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Volume 1 Track 01 151

Simulating Cardiovascular Haemodynamics by Bond Graph Technique

Kaiyong Dai, Gangmin Ning, Shuzhen Chen, Juan Du, Xiaoxiang Zheng
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Key Laboratory for Biomedical
Engineering of Education Ministry Zhejiang University, China

Abstract— A bond graph model for simulating cardiovas- The aim of this paper is to build an extendable mathematic
cular haemodynamics is proposed. The model is given by an model for cardiovascular system by bond graph. The model
elastance variable description of heart, head and neck circula- is constituted of pulsating heart, vascular network, and the
tion, pulmonary circulation, coronary circulation, abdomen interaction with carotid baroreflex system. The heart and
circulation and extremity circulation. Also, the carotid barore-
flex control mechanism for circulation is embeded. The model
vascular network are represented by an elastance variable
responds to sympathetic and vagal activity by modifying sys- description and segment description [1],[4], respectively,
temic peripheral resistance, heart rate and ventricular while the interaction with carotid baroreflex is accomplished
end-systolic elastance. It is able to simulate the blood pressure by adjusting systemic peripheral resistance, heart rate and
and blood flow wave on arbitrary segment of circulation sys- ventricular end-systolic elastance [5].
tem, subsequently, the cardiovascular parameters such as The structure of this paper is as follow. First, the model
stroke volume, cardiac output and eject fraction of heart can be description and applied methods are presented. Subsequently,
computed. The simulation results under physiological condition the simulation results of healthy and hypertension are given.
are in agreement with human physiological experimental data. Last, the behavior of baroreceptor in hypertension is dis-
By modifying the arterial compliance and balance point of
barorecpter, the hypertension is simulated and the results are
consistent with the pathological features. In conclusion, the
model could simulate the performance the cardiovascular sys-
tem validly. II. METHODS

Keywords— cardiovascular system model, bond graph, barore- The models of heart, vascular network and baroreflex
flex, hypertension system are constructed respectively.

A. Heart
The heart, which is composed of atriums, ventricles and
Mathematic model for entire cardiovascular system is one valves, is described as a pulsatile pump. The atrium is as-
of the frontiers in cardiovascular research. Since Frank de- sumed to be with no contractility. The inlet and outlet valves
veloped Windkessel model of arterial system, various models of each ventricle are emulated by modifying the resistance
[1]-[6] for entire cardiovascular system have been published corresponding to the blood flow direction [1]. The left and
for physiology research and education. These studies as- right ventricles in diastolic and systolic phase are simulated
sumed ventricle as an elastance variable and the vascular by two functions respectively. In the diastolic phase of heart,
network as lumped capacitance, resistance and inertial, the ventricular pressure is assumed to rise as an exponential
meanwhile, the simulation results have shown good agree- function of the ventricular volume which increases from the
ment with the experimental data and clinical observations. end-systolic volume to end-diastolic volume [3]:
However, the extendibility of the models in addressed pub- P (t ) a ˜ [exp( Ds ˜ V (t )) -1]  Po (1)
lications is not satisfactory.
The bond graph is an explicit graphical tool for capturing where P(t) and V(t) are ventricular pressure and volume
the common energy structure of systems by elements which respectively, Ds is the ventricular diastolic stiffness, P0 is the
generate, store, dissipate, transmit or transform energy. It has minimum diastolic ventricular pressure and a is constant.
been used for physiological system modeling [4], [7]-[8], in While in the systolic phase, the relationship of ventricular
which the bond graph represents the store, dissipation and pressure and volume is assumed as:
transmission of blood flow. These studies demonstrated that dV
the bond graph technique is a valid tool for modeling the P(t)= E(t)¸ [V(t) -Vd ] + R(t) (2)
physiological system.
where Vd is the unstressed volume of ventricle. P(t) and V(t)
are ventricular pressure and volume, respectively. R(t) is the

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152 Volume 1 Track 01

source resistance. E(t) is ventricular elastance, which is the Pi+1. Meanwhile, the output of ith segment are the flow for
key parameter for determining the ventricular function and i+1th segment, denoted as Qi , and the pressure for i-1th
indicates the contractile state of ventricle. In general, E(t) segment, denoted as Pi (Fig.2). The bond graph model
could only be determined by experiments. By far, E(t) is equations of ith segment are deduced by
proposed to be expressed in various equations [5], [9]-[10]. dVi
In our model, E(t) is adopted according to experiment data Qi 1  Qi (3)
and the expression given by Ursino. dt
Head and neck circulation Pi  Pi 1  Ri ˜ Qi (4)
Left upper extremity circulation where,
Qi Oi / I i (5)
Right upper extremity circulation
Pi Vi / Ci (6)
Pulmonary circulation Vi is the volume of Ci, and Ȝi is the pressure momentum
of Ii.
Heart Rejv Cejv Rivn Civn Rbrn Cici Rici Ceci Reci

I ejv I eci

Coronary circulation I ivn I brn Iici

Abdomen circulation
Rlav Clav Rlac Clra Rlra Claa Rlaa Clsa Rlsa
Left lower extremity circulation

Right lower extremity circulation I lav Ilra I laa Ilsa

Rrav CravCrra Rrac Craa Rrra Crsa Rraa Rrsa
Fig. 1 Structure of cardiovascular system model

Irav I rra I raa Irsa

B. Vascular network
Rpar Cpar Rpcl Cpvn Rpvn Clat
The vascular network is composed of circulation of head,
neck, pulmonary, coronary, abdomen and extremity. The
extremity circulation includes upper and lower extremity of I par I pvn Rlat
both sides (Fig. 1). Each circulation is divided into several Rpvv I pvv Rmvv I mvv
vessel segments, so the whole vascular network is con- Clvt
structed of totally 30 vessel segments. Each segment is re- Rtvv Rcor
garded as a modified Windkessel model, composed of I tvv Ravv I avv
capacitance (C), resistance (R) and inertial (I) elements. Ctvc+rat Ctat
Subsequently, the vessel segment is expressed by bond graph Rtvc
(Fig. 2). Itvc Racl Rtat I tat
Cavc Caat
Qi-1 Qi Ravc I avc I acl Raat I aat
Rlgv Clgv Rlgc Clga Rlga
Pi Pi+1
Ci Ri I lgv I lga
Rrgv Crgv Rrgc Crga Rrga
Fig. 2 Bond graph for ith vessel segment

I rgv I rga
For ith segment the input are the flow of i-1th segment,
denoted as Qi-1 and the pressure of i+1th segment, denoted as Fig. 3 Bond graph model for cardiovascular circulation system

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Volume 1 Track 01 153

The complete model for cardiovascular circulation system

can be built after expressing the heart and all segments of 600

vascular network by bond graph (Fig. 3). Totally 54 equa-

tions construct the cardiovascular system model.

C. Carotid baroreflex
The carotid baroreflex is described as the afferent pathway,
the efferent sympathetic and parasympathetic pathway, and 200

the resulted actions [5], [11], like the regulation of systemic

peripheral resistance, heart rate and ventricular end-systolic
elastance. 0
The interaction of cardiovascular system and carotid 45 46 47
48 49 50

baroreflex is simulated by the method given in the literature b

[5], [11].


According to references [1],[5],[10],[11],[12], a group of

parameters was chosen for cardiovascular model under
physiological condition. The model simulation was accom- 80

plished using MATLAB 7.01 (Mathworks, Inc.). It starts with 70

an initial state and runs for 60 seconds until a steady state is 60

reached. Numerical integration of differential equations is 50
performed using the fifth-order Runge-Kutta method with a 40
step length of 0.001s. 45 46 47
48 49 50

The simulation results under normal physiological condi- c

tion are shown in Fig.4. The numerical values of sys-
tolic/diastolic blood pressure (SBP/DBP), stroke volume 125

(SV), cardiac output (CO) and eject fraction (EF) are

achieved and shown in Tab.1. 115

Table 1 The numerical results under physiological condition 105

Parameter (SBP/DBP)/mmHg SV/mL CO/L EF/% 95

Value 115/79 75 5.4 62.0

45 46 47 t/s 48 49 50
100 d
Fig. 4 The simulation results under physiological condition (a) Blood
pressure in left ventricle (dashed line) and aorta (solid line); (b) Flow wave

in left ventricle; (c) Volume in left ventricle; (d) Blood pressure at left arm

40 Hypertension is simulated by reducing the compliance of

arterial 25% [13] and resetting the balance point of cardio
baroreceptor from 93mmHg to 107mmHg, Fig.5 shows the
blood pressure in left ventricle (dashed line) and aorta (solid
45 46 47
48 49 50 line) of hypertensive. The numerical results are given in
a Tab.2.

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154 Volume 1 Track 01


This work is supported by the National Nature Science
Foundation of China (Grant 30570483).



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Mathematical models are useful tools for a deep under- ger-Verlag New York Heidelberg
standing of complex process of cardiovascular system in the
physiological and pathological state. The presented model is
Address of the corresponding author:
able to simulate the physiological state and hypertension and
the results are in good agreement with the clinical observa- Author: Gangmin Ning
tions. Due to the advantage of bond graph technique identic Institute: Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Zhejiang University
structure design of functional components, the model is Street: Zheda Road 38, 310027
City: Hangzhou
flexible to be extended if necessary. Country: China
In conclusion, the present work provides a useful model to Ema il:
study the law of cardiovascular system. Owing to its flexi-
bility, the model can be further developed for educational,
research and clinical purpose.

IFMBE Proceedings Vol. 14/1

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