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8:10-8:15 Introduction: Briefly tell about me, Peace Corps, and what is an eco-club

8:15-8:20 Icebreaker: Name and favorite animal

Vamos a empezar con un juego para conocernos
Voy a empezar diciendo mi nombre y mi animal favorito. Luego, voy a pasar la pelota a
otra persona. Este persona va a decir sun ombre y animal favorito y pasar la pelota a
otra persona

8:20-8:35 Game: Animal Races (use animal cards with making animal noises to find team
Voy a repartir estas cartas. No muestres tu tarjeta a nadie.
Ahora, ustedes van a hacer el sonido del animal en su carta y encontrar a las otras
personanas con las mismas cartas.

Carreras de Animales
Ahora, vamos a hacer una carrera entre los dos grupos, pero no vamos a correr como
personas. Vamos a correr como cangrejos. ¿Quien sabe como camina un cangrejo?
¿Puedes mostrarnos? Practiquemos todos caminar como un cangrejo. Van a ir a la
marca y hacer una vuelta. En sus marcas, listos, fuera!!

8:35-8:55 Lesson: (think, pair, share) Why is the environment important to me

8:55-9 Wrap-Up: Thank everyone for coming, ask them if they had fun and tell them that you
hope to see them again next week. Give coloring page to leave with
WEEK 2 (Observing Nature)

Introduction: Name and favorite ice-cream flavor

Game: Click camera game

Lesson: Make observation journals

Wrap-Up: Prompt of sitting in nature/walking in nature for 15min and recording what you
observe using 5 senses

**Extra Game: Line up directly across from someone, observe, then change 3 things and

Icebreaker: Rock, Paper, Scissors where when you lose you cheer for the person who beat you
until there are 2 teams for the final round (play using animals)
Cat, Mouse, Dog – Dog beats cat, cat beats mouse, and mouse beats dog

Review: Ask if there is anyone who wants to share from their journal. If no one volunteers read
from mine to start and then ask again if anyone wants to share

Game: Lift the bucket

Lesson: Importance of teamwork - talk about animals that work in teams

Wrap-Up: Talk about designing a group logo for the next week, tell the students to think of
ideas, and if they want to record drawings in their journals

**Extra Game: Pass the Mandi’o

WEEK 4: Design group logo

Ice Breaker:

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