Pepper 6

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Named: Adeeb Abbas

Mock Test: 6 August 2020

Date: 29 August 2022

Task 1: investigating causes of the accident

1 Based on the only scenario, what management failures could have contributed ti this

Risk Assessment:
Risk assessment a very important in there company. According to scenario the company was
not updating a risk Assessment .That’s a management failure.
Work force:
In the scenario worker was short and very high work and worker was vulnerable. He was
untrained. That’s a management failure.
An company staff feels dissatisfied in case of negative management, they are leave the
company. In the scenario this company staff turnover very much. That’s a management
Based on the scenario, there Ware few workers in the company but the workload was very
high. or the manager’s fault should fulfill the worker and not put work pressure on them.
Work environment:
Management want to provide a good environment to the workers. In the scenario the
environment of the company was not so good most of the porters was vulnerable no work
experience. That’s a manager Failures. The manager should to train the vulnerable porter.
According to scenario. When the workload on the workers is high, the workers will be short due
to the turnover and due to This, an accident will be caused by lifting the piano of a portal. From
which they leave up to 2 month.
Vulnerable workers:
In the scenario, most of the workers in the company ware vulnerable. and that Inexperienced.
That’s manager failure. The manager wanted to give health and safety training to the
vulnerable workers.
Appreciate the workers:
Management wants to appreciate the workers. According to scenario, management did not
appreciate the workers.
Enforcement action:
According to Scenario. When the health and safety manager arrived after two week of absence,
the manager told him that a worker had an accident while lifting a piano. The reason why he
got injured could be the enforcing action on us or the failure of the manager.
Compliance management:
The manager should listen to the workers complaints. Based on scenario, when the manager
was told that the workers has got an account, he said, I only have work. That’s management
TASK 2: Reporting the accident
why must this most recent accident be reported by the employer to the competent
Enforcement authority:
The fulfill legal requirements it is necessary to report to enforcement authority at the earliest.
so that it does not become a problem later.
Responsibility of employer:
This is a responsibility of an employer to report the fatal accident including major injury,
dangerous occurrence, occupational diseases and lost time injury to competent authority.
According to the ILO:
Thais porter sustained a fractured ankle and he can not back to work for several month. This
accident resulted a major injure (lost time injury) to the porter and this need to be reported
because as par ILO code of practice that occupational non fatal accidents with at least three
consecutive days of incapacity excluding the accident need to be reported to the competent
Accident in future:
In the case of accident, employer should contact the competent authority to avoid future
accidents and complete the information.
The employer should conduct an investigation of the accident. So there is no legal issue later.
The employer should find out the cause of the accident, what caused it and control it in the
future situation.
(b) How would you notify this most recent accident as the employer?
As an employer this recent need to be notified as well as keeping the record of the record of the
accident through a standard record form or book for the record of the accident, the following
information need to be included in record and same need to be notified trough the following.
1. Name and address of injured porter.
2. Date and time of accident.
3. Location of accident.
4. Description of event causing injury.
5. Detail of treatment given.
6. detail of injury.
7. Witnesses name and contact details
8. Detail person completing the record
9. Signature.
Task 4: Improving organisational health and safety culture
4: What appear to be the positive indicators of health and safety culture at the removals company?
Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, using relevant information from the
The safety culture of an organization is the shared attitudes, values and behavior relating to health
and safety.
Visible leadership:
Removals company was present from the visible leadership. The manager regularly checks and
communicates with the workers. The health and safety manager regularly trained workers
about health and safety culture.
First aid training:
removals company have a provide a first aid training. The organization provide a to first aiders.
one first aiders command warehouse side and other first aider command office side.
Manual handling:
the manager has providing manual handling training to the workers. manual handling training is
carried out annually by an external training company is a positive indicator.
provided induction training:
the new workers are being provided induction training and this will improve their understanding of
work place health and safety risk and their competency level.
Refresher Training:
appointment of first aiders and arranging refresher training for them is a positive indicator of health and
safety culture.
Developing safe system :
Developing safe system of work and general risk assessment is a positive indicator of health and safety
Passage Ways:
as demonstrated in the scenario well marked passage ways for pedestrians and vehicles is a positive
Involvement of managers:
As demonstrated in the scenario the manager visits the work site for inspection and talk with
worker personally apart from his manager is also involved in risk assessment and auditing .
involvement of managers in all this is an indicator of positive health and safety culture. This also show
that responsibilities related to health and safety have been assigned/ distributed.
Planning of work:
provision of powered lowering and lifting platform in the rear of vehicles, sack barrows and platform
trolleys show that manual handling related risk have been considered and controls measure have been
given accordingly. This shows good planning of work which is also an indicator of positive health and
safety culture.
Consideration the injuries:
provision of fully stacked first aid boxes at the work site is shows that the management has taken into
consideration the injuries or emergencies that’s the workers might suffer. When the management takes
the health and safety of workers into account .This is positive indicator.
Hair a safety managers:
A person which is me have been hired and appointed to take health and safety of workers . this is also
positive indicator.
Safe work system:
The drivers must use banks man when maneuvering to assist the movement of vehicles safely and a
safe and a safe work system has been maintained which is a positive indicator of health and safety.
Maintaining cleanliness:
Workers are taking care of cleanliness and tidiness in the warehouse while working and maintaining
good housekeeping. This is a positive indicator.
Reporting the incidents:
the driver has reported the incident at the manager at the earliest shows the positive indicator of health
and safety.
Internal Audits:
the management responsible for conducting frequent internal audits is a positive indicator of health and
Management is ready to carry out an investigation of his accident and provide a report to help ensure
that lessons can be learned, and similar accident can be avoided in the future.
Proper inspection:
proper inspection is done by the manager at the workplace which shows the positive indicator of health
and safety;
the manager also visits the warehouse site every day to carry out daily inspection to check on capacity
levels and directly speak with workers with shows two-way positive communication.
Disciplinary Action:
The removal company taking a disciplinary action against those who put themselves and others at risk.
 TASK 5 :Comment on the company’s health and safety morals.
Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, using relevant information
from the scenario
Answer: lt is moral duty of an organization to not be letting employees become ill or injured in
the workplace; this can be only achieved by providing a safe workplace, I felt that the
organization is less concerned about health and safety morals:
1:The employers moral responsibility is to tale care of workers on humanitarian grounds.
2: Injuries and illness from working the demoralize the employees so maintaining a safe work
environment at the workplace is mandatory.
3: workers sickness absenteeism rates are getting workers are complaining are complaining of
musculoskeletal disorder.
4: Not enough workers ware being provide for the heavy and difficult task by the management,
when more workers needed to complete difficult jobs then the employer need to provide more
workers for assistance.
5: work related injuries and illness may result in trust issues between workers and employers
decrease in motivation may lead to low productivity and low staff turnover.
6: the employer must priority to the health and safety of workers rather then profits and
7: Complaints of the workers about the working condition are not taking seriously by the
company and high turnover of the workers leads to the decrease the workers moral.
8: A worker will have to suffer a lot of pain, psychological stress, life injury, permanent
disabilities, with possible job losses due to an accident.
9: A worker may be single person of his family who is on job. Because of the accident, not only
the worker but also his family to suffer financial crisis.
10: It is the employers moral duty to protect its workers and provide them with safe and healthy
working environment.

Task 6: Role and responsibility of the manager

6 Within the health and safety management system, the role of manager has specific health
and safety responsibilities for assessing removal requirements. What could be done to help
ensure the manager is more effective in carrying out their health and safety role and
Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, using relevant information from the
Answer: The effectiveness of the managers roles and responsibilities in relation to health and safety in
the removal company are as follows:
1: The manager is effective in reviewing the documents of generic risk assessment and safe system of
works for removals on domestic premises.
2:the manager must have acknowledged the difficulties of workers when carrying difficult work and
resolved their issues as soon as possible without ignoring them.
3: The manager should focus on and give priority to workers health and safety issues rather than giving
pressure about production and completion of work.
4: The role of the manager it to avoid accident and civil claims as it will be huge burden and could face
financial losses and lawsuits.

5: It is also the managers responsibility to report incident or injuries to the competent enforcement
authority at the earliest.
6: It is also managers role responsibility to conduct and associate with HSE advisor in conducting the
accident investigation if required.
7: The manager should be also be reporting to listen to workers complaints about the working
conditions and the should keen to solve their issues as soon possible.
8: This is also a managers responsibility to appoint the required vacant position in the company to
minimize the workload of the workers.
9: absenteeism and sickness rates need to be analyzed by thee Manager and evaluate the reasons
behind this to reduce and improve the working in relation to health and safety.
10: The manager should conduct a weekly meeting with the workers and listen to their issues and
concerns about health and safety the feedback should be appreciate.

Task 7: Reviewing first-aid arrangements

(a) What would you consider in your review to determine if first-aid provision is realistic and
proportionate at the warehouse?

Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, using relevant information from the
scenario. You do not need to itemise specific firstaid equipment.

Answer: I would consider the following factors to determine if first aid provision is realistic and
proportionate at the warehouse.

1: I would the types of injuries that the workers might supper from while working such as: when
workers are trapped in between vehicles and fixed objects as there are vehicle movement in
the ware house. I would consider the first aid equipment and provision that may be required in
such an injury.
2:I would consider the number of workers that are present the site office and at the ware
house. The will help me decide how many first aiders required at the company.
3:I would also consider the shift patterns of workers because if the shift pattern changes, if
there is a night shift, if some workers are working overtime then there should be first aider
present at the work location.
4: I would be consider the presence of vulnerable group of people at the workplace. There a
young workers are likely to suffer from injuries. I have giving a first aid provision.
5: I would also consider the previous accident history. I consider the accident place. I give the
more first aid provision.
6: I would also consider the geographic location of the workplace. This will enable me to understand
some of the weather emergencies as thunder or rain an earthquake. This help decide the first aid
provisions that are required in such emergencies.

7: I would also consider the maintenance of machinery. This help decide to me the first aid that required
in emergency.
8: I would be consider the unconsciousness. And this a help for me this situation who used to the first
aid and protect the unconsciousness.
9: I would to the considers, promoting recovery, lessening anxiety, relieving pain, treating gently.
10: I would be a consider prevent the injuries from getting worse and cover the wounds, avoid to
fractures and make the patient comfortable.
11: I should be clean, necessarily heated arranged for the supply of fresh air and lightened.
12: I would be consider in the save equipment, eye-wash station, emergency shower, blankets, and
other equipment according to requirement .
13: I would to be consider to decide the level of first aid covers in workplace discuss the solved issues.
14: consideration of the need for first aiders considering gender, ethnicity and religious convictions.
15: must be consider to released from normal duties to attend an incident . I consider a selective staff to
be first aiders.

 (B)What additional considerations would be in your review to determine if first-aid

provision is realistic and proportionate for drivers and porters involved in remote
removal activities?
1: The additional considerations that would be my review to determine if first aid
provision is realistic and proportionate for driver and porters involved in remote
removal are as fallows.
2: There are many cases ware driver porters are away from the warehouse and the first
aiders are only present at the warehouse and site office. So the driver should be given
3: I would the consider if every vehicle has sufficient first aid provision or not because
when the driver to required first aid provision.
4: I would also consider the road accident which are often serious in nature, what first
aid required first aid equipment in vehicles.
5: I would also consider the factor that for serious injuries an advanced first aid training
may be required for drivers or porter.

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