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Class: BBA 5D
Course: social and psychological development
Enrollment: 01-111211-197
Submitted By: Shahbaz Ul Asim
Submitted To: Ma’am Anum Khurshid
Q=1 Draw a timeline of your life with major physical, emotional and social milestones of
your life.
Amy life timeline can include various physical, emotional, and social milestones such as:
Age Physical milestone Social & emotional milestones
Rolling over Expressing feelings
0-3 years Crawling Sense of recognition
walking Making sounds
Self- walking Sense of sharing toys
3-6 years Pedaling a bicycle Sense of acknowledgement
Listening to poems Recognizing colors & symbols
Joining school Enjoying rhymes
6-9 years Drawing Understanding time
Gaming skills Understand and following
9-12 years Playing with friends
Peer recognition

12-15 years Sports Developing a dream, goal

Gaps between opposite gender Adulthood
15-18 years Understanding abstracts
Difference between good & bad
Riding horse & car Sense of independency
18-22 years Hanging out with `friends Time management
Peer acceptance and recognition
development stage
Q=2Discuss one example that illustrate your particular life crisis. Write positive and
negative outcome.
One of life's biggest crises that plagued my life was COVID-19 as it spread all over the world
and no one knew what to do. Similarly my father tested positive for Covid-19 and it was one of
the scariest situations for me and my family because our father was the only person who did
everything for us and I didn't even know the routes that lead to my Younger Brother Schools
and I had to do everything during this whole situation.
The positive thing I learned throughout this scenario is that I am capable of taking care of my
siblings and family and I know how to stand up for them and most importantly I learned how to
manage time and resources effectively and efficiently.
The negative result of this whole situation was that I was completely disturbed by this whole
situation and felt very tired because I had to constantly pick up and drop my brothers from
school and also go to university classes so I used to get really upset and sometimes I used to
panic and ruin things and sometimes the situation was out of my hands. They also went to sleep.

Q=3 What advice would you give someone of your age?

The advice I would like to give to someone of the same age is to never lose focus on your
studies and goals in life because if you are not educated then you will not be able to move
forward in life and will not be able to succeed. Always try to have space for your religion and
special respect for your parents. This is the age where almost everyone me and
obviously you would also have fallen in love with someone but just remember that don’t get
emotionally attached to the wrong person as the right person will always try his/her best to fix
the problems and have a time to listen to you, and I know that this is not something I and you
both would not love to hear at all. As you know many people say that there are many mediocre
in life and love should not be one of them.

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