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In the conclusion of my presentation I referred to "chans" or internet textboards.

These websites
allow users to posts in any section of the website (called boards and generally they are related to an
interest/topic) in any thread completely anonymously. This type of website have been existing for a
long time on the internet,starting back in 1999 in Japan and while similar to forums, they didn’t
became as obsolete as them when modern social media became mainstream around 2008-2009, the
primary reason for this is the fact that textboards are less strict on the moderation and and allow for
almost complete anonymity.
While in the public opinion textboards have a bad reputation because of the most infamous exemple
of them; 4chan, which is a website known to shelter internet’s biggest degeneracies, but a lot less
famous for one of it’s core values : free speech. As of lately, mainstream social medias are
beginning to be seen as limiting in how much of what could be considered free speech isn’t allowed
to say, and with more and more accounts of people with marginalized opinions getting banned from
these mainstream platforms, they can still voice their opinions on this space. 4Chan has played a
major role in a lot of recent events like the 2016 American Election, or the Occupy Wall Street
movement in 2009, amongst other events, these showed the world that it needed a place where
anything could be said as censorship became more and more visible on social medias.
To conclude this short text on chans, I would say that in the current world it is essential to protect
channels of information that are not monitored by governments or shady private companies, and
while these imageboards still holds a lot of degenerate and radicalised people, I think these people
should be dealt with legally instead of suppressing their ideas, as innovation is like evolution, ideas
(or "memes") really develop and evolve mostly when they are seen as relevant.

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