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 14 points of Quaid-e-Azam:

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah presented his famous "14 Points" in

1929, which served as the basis for the All India Muslim League's demand for a
separate Muslim state in the Indian subcontinent. The 14 points were as

1. Muslim representation in central legislature should be one-third.

2. Muslims should have adequate representation in all the provinces.

3. Muslim representation in the government service should be increased to at least one-


4. Muslims should be given a separate electorate.

5. Seats reserved for Muslims should be separate from those reserved for other
6. No bill should be passed if the majority community opposes it.

7. Muslims should be given full protection for their religious, social, and economic rights.

8. Urdu should be the official language of India.

9. Muslims should be given adequate share in the revenue of the provinces.

10. Muslims should be given separate settlements in areas where they are in a majority.

11. Muslim culture and civilization should be protected and promoted.

12. Separate Muslim courts should be established to decide Muslim personal law.

13. Muslims should have the right to participate in the affairs of their own religion.

14. Muslims should be given the right to establish and run their own educational

 Nehru Report :
 The Nehru Report was a document prepared by a committee of Indian leaders led by
Motilal Nehru in 1928. The report was a response to the British Government's
announcement of the Simon Commission, a group tasked with reviewing the
Government of India Act 1919 and recommending changes to the Indian political

 The Nehru Report proposed a new constitution for India that would grant greater
autonomy to Indians in governing their own affairs. The report called for the
establishment of a federal system of government, with power divided between the
central government and the provinces. It also recommended the abolition of separate
electorates for Muslims and other minority communities, and proposed a scheme for
the protection of their rights.

 The report was significant in that it represented the first major attempt by Indians to
draft a constitution for their country. However, it was criticized by some Muslim
leaders who felt that it did not adequately address their concerns, particularly with
regard to the protection of their minority rights. This led to the demand for a separate
Muslim state, which eventually resulted in the partition of India in 1947.

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