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Significance and context of the study

This study aimed to determined the causes of absenteeism among the Grade 12 students at Paluan
national highschool Sy (2022-2023)

Student knowing the impact of committing such absenteeism,students will now negative affects on their
studies, specially in their Academic performance.It will let this individual to understand of his abilities
and the right way of directing things specially when he world realize the effect of his habitual absences
to the School body.

Education,they spent most of the time with the students who's are engaged in informing and moulding
the decision and to make them to think strategies and techniques to lessen absence.

Parent,to have better ideas about their childrens experiences and the inner feelings and know their child
better where the number one support must come from.

Future researcher,they will conduct a similar study as their reference literature in the future and the
findings of the study could provide new insights of basis for them.

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