Church Managment - 040236

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Management: the process of dealing with or controlling things or people. Management is a process of
planning, decision making, organization, leading, motivation and controlling the human resources, financial,
physical and information of the organization to reach its goal effectively and efficiently. It is the act of
getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources effectively and
Church management is an important ideal that brings together the spiritual and the organization. The
Church’s Pastor and administrators take on the majority of the managerial duties. The task or essence of
Church management is to help them (Pastors and Administrators) fulfill the overarching goals of the
But it’s the entire church’s responsibilities to hold the administration staff accountable. Churches are
characterized by both spiritual and organizational because of its unique dual nature. The local church
requires both spiritual and organizational management. Church management becomes a challenge of
blending the spiritual with the organizational. Example, the same church that prays, proclaims the word and
celebrates the sacrament also pays bills, maintain physical facilities and keep records.
Note: In church management, no man manages a church he do not/cannot understand. The manager should
know the government, policy, practice and procedure, and the structure of the church.
The Presbyterian Church is a church govern /rule by Presbyters (Elders); both the teaching and the ruling.
What separates them is function. What makes PCN what we are is because we are democratic: consider the
1. Constitution
2. Polity /Policies G04.0301
3. Practice & procedure. Part D, G, and W
4. Confession
5. Guiding principles
6. Courts etc.
The PCN parish government is made up of the Session and the Board
The Session
The session is made up of teaching and the ruling Elders in active and nothing more, as a close court. No
resource or equalizer unless invited or cited by the session. The minister moderates the session during
meetings. The two elder exercise leadership, government and discipline ordinances and have responsibility
for the life of a particular church as well as the church at large.
The Teaching Elder: a minister become a member of a session by posting and or particularly when inducted
or received by the presbytery. The minister is the over-seer or the head of the church and it is his duty to
guide the church/session basically on the policy of the church.
G-06.0208 8. The Duties of a Minister

a. He or she is responsible for a personal quality of fife and relationship that commend the gospel to all
persons and that communicate its joy and its justice.

b. The Minister is responsible for studying, teaching, and preaching the Word, for administering Baptism
and Lord's Supper, for praying with and for the congregation.

c. With the elders, the Minister is to encourage the people in the worship and service of God; to equip and
enable them for their tasks within the church and their mission in the world; to exercise pastoral care,
devoting special attention to the poor, the sick, the troubled, and the dying.

d. The Minister shall participate in governing responsibilities, including leadership of the congregation in
implementing the principles of participation and inclusiveness in the decision making of the church.

e. With the elders in their districts, he or she is to share in the ministries of sympathy, witness, and service.

f. The Minister is responsible for sharing in the duties of governing bodies higher than the Session.
g. The ministry of the Word, the conduct of public worship, the dispensing of the Sacraments, the
instruction of the young, and the preparation of first communicants belong to the Minister, subject to the
control and direction of the Presbytery.
h. The minister is the head of personnel, by so doing he / she supervises and directs the office admin,
security guards, sexton, church secretary, drivers and all other officers as regards the execution of their
i. The persons who are authorized to conduct public worship are Ministers, Probationers and regular
Students of Theology. Others may be allowed to preach, but only on the express permission of the
Moderator of the Parish who must first of all approve the content of the sermon and the order of worship.
Ministers have the responsibility of properly training those elders who may, under special circumstances, be
asked to preach. All Minister(s) inducted into parishes are expected to be in the pulpit at least 75% of the
Sundays in each month except during his or her normal leave.
j. The Minister being in charge of Christian instruction is the head of the Sunday school, even where, as is
common, another person- acts as superintendent.
The ruling elder: a ruling elder is chose by the people and ordain by the minister. They serve as the
governing body of the church with the minister by the side to direct. Every elder is a member of a district
with the minimum number of 15 communicants or maximum 25 communicants. He/she is the bishop of the
district and expected to pastor the district as the minister does to the church.
Note: The ruling elder is ordained and admitted by the session. An elder is not a member of the session if
not admitted, especially on transfer. Also, ruling Elders hold office indefinitely, except when removed by
death, deposition, or resignation- this means elder is for life, even when suspended the title is not remove.
-06.0305 5. THE DUTY OF ELDERS
It is the duty of Elders, individually and jointly, to strengthen and nurture the faith and life of the
congregation committed to their care. Together with the pastor, they should encourage the people in the
worship and service of God, equip and renew them for their tasks within the church and for their mission in
the world, visit and comfort and care for the people, with special attention to the poor, the sick, the lonely,
and those who are oppressed. They should inform the pastor and session of those persons and
structures which may need special attention. They should cultivate their ability to teach the Bible and may
be authorized to supply places which are without the regular ministry of the word. Those duties which all
Christians are bound to perform by the law of love are especially incumbent upon Elders because of their
calling to office and are to be fulfilled by them as official responsibilities.
1. Spiritual oversight of the church e.g Revival, Discipline, Preaching etc.
2. Supervise communion
3. Handle referrals from board
4. Setting of committees
5. Receive ecclesiastical report
6. Assist in bible study/teachings
7. Evangelism/visitation


The Session appoints a Clerk, whose tenure of office lasts during the pleasure of the Session, and years may
not exceed two consecutive terms of three years each. (See G-09.0203) It is the Clerk's duty to take regular
minutes of the Session's procedure and engross the same in a permanent record to take charge of all
Sessional documents, and to prepare and issue all extracts of minutes and papers authorized by the Session.
In his or her absence from any meeting, the Session appoints a Clerk pro tempore whose appointment roust
be recorded in the minutes. The oath de fidel should be administered to the Clerk on appointment. Each
minutes', when approved, must be signed in the permanent record by the Clerk as "Clerk” or “Clerk pro
tempore," as well as by the Moderator. Failing the appointment of the Clerk, it devolves on the Moderator to
perform the duties, and he / she signs as "Moderator and Clerk" The Clerk must be a member of the court.
a. To record, in the form of minutes, the transactions of the governing body;
b. To keep its rolls of membership and attendance, preserve its records carefully and permanently;
c. To bring before the court any matters of business, and give intimations of the court’s decisions.
d. To take charge of all of the courts papers, books and documents.
e. To furnish extracts from the minutes when required by another governing body of the church. Such
extracts, verified by the Clerk shall be evidence in any governing body of the church.
f. To carry out the instructions of the court.
RECORDS KEPT BY THE SESSION CLERK: Minute book, certificates, mark Record of church
services regularly, Parish nominal roll or register, Lord Supper roll book, Adult baptism register and
Supplementary roll.
In all parishes there shall be a Parish Board for the administration of finance, and the board oversees the
financial management of the church

Membership and Composition

a. Membership: The Parish Board consists of the Minister, the Elders currently holding office on the
Session, and a certain numbers of members in full communion elected by the Parish. The number so to be
elected is determined by the Parish, and must be the same as the number of Elders on the Session at the date
of such election. Membership on the Parish Board is open to men and women alike; and a person shall not
be debarred on the ground of his or her sex or ethnic identity, from performing any of the duties proper to
the said office. For effective communication and inclusiveness of the arms, it is expedient that arms be
incorporated as members of the board.
b. Election of Board Members: The election of members to the Parish Board shall be done at the Stated
Annual meeting of the Parish.

The Minister is “ex officio,” (by office) the chairman of the board, but in the event of his or her dedicating
to accept office the Board elect one of their own number as chairman for not more than one year. If
the chairman (either 'ex office' or elected) be absent from any meeting, the members of the Board present
elect one of their own number as chairman for that meeting. The election is minuted. The chairman has
a casting vote only.
The offices of Board of Clerk
It is duty of the Board at their first meeting to elect a secretary. The person or persons so appointed hold
office during the pleasure of the Board.
Duties of the Board Clerk
It is the duty of the clerk to keep regular minutes of the proceedings of the Board and also of the
proceedings at the Stated Annual Meeting of the Parish, and to engross these in a permanent record, in
which each set of minutes when later approved shall be signed by the chairman and the clerk.
The Secretary of the Board shall also be responsible for keeping an up-to-date register of the property of the

Duties of the Treasurer

It is duty of the Board at their first meeting to elect a treasurer. The person or persons so appointed hold
office during the pleasure of the Board.
1. It is the duty of the treasurer to keep a separate banking account in the name of the Parish Board, and all
cheques thereon must be signed by him/her.
2. The Treasurer shall balance his or her books at the end of every calendar year with the financial secretary
and hand them over for auditing in sufficient time for an audited statement to be presented to the Stated
Annual Meeting.
3. The Treasurer shall give a brief statement of Account (income, expenditure, balance) at each regular
meeting of the Parish Board.
4. The treasurer shall hold in trust any funds entrusted to him or her by any arm of the church, and shall
release the same to the arm from which they were received upon application from that arm and with the
approval of the Parish Board.
5. To keep proper records of income and expenditure of the parish in accordance with book keeping
6. All cheques and receipts of payments resides with the treasurer of the Parish board
The Financial Secretary
The Board may also elect a Financial Secretary if it so desires. The duties of the Financial Secretary usually
i. Issuing receipts for funds received. All Church monies (but not necessarily that of the arms of the Church)
being handed over to the Treasurer must pass through the Financial Secretary's hands.
ii. Getting authorization for payment vouchers signed by the Board Chairman after any such decision of the
iii. Keeps track of, and reports regularly to the Board, on the remaining amounts in the budget categories,
and which categories have been overspent.
iv. Balances his or her books at least quarterly with the Treasurer


Title/ Caption: Every paper or agenda for a meeting must bear the name of the organization and or the title
for the meeting. E.G whether regular or emergency.
Agenda: Our day to day meeting procedure includes:
1. Opening/ constitution
2. Welcome by the moderator
3. Roll call/ apology (ies)
4. Invitation to session if any
5. Reading, correction and adoption of previous minutes
6. Matters arising for the previous minutes
7. New matters
8. Reports: Districts, higher courts and others
9. Correspondence
10. General/ AOB
11. Adjournment/ Closing
Note: The session clerk lias with the minister for a meeting date. Announcement should be done two weeks
before the meeting, unless in the case of emergency. While announcing for emergency meeting, the purpose
for the meeting must be stated too. It is the duty of the session clerk to announce date of meetings. For board
meetings, the clerk and chairman choose a date for meetings, announced by the session clerk during Sunday
Reporting: Bellow are the simple reporting format
1. Preamble
2. Election, if applicable
3. Activities
4. Achievement(s)
5. Challenges
6. Recommendation(s)
7. Conclusion
8. signature
Note 1: In committee report, what led to appointment of the committee must be stated as well as terms of
reference. Observations and findings must be noted too as well as interview conducted if any.
In recommendation. Item 1 must be “that this report be accepted for discussion or for further deliberations.
After discussion you move for it acceptance as a working document as discussed and amended.
Note 2: it is the right of the presenter/ clerk or secretary to move for the acceptance of a report. But where
the clerk or chairman is not a member of the unit, the ex officio moves the motion.


1. The church is the body of Christ (1 cor. 12:12-14). Many are the people who are broken by sin,
difficulties and are in need of a savior-your duty as a leader is to locate such people and care for them. Many
of them are depressed and devastated, so sense of belonging to them is their right.
2. The foundation of the church is the word of God and you cannot grow a church on anything less. It is
expected of other leaders to help the minister to ease some activities like visitation and evangelism.
3. Financial management boast a church and keeps it stable
4. Use your influence and not your authority-humility pays
5. 2 Timothy 3: 16-17. Rely on scripture for good judgment
6. Be able to raise disciple
7. Understand the power of networking
8. Relationship
9. Study both the church document and the bible for guidance
10. Be dynamic in nature
11. Evaluation- Where do we go from here, time frame, do we have resources
12. Protect the children and the youth who are the future of the church
Conclusion: we must take very seriously the fact that commitment is oine of the hallmark of true Christian
service. What you need to do it to find out the areas you can fit well, understand and appreciate your
responsibilities. God has the purpose of appointing you to any position and you must be determinant in
discharging your duties. Lastly, avoid pride, self and be humbly.

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