Se3 - Link Final

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1. To be able to hand-manufacture a link using supplied tools and materials

2. To be able to understand the concepts of improvisation in making conical core prints
3. To easily make a methodological diagram and be able to analyze the diagram properly by power of
observation and stock knowledge
4. To enhance the skill of the student in using woodworking tools as their secondary appendages

1-piece solid wood L 125 x W 38 x H 26 in mm
1-piece solid wood L 150 x W 43 x H 8 in mm


Rasp File
Small File
Try Square
Rip Cut Saw
Wood glue
Circular template/compass
Lab apron
Safety Mask
Safety Goggles

1. Using try square inspect the materials, the raw materials should have dimension of 125 x 38 x 26 mm,
if not reduce the material to its corresponding dimension
2. Using try square at the side of the wood divide the wood perpendicular to the base (45 – 35 – 45 mm)
see the drawing
3. Using try square at the side face of the wood divide the wood parallel to the base into four (4) parts
then transpose all marking to all side of the wood
4. Using rip cut saw remove the unnecessary parts from the wood piece, secure it using bench vise
5. Using try square at the top face of the wood offset 4 mm to all side see the drawing
6. Using file taper the base as specified in the drawing

Core Prints
1. Using another wood create four (4) identical core prints with dimension of 20 x 30 mm
2. Using file and sandpaper taper the core prints
3. Using wood glue attach the core prints in the base see the drawing
4. Using sandpaper clean the whole piece together with the base.

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