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By Leon Friesen

Information available in audio.


1 Introduction 6 Partnerships

2 Objectives of social marketing 7 Cnonclusion

3 Target audience 8 References

4 Messaging

5 Communication channels
1. Introduction
Social marketing is a new approach to
marketing that aims to promote
positive social behavior or address
social issues

Different from traditional marketing,

which primarily aims to sell a product
or service

Social marketing uses marketing

principles and techniques to create
social good

Importance of social marketing in

promoting positive social change and
addressing societal issues

2. Objectives of
Social Marketing
The primary objective of social marketing is to promote positive social behavior or
address social issuesuses marketing principles and techniques to create social good

Social marketing campaigns can aim to improve health outcomes, increase awareness,
change attitudes and beliefs

campaigns often focus on promoting behavior change related to issues such as health,
education, environment, and social justice

Social marketing can be a powerful tool for creating positive social change

How many of you

3. Target audiance
Social marketing campaigns are designed to influence the
behavior of a specific target audience, using a range of
marketing techniques to promote behavior change

Understanding the attitudes, beliefs, and motivations of the

target audience is critical to the success of the campaign

Behavior change theories, such as the Transtheoretical

Model or the Health Belief Model are great tools

Obesity in the US
a national problem






Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5
4. Messaging Different Organsiations
different goals

Goal Goal Goal

UNICEF's goal is to WWF's goal is to conserve "Reuse-A-Shoe" program:
improve the lives of children nature and reduce threats Nike launched a social
in developing countries by to the diversity of life on marketing campaign to
providing aid, healthcare, Earth by promoting collect old athletic shoes
education, and protection. sustainability and building a and recycle them into

future where people live in athletic surfaces.
harmony with nature.

A strong call to action is essential!

5. Communication
Communication channels are the various ways through
which social marketing messages can be spread to the
target audience.

Social media platforms, email campaigns, influencer

marketing, TV and radio ads, billboards and posters, are the
most common channels used in social marketing.

Social marketing channels and strategies are comparable to

traditional marketing
6. Partnerships
Partnerships are an important aspect
of social marketing campaigns. They
involve collaborating with other
organizations and Businesses

Shared expertise, resources, and

networks => Increased reach and

Greater credibility and legitimacy and


An example is the Partnership

between the WHO and FIFA against

7. Conclusion
Social marketing is a powerful tool for promoting positive
social behavior and addressing social issues.

Effective messaging, targeted communication channels,

strategic partnerships, and evaluation and measurement are
key components of successful social marketing campaigns.

Companies like UNICEF and WWF are using social

marketing to achieve their goals and create real and lasting
social change.

Social marketing differs from traditional marketing in its

focus on promoting social good.

Marketers should consider incorporating social marketing

into their strategies to create a positive impact on society.
"Social marketing seeks to influence social
behaviors not to benefit the marketer, but
to benefit the target audience and the
general society."

- Philip Kotler
consultant, and
8. References
Lefebvre, R. C. (2013). Social marketing and social change: Strategies and
tools for improving health, well-being, and the environment. John Wiley &

Andreasen, A. R. (1995). Marketing social change: Changing behavior to

promote health, social development, and the environment. John Wiley &

Peattie, S., & Peattie, S. (2003). Ready to Fly Solo? Reducing social
marketing’s dependence on commercial marketing theory. Marketing theory,
3(3), 299-326.

French, J., & Blair-Stevens, C. (2010). Social marketing and public health: Theory
and practice. Oxford University Press.


Photos: Canva, Freepik, Pixabay


Thank you for

your attention
Any questions
by Leon Friesen
Eidesstattliche Erklärung

Hiermit erkläre ich, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbstständig verfasst habe, dass ich sie zuvor an keiner anderen Hochschule und in keinem anderen Studiengang als Prüfungsleistung eingereicht habe und dass
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Neuss 09.05.2023
____________ ______________
Ort, Datum Unterschrift

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