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hltps:l/www,(:(:SllSluJy.<:o01 hllps:l/www,<:CSIISlUJy.


1. What do you understand by beneficial

o ( Pnnted P.~es "' )
construction .
Ro ll No . . . . . .. . ...
~(1" 31m,,'H 1t 3IJ1IlI'Q! ~q~~ t?
(2022 1 )
B.A . LL .B . . VII Sem .
2. Explain the Rule of 'Harmonious
Construction' .
·M .... ..,ll 31G!..a~ ~ ffl",,'iI alI_ 4!\f5Ier
B .A . LL.B . Ityemtn.UOD, Dee. - 2CnO
3. Explain the meaning of rule of 'Ejusdem
Interpreutlon of Stat~ .ncI Genesis'.
Princi .... 01 L... _ 't1J1IRt 3fIQ\:qQ.r ~ ~fI:OR1 eN ~ cCiBll?1
(.~~ZIl3) ;:- 4. What is a presumption? Mention its
•;,;, -€• significance.
,...,. : TII_ H.,,~ / /M.,.._ AI.... : , .. •, :::::

l?lf; 3QUf'(OIl ~ t il ~ ~ ~I
Now: Attempt questions from an sect\ons ••
S. What is importance of 'Textbook' in the
interpretation of statutes.
as per Instruction . •~ •2
'Qlq0!!«1d1 .., faIU It; ~4d~ ~ lI'Q! 'W<O t,
:m: : r i lJU!t 1I P-Ihu1flH ~ ~ ciSI~l!l


Sectfon-A./~·3I' (Short Answer Questton.)

(Very Short Answer QueRions) (l'IIj 3'tI1IQ _ )
t" '"l3fl~Q .....}
Note : Att.empt any two questions. 2 x 10= 20
"", ; ~ "' m ~ Jffi tlBn>1
Note: Answer .1f the " " Questions. Each
6. What do you understand by Mischief
question carnes 4 marks. 4 )(5 _ 20 Rule of interpretation. Explain with help
"'" , >N\ "'" m It; Jffi ~I _ "'" • at least one illustration.
JiIlji "" I I ~4,," It; '3Ilflot1 f.!qq- " 3IJ1I lI'Q! flq~~ tl
' .T.O. ~"fl ~ 1!i!S ~r;1 a; 'l ltQq"fl ~ ~~l?1
hUps:llwww.( hHps:l/www,("(:SUsluJy.<:om
7. What Is 'Amending Statute'? Discuss with
the help of at least one decided case. 11. Expla in the doctrine of 'Retrospectlve
'~'~O'f(jjlt\ ~fi!!lI ~ a5'r WlIS'! 1!(b Bf.lii!fOfr..o Operation' of Statutes' . Give the
~ tJi .~I"", W~ tJi&., reference of some decided cases.
8. Explain the doctrine of Pith and Substance <ili!liIoI ~ .~ """,. ~ flo""", "" .....

with the help of one leading case. oIlo,., ~ 1i!F-t~." on:l .. ~ ~I
'lJR 1!t "",' ~ fll",,'i1 (b't if;'! Wa5'r 1!(b II1fI 12. "Penal Statutes must be strictly
f.liOrn.,. tJi = W~ tJi&., construed" . Ex plain the said statement
Sectlon·C/UUI"-lf . with the help of decide cases .
~ (Detailed An.wer Question.) ~ 3i Ir.It"CIQ.., ......
"4,t"aSi$ faRJdI on 'IJ'Ol't ."".,Q",.
~I"I 'QII~I "
-5,. ~ ~

(MJtl6Q ~) -5 ~
"'" ""'" oil F-t~ lI1<'t iOII ""Ud, 'it .....
r r
~ "
~ Note: Attempt any three questions . ) x 20 -= 60 " I
~ ~, ~t4Rm't~""M111
~ I ....
,., 13. Write a note on any two of the followIng :
,. '----" What do you mean by internal Aids of ""c ""
Interpretation? Explain the importance ~
2 AI) Doctrine of Colourable Leg islation .

of Preamble as an intemal Aid of Inter- ,.,

ff'i) External aids of Interpretation.
pretation. 11 11 (lii)Legislation and Public Opinion.
f.l<la'f ~ 3ir.I'i1.r.~""(jj 30"""1 W311'1 ~ ."$~ t?
P-ttiH is 31'H'IRdS 3QdJ'(OI ~ l'itJ 11 3~~rd)1 ~ """ >l W~ -' 1R ~ 1/;<00\1 ffI~e ,
(j) ~ <IT Il<;'I
~ tJi ""60' tJi&., F<1flIU'f (jjJ fll",,'i1
]..- -10. Discuss the Principle of Interpretation of (Ii) f.'I6a~ a; ~ "~IU(jj 3Q(jj,"1
the 'Golden Rule' with the help of decided (Iii) faflla~ ~ Il\d>''''
f.l<!a'f t ·",[of. f.!r<pr t fll",,'i1 (b't '<lIUI('IU httpS:lIwww.ccsustudy. com

am tJi ."Qil, W~ tJi&. I

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;;m f.liOrn Send your old paper & gel 10/-
()'3522/3 P.T.D. 0-3522/4 ~ ~ ~ tr.t J/t"{ 10 ~ <m1",
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