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Website Designer Desktop Application

 Assignment 2

In this assignment, you will be required to create a desktop application for designing websites.
The application should allow users to select different website elements and customize them
using CSS to create a preview of the website. The elements should be added as JavaFX controls
that have been customized to look like HTML elements.

You will develop a desktop application that will enable users to design websites using pre-
defined website elements. These elements include buttons, text blocks, images, etc. You will
customize these elements using CSS to create a preview of the website. The application will
display the website elements as JavaFX Nodes that have been customized with CSS to look like
HTML elements. The user should be able to change the properties of some elements such as
font size and color.

The application should also provide a preview panel that will display the customized website
elements. The preview panel should update in real time as the user makes changes to the
website elements.

To successfully complete this assignment, you will need to fulfill the following requirements:

 User Interface Design: The application should have a clean and intuitive user interface
design that allows the user to easily select website elements and customize them using
CSS. The user interface should be easy to use and navigate, with clear labels and
 Element Selection: The application should allow the user to select website elements
from a menu. The menu should include buttons, text boxes, images, and or any other
elements you may desire to include.
 Customization: The application should allow the user to customize the website elements
using CSS. The user should be able to change the properties of each element, such as
color and/or font size, etc. The customization options should be displayed in a clear and
organized way.
 Preview Panel: The application should provide a preview panel that displays the
customized website elements. The preview panel should be updated in real time as the
user makes changes to the website elements.
 JavaFX Controls: The application should display the website elements as JavaFX controls
(Nodes) that have been customized with CSS to look like HTML elements. The JavaFX
controls should be properly customized with CSS to ensure that they look like the actual
HTML elements.

Submission Information
 Code Submission: Students are required to submit their code for the website designer
desktop application by pushing their work to a private GitHub repository. They should
invite the instructor (GitHub username: ntholi) to access the repository.
 Video Submission: In addition to the code submission, students are required to create a
less than 3 minutes video showcasing their desktop application. The video should
demonstrate the features and functionality of the application The video should also
show how the preview panel works and how the application displays the website
elements as JavaFX controls.

Marking Criteria
  Criteria Marks

1 User Interface The user interface should be clean, intuitive, and easy to use. The 12
Design elements should be organized in a clear and organized way, and the
labels and instructions should be easy to understand

2 Element The application should allow the user to select website elements. This 10
Selection should include buttons, text boxes, images, etc.

3 Customization The application should allow the user to customize the website elements 8
using CSS. The user should be able to change the properties of each
element, such as color, font, size, and alignment. The customization
options should be displayed in a clear and organized way
4 Preview Panel The application should provide a preview panel that displays the 10
customized website elements. The preview panel should be updated in
real time as the user makes changes to the website elements. The
preview panel should also show the actual size of the website.

  TOTAL 40

Rules and Regulations

See section 5 of your course outline for plagiarism, copyright, patents, ownership of work

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