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MYP unit planner

Teacher(s) Divya Singh Subject Group and Discipline Mathematics
Unit title Algebra MYP year 5 Unit duration (hrs.) 20 hours

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Logic Models , Patterns Globalisation and sustainability
Exploration: Interconnectedness of human-made
systems and communities
Statement of inquiry
Logic may enable us to observe the patterns and model the interconnectedness of man-made systems and communities.
Inquiry questions
1. Factual Questions
● Which algebraic techniques are used to understand the interconnectedness of man made systems and communities?

2. Conceptual Questions
● How do various algebraic techniques model the interconnectedness of man made systems and communities ?
● How do the patterns lead to model the interconnectedness of human made systems and communities?

3. Debatable questions
● Do patterns help to model the effect of human made systems on communities through algebraic techniques.

● Can algebraic techniques provide solutions for having a sustainable global system with diversified communities.

Objectives Unit End Assessment


B: Investigating patterns Outline of Unit End Assessment task(s) Relationship between Unit End Assessment
including assessment criteria: task(s) and statement of inquiry:
i. select and apply mathematical problem-solving
techniques to discover complex patterns. Case study This case study will provide space for Learners to
observe the patterns, model the authentic real-life
ii. describe patterns as general rules consistent with Assessment criterias : B, C(i,v) , D
situation to explore the sustainable solutions related
correct findings.
1. Study the following case and answer the to the human made systems and communities by
iii. prove, or verify and justify, these general rules. questions below. organising information using a logical structure in
appropriate forms of mathematical language.
C: Communicating A state annual budget is approx Rs 40000
crore and the government is planning to
i. use appropriate forms of mathematical language
spend it’s 20% on education. Now the
v. organise information using a logical structure . government is dividing this 20% budget
into three categories i) administrative
D: Applying mathematics in real-life contexts
head ii) academic head and iii) others so
i. identify the relevant elements from the authentic real- that the government is able to enhance the
life situation. quality of education..
ii. select appropriate mathematical strategies to model the Now reflect on the following:
authentic real-life situation.
1. If Rs 1000 crore are shifted from
iii. apply the selected mathematical strategies to reach a administrative head to academic head
correct solution to the authentic real-life situation. the ratio between these two heads
becomes 1:5 and if Rs 3000 crore
iv. justify the degree of accuracy of the solution. additional budget is added to the
v. justify whether the solution makes sense in the context academics the ratio will be 2:7. What
of the authentic real-life situation. will be the ratio of budgetary
expenditure on administrative heads
to academic heads?
2. If we divide the whole budget into
2000 schools, what average amount
each school will be getting separately
in three heads.
3. If 20% of the remaining budget is
used in local transportation, this
budget is increasing at the rate of Rs
500 crore per year. Then what will be
the budget on transportation required
after 50 years.
4. Every child is getting stationary
expenses at the rate of Rs 3000 per
child from the head ‘others’ and the
difference between price of geometry
box and double of its reciprocal is

14 . Then find the amount which
each child is expected to get to
purchase a geometry box.
5. The amount spent on a school can
depend upon the number of children
studying in school. Can you suggest
budgetary allocations to different
categories of schools as per your
wisdom with justification.

Approaches to learning (ATL)

Thinking Skill :In order for students to justify whether the solution makes sense in the context of the authentic real-life situation, students must master creativity skill to use
models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.


Thinkers: We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action in complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned,ethical decisions.
Communicators: We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways be collaborate effectively listening carefully to the
perspectives of other individuals and groups

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

System of linear equations in two variables. Learning experiences

Knowledge and skills: ● Mathematical chat with students on interconnectedness of man made systems and communities.
General form Students may respond using following hints:
a 1 x+ b1 y=c 1 - School and students
- Bank and account holder
a 2 x +b2 y=c 2 - Sports academy and player
Problem solving Methods - Government and education
- Sewage system and Housing societies

● Graphical How can we study the connection between these organisations and communities?
● Algebraic How can these graphical representations help in it?
● Elimination
● substitution
● cross multiplication
Conceptual Understanding
● Consistency of System of linear equations in two variables
● Solutions of System of linear equations in two variables
Equations reducible linear equations in two variables. (word
● What are Linear Equations?

● What are linear equations in two variables?

Graphical Method
Group work
Formation of equation:
Since children know the concept of an equation, the only thing here is to conceptualise and visualise the
concept of linearity for the equation of two variables.
- Writing a simple equation using only two variables.
- Draw a graph of the same equation using different values of x and y in different groups and reflect.
- All graphs will be straight lines and the teacher will introduce that all straight lines on a graph
represent linear equations and since this equation has two variables ao it's called linear equation in two
- Discussion on the behaviour of the lines in a system of linear equation

Students discussion
- Student will discuss with peers and the teacher to formulate the general form ax+by=c
- Teacher will also facilitate the discussion that the line has infinite points and each point is giving us
the solution ( value of x and y).
For an authentic situation we may need to know about its consistency and possibilities of the solution.
● How can we know if a situation exists or not?

● How can we check whether a system of linear equations exists?

● How can we reach the solutions of a system of linear equations?

- Observe the following ratios for the pair of linear equations , discuss and reflect.
a1 b 2 1
a2 c2
- -Teacher with the help of learners will clarify three conditions.
a 1 b1
- ≠ Unique solution
a 2 b2
a1 b1 c1
- = ≠ No solution
a2 b2 c2
a1 b1 c 1
- = = Infinitely many solutions
a2 b2 c 2

Elimination Method
- Sample problem.
3 x+ 2 y =10 Eq (1)
2 x−5 y=15 Eq (2)
- Teacher will share the methodology of elimination x or y.
- Group activity:
- Divide class into 4 or five small groups.
- Give different sample problems to different groups.
- Ask them to solve using the elimination method.
- Discuss how we can use this method to solve our problems easily in quick time.
Give them the opportunity to reflect and conclude all findings received from all groups.

3. Substitution method:
Same methodology with different samples.
4. Cross Multiplication method:
Constructing formula
- a 1 x+ b1 y=c 1 Eq (1)
- a 2 x +b2 y=c 2 Eq (2)
Solving for x
a 1 a 2 x+ b1 a2 y=c 1 a2
a 2 a 1 x+ b2 a1 y=c 2 a1
- - -
On Subtraction
〖(b 1 a 2−〖b 2 a1) y=〗❑ (c 1 a2 〗 ¿ ¿ ❑−c 2 a1)¿
( c 1 a2 −c 2 a 1 ) ( c 2 a1−c 1 a2 )
y= =
(b1 a2−〖 b2 a1 )〗❑ (a 1 b2 −〖 a2 b 1)〗❑
y 1
or = Eq 3
( c 2 a1−c 1 a2 ) (a 1 b2 −〖 a2 b 1)〗❑
( b 2 c 1−b1 c2 )
similarly x=
(a1 b 2−〖 a2 b1)〗❑
x 1
or = Eq 4
( b2 c 1−b1 c 2 ) (a1 b2 −〖a 2 b 1)〗❑
Combining eq 3 and Eq 4 we get
x y 1
= =
( b2 c 1−b1 c 2 ) ( c 2 a 1−c 1 a2 ) (a1 b2−〖a 2 b 1)〗❑
Teachers can ask the learners to make their own analogy to remember the formula.
- Group activity:
- Divide class into 4 or five small groups.

- Give different sample problems to different groups.

- Ask them to solve using the cross multiplication method.
- Discuss how we can use this method to solve our problems easily in quick time.

Equations convertible to linear equations and word problems:

Same methodology followed by probing the learners to recreate their own methods to solve.
Process Assessment (Group work/Question framing/fillups/true-false/matching/ worksheets done by the
students at school or at home for learning)
Class test : mathematical problems with mathematical writing
Can you imagine a situation where you used a system of linear equations in two variables in
your real life? Write in at least 10 sentences.
Feedback assessment (Feedback to be provided to each learner on their group work using the rubrics /
Observation during group activity
-Verbal feedback provided on smaller tasks throughout lessons during small group activities (drawing graph,
learner discussion, etc)

Knowledge and skills:
●Polynomials of one variable and its types-
● General form
n n−1 n−2 0
Pn x + Pn −1 x + Pn −2 x + … … … … … … … … …+ P0 x ❑

○ OR Week 2
○ Can the interconnectedness also be determined through non-linear algebraic expressions? Think and share.
0 1 2 n
P0 x + P1 x + P2 x + … … … … … … … … … … …+ Pn x Facilitation : The following questions may lead the discussion on the responses.
● Drawing graph of a polynomial and concept of ● What is a polynomial?
Conceptual Understanding ● What is the degree of a polynomial?

● Factoring and finding of zeros of polynomial ● What are zeros of a polynomial?

● Formation of Quadratic and cubic polynomials and

Relationship between Zeros and coefficients General form

(Individual activity)
Engaging the learners in writing polynomials.
Group activity-
Discussion in small groups of 5-6 learners.
From each group one representative will share what they discussed.
listening and writing key points from learners on board.
Facilitation -
Asking learners
- to observe the similarity in the polynomials shared by all
- to write one polynomial from every group.
- to rewrite the polynomials in decreasing/increasing order of exponents of variables.
Now, the teacher will be able to ask the learners what exactly similarity they are observing now.
Then the teacher with the help of learners will deduce the general form of a polynomial in one variable. ie
n n−1 n−2 0
Pn x + Pn −1 x + Pn −2 x + … … … … … … … … …+ P0 x ❑


0 1 2 n
P0 x + P1 x + P2 x + … … … … … … … … … … …+ Pn x
2.Drawing graph of a polynomial and concept of zeros
Group Activity

- Divide the class into 4 groups.

-Asking each group to draw graph by each member of the group
group 1- linear polynomial
group 2-quadratic polynomial
group 3- cubic polynomial
group 4- bi-quadratic polynomial

Discussion within the group and sharing in class by each group followed by reflection.

Teacher will introduce the graph of zeros by clarifying all the aspects related to the number of zeros and the
nature of zeros.

Factoring and finding of zeros of polynomial

How can you find zeros of a polynomial without using the graph?
Linear polynomial
Put the value of zeros in a linear polynomial and check whether the value of the polynomial is zero or not.
-Ask the learners to write ax+b=0 as graphically they have taken y=0 and ask them to solve the equation.
then introduce x=
CASE 1 (quadratic polynomial having only integers as zeros)
Put the value of zeros in a quadratic polynomial and check whether the value of the polynomial is zero or not.
Teacher will give a polynomial having only integers as zeros.
-ask to factorise these polynomials by recalling the middle term split method.
-transforming the a x 2 +bx+ c into ( x−α ) ( x −β )
-to determine the zeros as discussed above ,we have to take value of polynomial=0 which leads to
( x−α ) ( x −β )=0
What can we do to satisfy the above equation ?
let the learners discuss in their small groups.
Teacher will elaborate the algebraic process of finding zeros.
CASE 2 (quadratic polynomial having non integer real zeros)
Teacher will give a polynomial having non integers but real zeros.
-ask to factorise these polynomials by recalling the middle term split method.
-learners may or may not be able to solve it. Acknowledge and appreciate all learners’ process not result.
-teacher will start from a sample problem 2 y 2+ 3 y −3 and

to find zeros take the value polynomial as zero. ie 2 y 2+ 3 y −3=0

-use the method of perfect square on the left side to factorise.
2 y + 3 y −3=0
3 3
[ y ¿ ¿ 2+ y− ]¿ =0 (taking 2 common from polynomial)
2 2
1 3 3
[ y ¿ ¿ 2+ 2× × y− ]¿ =0 (multiply with 2 and divide by 2 in the second term)
2 2 2

[ () () ]
2 2
2 1 3 3 3 3
y + 2× × y + − − =0 (adding and subtracting coefficient of y excluding 2 and squaring
2 2 4 4 2

[( ) () ]
2 2
3 3 3
y+ − − =0
4 4 2

[( y+ ) − − ]
3 9 3
4 16 2

[( 16 2 ]
y + ) −( + )
3 9 3

[( y + ) − √❑ ]
3 ( )❑ =0

[( ❑ ]
y + ) −( √ ❑ )
2 ❑

[ 3
y+ + √❑ =0
4 ❑ ]
( y− −3−❑√❑ )=0
comparing with ( y−α ) ( y−β )=0

−3− √ ❑ , −3+ √ ❑
α= β=
❑ ❑

-Teacher to ask the learners to solve sample problems in small groups.

-learners will share the method.
-Teacher with the help of learners will then generalise the method and will arrive at a quadratic formula by
taking a x 2 +bx+ c=0
a x +bx+ c=0

( ) ( )
2 2
b c 1 b b b c
x 2+ x+ =0 (Dividing by a both sides) x 2+ 2× × x + − + =0
a a 2 a 2a 2a a

( ) ( )
2 2
b b c
x+ − − =0
2a 4a a

( x + 2ab ) −( b −4 4a )
2 2

( x + 2ab ) −( √❑❑ )
2 ❑

( x + 2ab + √❑❑ )
( x− −b−❑√❑ )
comparing with ( x−α ) ( x −β )=0
we get
−b ± √ ❑
α , β=

This is also known as the quadratic formula which we will use later also in mathematics.

More relationships between zeros and coefficients in polynomials.

Linear polynomial

( x + ba )=0∨[ x−( −ba )]=0( Dividing both sides by a)

Comparing above with ( x−α )=0

[ x− ( −ba )] = ( x−α )

comparing both sides coefficients of x

we simply get α = which shows the relationship between zero and coefficient.
-Also ask the learners to think if they are having zero of a linear polynomial, can they frame that polynomial.
learners easily recall x−α
Can we follow the same strategy with higher degree polynomials to observe more relations ?
Quadratic polynomial
Group activity
-learners will be divided into 4 or 5 groups and each group will follow the same strategy for quadratic
polynomials as was used for linear polynomials above.
-After ample time to think and discuss, each representative from every group will share reflections.
-After getting responses the teacher will appreciate the process followed by each group and finally he will along
with learners be able to establish the following relationship

a x +bx+ c=0 or ( x−α ) ( x −β )=0


b c
x 2+ x+ =0 or x 2−βx−αx+ αβ=0
a a
2 b c
x + x+ =0 or x 2−x ( β +α ) +αβ =0
a a
Or simply we can say
2 b c 2
x + x+ =x −( α + β ) x+ αβ
a a
By comparing coefficients of x 2,x and x 0 we can simply arrive at

−b c
α +β= and αβ =
a a
After that ask the learners if they can make a quadratic polynomial in case α + β and αβ are given.

-Peer groups may be formed in class to discuss and find out the way to arrive at the required polynomial.
-either they may take x 2−( α + β )+ αβ
- Or they may come with something new.
- Acknowledge learners’ efforts
- Give the following wayout if learners do not arrive or partially arrive.
sample problem
Find a polynomial if α + β= √ ❑ and αβ =
❑ 5
α + β= √ ❑ and αβ =
❑ 5
−b √❑ c −1
= and =
a ❑ a 5
Rearranging such that denominator is same in both relations Using LCM
−b 5 √ ❑ c −2
= and =
a ❑ a 10
Comparing both relations take a=10 , b= −5 √ ❑ and c= -2 and put values in general form a x 2 +bx+ c we
get 10 x 2−5 √ ❑
● How the graphs of polynomial y=x +a will behave if the value of constant a is changing

Cubic polynomials
Same process as in quadratic to reach the following relationship.
3 2
a x +b x + cx+ d=0∨( x−α )( x−β ) ( x−γ )=0
b c d
x 3+ x 2+ x+ =0∨[ x 2−βx−αx+ αβ ] ( x−γ )=0
a a a
Quadratic Equation-
b c d
Knowledge and skills: x 3+ x 2+ x+ =0∨x 3−β x 2−α x 2+ αβx−γ x 2+ βγx + γαx−αβγ=0
a a a

b c d
❖ General form of a quadratic equation x 3+ x 2+ x+ =0∨x 3−( α + β+ γ ) x 2 + ( αβ + βγ + γα ) x−αβγ=0
a a a
❖ Solution of Quadratic Equation
On comparing coefficients of x 3 , x 2 , x ❑∧x 0 we get the following relationship between zeros and
● Factorization method
● Completing square method
−b c −d
● Quadratic formula α + β+ γ = , αβ+ βγ + γα= and αβγ=
a a a
Conceptual Understanding
Learners in groups may be given sample problems to find the cubic polynomial for above relationships
❖ Concept of roots and Nature of roots provided in sample problems by the teacher.
❖ Discriminant Here the teacher may probe the learners to go further for a cubic formula like quadratic formula or find
zero and coefficient relationships in case of biquadratic polynomials.

Process Assessment (Group work/Question framing/fillups/true-false/matching/ worksheets done by the

students at school or at home for learning)
Class test : mathematical problems with mathematical writing
Can you imagine a situation where you used polynomials in your real life? write in at least 10
Feedback assessment (Feedback to be provided to each learner on their group work using the rubrics /
Observation during group activity
-Verbal feedback provided on smaller tasks throughout lessons during small group activities (drawing graph,
learner discussion, etc)

Week 3 & 4

Imagination and Observation of various situations like throw of Balls, Arrows, Stones and Missiles

worksheet - refer to annexure 2

Throwing and jumping actions by the learners, visualising the movements, representing and recording the
Creating Learning space to think of the similar movements and representing on graph

Small group activity

● Each member of a group of 4-5 learners can think,reflect and represent the movements on the graph.
( movement in quadrants suggests its name as quadratic)
● Observation of all the graphs prepared in the group, discussion , peer support,writing down the
observations at one place
Individual activity :
Asking learners to answer the following and reflect.
1. Quadratic equation is a _________of two linear equations in one variable. (product/sum)

2. Roots of a quadratic equation can be __________at most.( two/one/infinite)

give a reason for your answer.
3. On factoring a quadratic equation, we get two___________in one variable as factors. (linear
Teacher can explain the need of finding the discriminant of a quadratic equation.
Probing questions by the teacher to determine the general form of quadratic equation.
- conclusion by teacher or by any learner
-In how many ways can we find the roots of a quadratic equation? Discuss and describe.
Synthesising - Preparing the mind map
2. Concept of roots and Nature of roots
Picking up the paper slips having one of the following questions:-
1. What are the roots of a quadratic equation?
2. Tell the maximum number of roots of a quadratic equation?
3. Do we always get both roots the same?
4. Do we always get the different roots?
5. How can the nature of roots of a quadratic equation decide the existence of a situation?

Recall Quadratic Formula (as constructed its formulation by the learners while learning quadratic polynomial)
−b ± √❑

● How can we explain that “Nature of the roots of a quadratic equation depends on the discriminant”?

D=b −4 ac
−b ± √ ❑

x= when D=0

−b ± √ ❑ when D>0

The need of knowing the nature of roots shall be discussed.

● What is the difference between a quadratic polynomial and quadratic equation?

● How can we prove that the product of two consecutive integers can not be -2?

Arithmetic Progression
-Are we able to find the roots of every quadratic equation?
Knowledge and skills:
-Do we need to know about the existence of the roots? Why?
● Sequence
Discussion in small groups and Sharing by each group in the large group.
● Series
Nature of roots and discriminant shall be explained .
Conceptual Understanding
Conclusion by the teacher or by a learner.
● nth term of an AP
Process assessment:
● Sum of n terms of an AP
The speed of a motor boat in still water is 20 km/hr. To cover the distance of 15 km the boat took 1 hour
more for upstream than downstream. Discuss.

Process Assessment (Group work/Question framing/fillups/true-false/matching/ worksheets done by the

students at school or at home for learning)

Class test : mathematical problems with mathematical writing

Can you imagine a situation where you used quadratic equations in your real life? Write in at
least 10 sentences.
Feedback assessment (Feedback to be provided to each learner on their group work using the rubrics /
Observation during group activity
-Verbal feedback provided on smaller tasks throughout lessons during small group activities (drawing graph,
learner discussion, etc)

Week 5
A city’s electricity consumption is 30,000 GWh approx in 2022. It was 29,000 GWh approx in 2021. Suppose
the city’s electricity consumption is consistently increasing every year. What will be the requirement in the year
2050? How much consumption will be recorded during this period (2022 - 2050).
- Students will observe a pattern and sequence while writing down the consumption in subsequent years.
They may need to explore the arithmetic progression.

● How can an Arithmetic Progression be identified?

● How can we construct the formula to find the sum of n terms of an AP.

● What is the formula for the sum of n terms of an AP.

● Is AP an arithmetic expression or an algebraic expression?

A common difference of an AP may be any number or any expression.
A general AP is represented as follows:
a , a+d , a+2d , a+3d, a+4d , ………………………..
For every AP if we take ‘a’ as first term and ‘d’ as common difference we can say

a 1=a❑
a 2=a+ d
a 3=a+2 d
a 4=a+3 d
teacher can now with the help of learners can generalise that
a n=a+ ( n−1 ) d
AP series or sum of n terms of an AP: 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, ..................
Group Activity:
- Divide all learners in 4 groups.
- Each group will take one AP of 10 terms as per their choice.
- Try to find out the sum using some non traditional method or way outs.
- learners will share their different ways.
- Teacher will appreciate all learners’ tries and will ask the learners to observe the following table and

Term NoAP a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a 10 sum

AP 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 145

Term No In a10 a9 a8 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 Sum

Reverse Order

AP 28 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4 1 145
reverse order

SUM 29 29 290

Teacher will ask learners to complete and reflect on the above table.
Teacher will be able to establish that:
a 1+a 10=a 2+a 9=a 3+a 8=a 4+a 7=a 5+a 6=29
sum of 10 terms we can say

s10 =¿ 29× 10 = ∑
( of first∧last term)× number of terms
= 145
2 2
or we can generalise easily that
sn= ( a+l ) where snis sum of n terms, n is number of terms, a is first term and l is last term.
Another aspect if l is not given then use l=a+(n-1)d we get
sn= { 2 a+ ( n−1 ) d }
Teachers should probe learners to simplify/find some more formulas using the same data.
Suggestive (not to be taught)
sn=n× middle term ( if n is odd )
{∑ of middle two terms } ( if n is even )

● What are the instances where you came across an arithmetic progression in your life

● How can we find the sum of n terms of AP if both a and d are not given?

● What will be the justification for an AP to prove itself as an AP if the order is reversed?

Process assessment
(Group work/Question framing/fillups/true-false/matching/ worksheets done by the students at school or
at home for learning)
-Class test : mathematical problems with mathematical writing
Can you imagine a situation where you used an arithmetic progression in two variables in
your real life? write in at least 10 sentences.

Feedback assessment (Feedback to be provided to each learner on their group work using the rubrics /
Observation during group activity
-Verbal feedback provided on smaller tasks throughout lessons during small group activities (drawing graph,

learner discussion, etc)

Modifying the teaching and learning strategies to meet the learners’ needs.
All students should be able to access the curriculum through the specific design of learning.
● Flexible grouping
● Peer support
● Flexible deadlines
● Adjusting the pace of learning
● Alternate modes for presentations(verbal, written, verbal and written etc.)


OWN RESOURCES: Pedagogue Companion and Students Companion created by content development team


● Mathematics Laboratory /Mathematical Research Space

● Mathematical Games




● Smart Board
● Tablets
● Resource box

● Desmos
● Geogebra
● You tube

Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

● What has been planned? ● What is working? ● What went well?

● How is the same to be transacted? ● What is not working? ● What better can we do?


System of Linear equations in two variables

1. Observe the graphs. How can interconnectedness between two communities be seen in these graphs?

2. Frame some statements for the following algebraic equation.

2 x+3 y =48
3. Draw the graph for any equation of form y=mx+c ; m≠ 0 . Then keeping the value of m constant and changing the value of c four to five times and reflect on what you
have observed during the process.
4. Cost of 2 pens and 5 copies is Rs 360, while cost of 5 pens and 7 copies is Rs 515. Find the cost of 7 pens and 12 copies.
5. What can you reflect on the value of p for the following system of linear equations in two variables that have no solution.
4 x− py=3 ; 5 x +3 y=2

System of Linear equations in two variables
1. Solve the following system of linear equations using any two methods and share what method you will use from these two methods if the same question is given to you
again and why that method ?
−7 x− y =14 ;2 y +3 x=10
2. The taxi charges in a city consist of a fixed charge together with the charge for the distance covered. For a distance of 10 km, the charge paid is 105 and for a journey of
15 km, the charge paid is 155. What are the fixed charges and the charge per km? How much does a person have to pay for travelling a distance of 25 km?
3. The sum of a two-digit number and the number obtained by reversing the digits is 66. If the digits of the number differ by 2, find the number. How many such numbers
are there?
4. Solve following system of equations
10 15 −35 −5 −5 −5
− = ; − =
x+ y y−x 3 2 (x + y ) 3 (x − y ) 2

System of Linear equations in two variables


Mathematical writing

1. Explore the journey of linear equations from the internet and write your viewpoints on this journey and use of linear equations in two variables in realistic situations.


Worksheet No 1

n n−1 n−2
1. Write following equations in form of Pn x + Pn −1 x + Pn −2 x + … … … … … … … … …+ P0

x 4 +3 x 2-4x+6598

7 4 45 2
y −7 y + y −37 y
2. Draw the graph of a polynomial 2 x2 +b by taking y=2 x 2+ b for any value of b and reflect on the changes you observe accordingly.

3. Construct a quadratic formula to find zeros of a quadratic polynomial.

4. Write a quadratic polynomial whose zeros are −2 √ ❑


Worksheet No. 2

1. Find zeros of y 2−5 y +6 .

2. Find all zeros of the polynomial 2 x 4−3 x 3−3 x 2+ 6 x−2 if it's two zeros are √ ❑

3. What is the relationship between zeros and coefficients in a quadratic polynomial and cubic polynomial, Discuss.

4. “We can use an alternate method other than factor theorem to find all zeros of a cubic polynomial”. Maximise your efforts through examples.


Worksheet No. 3

Mathematical talking

1. How algebraic expressions/polynomials are related to yourself directly or indirectly. Write 10 value points you got while discussing with your peers.

Quadratic equations

Worksheet No. 1

Being mathematically
Enjoy the task,visualise, observe, communicate and reflect.
Actions by students Visualise Draw on Graph Observations Reflections
Throw a softball


Similar movements

Peer engagement
Discuss with your peers about following questions/situations.
1. What are the roots of a quadratic equation?
2. Tell the maximum number of roots of a quadratic equation?
3. Do we always get both roots the same?
4. Do we always get the different roots?
5. How can the nature of roots of a quadratic equation decide the existence of a situation?

Quadratic equations
Worksheet No. 2
Thinking mathematically
1. Why do we call quadratic equations ‘quadratic’?

2. “Nature of the roots of a quadratic equation depends on the discriminant”. Describe.

Recall the quadratic formula and write.
x ¿❑____________
x=¿ ________ when D=0
x=¿ ________ when D>0
x=¿ ________ when D<0

Is there any impact on the nature of roots due to discriminant? Explain in your own words.

Quadratic equations
Worksheet No. 3
Working Mathematically
Learners can find solutions first and determine the nature of roots of the quadratic equation.
You can also determine the nature of roots first , find the solution and then verify.
Hope you will enjoy this exercise.
S.No. Quadratic equation Nature of roots Solution Method used to reach the Reflections

1 2
4 x −12 x+ 9=0

2 2
6 x + x−12=0

3 5 x 2 −2 x−10=0

4 2 x 2 + x−4=0

5 x 2 +2 √❑

6 x 2 + 4 x+ 5=0

Reflection :

1. How do you know the nature of roots?

2. How do you know the nature of roots without solving the equation?

3. How do you know the nature of roots without using discriminant?

4. Which method is better to solve a quadratic equation?

5. How do you decide to select the method to solve a quadratic equation?




*Sequence is defined as a pattern in some particular___________

*The numbers of sequence are also known as ____________

*Kashvi and Dwij are playing a game of making sequences with some definite order.

Would you like to help both of them in designing the sequence? Write down your suggested sequences..

Worksheet No.2

An interior designer got a deal to design a wall in the given pattern which is a combination of green and yellow square shape tiles

1) Which kind of sequence can you see in this pattern?

2) If he will design the wall according to this pattern then how many blue tiles will he use in the 16th row?

3) If the area of each square shaped tile is 2 square units . Then what will be the total area of blue colored tiles in the 7th row?

4) Do you think this pattern is beautiful? Can you suggest any other pattern which follows the same kind of sequence. Draw that pattern in a colourful way

Arithmetic Progression

1. Find out 5th term in the sequence an=3n2+5.

2. Write down the first 6 terms of an A when the first term and common difference are given as follows
i) a=11 and d=5
ii) a=-2 and d=1/2
iii) a=-2.1 and d=-0.2
3. Which of the following are APs

● 3,6,9,12…
● 2,5/2,3,7/2...
● -3/5,-3/5,-⅗…
● B2,b3,b3,b4…

● √3, √27, √75,√147…….

Arithmetic Progression

Story telling
Teacher: Let us listen to a story today.

There was a king .He wanted to appoint a Vice President for his kingdom. So he put a selection criteria for all participants. The people Who want to participate in the selection
process have to follow the following instructions.

*They need to stand on a

big square board

*the board will have 9 boxes. .

*Each box in board has a question and candidate have to give answer
*As difficulty level for each question will increase so prize money will also increase in particular pattern
*For first question it’s prize is 200 Rs, prize money for second question is 400 Rs , prize for 3rd question is 600 Rs and so on
Question (1)
Find the next 4 terms in the sequence of 2n-5.

In the sequence √3,√ 27, √ 75 …… find a and d
Find the amount of money for the answer of 7th question
Find the total amount for the answer of 9 questions
Extended learning

a. Reflective
● If the order of an AP is reversed ,will it be an AP or not ? Justify your answer.
● “Nature of the roots of a quadratic equation depends on the discriminant”. Describe.
● How the graphs of polynomial y=x 2 +a will behave if the value of constant a is changing continuously?
b. Further Engagement
● What is the difference between a quadratic polynomial and quadratic equation?
● Prove that product of two consecutive integers can not be -2.
● Try to construct the formulation of a cubic formula.

Annexures 3 (Assessments prototypes)

Process assessment (Assessment as learning) During Action : learning experiences

Open book test/Class tests / Worksheets

Mathematical writing : Mathematical problems from Question framing by the Fill ups/true false/matching
real life situations. learners.
Example - Can you imagine a situation where you used

an arithmetic progression in your real life? write in at

least 10 sentences.

Feedback Assessment (Assessment for learning)

Task design
Type of task : group work
Objective of the task: Observation during group work and providing feedback to the students
-Verbal feedback provided on smaller tasks throughout lessons during small group activities (drawing graph, learner discussion, etc)
Learning Objectives
● Investigating patterns
● Communication
● Applying mathematics in real-life context
● Linear equations
● Polynomials
● Quadratic equations
● Arithmetic Progression
Task description
This task is designed to observe the learning of the learners in the group work.
Moving to learn the concepts and use of mathematical concepts in the real world.
● To be conducted during a learning experience.

Name of group Name of group Learner’s Activeness Helping others Conceptual Constructing Graphical
members in Participation understanding formulation through Representation

Ramanujan 1.……………



Instruction for teacher: table can be customised as required for any sub topic.
Preparations required -
● Group task
● How to report? - Grading keeping in mind active and purposeful engagements
● need to be recorded and reported
3. Resources required-pen paper,Device, internet
● By students-pen paper,graph
● By teachers-pen /tablets/laptops
Task assessment criteria (RUBRIC)

Type of task : Class test

Objective of the task: To assess the learning level of students for improvement through feedback.
Class test
1. Given the linear equation 2x + 3y – 7 = 0, write another linear equation in two variables such that the geometrical representation of the pair so formed is: (i)
intersecting lines (ii) parallel lines and (iii) coincident lines.
2. A lending library has a fixed charge for the first three days and an additional charge for each day thereafter. Sandhya paid 27 for a book kept for seven days, while
Navya paid 21 for the book she kept for five days. Find the fixed charge and the charge for each extra day.
3. Find zeros of the quadratic polynomial 6 y 2−3−7 y and also check their relationships with coefficients.
4. An express train takes 1 hour less than a passenger train to travel 132 km between station Ai and Station B (without taking into consideration the time they stop at
intermediate stations). If the average speed of the express train is 11km/h more than that of the passenger train, find the average speed of the two trains.
5. Find the sum of 101 terms of an AP if the 51st term is -2.
6. Mathematical writing
Write 10 sentences on the need, importance and real life examples of any of the following topic:
● Linear equations
● Polynomials

● Quadratic equations
● Arithmetic Progression

7. Frame 2 questions each on the following topics (any 2 topics)

● Linear equations
● Polynomials
● Quadratic equations
● Arithmetic Progression

1. Write a linear polynomial and express it in the form of a linear equation.

2. Write down some linear equations in one variable?
3. Construct linear equations in 2 variables.Chat mathematically about these equations .
4. Link the above constructed linear equations in Question no. 3 with daily life applications.
5. Following graph is given :
Insert graph
a. Find the coordinates of A,B,C,D.
b. What type of solution do the equations ax1+by1=c1, ax2+by2=c2 have?
c. What type of solution do the equations ax1+by1=c1, ax3+by3=c3 have?
d. What type of solution do the equations ax3+by3=c3, ax4+by4=c4 have?
e. In how many cases infinite solution is obtained:
1. 0 2. 1 3. 2 4. 3
Note for teacher: Teacher should give one to one feedback in CDC (Connect-Disconnect-Connect) format focussing on the process praise rather than product praise.

Unit End Assessment ( B, C( i,v) , D)

Case study
Assessment criterias : B, C(i,v) , D
2. Study the following case and answer the questions below.

A state annual budget is approx Rs 40000 crore and the government is planning to spend it’s 20% on education. Now the government is dividing this 20% budget into
three categories i) administrative head ii) academic head and iii) others so that the government is able to enhance the quality of education..
Now reflect on the following:
6. If Rs 1000 crore are shifted from administrative head to academic head the ratio between these two heads becomes 1:5 and if Rs 3000 crore additional budget is
added to the academics the ratio will be 2:7. What will be the ratio of budgetary expenditure on administrative head to academic head.
7. If we divide the whole budget into 2000 schools, what average amount each school will be getting separately in three heads.
8. If 20% of the remaining budget is used in local transportation, this budget is increasing at the rate of Rs 500 crore per year. Then what will be the budget on
transportation required after 50 years.
9. Every child is getting stationary expenses at the rate of Rs 3000 per child from the head ‘others’ and the difference between price of geometry box and double of
its reciprocal is
10. 14 . Then find the amount which each child is expected to get to purchase a geometry box.
11. The amount spent on a school can depend upon the number of children studying in school. Can you suggest budgetary allocations to different categories of
schools as per your wisdom with justification.

Extended Learning
Mathematical essay in 500 words . ( need to be shared with the students in starting of the unit which can be submitted at the end of the unit within 10 days) Topic (Any one) Suggestive Design (/Individual activity)

1 i) Commercialisation and pollution (Any one of these or more can be taken as per the need to explain) - System of linear equation, Polynomials,
ii) Electricity company and Quadratic equations and Arithmetic Progression)
iii) Sports and performance of player ● Explaining interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities
iv) Any other topic ● Constructing the Formula by investigating the patterns graphically and algebraically.
● Real life context of these connections showing the impacts
● Real life context of these connections showing the findings of solutions
● Justifying the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities using the algebraic

Note: Explore the above concepts and communicate its relevance in your life and how it is helpful in higher studies.

Task assessment criteria (RUBRIC)


Criterion Strands score point 1-2 score point 3-4 score point 5-6 score point 7-8

B. Investigating i) select and apply i) select and apply i) select and apply i) select and apply i) select and apply
patterns mathematical mathematical problem- mathematical mathematical mathematical problem-
problem-solving solving techniques to problem-solving problem-solving solving techniques to
techniques to discover complex techniques to discover techniques to discover discover complex
discover complex patterns. complex patterns. complex patterns. patterns.
ii. describe patterns ii. describe patterns ii. describe patterns as
ii. describe as general rules as general rules general rules consistent
patterns as general consistent with correct consistent with correct with correct findings.
rules consistent findings. findings.
iii. prove, or verify and
with correct
iii. prove, or verify justify, these general
and these general rules.
iii. prove, or verify rules.
and justify, these
general rules.

C. Communication i. use appropriate use limited Algebraic use some appropriate usually use appropriate consistently use appropriate
mathematical language techniques in the case study Algebraic techniques in the Algebraic techniques in the Algebraic techniques in the
(notation, symbols and case study case study case study
terminology) in both oral
and written

D.Applying i. identify some of the relevant i.identify the relevant i.identify the relevant i.identify the relevant elements
mathematics in elements of Algebraic elements of Algebraic elements of Algebraic of Algebraic techniques in the
real-life techniques in the context of the techniques in the context of techniques in the context of context of the
contexts interconnectedness of human the interconnectedness of the interconnectedness of interconnectedness of human
i.identify relevant made systems and human made systems and human made systems and made systems and communities
elements of authentic real- communities of the authentic communities of the authentic communities of the authentic of the authentic real-life
life situations real-life situation. real-life situation. real-life situation. situation.

ii. select appropriate ii. apply Algebraic techniques ii. select, with some ii. select adequate Algebraic ii. select appropriate Algebraic
mathematical strategies to find a solution to the successAlgebraic techniques techniques to model the techniques to model the
when solving authentic interconnectedness of human to model the interconnectedness of human interconnectedness of human
real-life situations made systems and interconnectedness of human made systems and made systems and communities

communities of the authentic made systems and

real-life situation., with limited communities of the authentic communities of the authentic of the authentic real-life
success real-life situation. real-life situation. situation.

iii. apply Algebraic iii. apply the selected iii. apply the selected Algebraic
techniques to reach a Algebraic techniques to techniques to reach a valid
solution to find the reach a valid solution to the solution to the
iii. apply the selected interconnectedness of human interconnectedness of human interconnectedness of human
mathematical strategies made systems and made systems and made systems and communities
successfully to reach a communities of the authentic communities of the authentic of the authentic real-life
solution real-life situation. real-life situation. situation.

iv. discuss whether the iv. explain the degree of iv. justify the degree of
solution makes sense in the accuracy of the solution in accuracy of the solution in the
context of the the context of the context of the
interconnectedness of human interconnectedness of human interconnectedness of human
made systems and made systems and made systems and communities
iv. justify the degree of communities of the authentic communities of the authentic of the authentic real-life
accuracy of a solution real-life situation. real-life situation. situation.

v. explain whether the

solution makes sense in the v. justify whether the solution
v. justify whether a context of the makes sense in the context of
solution makes sense in interconnectedness of human the interconnectedness of
the context of the made systems and human made systems and
authentic real-life communities of the authentic communities in authentic real
situation. real-life situation. life situations.

Feedback assessment

There is a small village of Orissa in India where a gram panchayat is able to earn Rs 1500000 yearly from all resources including chulha tax, fisheries and land resources etc. Now
to ensure proper functioning, gram panchayats recruit two employees under their jurisdiction, an accountant and a surveyor and fix their responsibility. Salary of accountant in
starting year is 1 times than the surveyor. Gram panchayats estimate that 20% of total gram panchayat earnings will be utilised to pay the salaries of accountant and surveyor.
Now enquire the following aspects.
1.How can we represent the salary relationship between the accountant and the surveyor algebraically ?
2. Find their monthly salary during the first year ?
3. If both employees are given Rs 500 increment every year what will be the ratio of their salary after ten years ?
4. If gram panchayat income is also increasing @ 5% yearly, tell whether panchayat will be able to recruit more employees or will not be able to bear this cost provided that
ceiling of 20% on account of salary head can not be compromised.

5. If gram panchayat is having an unutilized rectangular land of 158400 m 2❑ whose one dimension is 180 m less than twice the other dimension. Villagers want to develop a track
on this land for practising running. Now determine the distance (in metres ) covered by the runner in one round of this track. Also tell how this is beneficial for society.

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