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APS(Boys) Sarwar Road.

Quick Revision Worksheet
Name: _________________________ Roll #____________

Chapter # 4 Energy Resources

 Fill in the blanks.

i) The unit of ____________ is the joule .
ii) 1MJ = _____________ J.
iii) Potential energy is the energy stored in an object as a result of its
_________ and __________.
iv) Gravitational potential energy is the energy stored in an object due to its
position above the ________.
v) Kinetic energy is also referred to as ____________ energy.
vi) The word kinetic comes from the Greek word ‘kinesis’ which means
vii) Light is a type of energy that is carried in a _____________ wave.
viii) Sound is produced when a substance or object is caused by an object to
ix) The energy is transferred through the substance in a ___________ or
compression or rarefaction.
x) A hair drier converts ________ energy into heat energy.
xi) Energy can neither be created nor ___________.
xii) Most of the world’s thermal energy comes from burning of _________.
xiii) Fossil fuels are called __________ resources of energy.
xiv) Methane is also called ________ .
xv) Wind turbines are used to drive electrical __________ .
xvi) _________ and using solar energy would mean that fewer fossil fuels
would have to be burned.
xvii) ___________ cells produce very small amount of electricity when light
shines on them.
xviii) A Tidal power station is build on a long __________
xix) Hydrogen has been used to generate power since the first part of the
_______ century.
xx) Rotting biomass releases heat and produces ___________ .

Chapter # 5 Life Cycle

1. In plants, male gametes are contained in ___________.
2. Growth causes an increase in __________ and _____________.
3. Given the right conditions, a seed will start to ____________.
4. If a tuber is planted, new plants grow from __________.
5. Strawberries send out special stems called _______ that spread over the ground.
6. ____________ means growing new plants from growing microscopic pieces.
7. _________________ Plants are grown using tissue culture technique.
8. There is no ____________________ in cloning.
9. Bacteria reproduce _____________ by splitting in half.
10.Sexual reproduction in animals results in the production of __________________.
11.In life cycle of fish, embryos hatched into ___________.
12.Frogs belong to a group of animals called ________________.
13.__________________ means change of form.
14.Tadpole breathes with _________ while adult frog breaths with ___________.
15.Insects lay their eggs on _________.
16.In life cycle of insects, larva turns into ___________.
17.Nymph shed their outer skin in a series of ____________.
18.Nymph cannot fly, that’s why it is called ________.
19.No real change in the appearance of insects is called ___________________.
20.In locust, egg hatches into _______________.
21.In birds, fertilization is ____________.
22.________________ involves and adult bird sitting on the eggs to keep them
23.The ___________ of an egg is the food supply for a bird embryo.
24.The shell of an egg is _____________ enabling the developing chick to breathe.
25.Growth in plants takes place at the _____________________________.
26.The _____________ is a first part of the seed to germinate.
27._____________ Reproduction does not involve gametes.
28.______________ grow all over their body.
29.The new plant grown by micro propagation is called ________.
30.If a tuber is planted, the new plant grows from _____________.

Chapter # 7 Mixtures and Solutions

i) When two or more substances are mixed but not chemically joined together, a
_____________ is formed.
ii) The components of a compound cannot be __________ easily because a
completely new substance has been formed.
iii) Air is a ________________ of gases.
iv) The gases in air can be separated by ____________________.
v) A solution is also a kind of ______________.
vi) When no more solid will dissolve in a liquid the solution is said to be
vii) In a solution, the solid is called __________ and liquid is called _____________.
viii) A substance that will dissolve is said to be _________________.
ix) The substance that will not dissolve is ____________________.
x) Solutions that have a relatively high concentration of solute is called
___________ solution.
xi) A solution which has relatively low concentration of solute is called
xii) When particles are insoluble and seen floating around the liquid is called
xiii) Insoluble particles settle down in the bottom of liquid called ____________.
xiv) Water is also called as ____________________ solvent.
xv) The suspended solids can be separated by ___________________.
xvi) The liquid that pass through filter paper is called __________________.
xvii) The solid that is trapped on filter paper is called ____________________.
xviii) ______________ Process is used to separate dissolved substances.
xix) Crystals have regular shapes, flat faces and __________ edges.
xx) Many solids can be separated from concentrated solutions by a process called
xxi) __________________ process is used to collect liquid from solutions.
xxii) _________________ involves two processes, boiling and _________________.
xxiii) Water purified by distillation is called ___________________.
xxiv) In car batteries and steam iron ___________________ water is used.
xxv) A method use to separate two dissolved liquids is __________________.
xxvi) Process used to separate coloured substances______________________.
xxvii) Some solids turn directly in to a gas when they are heated, without becoming a
liquid first. This is called _______________.
xxviii) Number of grams dissolved in 100grm of solvent is called

Chapter # 8 Fit and Healthy

i) Energy present in food is measured in unit _______________________.
ii) Fats and sugar are _________________ foods.
iii) _____________ are needed to build and repair body tissues.
iv) ________________ play a vital part in chemical reactions which take place in
v) ____________________ are essential for building tissues such as bones and
vi) If we eat too much or do not take enough exercise, we become fat or
vii) Eating an _________________ diet can lead to high blood pressure and
diseases of liver and kidney and liver.
viii) If we eat too little we become _________________________.
ix) ____________ is a condition in which your body does not make enough
x) Insulin is a hormone, made in _________________, which control level of
glucose in the blood.
xi) Eating too much fat can result in build-up of fatty substance, called
xii) Heart diseases happen when _______________ arteries get blocked by
xiii) When oxygen does not get to the heart muscles, a cramp like pain in the chest
is called ____________________________.
xiv) A ____________________ is a thrombosis in the coronary artery. With its
blood supply cut off the heart stop beating.
xv) ________________ Pressure is the force at which your heart pump blood
around your body..
xvi) ______________ Pressure is the resistance to the flow of blood in blood
xvii) _____________________ is the inflammation of liver.
xviii) The main job of kidney is to filter extra _______________ and waste out of
your blood to make _______________.
xix) The kidney also balances ______________ and minerals in the blood.
xx) _________________ are substances that change the way the body works.
xxi) ____________________ calm people down.
xxii) Sleeping pills are ______________________.
xxiii) __________________ are used to numb parts of body.
xxiv) ___________________ is a poison which damages the heart, blood vessels and
xxv) _______________ sticks to the inside of lungs when smoke cools.
xxvi) _______________ gas prevent blood carrying oxygen around the body.
xxvii) __________________ is a disease in which alveoli are destroyed, reducing the
surface area of lungs.
xxviii) _______________ are chemicals in the blood stream that can help lower
anxiety, increase the feeling of well-being and leave you more relaxed.

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