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TOPOLOGY-GEOMPTRY QUALIFYING EXAM, WINTER 2000 (2) Let Xo constructed by attaching two Asks Co 5, one with the attaching ap of dgeee 2 azul on wth attaching map of degree. Show the est spores hrantopy eile to (2) Denne the css product on dais sing the mod of aeele nodes. You tay use that H,() =0 when is connie (9) ELEN Ys am ection on Hy, need it be an injection on (7 IE {2X ¥ hades surjeton ose i nae 9 sjetion on m2 (4) State anal prove the “pth iting property fo covering aces (5) Suppos p's X11" 8 a cover spore, ad pep) = ty. Whats the reltinap Between x(X-ay].ri(s) al the roy of deck transforma ‘Sheth the proof o his State the Elenberg Sento aso for homology, atid enlelate the ho nology ofS rom the axioms (7) Prove that if. CX isa sthomplex of CW-comple en AXA) = HAA (©) JEN end ¥ ave ikomephie homekooy spans, od they ae isomorphic Domeloay agen? IX avd ¥ hove fomonphichnnolgy eens, nee ay have somorpie homotpy groupe? : (2) Bayne Ne lly etal Woamiplen with HC) = 2/8) ma HX) =0 fort #3. Prove is homotop equivalent to SU (40) Prove that O(a) hotopy equimlent to GL). ‘ype ty As ‘Quaniyine exaus, WivteR 2000, Avoranae ToroLaey SOLUTIONS (2) 10 call he cell of attached by 2 the “worthern ell” and the el attached! fy the “souther call even though X docs not embed In TE “Then wo think ofS? as constrvted ln an anaiogous monier withthe 1 Steloton = the equator and the orther and wouter hemispheres etached ba ‘We map 5° co X by mapping the northienbenisphore to the northern hemispher (conser then oth as quotients of the ut disk nC) by sending 2 to 2% We map the suthern heniaperes by =v4 2% We check that this induces z+ 2° 98 the equator (en in patra te eve as gree on tye overlap). Nom acts thatthe long exare sequence of «pair impesthat = + 2 Induces malilicaton by n on Ha(D, S"). Tho Image ofthe gnerator of Cx(S* eoxesponding 6 the nothorn hemisphere ete image of 1nd (DPS Hats? 8!) + Hy(NX ee de fs map i the ehaeacterate map fr the northern hemisphere of 5 But ths nap factors HAD? 8) 22, HDA, S1) + LX) shee the second map is the charetvistic map of Ue “northern heme sphere of © So me wt (1:0) + (3.0) and (0,1) + (0,2). So the generator of Ha(S?), whieh So Cy oI) haw mge fo Hs(X) seth 9,2). Dat this geesaes HyQX). Sots map i an Bomar on HE (2) Week deine Xr XY) 9 Op ala subjet tothe vestetion that ‘lo H) = (a) 4 (=I) la (8), x, We fist define when por 4 60. If p =O, a a 2 saga simple whose val ie €-X, and any singular g simplex of Ye define a tbe she ngola stplex of > ¥en by (e.bie) ‘We mae the symmetric definition if y= 0 Note tht this defies» for p-+q <2. Now assume x is deine for pac nvand let i, €A,(3,) be the identity stantand snp, yy © Ay iC) the ideiny standard nj staples, where > 2 aad 12 j & 2 We wis w deine ym ny € Auf) Xn (extn We note that (8) « Be-s) Bi gas + (Ui > Big p €, 4s alendy defined by incution, Furthermone by the eet of 5 on x, we ave iy ay + EAD ie) iy May (YM 1 Bigg (ADS 2g + wih eC sace = 0. So sine > Ay is contractible, Hy % Ags) =0, aml the ans sve just etek acyl unt ao bea boundary. So we define fy {ote some chain 20 that B= Bi nny 4-1) # Bin ‘Then a ij staples in Xand 7 ann —j simple in Ye deine ex 7 = (0x ali, ete) This mike 1 cay 10 Veufy that + i natural, and thatthe boundary formula tnd, (8) No. As as example, consider the map $y S! $1 x ‘Also uo, Let Y be asptce with a nowzero peafet fundamental group, and X bea pot. (a) Weep: XY be mcovering map, Let f+ be a path in ¥ starting at tv Then fui 9 point of pgs} then there isa unique path fT» X Sich that f(0) = ¥9 and po f= 7 "To rove this, lt (Ug) be a covering of ¥' by evnly covered path connected ects. By the Lebesgue lemma there is manera that ‘Flypetvesa ba tage in some Uy Suppose f 1 defied on [0/2] (the base case i #0), and suppose shin 6+ Djn)) CU. Then fi/u) sv exaetlyone ofthe path expo- dents of yy call Ut 6 Uy Tet y/ be p vetted to Vy, whieh te» bomeomorphism. Then et Lhionsvayn be etic by J) (p47). This & comtiuous sac it apres vith the definition off a ifn, nnd isthe unique continuous ms todo tht, (6) Past pp = ay(X29) > ay(¥a) 8a group monomorphism, so we eau think of (X29) as a subgroup of 51 (V4) ‘Second, te subgroup ial prey when the group of deck rane formation, Ae tosmoepie to 7 n}/ ta Xs) "To ace the Best fore, me apply the homotopy Ring property. If 6 stoop stay in that is eneractible in 1, then we hie the contracting Tmotopy This ft ges hometown and the constant lop at "To sve the fact about deve transformations, te that glen ayy in (yy) there sat most one map JX +X eovering the ieatty of ¥ fad taking to 21. Now if 483 path i fom to Fy, atu 73.0, then we have nlx.) us Eze! as sulbgroups of (130), Alo, anya (V 0) MA to pa in X fom oto some #1 € yy ‘On the othorhand, the map p: XY its to 4 honenvorphis f-N'> taking 2p toy prey when Mea) 0s X20 So we me that we git deck teausovtation taking 40 for any choice zy precy when (Xo) ie nora nally the isomerphisin =1(7-y}fy(% 39) to 2 comes om taking » pth a and iting it a stating at an assriating a to the dack transformation that takes 29 to) (6) Asiome skinension Holst = G, Hale) =0 for #0. {functorilty H,|-) 6 functor fron pis of spaces to gre abi grap, fucnest Ror any pelt (X, 1), thee ia naval (wth espe to map ton pits of spe) transformation Ha(X,A) SHA) which wnkes| the ing exare hrnooay mance ofa pe Aomotopy fy (X, A) (VB) ar homotopic then they snaps. homolog: ison If! x open with the clone of a sibs of the intron of A hen the eis Induces an orm HAN ~UA-U) 9 Md ‘compact support (Li's exphasize this in class) IF € Hy(X yA) toe bs com TA) C (X, A} ao Ut =n the nage ofthe ielson ANS HX, A Using excision, me prove that Hy(S®) =G, and the other groupe ace 0. By iuduetion assume H(S!} =G concentrated n dimension Lat Di be the pst ofS" above the agua last coordinate 0) DS be the pt of 3 lw the equa, N and Sb the north and south pokes. By the luce the same ALS) = ALas*,N) = ALS, DIC, By excising an open region U7 aghty smaller than the open nother hnsphe. applying exist, snl Ue apping the homotopy sen at Lena to the map betwen te LES ofthe pais ($"" = 0D" 0) and (DE, 8°) we got BAS Dy = = Dy, Finally, by os the fact that 0°" is couteactile, we gee HADES!) = HS! (7) Let 1: AX be the inchsion ofthe subcomples. We compote the par (A) to C(,CA). Lec U be asl neighbushuod of th eone point. By radon. (26) -U,CA~U) + (Cl) CA} ins homology bomorpiss, Et X-¥CU) =U and A+ CA=U aie hath homotopy exuvalenes, so by the Sema, (X,A) — (C(@) CAO} ia homology equivalence, So ve have an bomexphimn HAS,A) > HACK,CAD Now since CA is contractible, we get an somorphism (hom the LES of te pat) (CU) — H.CU),C). Pinal, since CA i » eotracile sulbimple of the CW complex Ci) we gota homotopy equivalence CW) + C1 {CA XA asi upg (6) No. samples are RU $? and RP whic have the same bomtopy groups ant diferent homology groups and S!v S'S! va Ste! whith The the same homology groups bt eiferent homotapy groaps (0) We uso le Hureuiee thooren to uote that xa(X} = 2/8. Let 88> X hea gewsatr. Lt ns be the degen 5 map from SS, Since fyb ‘ull Rometopi, we get an extension of J FSPucet +X. "This map clearly induers an comoepist in homology. Stace Both spices ane spl connect CW complexes, the White tora tells that this map 44 hemp equalence (10) The GraueSehnide proces 3 strong deformation retract fram GLa) to 1m,

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