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How do you handle a challenge?

And also Under pressure 1 of the biggest challege for me was, new project which was
Under pressure Yes working under pressure doesn't give wrong result. Wher
I have Ever done a mistake Yes I have made a mistake. While doing one of the task whe
How do motivate yourself Getting motivated is almost impossible when you are looking
Ideas asked but rejected and What did you do? A couple of years ago I made a recommendations to my sup
was, new project which was assigned to me i.e Service transfer management, Initially there were 4 members who taken to the project fro
esn't give wrong result. Where we will have more cautiousness on the work assigned. So I stay Calm under pressure and handle it well. My
le doing one of the task where I misquoted the fee and submitted the reports. Later, when I was reviewing from my end, and I identified i
possible when you are looking at the situation in negative viewpoints, so we need to create a positive mindset to motivate ourself. So focu
recommendations to my supervisor on split shifts, this results in helping of supervisor if there is any urgency on deliverables. My colleague
rs who taken to the project from different team later 2 members left the organisation which was very challenging for us to complete task,
ressure and handle it well. My complete focus is on completing the job.
rom my end, and I identified it and then I explained it to my supervisor and apologized on it. Later I was told to send revised the report an
et to motivate ourself. So focus on the positive instead of negative about that situation and you will incline to start new things.
on deliverables. My colleagues were unhappy with the idea of split shifts.
nging for us to complete task, as task handled by other were transitioned for us. So later we co-ordinated each other in order to complete

to send revised the report and submitted it again. I have learnt more from my mistake and made sure that it is not going to be repeated.
o start new things.
ch other in order to complete given task initially and with the help of our supervisor after few months we worked with automation team t

t is not going to be repeated.

orked with automation team to make less manually intervention of that project and it was very successfull which reduced 3 hours of time.
hich reduced 3 hours of time.
Forecast Expenses
Budget and Forecast Diff
Oracle's Expenses
Excel Questions

Scenario Based Questions. Explain as Financial Analyst

We forecast Dep Exp. How?

O/s Exp & Accruals Diff

Why Accruals ?
Acrrual Entry
Total Employees, Head count, Position/Levels of the employees, Salary/Promotion, Dep expenses
Yearly, Cannot be Altered - Monthly, Can be altered
Majorly People or Employees
Vlookup, Pivot, Concatenate etc and any macros buit
Macros built you can just give example on creating template to make less manual Intervention - Process Improvement

Travelling and Entertainment Exp Given for 1 yr but it was utilised within 6 months. Is it Gud or Bad, Explain Why
Earlier Employees 500 and Salary was $1000B and now employees 600 and salary is 750K B is this possible. If yes how.

Using Straight Line method - COGS - Scrap/Salvage Value/ usefull life of Years
Yes, we forecast Dep Exp using SLM method
When the borrower becomes defaulter, asset is purchased.
Depreciation is usually based on Straight line method.
In SLM, we decide amount at which asset will lose value every year.
Asset can also be sold off before its expected age.
Expenses which are due to be paid - Expenses incurred not yet due to be paid
as per GAAP should include the accruals in financial statements.
i.e., all expenses that are incurred during the year, as well as all income earned during the year.
This requires that, we process “accruals” for payables and receivables that are outstanding

To report revenues and expenses related to receivables and liabilities which were earned & incurred during the month

When you pay a bill, the expense is recorded in the General Ledger; when you receive
a payment for a service or good, the income is recorded in the General Ledger. At the end of each year, we
need to make sure that expenses are recorded for all goods or services you have received during the year.
We also need to make sure income is recorded for all goods or services you have provided during the year.

Accrued Revenues/expenses tend to be short-term, so they are recorded within the current assets/liabilities section of the bal
Process Simplification

Expense journal
expense account dr Expense Payable Ac
Expense payable ac dr Cash/bank ac

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