jack Kerouac was the leader of this move
Around 1960, the Beat movement began to break, the effects of this movement
remained in time and were the basis of new movements like the hippie one

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