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English Test 


 1. No Present Continuous, a frase “Ela está bebendo leite” será grafada:

a) She were drinking milk. b) She is drinking milk. c) She was drinking milk.

2. A forma interrogativa da frase “Anne is dancing funk” é:

a) Anne is dancing funk? b) Does Anne is dancing funk? c) Is Anne dancing funk?

3. Marque a opção em que a forma negativa da frase em destaque esteja correta:

“The students are studying English.”

a) The students is not studying English.

b) Are the students not studying English.
c) The students are not studying English.

4. De acordo com as regras do Present Continuous, assinale a alternativa em que todos os verbos estão
ortograficamente corretos:

a) liveeing - stoping - buying 

b) loving - living -  working - playing        
c) waiting - staying - danceing
d) watching - closeing -  writeing

5. Tendo como base o estudo do Present Continuous e as frases a seguir, responda a pergunta

I – The teachers are teaching about ecology.

II – You play soccer very well.
III – I am working in a big school.
 IV – She loves to study.
- Quantas frases estão no Present Continuous?
a) Duas b) Nenhuma c) Uma d) Todas

6. Marque a alternativa que melhor completa as frases no Present Continuous:

I – The boy _____________ (read) a book.
II – My brothers ____________ (watch) television.

a) reading – watching b) are read – is watch

c) is read – are read d) is reading – are watching

7. Passe as seguintes frases para o Present Continuous Tense. Siga o exemplo:

ex: she works in a school. - she is working in a school
a. you listen to pop music.
b. he talks on the phone.
c. she learns how to swim.
d. we live in a wonderful town.
e. I invest my money in gold
 2. Reescreva as seguintes frases nas formas negativa e interrogativa:
a. he is walking along the beach
b. I am openning a new bill in the bank
c. my classmates are preparing a project
d. she is studying for the test
e. we are reading a good book
f. John is writing an E-mail to his mother
Good Luck For You!!

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