M Hammad Hassan (19013386-079)

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— { Nome :- Hammap Hassan. Sp | Rollo: 190134 86-079. Covrse cocle: Covrse title: Technical draw Sem cter; eno 4 Section: B. i Dote « 16 (ene Qodo. At Wihg | Axe engine — Commontealion =~ 4 . on mecBiary for desian ip : - - - 1 Prawings are the tindamentel wou ef ammounicalion to engineering « TH pas developed over many dears to Physically t decribe thier works: and you aut be able to veal and wrile and Hshow “lL the shapes details and alt “tte Aimeniin _pard or _assemblys- _\ es ——— The _ondivectional dimension sysleen preffrcd een the aliqned system because itis easter to vead and understand: Higned Atimension _gyglem tan read fon the beltom and from the sight gide. ‘Scanned with CamScanner al Ral What ts ie vse of. {tile Hock. oo | The tlle black of a drawing vseally located 2, \ the bstlom or lower ight hand cornertertlains { alt the informalion necessary te tod entific. = ranting andteverify to its validity. i 7 The_dvawing title andthe Avacding nomber ve | used for tetetifeatiae= ond filing Porposes- \ QS): Wtrett one tho. io principles. opine dvisine=-_ line _olivision of The Line segemed, ACB nto O. _a_mumbey fs a equal Poot _v_will need streia IL edge Pao Compass we. usetheseto drvace t | a tivo maw lines ene prompoint A and other | orn Bs These T06 Unes qanarked viingcempass srumber of closed equal ports: Necessary; tis the i wud accoray ef te todas coordineles.ard Le, Wvided bine Segemaat 15 sed to rear ducdhactian a dint in tee ue u rete kag. peek fo evealionaf if || af the shapes : | etineen the sides of the. stapes | of the sides of Ute dhe.pe- Scanned with CamScanner Sm wheat kied ef propections ave used todiaush e lanalie projection: and Cthegiaphic projector Multi view projection Brel angle projection. third. angle prjection 2, Pers pective p refection » Neral « Ome. pack perpedtive Tie point perspectives : [rejections ave used fr engdnsering design D and Ue mvltt yews whenone propedion planes ave used the vesulls_ts a onvilti Oe Khel ave $ix Prine ple Vigo = | In orthoqra prc Projection Uhere_aave_six _possiile 2 all objecls have ___ 9 Wt sicke and ___Ilviews of on objects + be caus Six sides. pest ,lep, ballon, rear,» ) | tet side ES A Be ee O1! Flow ean one explain the angie. of pesjechon = a-) Crtho graphic yey eclions ave 2-Ove presentalios of | “a eect I . split falo quadrants of fies. a-_ the viewing angles ave Sf ? | _qovrlh enffe _——H vealve intially 24 af = a} angle _, Secon d angle : thirda gle sane! ‘Da! Meus ctesiay 2 meas L A i - é puke Arde ms Pine ' v. legic. ex lax geen eas h Me. 4 Scanned with CamScanner : # a ag Ss acobacei: ‘ “pat sls tnonly $B. XN atVani: bad cyply a aPibaing tee fat ane bras a iidls at length pul mo ae pl q e wd Uveks Uaioe why ap dnewdeg ereotived Baltialys Se |p we ~ 2a tae close rn Sh water osc cmenicaled te mer lechni fr Lf yore. asked per ¢ xplats teehnieal Linformydtiens [te a men teebmicalauddnee heres — what poor — J nceet te dor af Perit assert _anthing . ae} Pont & qe. do “ke anech Bo EI thes arwhe they. ye > eles Bree the ee —e ot aby. cand howe lipse const: constycetion fs def ferent | from cotle been ed shape thet isHlat: ynstead of havieg alt potats Me same clistance fon ely ciecle Ie a _closecl_cerve ithe center poinl i Scanned with CamScanner A He ve design tofprnalion 1s 6 Ommonicahed | veed todo: | Derit_agsome —enthing. . _ Don't lay _te_cle SS .rt”sts”~—C ts ~| ttt them where Leg Chie == -_ ete Door —Prad ar phpe Oxo. Lby and how_ellipse constrettion —---- -- > — = ) A Sa ing ts aolesving Het atts iaonly Ly ie he ee sieply a2 Dibvacirg 150 -T~ plot anc bara width od leegl put mo abel and tnicks Uals why AP dreaded exeolived — 1— paltia ly. oe te nor lechnit Lf wyeurre a sted fer explain technical informedtions | Te a_mentechnicalauddnee here s ighat You 4 |_ ellipse constreetion fs different from a circle because circle Is a. closed _corved shape thet. isMat. tostead of having allfobils Me same listancepy | the center poi. ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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