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General Consolidation task- For test 2

Manuela da Lucia Jose Fraqueza
1.What is business ethics?
Ans: business ethics concerns ethical dilemmas or controversial issues faced by a

2. In a business or a company who do business ethics concers to?

Ans: Business ethics concerns employees, costumers, society, the enviorment,
shareholders and stakeholders.

3. Mention 4 importances of business ethics?

Ans: improves costumer satisfaction, Better relation with employees, better desicion
making and improves business goodwill.

4. Mention 4 business ethics principles you remember

Ans: Responsability, Honesty, Respect for laws and Loyalty.

5. What are unethical behaviours in a business?

Ans: Unethical behavior in business refers to actions that do not fit with a business’s
acceptable standards. Eg: Exploiting workers or companies that dump toxins.

1. What is advertising?
Ans: Advertising is a step within the marketing process that enables brands to
promote their products or services to potencial costumers.

2. What is the advantage of advertisement (ads/adverts) in business?

Ans: it helps spreading your services and products arround the world, it can persuade
potential users to become buying costumers and everyone gets to know about your

3. Mention four types of advertising you remember.

Ans: The types of advertising are: Radio, Magazine,Television and Outdoor and
4. When does an advertisement become successful?
Ans: when it spreads the word about your products and services, acttracts costumers
and generate sales.

5. How to choose a relevant advertisement for your business?

Ans: well, it all depends on your target audience and what is the most cost effective
way to reach as many of them as possible, as many times as possible.

1. Mnetion 4 of the main objective of marketing?
Ans: The 4 main objectives of marketing are: increase market share, Launching a new
product, increase business profit and Costumer sales.

2. Mention 2 ways of marketing ?

Ans: Marketing plan and Digital Marketing.

3. Mention the advantages of marketing in the business?

Ans: it enables to reach target individuals in an efficient way, helpin in personalise
and customise your messages, acttract new costumers and increase their value to your
business, support long-term relationships and improve costumer satisfaction.

4. What do you mean by the 4Ps of marketing and what do they mean?
Ans: the 4Ps of marketing are elements taht start with the letter P and they are a
simple formula for identifying and working with the essential elements of your
marketing strategy.
5. Mention what does the marketing do in our business.
Ans: It helps our business in Raising brand awareness, generating traficc, increasing
revenue, building trust in our brand and tracking our metrics.

1. What are the different types of motivation?
Ans: According to incentive theories of motivation, all types of motivation can be
divided into two major groups: intrinsic and extrinsic.
2. Mention the importance of each group of motivations.
Ans: intrisic motivation is important beacause it helps to improve the self steem of
employees in an organization, time optimization, personal growth. While extrinsic
motivation helps to improve the employees confidence.

3. Mention types of intrinsic and Extrinsic types of motivation. (Two types in each)
Ans: types of intrinsic motivation: Competence motivation, creative motivation.
Extrinsic motivation: Reward-based motivation and fear-based motivation.

4. What’s the difference between a ‘Fear-based motivation’ and an ‘achievement

motivation’? give examples.
Ans: The difference is that Fear-based motivation is a motivational type that drives
people to achieve something they will not have been able to, eg: trying to be on work
at time because your manager has promissed fine latecomers.
While, achievement motivation is somethings like competence motivation in that it
aims to achieve a goal just for personal development, Eg: when an employee has a
desire to be the best in the department.

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