Nursing Care of A Family With A Newborn 1

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Nursing care of a Family with a newborn milk is high in lactic acid, which reduces the amount

of putrefactive organism in stool. The Neuromuscular System

The Gastrointestinal System -A newborn who receives formula usually passes -Term newborns demonstrate neuromuscular
-bacteria may be cultured from the tract in most two or three bright yellow stools a day of soft functions by moving their extremities, attempting to
babies within 5 hours after birth and all babies at 24 consistency; these have noticeable odors compared control head movements, exhibiting a strong cry,
hours of life. with the breastfeed babies’. and demonstrating newborn reflexes.
-Newborn stomach hold about 60 to 90mL, a -A newborn placed under phototherapy lights as -Limpness or total absence of a muscular response
newborn has limited ability to digest everything therapy for jaundice will have bright green stools to a manipulation not normal and suggest narcosis,
taken in, especially fat and starch because pancreatic because of increased bilirubin excretions. shock, or cerebral injury.
enzymes, lipase and amylase remain deficient for the -Newborn with bile duct obstructions have clay- -Newborn occasionally makes twitching or failing
first few months. colored (gray) stools because bile pigments cannot movements of the extremities in the absence of a
-Immature liver function can lead to a tendency enter intestinal tract. stimulus because of the immaturity of the nervous
toward lowered glucose and protein serum levels. -Blood-flecked stools usually indicate an anal fissure. system; these are common and normal.

Stools The Urinary System Blink Reflex

-First stool usually passed within 24 hours after birth. -Average newborn voids within 24 hours after birth. -Serves the same purpose as it does in an adult – to
-Consists of meconium – a sticky, tar-like, blackish -Newborns do not void within this time need to be protect the eye from any object coming near it by
green, odorless materials formed from mucus, assessed for the possibility of urethral stenosis or rapid eyelid closure.
vernix, lanugo, hormones and carbohydrates that absent of kidneys or ureters.
immaculate in the bowel during intrauterine life. -A single voiding in a newborn is about 15mL and Rooting Reflex
-If does not pass a meconium stool by 24 to 48 hours may be easily missed in an absorbent diaper. -Newborn’s cheek is brushed or stroked near the
after birth, the possibility of some problem such as -Specific ranges from 1.008 to 1.010. corner of the mouth; the infant will turn the head to
meconium ileus, imperforate anus or volvulus -Daily urinary output about for the first 1 0r 3 days is that direction.
should be suspected. about 30-60 mL total. -Serves to help a newborn to find food; when a
-Second or third say of life, newborn stool changes -By week 1, total about 300mL. mother holds the child and allows her to brush the
and consistency. -First voiding may be pink or dusky because of uric newborns cheek.
-Transitional stool, bowel contains appear both acid crystals that were formed in the bladder in -Disappears about the sixth week of life, not
loose and green they may be resemble diarrhea to utero; it is an innocent findings. coincidentally at the same time a newborns eyes
the untrained eye. -Males should void with enough force to produce a focus steadily so a food source can be seen.
-Fourth day of life, breastfeed babies’ pass three or small projected arc.
four light yellow stools per day that have soft -Females should produce a steady stream, not just Sucking Reflex
consistency and not foul smelling because breast continuous dribbling.
-Newborns lips are touched; the baby makes a -Who are held in a vertical position with their feet -Stimulates the action of someone trying to ward off
sucking motion. Like the rooting reflex, this reflex touching and a hard surface will take a few quick, an attacker and then covering up to protect the
help a newborn find food. alternating steps. body. I
-Start to diminish at about 6 months of age. - -Disappears by 3 months of age. -t is strong for the first 8 weeks of life and then fades
Disappears immediately if it is never stimulated such by the end of the fourth or fifth month.
as in a newborn tracheoesophageal fistula who Placing Reflex
cannot take in oral foods. -Is elicited by touching the anterior lower leg against Babinski Reflex
-Can be maintained in such an infant by offering the a surface such as the edge of a table. -Sole of a newborn’s foot is stroked in an inverted
child a nonnutritive sucking object such as a pacifier. -The newborn makes a few quick lifting leg motions, “J” curve from the hell upward, newborn fans toes
as if to step onto table. (positive Babinski sign).
Swallowing Reflex -Remains positive (toes fan) until at least 3 months
-Same as in the adult. Tonic Neck Reflex of age, when it is supplanted by the down turning
-Food that reaches the posterior portion of the -When the arm and the leg on the side toward which response.
tongue is automatically swallowed. the head is turned extend, and the opposite arm and
-Gag, sneeze, and cough reflexes also present in leg contract. Magnet Reflex
newborns to maintain clear airway. -This posture is most evident in the arms but should -Is a pressured applied to the soled of the feet of a
not be totally absent in the legs. newborn lying in a supine position, he or she pushes
Extrusion Reflex -If you turn the head to the opposite side, he or she back against the pressure.
-In order to prevent the swallowing of inedible may change the extension and contraction of legs -This test of spinal cord integrity.
substances, a newborn extrudes any substances that and arms accordingly.
are placed on the anterior portion of the tongue. -Also called a “boxer” or “fencing reflex”. Crossed Extension Reflex
-Purpose of function of this reflex is still unknown. -A newborn is lying supine; if one leg is extended and
Palmar Grasp Reflex -Disappears between the second and third months the sole of that foot is irritated by being rubbed with
-An object is placed in their palm by quick closing of life. a sharp object, such as thumbnail, the infant raises
their fingers on it. the other leg and extends it as if trying to push away
-Mature newborns grasp so strongly they can be Moro Reflex the hand irritating the first leg.
raised form a supine position and suspended -Moro (startle) reflex can be elicited with a loud
momentarily from the examiners fingers. noise or by jarring the bassinet. Trunk Incurvation Reflex
-Disappears at about 6 weeks to 3 months of age; as -Most accurate method of eliciting the reflex is to -Lies in a prone position and is touched along the
it fades, a baby begins to grasp meaningfully. hold a newborn in a supine position and then allow paravertebral area on the back by a probing finger,
the head to drop backward about 1 in. the newborn flexes the trunk and swings the pelvis
Step (Walk)-in-Place Reflex toward the touch.
Landau Reflex -Acrocyanosis is a normal finding at birth through Cephalohematoma
-Is supported in a prone position by a hand, the the first 24 to 48 hours after birth. -is collection blood under the periosteum of the skull
newborn should demonstrate some muscle tone. -Central Cyanosis or cyanosis of the trunk, is always bone caused by pressure at birth.
-May bot be able to lift the head or arch the back of a cause for concern. It indicated decreased Acute bilirubin encephalopathy
his position but neither should the infant sag into an oxygenation that could occurring as the result of -Or kernicterus it can interfere with the chemical
inverted “U” position. temporary respiratory obstruction and also could synthesis of brain cells, resulting in permanent brain
reflect a serious underlying respiratory or cardiac damage.
Deep Tendon Reflexes disease.
-Both patellar and a biceps reflex are intact in a Pallor
newborn. Hyperbilirubinemia -Is potentially serious because it usually occurs as
-Is caused by the accumulation of excess bilirubin in the result of anemia
The Skin blood serum.
-General inspection of a newborn’s skin includes -In the average newborn, the skin and sclera of the Harlequin Sign
color, any birthmarks, and general appearance. eyes begin to appear noticeably yellow on the -Because of immature blood circulation,.
second or third day of life as a result of a breakdown -Transient phenomenon and although startling, is of
The Color of fetal red blood cells (called physiologic jaundice). no clinical significance.
-Most term babies have a ruddier complexion for This occurs because, as the high red blood cell count -The odd coloring fades immediately if the infant’s
their first month than they will have later in life built up in utero is being reduced, heme, and globin position is changed or the baby kicks or cries.
because of the increased concentration of red blood are released.
cells in their blood vessels and a decrease in the -Heme is further broken down into iron and Birthmarks
amount of subcutaneous fat, which makes blood protoprohyrin.
-Have several common types of birthmarks that
vessels more visible. -Protoprophytin is then broken down into direct
occur in newborns.
-In darker skinned newborns, cyanosis may appear biliburin, a compound which is fat-soluble and
as dusky grey or whitish around the child’s mouth. therefore cannot be excreted by the kidneys.
-Carefully observe infants who are prone to
-Are vascular tumors of the skin and occur in three
Cyanosis extensive bruising (large, breech or preterm babies)
distinct types.
for jaundice because bruising leads to hemorrhage
-Generalized mottling of the skin is a common
of blood into the subcutaneous tissue or skin; this
findings in a newborns. 1. Nevus flammeus
blood then has to be a broken down so can add to
-The lips, hands, and feet are likely to appear blue -2 types
the amount of indirect bilirubin accumulating.
form immature peripheral circulation (termed - Benign macular purple or dark-red
acrocyanosis). lesion (also called a port-wine stain)
- Light pink patched: stork bites or -This are not bruises. cheek or across the bridge of the nose every
telangiesctasia newborn.
-present at birth Vernix Caseosa -Disappear by 3 to 4 weeks of age as the sebaceous
-Port wine: located in face, thighs -Is the white cream cheese- like substances that glands mature and the plugged ones drain.
-stork bites: located in the nape of neck serves as a skin lubricant in utero.
-Typically noticeable on a term newborn’s skin, at Erythema Toxicum
2. Infantile hemangiomas or strawberry least in the skin folds, at birth. -Commonly presents on the skin of most term
hemangiomas -Handle newborns with gloves to protect yourself newborns.
-elevated areas forms by immature form exposure to vernix. -Rash usually appears in the first to fourth day of life
capillaries and endothelial cells -Remove only the vernix that is contaminated by but may appear as late as 2 weeks of age.
-appear at birth or within 2 weeks after birth meconium or blood. -Begins with small papules, increases in severity to
-size may enlarge up to 1 year of age -Never rub it away harshly because newborn sin is become erythematous by the second day and then
-can occur anywhere on the infant; most on tender and breaks in the skin caused by too vigorous disappears by the third day.
scalp, face, neck attempts of removal could open portals of entry for -Sometimes called “flea-bite rash” because the
bacteria. lesions are so minuscule.
3. Cavernous hemangioma
-caused by dilated vascular spaces Lanugo Forceps Marks
-raised and irregular shape: resemble a -Is the fine, downy hair that covers a term newborn’s -They may leave a circular or linear contusion
strawberry hemangioma shoulder, back, upper arms and possibly also the matching the rim of the forceps blade of the infants
-do not disappear with time forehead and ears. cheek.
-some may have additional lesions on -Occurs with normal forceps use and does not
internal organs Desquamation denote unskilled or overly vigorous application of
-located at face, behind ears, and the neck -Within 24 hours after birth, the skin of most forceps.
newborns begins to dry. The dryness id particularly
Mongolian Spots evident on the palms of the hands and soles of the Skin Turgor
-are collection of pigment cells (melanocytes) that feet and results in areas of peeling similar to those -Newborn skin should feel resilient if the underlying
appear as slate-gray patches across the sacrum or caused sunburn. tissue is well hydrated.
buttocks and possibly on the arms and legs of -Poor turgor seen in newborns who suffered
newborns. Milia malnutrition in utero, who have difficulty sucking at
-tend to occur most often in children of Asian, -Sebaceous glands in a newborn are immature, so at birth or have metabolic disorders such as
Southern European, or African ethnicity and least one pinpoint white papule is usually found on a adrenocortical insuffiency.
disappear by school age without treatment
-Poor turgor always needs to be reported as it Molding BATHING
suggests poor hydration. -Part of the infants head that engage the cervix -Recommends that most newborns receive a
(usually the vertex) molds to fit the cervix contours complete sponge bath in 2 to 4 hours after birth
Question: during labor. when their temperature and vital signs are stable.
Beth Ruiz has milla on her nose. What teaching -There is no need to use antibiotic cleansers and no
point would constitute a quality and safety risk? Caput Succedaneum need to remove all the vernix.
a. “these will disappear on their own, so you don’t -Is edema of the scalp that forms in the presenting -Babies of mothers with HIV transmission should
need to take any actions” part of the head. have through bath immediately to decrease the
b. “Wash Beth the same way that the nurse first -Occurs in cephalic births and can either involve possibility of HV transmission.
taught you” wide areas of the head or be so confined that its size -All babies are sponge bathed once a day, although
c. “Try to gentle scratch off these spots in a few days” of a large egg. the procedure may be limited to washing only the
d. “Make sure that you keep Beth bundle warmly” baby’s face, diaper area, and skin folds.
Answer: A Cephalohematoma -Supply bath water at 37 to 38 degree Celsius, a
The Head -A collection of blood between the periosteum of a temperature that feels pleasantly warm to the elbow
-Newborn head usually appears disproportionally skull bone and the bone itself is caused by rupture of or wrist, plus a washcloth, towel, comb, and clean
because it is about one fourth of the total body a periosteal capillary because of the pressure of diaper and shirt.
length compared with an adult. birth.
-It may be discolored (black and blue) because of the The Nursing Role in Health Promotion for
Fontanelles presence of coagulated blood underneath the Childbearing Family
-Are spaces or openings where the skull bones join. periosteum.
-The anterior fortanelle is located at the junctions of Principles of Growth and Development
the two parietal bones and the two fused frontal Craniotabes -Growing up is a complex phenomenon because of
bones. -Is a localized softening of the cranial bones probably the many interrelated facets involved. Children do
-It is diamond shape and measures 2 to 3cm in width cause by pressure of the fetal skull against the not merely grow taller and heavier as they get older;
and 3 to 4 cm in length. mothers pelvic bone in utero. maturing also involves in their ability to perform
-It is more common in first-born infants than in skills, to think, to related to people, and to trust or
Sutures infants born later because of the lower positions of have confidence in themselves.
-The separating lines of the skull, may override at the fetal head in the pelvis during the last 2 weeks of
birth because of the extreme pressure exerted on pregnancy in primiparous women. Growth
the head during passage through birth canal. -is used to denoted an increase in physical size or a
quantitative change
Development  There is an optimum for initiation of as a healthy child depending on type of illness and
-indicated increase in skill or the ability to function. experiencing or learning the therapy or care available for the disease.
It is measured by observing the child’s ability to  Neonatal reflexes must be lost before
perform specific tasks such as how well a child picks development can proceed Intelligence
up a small object, by recording the parents  A great deal of skill and behavior is learned -Children with high intelligence do not generally
descriptions of a child’s progress. by practice grow faster physically than other children, but they
do tend to advance faster in skills.
Maturation Factors Influencing Growth and Development -Children on high intelligence actually fall behind in
-is a synonym for development. -Generic and environmental influences are primary physical skills because they spend time with their
factors in determining if a child will be able to reach books or mental games rather than with games that
Cognitive Development his or her genetic potential. develop motor skills.
-refers to the ability to learn or understand from Temperament
experience, to acquire and retain knowledge, to Genetics -Is the usual pattern of an individual or an individual
respond to a new situation, and to solve problems. -From the moment of conception when a sperm and characteristics manner of thinking, behaving, or
-It is measured by intelligence tests and by observing ovum fuse, the basic genetic makeup of an individual reacting to stimuli in the environment.
ability to function effectively in different is cast. -Is not developed in stages but it is inborn
environment. -Such as eye color and height potential, inheritance characteristics set at birth.
determines characteristics such as learning style.
General Principles include: -Can also inherit genetic abnormality, which could Reaction Patterns
 Growth and development are continued result in disability or illness at birth or later in life -Chess and Thomas (1985) are a research who
process from conception until death and so prevent optimal growth. identifies nine separate characteristics that define
 Growth and development proceed in an temperament, or how children react to common
orderly sequence Gender situations. Each child’s pattern is made up of a
 Children pass through the predictable stage -Girls are born lighter and shorter than boys. combination of these individual elements.
at all rated -Boys tend to keep this height and weight advantage
 All body systems do not develop at the same until prepuberty, at which time girls surge ahead as Activity Level
rate they begin their puberty growth spurt 6 months to 1 -Level of activity among children differs widely right
 Development is cephalocaudal year earlier than boys. from birth. Some babies seem to be constantly on
 Development proceeds from proximal to the go and rarely are quiet.
distal body parts Health -They wiggle and squirm in their crib as early as 2
 Development proceeds from gross to refined -A child also inherits a genetically transmitted weeks of age.
skills disease may not grow as rapidly or develop as fully
Rhythmicity Attention Span and Persistence  The Slow-to-Warm-Up Child- fall into this
-A child who has rhythmicity manifest a regular -Is the ability to remain interested in a project or category if, overall, they are fairly inactive,
rhythm in physiologic functions. Even as infants, activity for an average length of time. respond only mildly and adapt slowly to new
such children tend to wake up at the same time -Some play by themselves with one toy for an hour, situations and have general negative mood.
every morning, is hungry and regular 4 – hour others spend no more than 1 to 2 minutes with each Only 15% of children display this pattern.
period, nap at the same time every day. toy.
Approach Threshold of Response -Children cannot grow taller than their genetically
-Refers to a child’s response on initial contact to a -Is the intensity level of stimulation necessary to programmed height potential allows, their height
new stimulus. evoke a reaction. can be considerably less than their genetic potential
-They smile and talk to strangers and accept new -Children with a low threshold need to meet little if their environment hinders their growth.
toys without apprehensions. frustration before they react.
-Other children demonstrate withdrawal rather than Socioeconomic Level
approach. They cry at the sight of strangers, new Mood Quality -Because health care and good nutrition both cost
toys, new foods; they fuss the first time they are -Is always happy and laughing is said to have a money, children born into families of low
places at the bathtub. positive mood quality. socioeconomic means may suffer from a lack of both
of these.
Intensity of Reaction Categories of Temperament -poor health supervision can leave the, without
-Meets new situations with their whole being. They  The Easy Child- are rated as “easy to care immunization against measles or other childhood
cry loudly, thrash their arms and begin temper for” if they have a predictable rhythmicity, illnesses and therefore vulnerable to permanent
tantrums when their diapers are wet, hungry and approach, and adapt to new situations neurologic damage.
when parents leave them. readily, have mild-to-moderate intensity of -Poor nutrition can also leave them vulnerable to
reaction, and have an overall positive mood disease because antibody formation depends on a
Distractibility quality. good protein intake.
-Children who are easily distracted or who can easily  The Intermediate Child- some characteristics
shift their attention to an new situation are easy to of both easy and difficult groups are present, The Parent –Child Relationship
care for.  The Difficult Child- are difficult if they gave -Parent expects a child to become as an adult varies
-If children cannot be distracted this way, their irregular in habits, have negative mood from culture to culture aand family to family but
parents may describe them as stubborn, willful, or quality, and withdraw rather than approach plays a role in how much a child guided to try to
unwilling to compromise because they persistently new situations. Only 10% of children fall into achieve in life.
return to an activity or refuse to adapt or change. this category.
-Cultural norms also play a role because some -Poor maternal nutrition may limit the growth and Epigenetic theories
cultures have different perspectives on education intelligence potential of a child by furnishing a less -stress that genes are true basis for growth and
and value different ways of contributing to society. that desired prenatal environment. development.

Ordinal Position in the Family Theories of Child Development Cognitive theorist

-The position in the family (first-born, middle child, -Theory is a systematic statement of principles that -such as Piaget stress learning skills are the key to
youngest child and only child) and the size of the provides a framework for explaining a phenomenon. achieving success in life.
family also have bearing on child’s growth and
development. Developmental Tasks FREUD’S PSYCHOANALYTICAL TEHORY
-An only child or eldest child in the family generally -Are a skill or growth responsibility arising at a -Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) an Australian
excels in language development because particular time in an individual’s life, the neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis,
conversations are mainly with adults. achievement of which will provide foundations for offered the first real theory of personality
-Youngest child, may develop language more slowly, the accomplishment of the future tasks. development.
especially if older children “baby talk” with them. -Based on Freud’s observations of mentally
-Children learn by watching other children, however distributed adults, described adult behavior as being
Stage Age Period
so a youngest child who has a many examples to the result of instinctual drives of primarily sexual
Neonate First 28 days of life
watch may excel in other skills. nature (libido).
Infant 1 month-1 year
-He describe child development as being a series of
Toddler 1-3 years
Health psychosexual stages in which a child’s sexual
Preschooler 3-5 years
-Diseases that come from environmental sources can gratification becomes focused on a particular body
School-age child 6-12 years
have a strong an influence on growth and part each stage.
Adolescent 13-17 years
development as genetically inherited diseases.
Late Adolescent 18-21 years
-When parent treat children differently after they OAPHALAGE
have been critically ill the children are referred to as
Freud’s Stages of Childhood
“vulnerable children”. Sociocultural Theories Psychosexual Stage Age
-Are those that stress the importance of Infant Oral Stage
Nutrition environment on growth and development Toddler Anal Stage
-Nutrition has become major focus of health Preschoole Phallic Stage
promotion and disease prevention because the Learning Theory r
quality of child nutrition during the growing years -Suggest children are like blank pages that can be School-age Latent stage
has such major influence on heath, weight, and shaped by learning.
Adolescent Genital stage
ERIKSOM’S THEORY PF PSYCHOSOCIAL before acting. They may also be unable to use sense of identity before they can reach out fully and
DEVELOPMENT stimulated learning effectively. offer deep friendship or love to others. -Because
-Erik Erikson (1902-1996) was trained psychoanalytic there is always a risk of being rejected or hurt when
theory but later developed his own of psychosocial The School-Age Child offering love or friendship, individuals cannot offer it
development, a theory that stresses the importance -Industry versus inferiority if they do not have confidence that they can cope
of culture and society in development of the -Or self-confidence rather than inferiority with rejection or if they did not develop sense of
personality. -During school age children learn how to do things trust as a infant or autonomy as a toddler.
The Infant well. -This is important for maternal and child health
-Trust versus mistrust -When they are encouraged in their efforts to do nursing because parents without a sense of intimacy
-Other terms are “learning confidence” or “learning practical tasks or make practical things and are may have difficulty than others accepting a
to love” praised or rewarded for the finished results, their pregnancy and beginning to love a new child.
-If care is inconsistent, inadequate, or rejecting, sense of industry grows.
infants learn mistrust; they become fearful and PIAGET’S THEORY OF COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT
suspicious of people and then of the world. The Adolescent -Jean Piaget (1896-1980) a Swiss psychologist,
-Identity versus role confusion introduced the concepts of cognitive development,
The Toddler -To achieve this, adolescent must bring together for or the way children learn and think.
-Autonomy versus shame or doubt everything they have learned about themselves as a -Piaget defines four stages of cognitive
-Autonomy (self-governance or independence) arises son or daughter, an athlete, friends, a fast-food development, within the stages of growth, then finer
from a toddler’s new motor and mental abilities. cook, a student, a garage band musician. units or schemas.
-Children not only take pride in the new things they -If adolescent cannot do so, they are left with role
can accomplish but also want to do everything confusion or are left unsure of what kind of persons Stage of Development Age Span
independently. they are or what kind of person they want to Neonatal Reflex 1 month
become. Primary circulation 1-4 months
The Preschooler -Some adolescent may seek a negative identity
Secondary circular 4-8 months
-Initiative versus guilt reaction
-Or learning how to do things such as drawing, The Late Adolescent Coordination of 8-12 months
building an object from blocks, or playing dress up. -Intimacy versus isolation secondary reactions
-Another word for initiative is creativity. -Intimacy is the ability to relate will with other Tertiary circular reaction 12-18 months
-Those do not develop initiative have limited people in preparation for developing future Invention of new means 18-24 months
relationships. through mental
brainstorming and problem-solving skills later in life;
instead they wait for clues and guidance from others -A sense of intimacy grows out of earlier
Preoperational thought 2-7 years
developmental tasks because people need a strong
Concrete operational 7-12 years
thought preoperative period, such as symbolic thought and years, conservation of weight at age 9 years and
Formal operational 12 years egocentric thinking. conservation of volume at age of 11 years.
thought -Children use trial and error to discover new -Reasoning during this school age tends to be
characteristics of objects and events. inductive or proceeds from specific to general.
The Infant
-Referred to the infant stage as first four stages of The Preschooler The Adolescent
the sensorimotor stage. -Move on to a sub stage of preoperational thought -Is the time when cognition achieves its final from or
-Sensorimotor intelligence is a practical intelligence termed intuitive thinking. when formal operational thought begins.
because infant is not yet able to use words and -Intuitive thinking contributes to the preschooler -Adolescent are capable of thinking in terms of
symbols for thinking and problem solving at this lack of conservation (the ability to discern truth, possibility- what could be (abstract thought) rather
early age. even though physical properties change) or than being limited to thinking about what is already
-Babies relate to the world through their senses, reversibility (ability to retrace steps). is (concrete thought).
using only reflex behavior. -Preschooler thinking is also strongly influenced by -They can use deductive reasoning in addition to the
-During this stage, infants learn objects environment role fantasy or how children would like something to induction reasoning they used during school age or
their bottle, blocks, bed, or even parent are turn out. can move from the general to the specific.
permanent and continue to exist even though they -Children use assimilation (taking information and
are out of sight or changed in some way. changing it to fit for their existing ideas). KOHLBERG’S THEORY OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT
-A great deal of the mouthing and handling of -Children believe their wishes are real as facts and -One more development that has relevance to
objects by infants and the delight of watching a dreams are real as daytime happening during this maternal and child health nursing is Kohlberg’s
caregiver appear is part of discovering permanence. stage. (19277-1987) theory of moral development.
-Infants can identify their parents as different from -This phenomenon is often called “magical -A German Psychologist studied the reasoning of
other adults as early as 4 months of age. thinking”. Magical Thinking fades as, later on, boys and based on Piaget’s developmental stages,
-The world begins makes sense and development children learn accommodation (they change their develop a theoty on the way children gain
task for achieving trust falls into place when the ideas to fit reality rather than the reverse). knowledge of right and wrong or moral reasoning.
concept of permanence has been learned.
Age (in years) Stage Description
-Gaining permanence also contributes to separation The School-Age Child Preconventional (Level I)
anxiety, which can begin 8-12 months of age. 2-3 (1)Punishment/obedience
-During which concrete operational thought begins
because school-age children can be seen using orientation. Child does right
The Toddler because a parent tells him
practical solutions to everyday problems as well as
-Is one if the transition as children completes the or her to and to avid
begin to recognize cause-and-effect relationships. punishment.
fifth and sixth stages of the sensorimotor period and -Conservation of numbers is learned as early as age 4-7 (2) Individualism. Carries
begins to develop some cognitive skills of the of 7 years, conservation of quantity of age 7 or8 out actions to satisfy own
needs rather than society. -Respiratory rate slows to 20-30 breaths/min by the Teeth
Conventional (Level II) end of year -The first baby tooth (typically a central incisor)
7-10 (3) Orientation to -Heart rate lows to 100-120 beats/min by end of first usually erupts at age of 6 months, followed by a new
interpersonal relations to year one monthly.
mutuality. Child follows
-Pincer grasp at 10 months -Fluoride supplementation should be administered
rules because of a need to
be a good person in own -Abdomen protuberant at 6 months of age.
wyes of others -Triples weight by 1 year -Some newborns (about 1 in 2,000) may be born
10-12 (4) Maintenance of social -Legs may appear short and bowed with teeth (natal teeth)
order, fixed rules and -Grows in height by 50% (from 20-30 in.) -or have erupt in the first 4 weeks of life (neonatal
authority. Child finds teeth)
following rules satisfying. Physical Growth -Deciduous teeth are essential for allowing proper
Preconventional (Level III)
-The physiologic changes that occur in the infant growth of the dental arch.
Older than 12 (5) Social contract,
utilitarian, law making year reflect both the increasing maturity and growth
perspectives. Follows of body organs. Motor Development
standard for society for -To assess motor development, both gross motor
good of all people. Weight development (ability to accomplish large body
Older than 12 (6) Universal ethical -Most infants double their weight by 4 to 6 months movements)
principle orientation.
and triple it by 1 year. -Fine motor development, measured by observing or
Follows internalized
standard of conduct -During the first 6 months, infants typically average testing
weight gain of 2lb per month. -Prehensile ability (ability to coordinate hand
Nursing Care of a Family with an Infant -During the second 6 months, weight gain is movements are evaluated.
-Infancy is designated as the period of time from 1 approximately 1lb. per month.
month to 1 year of age. -The average 1 year old boy weighs 10 kg; the Gross motor development
-In these important months, an infant undergoes average girl weight 9.5 kg Four positions ventral suspension, prone, sitting, and
such rapid development that parents sometimes standing are used to asses motor development.
believe their baby looks different and demonstrate Height
new abilities every day. -An infant increase in height during the first year by Ventral Suspension
50%, or grows from the average birth length of 20 in. -Refers to an infant’s appearance when held in
Appearance of the Average Infant to about 30 in. (50.8 to 76.2cm) midair on a horizontal plane and supported by a
-Follow across midline at 3 months hand under abdomen.
-Social smile at 2 months; first tooth erupts at 6 -In this position, the newborn allows the head to
months hang down with little effort at control.
-one month old infants lift their head momentarily -A 4 month old child reaches an important milestone low table, but they cannot let themselves down
and then drop it again. by no longer demonstrating head lag when pulled to again as yet.
-Two month old infants hold their head in the same a sting position. -At around 11 month, an infant learns to “cruise” or
place as the rest of their body, a major advance in -By 5 month-old infant can be seen to straighten his move about the crib or room by holding onto objects
muscle control. or her back when held or supported in a sitting such as crib, chairs, walls, and low tables.
-By three months, infants life and maintain their position. -At 12 months the child can stand alone at least
head well above the plane of the rest of the body in -By 6 months, infants can sit momentarily without momentarily.
ventral suspension. support.
-A Landau reflex is a new reflex that develops at 3 -By 7 month child can sit along but only when the Fine Motor Development
months. When held in ventral suspension, the hands are held forward for balance. -One month old infants still have a strong grasp
infants head, legs, and spine extend. This reflex -By 8 month child can sit securely without additional reflex so they hold their hands in fists so tightly that
continues in most infants during the second 6 support. is difficult to extend their fingers.
months of life. -At 9 months, infants sit so steadily that they can -As the grasp reflex fades, a 2 month old infant will
-At 6 to 9 months, an infant also demonstrates a lean forward and regain their balance hold an object for a few minutes before dropping it.
parachute reaction from a ventral suspension The hands are held open, not closed in fists.
position. Standing Position -By 3 months, infants reach for attractive objects in
-A newborn stepping reflex can still be front of them. Their grasp is unpracticed so they
Prone Position demonstrated at 1 month of age. usually miss them. This is part of normal
-When lying on their stomach, newborns can turn -At 3 months, infants try to support part of their development so they do not think their child is
their head to move it out of a position where weight on their feet. nearsighted or farsighted or has poor coordination.
breathing is impaired, but they cannot hold their -At 4 months, infants are able to support their -4 month, infants bring their hands together and pull
head raised for an extended time. weight on their legs. They are successful doing this their clothes. They will shake a rattle placed in their
because the stepping reflex has faded away. hand.
Sitting Position -By 5 months, the tonic neck reflex should be -Thumb opposition (ability to bring the thumb and
-When placed on his or her back and then pulled to a extinguished, and the Moro reflex should be fading. fingers together) begins, but the motion is a
sitting position, a newborn has extreme head lag; -By 6 month, infants nearly support their full weight scooping or raking one, not a picking up one and is
this lag present until 1 month. when in standing position. not very accurate.
By 2 months, infants can hold their head fairly -A 7 month child bounces with enjoyment in a -5 month old children can accept object that are
steady when sitting up, although their head does standing position. handed to them by grasping with the whole hand.
tend to bob forward and will how head lag when -Ten month old can pull themselves to a standing They can reach and pick up objects without the
pulled to a sitting position. position by holding onto the side of a playpen or a object being offered and often play with their toes as
-6 months, grasping has advanced to a point where a that slight but continuous gastrointestinal bleeding -Many over-the-counter medicines are sold for
child can hold objects in both hands. The Moro, occurs results in anemia. teething pain. As a rule, these should be
Palmar grasp, and tonic neck reflexes have discouraged, especially if they contain benzocaine, a
completely faded. Tips to help introduce solid foods to infants topical anesthetic.
-7 month old infants can transfer toys from one hand -Infants are not ready to digest complex starches -Teething rings can be placed in the refrigerator or
to the other. They hold a first object when a second until amylase is present in saliva at approximately 2 freezer to provide soothing coolness against tender
one is offered. to 3 months. gums.
-8 months, random reaching and ineffective grasping -Biting movements begin at approximately 3 -Infants or children liquid acetaminophen (Tylenol)
disappear as a result of advanced eye-hand months. may be given for teething discomfort after parents
coordination. -Chewing movements do not begin until 7 to 9 check with their primary care provider for the
At 10 months is the ability to bring the thumb and months. correct dose.
first finger together in a pincer grasp. -Therefore, foods that require chewing should not -High fever, seizures, vomiting or diarrhea, earache
be given until this age. are NEVER NORMAL SIGNS OF TEETHING may be
Promoting Healthy Family Functioning -Extrusion reflex needs to fade before infants due to an underlying infection that requires further
-A primary task of parents during the infant year is to accept food readily. evaluation.
learn to interpret infant’s cues so they can better -This is a lifesaving reflex in early infancy because it
decipher their needs. prevents infants from swallowing or aspirating Thumb-Sucking
-This becomes an easier task by 2 months of age, foreign objects that touch the mouth. -Surprisingly strong need in early infancy: Sonograms
when infants can indicate by their particular cry -The reflex fades at 3 to 4 months at about the same demonstrates thumb sucking as early as in utero.
whether they are feeling cold, hungry, wet or lonely. time gastrointestinal tract has matured to be ready t -Many infants begin to suck a thumb or finger at
-The first choice for feeding an infant during the first digest solid food. about 3 months of age and continue the habit
12 months of life is BREAST MILK. through the first few years of life.
-Recommended that infants be exclusively breastfed Teething -The sucking reflex peaks at 6 to 8 months, whereas
for 6 months. -Generally, gums are sore and tender before a new thumb-sucking peaks at about 18 months.
-It is optimal if breastfeeding is then continued tooth breaks the surface. -Reassure parents that this behavior is normal and
through the entire first year. Some research -As soon as tooth is through, the tenderness passes. does not deform the jaw in infancy.
indicates that early weaning from breastfeeding can -Because of this pain, infants can be resistant to -Continued until school age can have dental arch
lead to increased incidence of obesity. chewing for a day or two and be slightly crank, changes that can lead to asymmetric concerns such
-Switching to cow’s milk is not recommended possibly because they are little hungry from not as cross bite.
because the protein in it difficult for an infant to eating as much as usual.
digest possibly leading to such intestinal irritation -Rubbing the gumline with a finger or a soft cloth
can help a new tooth erupt and so can be effective.
Use of Pacifiers Constipation -Dehydration occurs rapidly in a small infant who is
-Benefits of a pacifier include the following: They -Breastfed infants are rarely constipated because not eating and is losing body fluid intake through
appear to be comforting to an infant, they may aid in their stools tend to be naturally loose. loose stools.
pain relief, and there is a decreased risk of SIDS. -Constipation may occur in formula-fed infants from
Risks associated with them are an increased something as simple as if their diet is deficient in Colic
incidence of acute otitis media (ear infection), fluid. This can be corrected simply by offering more -Paroxysmal abdominal pain that generally occurs in
possibly a negative impact on breastfeeding and fluid. infants under 3 months of age and is marked by loud
dental malocclusions, particularly if usage is greater -When infants defecate, their faces do turn red, and intense crying
than 2 to 3 years. they grimace and grunt. -Infants pull their legs up against their abdomen,
- Reassure parents that this behavior is normal and -As long as their stools are not hard and contain no their faces become red and flushed, their fists
does not deform the jaw in infancy. evidence of fresh blood (as might occur with a rectal clench, and their abdomens become tense.
- Continued until school age can have dental arch fissure), this is no constipation but normal infant -If offered a bottle, an infant with colic will suck
changes that can lead to asymmetric concerns such behavior. vigorously for a few minutes as if starved and the
as cross bite. -Adding foods with bulk such as fruits or vegetables, stop as another wave of intestinal pain.
and increasing fluid intake generally relives the -unknown cause
Head banging problem. -may occur in susceptible infants from overfeeding
-Rhythmically bang their head against the bars of a -Hirschsprung disease (ananglionic megacolon, or or form swallowing too much air while feeding.
crib for period of time before they fall asleep, an lack of nerve innervation to a portion of the colon) -Formula-fed babies tend to have more symptoms
action that can be distressing behavior for parents. may be manifested early in life as constipation. than breastfed babies, possibly because they
-A careful history must then be taken to assess for swallow more air while drinking or because formula
Sleep Concerns other symptoms of Hirschsprung disease; ribbon like is harder to digest.
-Infants should be placed on their backs up to sleep stools, bouts of diarrhea and a distended abdomen. -Take a through history of an infant with signs of
until they are able to roll over on their own at colic because an intestinal obstruction or infection
around 4 months of age. Loose Stools can mimic an attack of colic and be misinterpreted
-Co-sleeping is discouraged due to safety concerns. -Stools of breastfeeding infants are generally softer by the casual interviewer.
-Breastfed babies tend to wake more often than than those of formula-fed infants -Signs and Symptoms
those who are formula fed because breast milk is -An infant who is formula fed can have loose stools if  Rules of 3’s
more easily digested, and so infants become hungry the formula is not diluted properly. -Occurs under 3 months of age
sooner. -Occasionally, loose stools may begin with the -Abdominal pain last up to 3 hours a
introduction of vegetables or fruits. day and occurs at least 3 days every
-Bowel movement are normal
 Symptoms cramps, fever, cough, Allergy Entire diaper Changing the
-Difficulty to comfort cold or loss of activity (material in the area is brand or type
-Excessive crying Pyloric Stenosis Spitting up so forcefully diaper or to erythematous of diaper or
(an abnormally tight valve that milk is projected 3 laundry and irritated so washing
between the stomach or 4 ft. away products) the outline of solution
-Red Face
and duodenum) Management: Surgery the diaper on usually
-High pitched, piercing sound Gastroesophageal reflux Spitting up is a large the skin can be alleviates this
-Clenched Fists (a lax cardiac sphincter amount with each identified. problem
-Excessive Gas and esophagus allow for feeding. This requires
-Knees Drawn up to chest the regurgitation of medical atptention. Miliaria
-Management: gastric contents into the -Occurs most often in warm weather or when babies
-Small frequent feedings to prevent distention and esophagus)
are overdressed or sleep in overheated rooms.
discomfort -Cluster pinpoint, reddened papules with occasional
Diaper Dermatitis
-Offering a pacifier can be comforting vesicles and pustules surrounded by erythema
-Happens when parents do not change a child’s
-Reducing stimuli, taking infants for car rides, or usually appears on the neck first and may spread
playing a music box that stimulates the sound of a diaper frequently, feels is left in contact with skin,
upward to around the ears and onto the face or
and irritation may result in perianal area.
heartbeat are often reported as being helpful. down onto the trunk.
-There is some evidence using hydrolyzed protein, -Urine that is left in diapers too long breaks down
-Bathing an infant twice a day during hot weather
into ammonia- a chemical extremely irritating to
probiotics or prebiotics or a soy-based formula for particularly if a small amount of baking soda is
bottle-fed babies may be helpful. infant skin.
added to the bath water may improve the rash.
-Frequently diaper changing, applying an ointment,
-Eliminating sweating by reducing the amount of
Spitting Up and exposing the diaper area to air may relive the
clothing or lowering the room temperature should
-Formula fed babies appear to do this more than bring almost immediate improvement and prevents
-Some infants may have to sleep without diapers at
breastfeed babies, possibly due to overfeeding further eruptions.
night to solve the problem
-Almost all milk that is spit up smells at least faintly
sour, but it should not contain blood or bile. Baby- Bottled Tooth Decay Syndrome
Fungal Diaper area is Antifungal
-Putting an infant to bed with a bottle can result in
Infection covered with medicine such
Normal early-infancy Spits up a mouthful of (monilial or lesions that are as Nystatin decay of all upper teeth and the lower posterior
spitting up milk (rolling down the candidiasis) bright red, w/ or teeth
chin) two or three times w/out oozing, -Decay occurs because, while an infant sleeps, liquid
a day (sometimes every that last longer form the propped bottle continuously soaks the
meal) than 3 days, and
Suggest illness Associated signs such as upper front teeth and lower back teeth (the lower
appear as red
diarrhea, abdominal front teeth are protected by the tongue)
pinpoint lesions.
-The problem is most serious when the bottle is Nursing Care of a Family with an Toddler -A child’s appetite decreases accordingly, yet
filled with sugar water, formula, milk or fruit juice -During this period, children accomplish a wide array adequate intake of all nutrients is still essential to
-The carbohydrate in these solutions ferments to of developmental tasks and change from largely meet energy needs.
organic acids that demineralize the tooth enamel immobile and preverbal infants who are dependent -Ahead circumference increases only about 2 cm
until it decays. on caregivers for the fulfillment of most needs to during the second year compared to about 12 cm
-Advise parents never to put their baby to bed with a walking, talking, young children with a growing during the first year. Head circumference equals
bottle. sense of autonomy (independence). To match this chest circumference at 6 months to 1 year of age. By
-If parents insist a bottle is necessary to allow a baby growth parents must also change during this period. 2 years, chest circumference should have grown
to fall asleep, encourage them to fill it with water greater than of the head.
and use a nipple with a small hole to prevent the Appearance of the average toddler -Body mass index (BMI) screening is completed at 24
baby form receiving a large amount of fluid -Speaks in two-words sentences months to identify toddlers who are overweight or
-If the baby refuses to drink anything but milk the -20 deciduous teeth present at 2.5 years underweight.
parents might dilute the milk with water and more -Chest circumference becomes bigger than head
each night until the bottle contains water only. circumference at 2 years Body Contour
-Heart rate 90 to 110 beats/min -Toddlers tend to have a prominent abdomen
Obesity in Infants -Noticeable lordosis because, although they are walking well, their
-Obesity in infants is defines as a weight greater -“Pouchy” abdomen from weak abdominal muscles abdominal muscles are not yet strong enough to
than 90th to 95th percentile. -“Baby fat” begins to disappear support abdominal contents as well as they will be
-Occurs when there is abnormal increase in the -Wide-based gait able to do later.
number of fat cells because of excessive calorie -They also have a forward curve of the spine at the
intake. Physical Growth sacral area (lordosis).
-If a child becomes obese because of over ingesting -Although toddlers are making great strides -Many toddlers waddle or walk with a wide stance.
milk, iron-deficiency anemia may also be present developmentally, their physical growth begins to This stance seems to increase the lordotic curve, but
because of low in iron content of both breast and slow. it keeps them on their feet.
commercial milk
-Once infant obesity begins, it is difficult to revers, so Weight, Height, Head Circumference and Body Body Systems: continue to mature during this time.
prevention is the key. Mass Index -Respirations slow slightly but continue to be mainly
-If a child is not yet walking, continue to measure abdominal
height with the child lying down. -Heart rate slows from 110 to 90 beats/min.
-A child gains only about 5 to 6lb (2.5 kg) and 5 in. -Blood pressure increases to about 94/64 mmHg.
(12cm) a year during the toddler period, much less -The brain develops to about 90% of its adult size
than the rate of growth during the infant year.
-In the respiratory system, the lumens of vessels “no”. Toddlers may use the words to mean they are -By 2 or more years of age, children become aware
enlarge progressively so the threat of lower refusing a task, that they do not understand, or they of gender differences and may point to other
respiratory infection lessens. may only be practicing a sound they have noticed children and identify them as “boy” or “girl”.
-Stomach secretions become more acid; therefore, has potent effect on those around them.
gastrointestinal infections also become less - Children need to be exposed to words through Play Behavior
common. conservation and having books read to them. -This side-by-side play (parallel play) is not unfriendly
-Stomach capacity increases to the point a child can -Urge parents to encourage language development but is a normal developmental sequence that occurs
eat three meals a day. by naming objects _e.g. ball, block, music box, doll) during the toddler period.
-Control of the urinary and anal sphincters becomes as they play with their child or when they give the -Caution parent that if two toddlers are going to play
possible with complete myelination of the spinal toddler something. together thy must provide similar toys because an
cord so toilet training is possible. -Reading a loud is another effective way to argument over one toy is likely to occur.
-Immune globulin (Ig) G and IgM antibody strengthen vocabulary. -Trucks they can make go, squeaky frogs they can
production becomes mature at 2 years of age. The squeeze, rocking horses they can ride, pegs they can
passive immunity obtained during intrauterine life is Emotional Development pound, and a toy telephone they can talk into are all
no longer operative. Autonomy favorites.
-is the development of a sense of autonomy versus -They need only to watch a toddler tug a pull toy,
Teeth shame or doubt. stop to see if it is following, walk again, and stop to
-Eight new teeth (the canines and the first molars) -Is to develop a sense of independence. A healthy look to see if it is still following to understand the
erupt during the second year. All 20 deciduous teeth level of autonomy is achieved when parents are able feeling of accomplishment involved in manipulating
are generally present by 2.5 to 3 years of age. to balance independence with consistently sound toys.
rules for safety. -At 15 months, children are still in a put-in, take out
Language Development stage, so they can continue to enjoy stacks of boxes
-A child who is 2 years old and does not talk in two- Socialization that fit inside each other. They enjoy throwing toys
word, noun-verb simple sentences needs a careful -they become resistant to sitting in laps and being out of a playpen or form a high chair tray as long as
assessment to determine the cause because this cuddles. This is not lack of a desire for socialization someone will pick them up and return them again
implies underdevelopment. but a function of being independent. and again.
-It is true that a delay in language can represent the -At 15 months, children are still enthusiastic about At 18 month old child walks securely enough to
first symptoms of autism, but it also may only be a interacting with people, providing those people are enjoy pull toys.
temporary phenomenon until the child fully grasps willing to follow them where they want to go. -By age 2 years, when toddlers begin to spend time
the essence of speech. -At 18 months, toddlers imitate the things they see imitating adult action in their play such as wrapping
-A word that is sued frequently by toddlers and that a parent doing, such as “study” or “sweep” so they a doll and putting it to bed or “driving the care” they
is a manifestation of their developing autonomy is seek out parents to observe and imitate. begin to use fewer toys than before.
Cognitive Development Sleep -This universal fear in this age group is known as
-Toddlers are described as “little scientist” because -They may begin the toddler period napping twice a separation anxiety.
of their interest in trying to discover new ways to day and sleeping 12 hours each night it with one nap -It helps if parents say goodbye firmly, repeat the
handle objects or new results that different actions a day and only 8 hours of sleep at night. explanation they will be there when the child wakes
can achieve. -If a child has difficulty falling asleep at night, it may in the morning then leave.
-At 15 months of age are able to follow a different be time to omit or shorten an afternoon nap. -Prolonged crying only lead to more crying.
path (walk in back of the chair) to obtain the object -Some toddlers begin having night terrors or awake
because they can project where it will stop rolling. crying from a bad dream and so many receive little Temper Tantrums
-Children at this stage are also able to remember an sleep because they are reluctant to fall back asleep. -The child may kick; scream; stomp feet; shout, “No,
action and imitate t later (deferred imitation); they -As with any other activity of this period, a toddler no, no”; flail arms and legs; bite; or bang his or her
can do such things as pretend to drive a car or put a loves a bedtime routine: bath, pajamas, a story, head against the floor
baby to sleep because they have seen previously and tooth brushing, being tucked into bed, having a drink -Occur as natural consequences of toddler’s
not just in the recent past. of water, choosing a toy to sleep with, and turning development. They occur because toddlers are
-Children enter a second major period of cognitive out of the lights. independent enough to know what they want, but
development termed preoperational thought and they do not have the vocabulary or the wisdom to
begin to use a process termed assimilation. Discipline express their feelings in a more socially acceptable
-Remind parents that discipline and punishment are way.
Lead Screening not interchangeable terms. Discipline means setting -A tantrum may also be a response to difficulty
-CDC has set as a goal the elimination of elevated rules or road signs so children know what is making choices or decisions or to pressure form
blood lead levels in children. expected of them. Punishment is a consequence activities such as toilet training.
-Between the ages of 6 months and 6 years who live that results from a breakdown in discipline or the
in communities with buildings build before 1950 and child’s disregard of the rules that were learned. Nursing Care of a Family with a Preschool Child
immigrant children who might have been exposed to -Two general rules to follow include: -Traditionally includes the years 3, 4, and 5.
sources of lead in another country should be tested 1. Parents need to be consistent -This is also an important period of growth for
for the presence of lead in their body (lead 2. Rules are learned best if correct behavior parents because they may be unsure how much
poisoning). is praised rather than wrong behavior independence and responsibility for self-care they
punished. should allow their rapidly maturing child.
Dressing -Most children of this age want to do things for
-By the end of the toddler period, most children can Separation Anxiety themselves- choose their own clothing and dress
put their own socks and pants. Some may also be -Fear of being separated from parents begins at themselves, feed themselves independently, wash
able to pull on slacks, pullover shirts or simple about 6 months of age and persists throughout the their own hair and so forth.
dresses. preschool period.
Appearance of the average preschooler Teeth -Many preschooler have imaginary friends at this
-Vocabulary increases markedly -Children generally have all 20 of their deciduous stage.
-Tonsils appear enlarged teeth by 3 years of age; permanent teeth don’t -4 and 5 year olds divide their time between
-Pulse rate decreases to about 85 beats/min replace these until school age. roughhousing and imitative play.
-Genu valgus (knock-knees) may be evident -Preserving teeth is important because they hold the -5 year old becomes interested in group or reciting
-Growth is only 2 to 3.5 in a year position for the permanent teeth as the child’s jaw songs they have learned in kindergarten or
-No new teeth develop grows larger. preschool.
-Body contour changes to be more like childlike than
baby like Language Development Emotional Development
-Increased coordination makes bicycle, riding, -The extent of a 3 year old child vocabulary varies Initiative
running, kicking possible depending on how much the child has been -Development task is to achieve a sense of initiative
encouraged to ask questions or participate in versus guilt. –Children with a well-developed sense
Physical Growth conversations. of initiative like to explore because they have
-The wide-legged gait, prominent lordosis, and -A child needs simple answers to such questions to discovered that learning new things is fun.
protuberant abdomen of the toddler change to encourage curiosity, vocabulary building and -If children are criticized or punished for attempts at
slimmer, taller, and much more childlike questioning. initiative, they can develop a sense of guilt for
proportions. -Egocentrism or perceiving that one’s thought and wanting to try new activities or to have new
-Ectomorphic body build (slim body build) or needs are better or more important than those of experiences.
Endomorphic body build (large body build) becomes others, is also strong during the preschool period. -To gain a sense of initiative, preschooler need
apparent. -Preschooler define objects mainly in exposure to a wide variety of experiences and play
relation to themselves. materials so they can learn as much about how
Weight, Height, Body Mass Index and Head -4 and 5 year old children enjoy participating things work as possible. They are ready to explore
Circumference in mealtime conversation and can describe outside their homes such as enjoying trip to the zoo
-Weight gain is slight during the preschool years; the an incident from their day in great detail. or amusement park.
average child only about 4.5lb (2kg) a year. -Urge parents to provide play materials that
-Height gain is minimal during this period: only 2 to Play encourage creative play such as finger paints, soapy
3.5 in (6 to 8 cm) a year on average. -Preschooler don’t need many toys because with an water to splash or blow into bubbles, san to build
-Head circumference is not routinely measured at imagination keener than it will be at any other time castles, and modeling clay or homemade dough to
physical assessments on children over 2 years of age in life, they enjoy games that use imitation such as mold into figures or make into pretend cookies.
because it changes little after this time. pretending they are a teacher, cowboy or cowgirl, -What they make may not be recognizable; it is the
firefighter or store clerk. enjoyment of feeling the material and how can they
manipulate it that captures the experience.
Imitation Gender Roles -Roughhousing helps to relieve tension and should
-Role modeling this way should be fun and does not -Encourage single parents to plan opportunities for be allowed as long as it does not become destructive
have to be accurate. their children to spend some time with adults other -Love time-honored games or other more structured
-If a parent is concerned that a child should than themselves, such as grandparent, a friends or a games
recognize these roles more accurately, it is usually relative of the opposite sex, for this experience. -Promoting these types of active games and reducing
best to suggest that the parent not to stop the play television watching cab be steps toward helping
but rather explain further the work. Socialization children develop motor skills as well as prevent
-Because 3 year olds are capable of sharing, they childhood obesity.
Fantasy play with other children their age much more
-Toddlers cannot differentiate between fantasy and agreeably than do toddlers, which makes the Sleep
reality; they believe cartoon characters they see on preschool period a sensitive and critical time for -Aware of their own needs; when they are tired, they
television are real. socialization. often curl up on a couch or soft chair and fall asleep.
-Preschooler begins to make this differentiation. -4 year old continues to enjoy play groups, they may -Children in this age group may refuse to go to sleep
They may become so engrossed in a fantasy role that become involved in arguments more than they did because of fear of the dark an may wake ay night
they fear they are “stuck” in the fantasy and are no at 3 years of age, especially as they become more terrified by a bad dream.
longer themselves. certain of their role in group. -This means that preschooler may need a night light
-Such intense involvement in play is part of “magical -5 year old begin to develop “best” friendships, turned on, although they did not need one before.
thinking” which is active at this age. perhaps on the basis of who they walk to school with
or who lives closest to them. Discipline
Oedipus and Electra Complexes -A major parental responsibility when this happens is
-Oedipus Complex refers to the strong emotional Dressing to guide a child through these struggles without
attachment of a preschooler boy demonstrates -Many 3 and 4 year old can dress themselves except discouraging the child’s right to have an opinion.
toward his mother. for difficult buttons, although conflict may occur -A “timeout” is a useful technique for parents to
-Electra complex is the complex attachment of over what the child will wear. correct behavior throughout the preschool years.
preschooler girl to her father. -Preschooler prefer bright colors or prints and so -Timeout periods should be as many minutes
-Parents can be assured this phenomenon of many select items that are appealing in color rather long as the child is old, so 3 to 5 minutes is
competition and romance in preschooler is a normal than matching. appropriate for preschoolers.
part of maturing. Some parents may need in
handling feelings of jealousy and anger, however, Exercise Common Fear of the Preschooler
particularly if a child is vocal in expressing feelings -Preschooler imaginations are so active, this leads to
-Preschool is an active phase, so preschool play
toward a parent. a number of fear such as fear of the dark, mutilation,
tends to be vigorous
and separation or abandonment. These can rise in
incidence when combined with the stress of an -Their sense of time is still so distorted that they well as by those who have few friends, parents may
illness, hospitalization, or unsafe conditions in the cannot be comforted by assurances such as find them disconcerting.
child’s community. “Mommy will pick you up from preschool at noon”.
-Fears are so intense that they need therapy such as -Caution parents to be sensitive to such fears when Difficulty sharing
desensitization in order for the fear to be they talk about missing children or if they have their -Sharing is a concept that first cones to be
conquered. preschooler’s photo of fingerprints taken for understood around at the age of 3 years.
identification -Around 3 years of age, children begin to understood
Fear of the Dark some things are theirs, some belongs to others and
-The tendency of the fear of the dark is an example Behavior variations some van belong to both.
of a fear heightened by a child’s vivid imagination: a -A combination of a keen imagination and immature
stuffed toy by daylight becomes a threatening reasoning results in a number of other common Regression
monster at night. Children awaken screaming behavior variations in preschoolers. -Generally in relation to stress, revert to behavior
because of nightmares. they previously outgrew, such as thumb-sucking,
-Giving sleep medication to counteract the sleep Telling Tall Tales negativism, loss of bladder control and inability to
does not solve the basic problem. -Stretching stories to make them seem interesting is separate form their parents.
a phenomenon frequently encountered in -Help parents understand that regression in these
Fear of Mutilation preschoolers. circumstances is normal, and a child thumb-sucking
-Is also significant during the preschool age, as -Caution parents not to encourage this kind of is a little different form the parents reaction to
revealed by the intense reaction of a preschooler to storytelling but instead help the child separate fact stress, so it’s easier for them to accept and
even a simple injury such as falling and scarping a from fiction by saying “That’s a good story, but now, understand.
knee or having a needle inserted for an tell me what really happened”. This conveys the idea
immunization. that child has not told the truth, yet does not squash Sibling Rivalry
-They dislike procedures such as needle sticks, rectal imagination or initiative -Jealousy of a brother or sister may first become
temperature assessments, orthoscopic -Parents must be alert to not dismiss important evident during the preschool period because this is
examinations, or having nasogastric tube passes into information inadvertently such as children reposting the first time children have enough vocabulary to
their stomach. an adult molesting them. express how they feel and partly because
-A child cries afterward not only form the pain but preschoolers are more aware of family roles and
also from the intrusiveness of the injury or Imaginary Friends how responsibilities at home are divided.
procedure. -Although imaginary friends are normal, creative -To help preschoolers feel secure and to promote
part of the preschool years and can be invented by self-esteem during this time, reminding them that
Fear of Separation or Abandonment children who are surrounded by real playmates as there are things they can do that a younger sibling is
-Another major concern for preschooler not allowed to do and supplying them with a private
drawer or box for their things that parents or other -You may need to remind parents that this is a part - Sexual maturation in girls usually occurs between
children do not touch can be helpful. of normal development and if accepted as such will the years of 12 and 18; in boys, between 14 and 20
-A private box serves as a defense against younger pass years.
children who so not yet appreciate property rights. - Puberty is occurring increasingly earlier, however,
Bathroom Language and in a class of 11-year-old sixth graders, it is not
Preparing for a new sibling -Preschoolers imitate the vocabularies of their unusual to discover more than half of the girls are
-Help parents to not underestimate the significance parents or older children in the family so well during already menstruating.
of a bed to a preschool child because it is securely, this time that they incorporate swear words into
consistency and “home”. their vocabularies if they hear these used. Sexual and Physical Concerns
-The latter may be a direct route to sibling rivalry or -Parents may have to remind that children do not - The school-age period is a time for parents to
jealousy necessarily understand what the word they are suing discuss with children the physical changes that will
means occur and the sexual responsibility these changes
Sex Education dictate.
-Children become acutely aware of the difference Nursing Care of a Family with a School-Age - This is also a time to reinforce previous teaching
between boys and girls -Term “school age” refers to children between the with children that their body is their own, to be used
-Preschooler questions about genital organs are ages of 6 and 12 years. only in the way they choose.
simple and fact finding - In both sexes, puberty brings changes in the
-Explanation should be simple Physical Growth sebaceous glands. Under the influence of androgen,
-It is important that parents do not convey that -Average annual weight gain for a school age is glands become more active, setting the stage for
these body parts are never to be talked about so approximately 3 to 5lb (1.3 to 2.2kg): the increase in acne.
they leave an open line of communication for sexual height is 1 to 2 in (2.5 to 5 cm). -Vasomotor instability commonly leads to blushing;
questions -Children who did not lose a lordosis and knock- perspiration also increases.
kneed appearance during the preschool period lose
Broken Fluency this now. Concerns of Girls
-Repetition and prolongation of sounds, syllables - Prepubertal girls are usually taller by about 2 in. (5
and words Sexual Maturation cm) or more than preadolescent boys because their
-“Secondary stuttering” because the child began to -At a set point in brain maturity, the hypothalamus typical growth spurt begins earlier.
speak without this problem and then, during the transmits an enzyme to the anterior pituitary gland - Sometimes, a girl notices the change in her pelvic
preschool years, developing it to begin production of gonadotropic hormones, contour when she tries on a skirt or dress from the
-Children are unaware that they are not being fluent which then activate changes in the testes and year before and realizes her hips are becoming
unless it is called to their attention ovaries to cause puberty. Hormone changes that broader.
occur with puberty.
- You can assure her that broad bone structure of worry this is a forewarning of a problem in years to - At 11 years of age, many children feel awkward
the hips is part of an adult female profile. come. Both are fallacies. because of their growth spurt and drop out of sports
- Girls are usually conscious of breast development. activities rather than look ungainly attempting them.
- Breast development is not always symmetrical, so Teeth They may channel their energy into constant motion
it is not unusual for a girl to have breasts of slightly - Deciduous teeth are lost and permanent teeth instead: drumming fingers and tapping pencils or
different sizes. erupt during the school-age period. feet. This fall in sports participation may bother
- Supernumerary (additional) nipples may darken or - Because of this, the average child gains 28 teeth parents who see sports as the key to popularity, self-
increase in size at puberty. Be sure girls understand between 6 and 12 years of age: the central and esteem, fitness, and teamwork.
that a supernumerary nipple is affected by the lateral incisors; first, second, and third cuspids; and - Twelve-year-olds plunge into activities with
hormones in her body in the same way as other first and second molars. intensity and concentration. They often participating
breast tissue, so she isn’t concerned by the in sports events for charities such as walkathons.
accessory nipple enlarging with puberty or in a Gross Motor Development They may be refreshingly cooperative around the
future pregnancy. - A 7-year-old child appears quiet compared with the house, able to handle a great deal of responsibility
- Irregular periods can cause concern because girls more active 6-year-old. Gender differences usually and complete given tasks.
need to know when their periods will occur so they begin to manifest themselves in play: where girls
can get used to this new phenomenon and learn to may gravitate to more traditional female roles and Fine Motor Development
trust their bodies activities and boys may gravitate to more traditional - Six-year-olds can easily tie their shoelaces. They
male roles and activities. can cut and paste well and draw a person with good
Concerns of Boys - The movements of 8-year-olds are more graceful detail. They can print, although they may routinely
- If they do not know testicular development than those of younger children, although, as their reverse letters.
precedes penis growth, they can worry that their arms and legs grow, they may appear awkward in - Seven-year-olds concentrate on fine motor skills
growth will be inadequate. their play and eating habits. They ride a bicycle well even more than they did the year before. This has
- Hypertrophy of breast tissue (gynecomastia) can and enjoy sports such as gymnastics, soccer, and been called the “eraser year” because children are
occur in prepubescent boys, most often in those hockey. never quite content with what they have done.
who are obese. - Nine-year-olds are on the go constantly, as if they - By 8 years of age, children’s eyes are developed
- As increased seminal fluid begins to be produced, always have a deadline to meet. enough so they can read regular- size type. This can
boys begin to notice ejaculation during sleep, They have enough eye–hand coordination to enjoy make reading a greater pleasure and school more
termed nocturnal emissions. baseball, basketball, and volleyball. enjoyable. Eight-year-olds are able to write script in
- Preadolescent boys may believe the old myth that -By 10 years of age, children are more interested in addition to print. They enjoy showing off this new
loss of seminal fluid is debilitating; also, boys may perfecting their athletic skills than they were skill in cards, letters, or projects.
have heard the term “premature ejaculation” and previously. - By age 9 years, their writing begins to look mature
and less awkward. Reading and writing are fun.
These are activities that can help a child pass the boy. Girls become more interested in the way they Emotional Development
hours during an illness. look and dress. Slumber parties and campouts - Children enter the school-age period with the
become increasingly popular. ability to trust others and with a sense of respect for
Play - Children age 11 and 12 years enjoy dancing and their own worth.
- Play continues to be active at age 6 years; however, playing table games; they are accommodating - They should have practiced or mimicked adult
when children discover reading as an enjoyable enough again to be able to play with younger roles, learned to share, discovered that learning is an
activity that opens doors to other worlds, they can siblings who need the rules modified to their adventure, and grasped the idea that doing things is
begin to spend quiet time with books. advantage. more important and more rewarding than watching
- Many children spend hours playing increasingly things being done (a sense of initiative).
challenging video games, an activity that can either Language Development
foster a healthy sense of competition or create - Six-year-olds talk in full sentences, using language Cognitive Development
isolation from others. easily and with meaning. They no longer sound as - The age from 5 to 11 years is a transitional stage
- By 7 years of age, children require more props for though talking is an experiment but appear to have where children undergo a shift from the
play than when they were younger. incorporated language permanently. They still define preoperational thought they used as preschoolers to
- Around 7 years of age, children also develop an objects by their use (e.g., a key is to unlock a door, a concrete operational thought or the ability to reason
interest in collecting items such as baseball cards, fork is to eat with). through any problem they can actually visualize
dolls, rocks, or marbles. The type of item is not as - Most 7-year-olds can tell the time in hours, but figures, science specimens, sports materials, or
important as the quantity. they may have trouble with concepts such as “half books and spend much time attending to and
- As a child reaches 8 years of age; time is spent past” and “quarter to,” especially with the enhancing such collections.
sorting and cataloging. Eight-year-olds also like table prevalence of digital clocks.
games but hate to lose, so they tend to avoid - Because children discover “dirty” jokes at about Children can use concrete operational thought
competitive games. They may change the rules in age 9 years, they like to tell them to friends or try to because they learn several new concepts during
the middle of a game to keep from losing. understand those told by adults. They use swear school age, such as:
- Nine-year-olds play hard. They wake in the words to express anger or just to show other -Decentering, the ability to project one’s self into
morning, squeeze in some activity before school, children that they are growing up. other people’s situations and see the world from
and plan something the moment they arrive home - By 12 years of age, children can carry on an adult their viewpoint rather than focusing only on their
again. conversation, although stories are limited because of own view.
- Many 10-year-olds spend most of their time playing a lack of experience. -Accommodation, the ability to adapt thought
screen games. Boys and girls play separately at age processes to fit what is perceived such as
10 years, although interest in the opposite sex is understanding that there can be more than one
apparent. Boys show off as girls pass their group; reason for other people’s actions. A preschooler
girls talk loudly or giggle at the sight of a familiar might expect to see the same nurse in the morning
who was there the evening before, whereas a Bullying Body Systems
school-age child will understand that different - A frequent reason school-age children cite for -Heart and lungs increase in size more slowly-
nurses work different shifts. feeling so unhappy that they turn guns on adolescent may have insufficient energy and become
-Conservation, the ability to appreciate that a classmates or commit suicide is because they were fatigued trying to finish the various activities that
change in shape does not necessarily mean a change ridiculed or bullied to the point they could no longer interest them
in size. If you pour 30 ml of cough medicine from a take such abuse -Pulse rate and respiratory rate decrease slightly to
thin glass to a wide one, the preschooler will say that (70 beats/min and 20 breaths/min, respectively)
one glass holds more than the other; a school-age Nursing Care with an Adolescent -Blood pressure increases slightly (to 120/70 mmHg)
child will know that both glasses hold an equal - Adolescence is generally defined as the period by late adolescence
amount. between ages 13 and up to 20 years, a time that -With adulthood, blood pressure becomes slightly
-Class inclusion, the ability to understand that serves as a transition between childhood and higher in males than in females because more force
objects can belong to more than one classification. A becoming a late adolescent. is necessary to distribute blood to the larger male
preschooler is able to categorize items in only one - Adolescents invariably feel a sense of pressure body organs
way, for example, stones and shells are found at the throughout this period because they are mature in -Androgen stimulates sebaceous glands to extreme
beach; a school-age child can categorize them in some respects but still young in others. activity- resulting in acne, common adolescent skin
many ways such as by different materials or by a problems.
difference in sizes and shapes, not just that they are Physical Growth -Apocrine sweat glands (i.c. glands present in the
found at the beach. -Onset puberty at 8 to 12 years of age axillary and genital area)-produces a strong odor in
-Cessation of body growth around 16 to 20 years response to emotional stimulation
Dental Carriers -Boys typically grow about 4 to 12in. (10 to 30 cm) in -Adolescent shower or bathe more frequently in
- Caries (cavities) are progressive, destructive lesions height and gain about 15 to 65lb (7 to 30 kg) during order to be free of body odor because of this
or decalcification of the tooth enamel and dentin. their teenage years. change
- Neglected caries result in poor chewing and -Girls grow 2 to 8 in. (5 to 20 cm) in height and gain
therefore poor digestion, abscesses and pain, and 15 to 55lb (7 to 25kg). Teeth
sometimes osteomyelitis (bone infection) if the jaw -Stops with closure of the epiphyseal lines of the -Adolescents gain their second molars at about 13
bone is involved. long bones, which occurs at about 16 to 17 years of years of age.
age in females and about 18 to 20 years of age in -Third molars (wisdom teeth) between 18 and 21
Malocclusion males. years of age.
- Malocclusion (a deviation of tooth position from -Third molars may erupt at early as 14 to 15 years of
the normal) may be congenital due to conditions age.
such as cleft palate, a small lower jaw, or familial
traits tending toward malocclusion.
Puberty Emotional Development Self-Esteem
-Time at which an individual first becomes capable of - Early Adolescent Developmental Task: Identity - Adolescence is a period of particular crisis for girls
versus Role Confusion who are trying to find a place in a male-dominated
sexual reproduction
-Late Adolescent Developmental Task: Intimacy society.
-usually occur between ages 11 and 14 years old
versus Isolation -Less pressure on boys, who may have already
-Girl has entered puberty when she begins to -Socialization learned to be competitive, independent, and
menstruate separated from feelings
- a boy enters puberty when he begins to produce Early Adolescent Developmental Task: - Long-term psychological problems, notably eating
spermatozoa Identity versus Role Confusion disorders, which occur in both boys and girls, may be
-The task of forming a sense of identity is for one unfortunate result of repressing inborn feelings
adolescents to decide whom they are and what kind in order to conform.
Developmental Milestones of person they will be. -Parents can help both girls and boys deal with these
Play or Recreation conflicts by encouraging them to maintain their
-Recreation such as listening to music, texting or The four main areas in which they must make gains honesty and integrity.
chatting, or following a sports team’s wins and to achieve a sense of identity include:
losses. 1. Accepting their changed body image Value System
-Team (or school) loyalty becomes intense and 2. Establishing a value system or what kind of -Adolescents develop their values throughout their
following a coach’s instructions becomes mandatory person they want to be childhood as they interact with their family.
-Overuse injuries from athletics occur in early 3. Making a career decision -As they increase the amount of time they spend
adolescence 4. Becoming emancipated from parents with their peer group, they may question these
-Most adolescents spend a great deal of time just values and participate in experiences that may put
talking with peers as social interaction, either face- - If young people do not achieve a sense of identity, them at risk for physical and/or psychological harm. 
to-face or through electronic media they can have little idea what kind of person they are - Identifying risk-taking behaviors and offering
-Conflict can arise if parents disapprove of the or may develop a sense of role confusion guidance and support is important in promoting the
number of hours spent in this activity, afraid their health of the adolescent.
children are wasting important hours, or at least Body Image
exchanging a great deal of trivial conversation -Some adolescents, for example, are disappointed Social Coupling
-Beginning at age 16 years, most adolescents want with their final height -individuals tend to dress and behave similarly to
part-time jobs to earn money. -Adolescents are usually their own worst critics, other members of their peer group
-Such jobs can teach young people how to work with never pleased with any aspect of their bodies -Bullying behavior may be directed at individuals
others, accept responsibility, and how to save and -Those with low self-esteem may need parental or who don’t conform to or associate with a peer
spend money wisely. health care provider support to understand that a group.
-These activities fulfill an adolescent’s need for person’s worth is based on more than physical -Bullying behaviors should be identified, and the
satisfying interaction with others as well as appearance. appropriate interventions should be initiated.
indicators of maturity and willingness to accept adult
-Individuals begin to explore their sexual -At the same time, they have to be realistic that -They have left behind the childish behaviors they
preferences and may question their gender identity. some adolescents will not follow their advice as used in early adolescence—shoving and punching—
-Encourage an open dialogue with adolescents to shown by the rising rates of teenage pregnancy and to get the attention of others
assist them to process their feelings and establish sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV
their own identity. - If parents suspect their adolescent is sexually Cognitive Development
-Counseling may be helpful to assist with family active, counsel them to be certain their child is -The final stage of cognitive development, the stage
communication if the family is not accepting knowledgeable about safer sex practices of formal operational thought, begins at age 12 or 13
- In our busy modern society in which adolescents years and grows in depth over the adolescent years.
Career Decision engage in such a variety of activities, they may need -Problem solving in any situation depends on the
-making a career decision becomes more and more help learning how to project themselves into ability to think abstractly and logically. With the
difficult another person’s situation and to ask themselves ability to use scientific reasoning, adolescents can
-adolescents are encouraged to wait until they have how the world looks from that position.  plan their future. 
been in college for 2 years before choosing a major -This concept, empathy, is the ability to understand -Thinking abstractly is what allows adolescents to
the feelings of another, or, in other words, a project themselves into the minds of others and
Emancipation from parents developed sense of intimacy in its finest form. imagine how others view them or their actions
-major issue during the middle and late adolescent (display compassion).
years Socialization
-two reasons: Some parents may not yet be ready - Early teenagers may feel more self-doubt than self- Moral and Spiritual Development
for their child to be totally independent, and some confidence -Almost all adolescents question the existence of
adolescents may not yet be sure they want to be on -Both male and female early adolescents tend to be God and any religious practices.
their own loud and boisterous -This questioning is a natural part of forming a sense
-encourage parents to give adolescent more -experience “crushes,” or infatuations with of identity and establishing a value system at a time
freedom schoolmates in life when they draw away from their families.
-age 14 years, teenagers have become quieter and
Late Adolescent: Developmental Task: Intimacy more introspective Health Promotion for an Adolescent and Family
Versus Isolation - Most 15-year-olds fall “in love” five or six times a Promoting Adolescent Safety
-Those who do not develop a sense of intimacy are year. However, many of these relationships are -Unintentional injuries, most commonly those
left feeling isolated; in a crisis situation, they have no based on attraction because of physical appearance involving motor vehicles, are the leading cause of
one to whom they feel they can turn to for help or -By age 16 years, boys are becoming sexually mature death among adolescents
support.  (although they continue to grow taller until about 18 -Athletic injuries, especially overuse injuries from
-A sense of intimacy is closely related to the sense of years of age). poor conditioning, tend to increase in number during
trust learned in the first year of life because, without -Both sexes are better able to trust their bodies than adolescence because of the vigorous level of
the feeling that one can trust others, building a they were the year before. competition that occurs in organized sports.
sense of intimacy is difficult. -By age 17 years, they tend to have adult values and
- Parents should feel an obligation to inform their responses to events.
children of their
feelings about early sexual relationships.
Promoting Nutritional Health for an Adolescent Increased calcium and vitamin D plus physical Promoting Development of an Adolescent in daily
- Adolescents experience such rapid growth that exercise Activities
they may always feel hungry -Necessary for rapid skeletal growth as well as to Dress and Hygiene
-If their eating habits are unsupervised, because of “stockpile” calcium to prevent osteoporosis later in - Capable of total self-care and, because of their
peer pressure and when in a hurry to get to other life body awareness, may even be overly conscientious
activities, they tend to eat faddish or quick snack about personal hygiene and appearance
foods rather than more nutritionally sound ones. Zinc
- Some adolescents turn away from the basic food -Necessary for sexual maturation and final body Care of Teeth
groups to eat sweets, soft drinks, or empty-calorie growth - Very conscientious about tooth brushing because
snacks and so are left poorly nourished. \ of a fear of developing bad breath.
-This type of eating pattern, combined with a lack of Recommended Reference Dietary Intakes -Continue to use a fluoride paste rather than a brand
exercise, also leads to obesity  -Good sources of iron are meat and green advertised as providing white teeth.
-Adolescents who are slightly obese because of vegetables, calcium is abundant in milk and milk -continue to drink fluoridated water to ensure firm
prepubertal changes may begin low-calorie or products, and meat and milk are also high in zinc. enamel growth
starvation diets during adolescence to lose weight.  -be careful to not use so much fluoride through the
-Some diet so excessively they develop eating Promoting Nutritional Health with a Varied Diet use of mouth rinses or toothpaste that they develop
disorders such as bulimia or anorexia nervosa Vegetarian diet fluorosis (i.e., a blue discoloration of teeth
-Weight-loss diet is appropriate during adolescence -vegetables generally contain fewer calories
-adolescents need to consume large amounts of Sleep
Recommended Dietary Reference Intakes them to achieve an adequate caloric intake -adolescents may sleep restlessly as their mind
-Increased number of calories to support the rapid -Textured vegetable protein or tofu can be added to reworks the day’s tensions.
body growth that occurs.  meals to increase the amount of protein supplied -Even long periods of sleep, therefore, may not leave
-Foods must come from a variety of sources to and help meet adolescent growth needs them feeling refreshed
supply necessary amounts of carbohydrates, -frequent lack of sleep can lead to chronic fatigue or
vitamins, protein, and minerals Glycogen Loading depression
-Deficient in both male and female adolescent diets -Athletes need more carbohydrate or energy -medication is not usually recommended for
are iron, calcium, and zinc. -Glycogen loading is a procedure used to ensure adolescents; instead, they are urged to reduce
there is adequate glycogen to sustain energy activity to get more sleep
Iron through an athletic event.
-To meet expanding blood volume requirements -Several days before a sports event, athletes lower Exercise
-Females require a high iron intake not only because their carbohydrate intake and exercise heavily to - Adolescents need exercise every day both to
of this increasing blood volume but also because deplete muscle glycogen stores. maintain muscle tone and to provide an outlet for
iron begins to be lost with menstruation - They then switch to a diet high in carbohydrate. tension
-Girls with a heavy menstrual flow (i.e., -With the renewed carbohydrate intake, muscle -Adolescents who are involved in structured athletic
menorrhagia) and especially those who participate in glycogen is stored at two to three times the usual activities do receive daily exercise.
strenuous athletics may need to take an additional level, which supplies them with up to twice the
iron supplement to prevent iron deficiency anemia glucose needed for sustained energy 
Sun Exposure -Assess posture at all adolescent health appraisals to It is the most common skin disorder of adolescence,
-avoid excessive sun exposure so they don’t develop detect the difference between simple poor posture occurring in as many as 80% to 95% of adolescents
skin cancer (i.e., melanoma) from ultraviolet rays. and the beginning of spinal dysplasia or scoliosis -occurs slightly more frequently in boys
-Encourage teenagers to use sunscreen, avoid (i.e., lateral curvature of the spine) - The most common locations of acne lesions are the
tanning beds, and report to their primary healthcare face, neck, back, upper arms, and chest
provider any skin mole that changes in shape or Body Piercing and Tattoos -Flare-ups are associated with emotional stress,
color -Strong mark of adolescence menstrual periods, or the use of greasy hair creams
-a way for adolescents to make a statement of who or makeup that can further plug gland ducts.
Common Health Problems of an Adolescent they are and that they are different from their
Hypertension parents.  Assessment
-Adolescents who are obese, who are African -Be certain they know the symptoms of infection at a -ask adolescents if they are troubled with acne and
American, who eat a diet high in salt, or who have a piercing or tattoo site (e.g., redness, warmness, to what extent it interferes with their self-image
family history of hypertension are those most drainage, swelling, mild pain) and to report these to because this can be a major cause of stress in
susceptible to developing this disease. their healthcare provider if they occur because adolescents. 
-medications plus education can help to greatly serious staphylococcal or streptococcal infections -Inspect for facial, chest, and back lesions on physical
reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease as can occur at piercing sites. examination.
they reach adulthood -It is important to caution adolescents that sharing
-blood pressure is above the 95th percentile needles for piercing or tattooing carries the same Therapeutic Management
 127/81 mmHg for 16-year-old girls  risk for contracting a blood borne disease as sharing The goal of therapy for acne is threefold:
 131/81 for 16-year-old boys for two needles for intravenous drug use. (a) decrease sebum formation
consecutive readings in different (b) prevent comedones
settings Fatigue (c) control bacterial proliferation.
- may be a beginning symptom of disease
Poor Posture -Assess an adolescent’s diet, sleep patterns, and Obesity
-This is due to imbalance of growth that arises from activity schedules -Most overweight adolescents have obese parents,
the skeletal system growing a little more rapidly than -Blood tests may be indicated to rule out anemia and suggesting that both inheritance and environment
the muscles attached to it. common infections in adolescents play a part in the development of adolescent
-Girls, especially, may slouch so as not to appear obesity.
taller than boys or to diminish the appearance of Menstrual Irregularities -Obesity can interfere with developing a sense of
their breast size if they are developing more rapidly -Menstrual irregularities can be a major health identity
than their friends. concern of adolescent girls as they learn to adjust to -Because of stress related to weight, the attempted
-another reason may be related to carrying their individual body cycles suicide rate for obese female adolescents is higher
backpacks that are too heavy than for non-obese adolescents
- Urge children of both sexes to use good posture Acne -Health teaching with these adolescents may need to
during these rapid-growth years. - a self-limiting inflammatory disease that involves begin with a discussion of “normal” weight and
the sebaceous glands, which empty into hair shafts standard food portions
(the pilosebaceous unit). 
Concerns Regarding Sexuality and Sexual Activity -Electronic media can be used for cyber stalking, -Stages of drug use range from experimentation
-Adolescents who engage in sexual risk behaviors Internet harassment, and Internet bullying to where teenagers try drugs to enhance social
can have unintended health outcomes, including embarrass, harass, or threaten adolescents acceptance to regular use, where they actively seek
unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted -To avoid stalking, adolescents should be aware of the effect of drugs to relieve everyday stress 
infections (STIs) such as HIV and avoid situations where they will be vulnerable to
-When discussing sexuality with adolescents, the being alone with a stalker and, with assistance, Prescription and over the counter drugs
nurse should avoid assumptions about the gender of report stalking to law enforcement. -Methylphenidate (Ritalin) is a drug frequently
the adolescent’s partner. prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
-Ask open-ended questions when providing Concerns regarding hazing and bullying -methylphenidate (Ritalin) is a stimulant, when oral
education on health promoting behaviors. This will -Bullying can easily continue into adolescence and tablets are crushed and injected intravenously, they
also help the adolescent feel more open to asking actually becomes more serious because this can be produce a feeling of giddiness and extreme well-
questions. the time the bullied child has the ability to retaliate being.
-Counseling can assist adolescents improve their through self-destructive behavior or school violence -they do not completely dissolve, the resultant small
perspective and also learn how to say no. -Hazing, a form of organized bullying, refers to particles remaining in the bloodstream can result in
-For adolescents who agree to have intercourse but demeaning or humiliating rituals that prospective complications such as pulmonary embolus or
who do not really want to, the primary reasons given members have to undergo to join sororities, emphysema
are peer pressure, curiosity, and affection for their fraternities, adolescent gangs, or sports teams 
partner -To help prevent this from happening to their child, - a number of inhalants, such as oil-based cooking
-Information on date rape and rape prevention urge parents to be aware of what clubs or spray, gas, butane, or lighter fluid,  may be abused
should be provided as adolescents are in a high-risk organizations their adolescent joins and what the by adolescents.
age group for date rape requirements for membership are.
-One form of date rape occurs when flunitrazepam -Help adolescents make sound decisions about what
(Rohypnol) (i.e., the “date-rape drug”), a colorless, type of hazing their organization advocates by asking Inhalants can lead to cardiac failure from
odorless, and flavorless benzodiazepine drug, is them about the subject at health assessment suffocation. 
dropped into a drink, causing drowsiness, impaired -Mephedrone, commonly called “bath salts,” is a
motor skills, and amnesia for a time Concern regarding substance use disorder stimulant that creates an enjoyable “high” and is
-a urine specimen analysis will reveal the drug’s - refers to the use of chemicals to improve a mental available for purchase online and so is easily
metabolites or that the drug was ingested state or induce euphoria. obtained by adolescents.
-This is so common among adolescents that as many -The effect of using it is seen more regularly in
Stalking as 50% of high school seniors report having emergency departments as the cause of reckless
-refers to repetitive, intrusive, and unwanted actions experimented with some form of drug driving or unconsciousness
such as constant and threatening pursuit directed at - Use of drugs occurs in adolescence from a desire to
an individual to gain the individual’s attention or to expand consciousness, peer pressure, or a desire to
evoke fear. feel more confident and mature; it also can be a
form of adolescent rebellion related to childhood
adversity or violence.

- can cause diseases such as cirrhosis  Restlessness - Giving away prized possessions
-is linked to destructive behaviors such as addiction,  increased sociability, and -Organ donations questions, such as “how do you
depression, and vulnerability to date rape.  possible hallucinations. leave your body to a medical school?”
- Chronic inhalation of cocaine can cause ulceration -Sudden, unexplained elevation of mood, which may
Tobacco in the mucous membrane of the nose, and injection indicate the individual has reached a decision about
- cigarette smoking leads to increased cardiovascular of the substance exposes an adolescent to the risk the suicide and feels relief
and respiratory illnesses by middle age of HIV and AIDS or hepatitis B.  -Injury proneness, carelessness, and death wishes
- Helping adolescents find other methods to During pregnancy, it can cause separation of the -Decrease in verbal communication or a statement
demonstrate their maturity, such as allowing them placenta with potential fetal and maternal death  such as ”this is the last time you will see me”
opportunities for increased decision making and -Withdrawal from peer activities or previously
emphasizing that being able to not smoke is a sign of Concern Regarding Depression and Self-Injury enjoyed events
true maturity - Self-injury includes a range of self-destructive -Previous attempt(80% of all completed suicides
actions from cutting to suicide, the planned intent to have been preceded by a failed attempt)
Marijuana end one’s life. -Preference for art, music, and literature with
- Breakdown products of marijuana are not readily 0Cutting is found more frequently in girls than boys themes of death
eliminated from the body and remain in the fatty and can begin as early as grade school -Recent increase in interpersonal conflict with
cells of the brain. -Successful suicide occurs more frequently in males significant others
-This residue can create synaptic gaps that interfere than in females -Running away from home
with electrical brain waves and memory storage, -more females apparently attempt suicide than -Recent experience of a friend or famous person
especially for short-term memory. males (a ratio of about 8:1) committing suicide
-Physical and psychological effects of all forms of - Adolescent suicides tend to be attempted most -Inquiring about the hereafter
marijuana are: often in the spring or the fall, reflecting school stress -Asking for information about suicide prevention and
 euphoria and a sense of well-being
at these times of year, and between 3 PM and intervention
 temporary impairment of coordination
midnight, reflecting depression that increases with -Any sustained deviation from the normal pattern of
 rapid mood swings
the dark. behavior
 Decreased attention span
-Suicide is so common in adolescents it ranks in the
 loss of memory for recent events (up to 1
top four causes of death in the 10- to 24-year-old
hour’s time). age group
-Withdrawal symptoms include irritability, -If school failure, loss of a girlfriend or boyfriend, loss
drowsiness, and cravings for high-carbohydrate of a competition with loss of self-esteem, or
snacks. rejection by a peer group is superimposed on
existing depression, the pressure may be great
Cocaine enough to cause some adolescents to attempt
- Psychological effects produced are: suicide. 

 Euphoria
Suicide Warning Signs
 Excitement

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