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Background of the Study

The pedicab (or cycle rickshaw), is more popularly known in the Philippines as

“traysikad” or “padyak”, which literally means “stamp the feet”, referring to the act of

pushing the pedals of the bicycle with the necessary strength to transport passengers. A

pedicab is made by mounting a sidecar to a common bicycle which used to transport

passengers on short distances and through narrow streets. The sidecar can usually contain 2

adult passengers, or 3-4 children or it can be used to transport heavy or less simple things (a

pet or furniture, for instance) that would be too heavy to hand-carry or to take to destinations

not easily reachable with a typical motorized mean of transportation. The majority of

Filipinos rely on pedicab as a transportation mode of Filipino daily lives especially source of

employment in Catbalogan city. It is the source of employment of the poor because there are

fewer job opportunities present in the area especially for undergraduate employees.

Public transportation provides mobility and access to employment, community

resources, medical care, and recreational opportunities in communities across the Philippines.

It benefits both of those people who have a vehicle and commuters because of the cheapest

fare. Pedicab shows importance as a mode of transportation and an icon in Filipino cultures.

Back in the American period, wherein a load of pedicabs and jeepneys left over by the

American soldiers, the pedicab enculturation was one of the main modes of transport in the

Philippines (Ines, 2017). Furthermore, until now, pedicab and jeepneys have stayed with the

Filipinos along with their unique designs, paintings, and sayings on the exterior (Ines, 2017).

Every public transport driver's Life was difficult even before the pandemic because of the

average amount of income that covers only their everyday financial expenses such as food,

rental fees, electricity fees, and other costs (Raskin & Meyer, 2020).
The same way in Pedicab drivers in New York City, wherein a lot of pedicab drivers

there are used to have at least 1,000$ per week if they are lucky to have enough Tourists in

the city and also, in the streets there used to be 250 pedicabs in the central city before the

pandemic happens (Raskin & Meyer, 2020). When the Coronavirus (COVID-19) happens,

almost all of the world's countries experienced a severe health emergency wherein this

contagious virus can pass to others if they have close contact with the person who contains

the virus World Health Organization (WHO, 2020).

In this case, according to (Arab News, 2020), this pandemic dramatically affects

everyone's lives, including their livelihood, occupation, and other essential things to make a

living. They promoted the Government to close the country's borders and ban all public

transportation to mitigate the virus's contagion.

This restriction created by the Government to control the COVID-19 situation made

the pedicab driver's Life more complicated. With no income and debts piling up, other

pedicab drivers and their families started living in the pedicab to lessen their everyday


According to the Union of Catholic Asian News (2020), owners of pedicab and other

drivers and struggling drivers appealed to the Philippine Government to allow them to

resume their operations to survive the COVID-19 crisis.

However, the Government said the pedicab operation remained suspended to control

the areas' spread with a higher case of COVID-19. The Government also said they need to

follow and observe the hierarchy of transportation mode in the Philippines. They also stated

all pedicab operation will be lastly to operate if the public transport still is not sufficient.

This study aims to know the hardships, sacrifices, and Life of pedicab drivers, how

pandemic affects their change of income, livelihood and financial stability, and how they
affect their mental health in Life to overcome and survive these difficulties amidst the


To gain knowledge about the strategies that could be applied to aid pedicab driver's problems

and the future researchers, they will know about the phenomenon in which pedicab drivers

encounter many challenges amidst the pandemic results in poverty and other social issues.

Statement of The Problem

Main Objective: This study sought to identify the change of income of pedicab drivers in

Catbalogan city and their attitude and perception towards their alternative source of income

amidst pandemic.

1. What are the respondents Profile Information, in terms of;

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Civil Status

1.4 Address

1.5 Years as Pedicab Driver

1.6 Educational attainment

1.7 Number of Dependents

1.8 Daily Income

1.9 Pedicab Ownership

1.10 Hours spend in driving per day

(Qualitative Question)

1. What are the experiences and challenges of pedicab drivers during the pandemic?

2. What are the coping mechanisms of the pedicab drivers during the pandemic?
3. What is the perception of pedicab drivers and how does this affect their attitude

towards their alternative work?

(Quantitative Question)

1. What is the difference of the income of the pedicab drivers before and during


2. Is there a significant difference between the income of the drivers before and during

the pandemic?

Mixed Question:

1. Is there a significant relationship to the change of income to the driver’s perception

towards their experiences in pandemic?

2. Is there a significant relationship to the change of income to the driver’s perception

towards their alternative work?

3. Is there a significant relationship to the change of income to the driver’s attitude

towards their alternative work?


Quantitative Hypothesis:

1. There is no significant difference between the income of the drivers before and during

the pandemic

Mixed Hypotheses:

1. There is no significant relationship to the change of income to the driver’s perception

towards their experiences in pandemic

2. There is no significant relationship to the change of income to the driver’s perception

towards their alternative work

3. There is no significant relationship to the change of income to the driver’s attitude

towards their alternative work

Theoretical Framework

This study was based on LaMorte’s the Theory of Planned Behavior (TTPB). the

theory was meant to describe all actions over which persons have self-control.

The essential component of this paradigm is behavioral intent; behavioral intents are

impacted by the attitude about the likelihood that the activity will result in the expected

outcome, as well as the subjective assessment of the risks and advantages of that outcome.

The TPB has been successfully applied to predict and explain a wide range of health

behaviors and intentions, including smoking, drinking, health-care usage, breastfeeding, and

drug use, to mention a few.

According to the TPB, the behavioral achievement is dependent on both motivation

(intention) and ability (behavioral control). It differentiates three sorts of beliefs: behavioral,

normative, and control.

The TPB is consist of six constructs that collectively correspond to a person's actual

control over the behavior. These are attitudes, behavioral intention, subjective norms, social

norms, perceived power, and perceived behavioral power.According to LaMorte, it assumes;

independent of intention, that the individual has obtained the opportunity and resources to be

effective in completing the desired activity. It does not take into consideration other factors

that influence behavioral intention and motivation, such as fear, danger, mood, or previous

experience. While normative effects are taken into consideration, environmental or economic

elements that may impact a person's desire to do an action are not. It presupposes that

behavior is the outcome of a linear decision-making process and ignores the possibility of

change over time. While the addition of the construct of perceived behavioural control was an
essential contribution to the theory. it says nothing about real behavioural control. The

hypothesis does not address the temporal lag between "intent" and "behavioural action."

In relation to this theory, the present study aimed to identify the significance and

relation between the pedicab drivers’ changes of income to their attitude toward their

alternative work.

Conceptual Framework

The goal of the study is to determine the significant relationship between pedicab

drivers' income and their attitudes toward their alternative work. A conceptual research

framework is created in accordance with the description of the problem's background,

literature review, and previous studies.

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 illustrates the significant relationship to the Catbalogan city pedicab drivers’

income and their attitude towards their alternative work. The researchers want to find out

their significant relationship between the pedicab drivers’ income and their attitude towards

their alternative work.

The pedicab drivers’ income before pandemic, during pandemic and the pedicab

drivers’ change of income is the quantitative data, and the pedicab drivers’ coping

mechanism during pandemic towards alternative work, attitude, perception, and experience

during pandemic will be the qualitative data.

The researchers will collect the data of pedicab drivers’ before and during pandemic

income and then researchers will determine the pedicab drivers’ change of income. The

researchers will collect the data of coping mechanism during pandemic towards alternative

work to collect the data of the attitude and perception during pandemic of the pedicab drivers.

The researchers will use the data of the pedicab drivers’ attitude and perception during

pandemic to determine the data of their experience during pandemic.

Significance of the Study

Pedicab Drivers

This study will help the pedicab drivers to aid the knowledge of the pedicab drivers in

terms of their finances and may serve as a guide that would inform them of other alternative

ways to earn money to cope up amidst pandemic and the inflammation.

This will help the passengers to understand the situation of the tricycle drivers. Also,

to be aware what problems tricycle drivers are facing for them to understand.

Land Transportations Office (LTO).

This data will serve as an Eye-opener in the formulation and implementation of

policies, rules, and regulation, also to know the different aspects on the problems encountered

by motorized tricycle operators specifically on government laws and regulations.

Government Officials

This study will help government officials become aware of the situation of pedicab

drivers. This can be helpful or used as well to become one of their references to study the

case of the pedicab drivers' situation during a pandemic, where they might be able to provide

something to at least ease the poverty that pedicab drivers are facing. 

Future Researchers

This study will help the researchers to strengthen their data for future studies. It will

serve as a guide and basis for the future researches.

The study may be small in its sample size but this can open ideas for bigger studies

regarding the change of income of pedicab drivers and their attitude and perception towards

their alternative source of income amidst pandemic.


This study will focus on the pedicabs drivers change of income and their attitude and

perception towards their alternative source of income. The study will cover the experiences of

Catbalogan Pedicab Drivers. The income of pedicab drivers before pandemic will be covered.
The study intends to compare the difference of income of pedicab drivers before and

during pandemic and gather their attitude and perceptions towards their alternative work. The

respondents are limited to the pedicab drivers of Catbalogan City.

Definition of Terms

The following defined terms are either conceptual or operational to provide better

understanding of the study.

Covid 19 - A novel pneumonia virus, was found and reported in Wuhan, China on December

31, 2019. (Tang et al., 2020). COVID-19 spread quickly and widely over the world a few

months later.

Pedicab - Is made by mounting a sidecar to a common bicycle which used to transport

passengers on short distances and through narrow streets. 

Passenger - A traveller on a public or private conveyance other than the driver.

Age - Show the effects or the characteristics of increasing age

Sex - Socially constructed characteristics of women and men

WHO – (World Health Organization) An organization who access and record all the health

data around the world.

Civil Status - Defined as being single, married, separated or divorced, widowed, in a civil

partnership or being a former civil partner in a civil partnership that has ended by death or,

been dissolved.

Pedicab Drivers of Catbalogan City- The respondents or the independent variable of the

researchers’ study.
Pedicab drivers’ change of Income- Is a function of the interaction between the respondents

and their income. The indicators used are the drivers’ before and during pandemic income.

Experience during pandemic- Is a practical contact and observation of the respondents. The

indicators are attitude during pandemic and perception during pandemic.

Coping mechanism during pandemic towards alternative work- Is any conscious or

unconscious change or adaptation to a stressful situation during pandemic.

Significant relationship between pedicab drivers' income and their attitudes toward

their alternative work – Is the expected outcome or result to the researchers’ study.


Review of Related Literature

According to Rahman
(2013). most urban
communities around the
globe are experiencing fast
transport segment
improvement to provide
development for expanding
urbanization. Along these lines
the issues of
portability.access equity,
congestion, operational
secunty or more all
manageability are ending up
progresIvely urgent in
transport planning and
arrangement making. The
mainstream reaction in
tending to these issues
has been demand the
executives, through
enhancement of mechanized
public transport (MPT) modes
(transport, train, cable car)
and non-
mechanized transport (NM)
modes (walk, bike):
enhanced fuel innovation.
In the Philippnes, an
innovation ot this, thetricycle
was used as a motorized
replacement of "pedicabs" or
bicycles with
attached sidecars.
The use of motorcycle
based public transport has
raised concerns related to
the worsening
environment, safety and tratfic
congestion. In the other hand,
Giwilliam (2009) stated that
the World
Bank urban transport strategy
review Urban on the move, the
paper inspects the basic
between the city transport
Issues confronting urban areas
in the creating and
industrialızed world.
UItimately congestion and
decaying natural environment
safety and security conditions
are viewed as
endemic indeveloping the
urban communities. In spite of
the tact that the extent of urban
space gave
to development is regularly
generally low in the
developing of the cities, Tates
of mechanization are
believed to be not untypical of
those accomplished in
industrialized nations at
According to Rahman
(2013). most urban
communities around the
globe are experiencing fast
transport segment
improvement to provide
development for expanding
urbanization. Along these lines
the issues of
portability.access equity,
congestion, operational
secunty or more all
manageability are ending up
progresIvely urgent in
transport planning and
arrangement making. The
mainstream reaction in
tending to these issues
has been demand the
executives, through
enhancement of mechanized
public transport (MPT) modes
(transport, train, cable car)
and non-
mechanized transport (NM)
modes (walk, bike):
enhanced fuel innovation.
In the Philippnes, an
innovation ot this, thetricycle
was used as a motorized
replacement of "pedicabs" or
bicycles with
attached sidecars.
The use of motorcycle
based public transport has
raised concerns related to
the worsening
environment, safety and tratfic
congestion. In the other hand,
Giwilliam (2009) stated that
the World
Bank urban transport strategy
review Urban on the move, the
paper inspects the basic
between the city transport
Issues confronting urban areas
in the creating and
industrialızed world.
UItimately congestion and
decaying natural environment
safety and security conditions
are viewed as
endemic indeveloping the
urban communities. In spite of
the tact that the extent of urban
space gave
to development is regularly
generally low in the
developing of the cities, Tates
of mechanization are
believed to be not untypical of
those accomplished in
industrialized nations at
Coronavirus (COVID-19), a novel pneumonia virus, was found and reported in

Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019. (Tang et al., 2020). COVID-19 spread quickly and

widely over the world a few months later. COVID-19 could be considered a pandemic by the

World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020, based on its spread and intensity

(WHO, 2020). Many governments have prohibited public activities and closed all kinds of

public work, as well as businesses. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, almost millions of

pedicab drivers and public transport are affected around the world (UNESCO, 2020).

After being stopped in their routine because of the pandemic, drivers call the

Government's attention to help them in a little way. (Caymaniantimes, 2020). Those living in
the "Dutch houses," as local people call them, are helpless drivers of public utility jeeps that

used to handle the roads of the capital during the pre-pandemic days. (Lucenio, 2020).

The Philippine pedicab drivers is now walking the Manila streets begging for money

to feed their starving family. (Lopez, 2020)." We need to leave our homes and take our risks

in the roads to have something in our snarling stomachs" (Bondoc, 2020) stated. Other

drivers haul plastic compartments and cardboard signs around their necks to grab the eye and

compassion of passing motorists. "We have nothing left to spend," (Flores 2020) told AFP as

he sat inside his pedicab.

Since it was lockdown, some pedicab drivers think of another way to supply their

daily needs and provide their everyday expenses. Some of them are selling fruits and

vegetables to fit their daily needs. The other pedicab drivers are selling fruits, vegetables, and

other products. (Garcia, 2020).

Pedicab drivers have nowhere to go, and no one relies on them. It's embarrassing to

ask for help from their relatives every day, so the drivers gathered the courage and asked for

help from other people who are willing to help them so they can eat.

Other people would give pedicab driver any amount of money, and they are very

thankful to accept it to have something to eat. But sometimes, they will take just once a day.

That's what they experience during this lockdown. Some of them say that sometimes if their

one will help the pedicab driver, they don't eat at all (Yahoo News, 2020). The pedicab

drivers' distribution of relief goods was led by Jimmy Bondoc, PAGCOR vice president, and

Mayor Joy Belmonte. The relief goods were filled with food, facemasks, and alcohol for all

drivers in Parañaque and Pasay City. The Government strengthens response efforts against

the pandemic that Mayor Belmonte was thankful for. The infected members in Quezon City
have become slower in the meantime. According to (Ranjit Rye 2020), OCTA Research

group member Quezon City should continue fighting the COVID19.

Testing and contact tracing should encourage them to continue. And they are also

implementing health protocols and social distancing. Mayor Belmonte was glad to accept the

reports as she thanked her residents and officials for cooperating on the COVID-19 pandemic

fight. (PhilippineStar, 2020). Quezon City was one of the highest rates of COVID-19 in the

past months. Because of this, Mayor Belmonte tried hard not to spread the virus. She

distributes a lot of relief to help the residents in their everyday needs and avoid them from

going out in their place. Resulting in this Quezon City improved and became slower the

number of COVID-19 pandemics. According to (George San Mateo 2020), PISTON's former

national president, pedicab drivers are also pandemics victims. They need to come back into

the routine because they need to survive and to live. (Calleja, 2020). Even if the drivers get

harm, they have nothing else to do but take the risk and chances to go in the streets and beg

for money to buy food for family and eat.

The Government tried to give money in exchange for their lost income, but it is not

enough. In June, 55,000 drivers are allowed to go back but do not forget the rules about

safety protocols. They need to use plastic in every seat and lower the capacity to avoid

contact with the commuters. (TheStraitsTimes, 2020).

Notwithstanding the difficulties, drivers in Amarillo are endeavouring to convey the

items we as a whole depend on (Miller, 2020). Everything had changed, as it's been said if

before. They were battling to ride public transportation; however, now there are a couple of

individuals who depend on them. On the off chance that no individuals are working in the

emergency clinic, individuals who have not lost their positions will ride them. Nothing so

their family might be eager (Strabane, 2020). To prevent the spread of the virus, people
should learn how to clean the basic things they used as a car. All surfaces that individuals will

touch should sanitize (Wiltshire, 2020). In transporting and using public vehicles, individuals

should bring their sanitizer, use the mask, and don't put it off. (Wiltshire, 2020). If you see a

transporter while you're out looking for staple goods, accept the open the door to show them

some increase by expressing gratitude toward them on the off chance you can. (Padfield,

2020). "Hold putting down the miles and continue remaining safe, and we'll overcome this all

together" (Peterson, 2020)

Review of Related Studies

The Government implements a tight lockdown resulting in the vehicles "Pedicab"

being dismissed. Many drivers are begging on the roads and asking for a small help from the

Government and hoping for the drivers to drive again. Before the pandemic arises, the

Government has plans and programs to modernize public transport, resulting in phaseout

pedicabs. This program aimed to update and have safety and convenience for the passengers.

(Favila, 2020) According to (Recio 2020), the Government should study the program because

low pedicab drivers cannot afford the new vehicle. This will result in jobless and hardship for

all the drivers. Indeed, even before COVID-19, Life was hard. However, it was tolerable.

(Kalagayan, 2020). Pedicab drivers are now suffering not just because of not being allowed to

drive but also the Government has a program to evict all the old vehicles like jeepneys and

pedicabs. Modernizing the pedicabs and other vehicles has no problem for drivers, but they

ask for a little consideration during the pandemic.

The jobless drivers have turned to ask in the roads, showing cardboard signs bearing

cash and food requests on their pedicabs. And before the outbreak began, pedicabs had just

been undermined by an administration program to modernize public vehicles and eliminate

maturing vehicles. The modernization program means to make over jeepneys and other
vehicles including pedicabs by improving their motors and design, well-being, and

accommodation. (Indian Express, 2020).

Many commercial drivers face several health challenges, including obesity,

cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Such conditions place them at high risk for contracting

COVID-19. This pressure compounded with well-being challenges has set extra mental and

actual requests on drivers, putting them further in danger for COVID-19. Drivers get sick,

and it can affect everyone. People will come into contact with these drivers at truck stops or

their delivery stops. If they are very ill, their driving skills may be impaired and, when they

return to their homes, they risk spreading the virus to their family and friends (Emerly, 2020).

The drivers in the Washington region and some local industry leaders have nothing no

reports of COVID-19 deaths. But killing by the virus across the country is concerning,

according to the stories of transit, rideshare, and taxi drivers. Local Government set giving

programs that provide transportation for low-income residents, seniors, or special needs to

supply some business to the drivers. (Lazo, 2020).

The taxi drivers are considered as one of the front liners in Washington. Drivers in

Washington suffered because of Coronavirus. The drivers become afraid to risk their lives,

but Washington's Government didn't desolate the drivers by providing temporary jobs.

According to (Farrel 2020), for clear communication about all of the COVID-19 related

changes, drivers are looking for assistance. As the COVID-19 Pandemic spread, the drivers

are not just looking for money but also for assurance, assistance, and protection on their own

respective companies. Companies should not leave them behind and provide all the

necessities they need. In this time of the pandemic, no one should be left behind.

The COVID-19 pandemic hasn't been useful for vehicles. However, it's managing

much more terrible. They revealed that its rides business's gross appointment declined by
75% in the three months to June contrasted with a year ago, tumbling from $12.2 billion to

simply $3 billion. At this point, be delivering gross appointment figures to its financial

specialists have, all things considered, announced a 60% drop in the number of dynamic

riders on the stage in the three months to June, from 21.8 million a year ago to 8.7 million

this year. Rajesh his temporary home was in Hulimavu, South Bangalore, while his family is

in India. He saved his money by working a lot of time. Rajesh's health became worse.

Unfortunately, he died because of Coronavirus.

The drivers in the U.K are now demanding and requesting better protection and

security from the Government. (BBC News, 2020). The drivers need to be extra careful so

that it will lessen the burden of doctors and frontliners. Transporters have kept on making a

trip to places the vast majority of us aren't permitted, and the significance of the shipping

business has been upfront for the last six months. (Global News, 2020) "When all individuals

were apprehensive, sitting at home, and we were much the same as drivers," "If drivers sit at

home, how individuals can eat? "So, we must have our wheels moving." (Jhinger, 2020).

Enlarge of sanitation and hygiene is a must and is part of the messaging around the


According to (Muzik 2020), drivers are allowed to do that by providing the drivers

with open parking and having their place that is clean and sanitized. They will allow the

drivers to be in that place. (Kocher, 2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has a higher risk and is

very dangerous. Contacting and exposure to multiple people might not control the spread of

the virus. They were driving rather than flying is safer because people who travel know who

will contact. According to (Shmerling, 2020) the car was loaded with sanitizers, food and

water, supplies of hygiene, a mask, and all they need to prevent going out from the stores. To

be safe and symptoms free is a must, and it is one way to be safe and avoid the virus even

during a pandemic. (Shmerling, 2020).



Research Design

Quantitative Data

For the quantitative data, the study will utilize a descriptive design, specifically a

Descriptive-Status design. This approach seeks to answer questions to real facts relating to

existing conditions.

It is a technique of quantitative description which determines the prevailing

conditions of a chosen study, which stresses the current conditions with the assumption that

things will change.

Qualitative Data

For the qualitative data, the study will utilize a descriptive design, specifically a

Phenomenological design. This approach examines human experiences through the

descriptions provided by the people involved.

Respondents are asked to describe their experiences as they perceive them. They may

write about their experiences, but information is generally obtained through interviews. The

goal of phenomenological studies is to describe the meaning that experiences hold for each


Mixed Data

This study will use Explanatory Sequential Design. This approach uses qualitative

data in the subsequent interpretation and clarification of the results from the quantitative data

Population and Sampling Techniques

Quantitative and Qualitative

The sample will be selected from the vicinity of Catbalogan City, consisting 30

pedicab drivers as respondents. A non-probability sampling technique will be used in

identifying participants who will be part of the study.

The respondents will be selected using purposive sampling with the criteria of: (1)

Must be a pedicab driver, (2) Must live in Catbalogan City Proper, and (3) Must operate in

Catbalogan City.

Mixed Method

In this method, an Identical Sampling technique will be used or utilized to choose the

respondents, the same respondents who participated in the Quantitative and Qualitative



Quantitative and Qualitative

The study will administer a semi-structured interview guide approach to facilitate the

efficient and effective gathering of responses. The first part of the interview will consist 12

questions constructed or designed to discuss the pedicab driver's income, experiences and

challenges. The second part of the study will also administer a survey consisting 30 close-

ended questions to determine or gather their response to their attitude towards their

alternative work and lastly, a structured interview approach will be conducted, with close

ended questions to determine their coping mechanism strategies.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will submit the questionnaire to the adviser for correction after it is

finalized. The self-made questionnaire will be face-and content- validated by a Research

Teacher, a person in authority to give validation to the self-made questionnaire. The

researchers will ask pedicab drivers a permission to make them a respondent and conduct a

one-on-one recorded interview for a more private and comprehensive response. A researcher

will ask the guide questions and the respondent will answer. Following the interview, the

researchers will transcribe and evaluate the respondent responses one by one using Inductive

Coding Analysis which is a ground-up approach where you derive your codes from the data

to make an interpretation.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical procedures will be used to interpret the data gathered from the

respondents of the study:

1. Mean. This will be utilized to get the average income of the Pedicab Drivers Before

and During the Pandemic.


∑ x = sum of all data values

n = number of data items in sample

2. Standard Deviation. This will be utilized to measure the amount of variation or

dispersion from the average.


n = number of data points

x i= each of the values of the data

x̄ = the mean of x i

3. T- Test for Dependent Sample. This will be utilized to test the null hypothesis that

compares the income of Pedicab Drivers Before and After the Pandemic.


D = difference score
D = mean of the sample difference scores

μ D = mean of the population of difference scores

S D = standard deviation of the sample difference scores

N = number of difference scores

SS D = ∑ ( D−D )2= sum of squares of sample difference scores

4. Spearman’s Rank Correlation. The non-parametric Spearman rank correlation test

is used to determine the degree of relationship between two variables. When the

variables are measured on a scale that is at least ordinal, the Spearman rank

correlation test is suitable. this will be utilized to measure the ordinal variables of

responses towards the Attitude of Drivers towards their Alternative Work and their


5. Pearson Correlation. This will be utilized to measure the relationship of the Change

of Income to the Perception and Attitude towards Alternative Works of the Pedicab

Drivers and to their Coping Mechanism as it gives information about the magnitude

of the association, or correlation, as well as the direction of the relationship between 2

Continuous Variables.


Experiences and Challenges Questionnaire

Demographic Profile and Salary Survey of Pedicab Drivers

Name (Optional): ______________________________________________________

Age: ____________ Sex: ____________ Civil Status: ____________

Address: _________________________________ Years as a Pedicab Driver: __

Educational Attainment: ___________________ Number of Dependents: ____

Pedicab Ownership: _______________

Hours Spent in Daily Income Annual Year-Over Year Growth

Driving Income
Before Pandemic
During Pandemic

1. How’s work during pandemic?

2. What is the difference of working before the pandemic and working now?

3. How did the pandemic change your lifestyle?

4. What challenges did you encounter as a pedicab driver during the pandemic?

5. What adjustments did you have to do to make a living?

6. What did you think of the adjustments you had to make?

7. Was your income enough?

8. What alternative ways did you come up with to have income?

9. What did you take into consideration in choosing an alternative work?

10. Is the income from your alternative work higher than your income from driving?

11. What is your opinion about your Alternative work?


Attitude Towards Alternative Work

Yes No
1. I look forward going to work
2. I feel positive and up most of the time when I am working
3. I have energy at the end of each work day to attend to the people I care
4. I have energy at the end of each work day to engage in personal
5. I have the time and energy in my life to do what I want to do that
interest me
6. Most interactions at work are positive
7. I have good friends at work
8. I feel valued and affirmed at work
9. I feel recognized and appreciated at work
10. Work is a real plus in my life
11. I’m engaged in meaningful work
12. I feel free to be who I am at work
13. I feel free to do things the way I like at work
14. My values fit with the organizational values
15. I am aligned with the organizational mission
16. I trust our leadership team
17. I respect the work of my peers
18. I have opportunities to learn what I want to learn
19. I feel involved in decisions that affect our organizational community
20. Creativity and innovation are supported
21. I feel informed about what’s going on
22. I know what is expected of me at work
23. I have the materials and equipment that I need in order to do my work
24. I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day at work
25. My manager cares about me as a person
26. I know someone at work who encourages my development
27. My opinions count
28. My co-workers are committed to doing quality work
29. My manager reviews my progress
30. I am fairly compensated

Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly

Agree Agree Disagree
1. I have asked for training to do
my job better

2. I could be better at my work if I

had some/more training or
professional development.

3. I have the right tools and

equipment to do my job

4. When change is about to

happen, I am consulted

5. I think people appreciate the

work I do

6. I think I am paid the right

amount of money for the work I

7. I would be interested in trading

some workplace benefits in lieu
of financial pay

8. I think the business cares about

me as a person as well as an

9. I think, in general, morale in this

business is high

10. I would recommend this

business to others as an

11. I would recommend this

business as a provider of goods
and/or services.


Coping Mechanism Strategies

Avoidant Coping Yes No
Behavioural Disagreement
Self -Blame
Approach Coping
Active Coping
Used Emotional Support
Use of Instrumental
Positive Reframing


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