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Informal Letter( writing)

Dear + name,

Exemple de propozitii de început ale primului paragarf.

Thanks for your lovely letter.

Sorry, but I have been very busy with exams.

It s taken me so long to get back to you, but I have been busy with exams.

I thought I would take a few minutes to write to you with the information you asked for.

It s great to hear from you.

I am sorry I haven t written to you for so long.

I ve got some good news.

This is just a quick note to tell you... etc

Al doilea paragraf- detalii și informatii cerute in cerinta emailului. ( folosirea de expresii colocviale,
idiomatice, verbelor frazale, abrevierilor, formelor prescurtate, omisiunea pronumelor personale.)

Al treilea paragraf- closing remarks

Well, I d better sign off now because I m supposed to be meeting my friends.

Take care and write soon.

Say hello to your family from me.

I ll write again when I have more time./ Write an tell me how you .......

Write soon and let me know what you think. That s all for now.

I have to finish now.

Write soon!

Ultimul paragraf-

Kind regards,

Best wishes,

Lots of love,

All the best,

Look forward to hearing from you,

Your surname

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