English A

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Name:- Class:- 7TH Paper:- English A

Total Marks:- 100 Obtained Marks:- Date:-

 Choose the correct option.
1. The last sermon of the Rasool is for the entire___________.

Muslim Arab Humanity

2. All revealed to him the true religion Islam. The sentence ``him`` refers

Huzrat Hazrat Jibrail Arabs


3. Quaid e Azam is an example of a/an___________.

Common noun Proper noun Countable noun

4. The hungry fox saw a bunch of grapes .bunch is a/an ___________.

Collective noun Countable noun Uncountable

5. Which is the example of countable noun___________.

Book Sugar Honey

6. Babar succeeded in establishing the ___________in northern India. After coming

through the pass from Afghanistan.

India and Pakistan India and Afghanistan and

Afghanistan Pakistan

7. The Khyber pass has been known as a famous ___________route.

Cotton Spice Silk

8. If you study hard, you ___________the exam.

Passed Will pass Pass

9. What ___________if it rains?

Did you do? Do you do? Will you do?

10.I will go the party if ___________time.

I had I will have I have

 Fill in the blanks.

11.Khyber pass has been ___________history.

12.The brave tribe`s men fight the mighty ___________empire.

13.The road goes down winding through ___________scenery.

14.Hazrat Muhammad belongs to the family of___________.

15.All revealed to him the true religion___________.

Section B

1. Write meaning of any five words.

Sermon Strategic Forbidden

Cave Tourist

Ancient Continent

2. Attempt any five questions

a) Define a few character traits of Hazrat Muhammad.
b) As a Muslim how should we treat our servant?
c) Why is the Londi kotal a famous place along pass?
d) What did the historical importance of the Khyber pass?
e) How does a farmer throw grains
f) What is the economic importance of Khyber Pass?

3. Write synonyms of any five.

Capture Grew Spare

Brought Interest

Numerous Vast

4. Write English meaning of any five

Retire Dearly Culture

Intense Hebrew

Conveying Mountain

5. Translate into Urdu

His parents died by the time he was six year of age. his grandfather Abdul Mutalib,
took charge of him but he also died soon.

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