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The Villa Isola : Schoemaker’s Moderenity of

Indonesian Architecture

Asep Abdul Rahman Holik

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The Villa Isola designed by C.P. Wolff Schoemaker, was a colonial
building in the 1930s. This journal discusses a colonial buildings as one of the
pioneer in Modernity of Indonesian Architecture and also discuss over the
characteristic of Art Deco on the exterior of the Villa Isola. The method use to
analyze is a descriptive analysis with literature study and observation study. As a
Dutch architect, Schoemaker was implementing a Modern Art Deco style in
Villa Isola. It argues that the form of symmetrical building, a curved and the
cylindrical form, a simple facade, and a demonstrate of architectural modernism.
The Villa Isola local approach was applied using a cosmic orientation towards
North and South. The journal further argues that The Villa Isola is the thought of
Schomaker about Modern Architecture in Indonesia.
Keywords : C.P Wolff Schoemaker, Villa Isola, Modern Architecture, Indonesia

1. Introduction
Bandung has many of colonial buildings one of them is Villa Isola. This is related to
ethical policy at that time conducted by the Dutch, by Queen Wihelmina’s speech in
1901. Ever since the duch colonial politics are more concerned to care about the welfare
of the Indonesian people[1]. Beside that ethical policy impact to the style of colonial
architecture, that are Indies Architecture and modern style Nieuwe Bouwen. In this case
studies the Villa Isola including to modern style Nieuwe Bouwen, architecture movement
that synthesis of modern European architecture with local nature and culture approach[2].
A number of studies have extensively explored both the Villa Isola and Schoemaker
vision on Modernity of Indonesian Architecture. Salura, Sudikno and Suryono focus on
conservation of dutch colonial architecture Heritage[3]. Dewi Discusees Art Deco
furniture in Villa Isola[4]. Natural lighting discusses by R.Wijaya, and K. Putra[5].
Despite the studies on Schoemaker’s architecture on design of the Villa Isola, there is a
very little know about Villa isola as oe of early modern architecture in Indonesia.
Discussing the Villa Isola, this article focuses not merely on how its design reflect
Schoemaker’s interpretation of modern architecture in Indonesia, but also on how the
Villa Isola be one of the pioneer in modernity of Indonesia Architecture. Schoemaker
argues that understanding of modern archietcture using an Art Deco style, it has
contributed to his conception of early modern architecture.
2. Method
In researching Villa Isola, the method used a qualitative approach. This approach was
selected to allow us to look at Villa Isola. Data on the mosque architecture was collected
using literlature study and field observation of the Villa Isola. It was documented in
architectural drawings.

3. Results and Discussing

3.1. Schoemaker As a Person

Fig 1. C.P.W Schoemaker1

C.P. Wolff Schoemaker was an architect in designing the masterplan of Bandung City.
He was an architect of the Dutch in the East Indies and Architecture Professor Technische
Hogeschool Bandoeng (now ITB). Many buildings in Bandung were the product of his
project and some Schoemaker Buildings use Art Deco Style. Schoemaker was born in
Banyu Biru Semarang on, July 25, 1882 and died in Bandung on May 22, 1949. 
Schoemaker completes his study in HBS te Nijimegen, he continued his study in
Koninklijke Militaire Academia Breda (KMA Breda) majors civiel Ingenieur.Some
buildings were listed as his work including the Villa Isola, Gedung Merdeka and Preanger
Hotel. Shoemaker had worked as an officer in Batavia in 1905-1911. Leter he worked as
an engineer in the Department van Burgerlijke Openbare Werken te Batavia in 1914-
1917. Schoemaker also onc1e worked at the Fa. Schlieper and Co in 1914-1918.
Schoemaker study in America with Farank Llyod Wright. After he completed his study
Schomaker makes an Architecture Firm, the firm was C.P. Schoemaker en Associatie,
Architecten en Ingenieurs in 1918[6].
In addition, he has served as a professor and lecture of Architecture at Technische
Hogeschool Bandung or batter know Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1924-
1939. One of his students was Ir.Soekarno. After that Schoemaker made his debut in the
Dutch East Indies Netherlands in 1920.Schoemaker’s designs were a blending of East and
west culture. This can be seen on the Villa Isola building orientation using the North-
South axis. The orientation of the building appears to the Tangkuban Perahu mountain.
The other building forms are the roof at Villa Merah, ITB that respond to Eastern Culture,
the use of high slope of the roof, and the roof materials use atap sirap[2].
1 accessed on Dec 12 2016
Buildings designed by Schoemaker which are Villa Isola, PLN building, Cipaganti
Mosque, Villa Merah, Preanger Hotel, Majestic Cinema, Kathedral Church, and Bethel
Church. The buildings of Schoemaker project became an icon of the city of Bandung.

Figure 2. Schoemaker’s
architecture. From left to right: Villa Isola, Bandung (1933), Preanger Hotel, Bandung(1929),
and Cipaganti Mosque (1934), Bandung.
(source :,,
3.2 Modernity Architecture in Indonesia
Dutch colonial became one of the pioneers of early modern architecture in Indonesia, its
not separated from the advent of modern architceture movement from another country.
As the case with many former colonies of European countries in general asia. In
Indonesia recently began in the 20th century. The development of modern architecture in
the archipelago was originally in Dutch Architect such as : P.A.J Moojen, Henri Macline
Pont, Thomas Kartsen and C.P.W Schoemaker and an architect who worked in th
Ministry of Public Work (B.O.W-Burberglijke Openbare Wekren) in Batavia. Among
them are : F.L Wiemans, Snuyf, Gerber, Von Essen and the other architect. Most of
engineering of Delf in Netherlands[7]. In the period between the 17 th and 20 century, its
be the arrival and colonization by European powers,-portugese, Dutch, and the British
Empire, had improved many local building construction with, elaborated,enriched, its
make some various designs. Include industrial building material : steel, glass, and rational
methods of erection and fabrication. In the beginning of the 20th century, the Dutch
colonial rule established numbers of technical schools and colleges that will prepare and
delivered to have skilled workers and professionals for modern architecture building in
East Indies[8].
Understanding that why most native educated nationalists in East Indies embraced
modernity in alignment with the socialist, communist, and liberal movements. Modernity
in the early Post-Colonial architecture in Indonesia is more than style and form. Rather,
modernity is a symbol of national identity and pride beside about political resistance and
a struggle.
The other impact come from the modernism movement in Western Europe and North
America in early 20 century that had been inspiring and motivating youth of Independent
Movement also know as Pergerakan Nasional. Sukarno’s generation understood that
modernity as a political tool for establishing and confirming the newly independent
nation and state of Indonesia. For the first generation of Independence’s Movement,
ideological encouraging spirit for independence and self-determination such as Soetomo,
Tjokroaminoto, and Wahidin Sudirohusodo, they adopted and implemented modernity for
educating young Indonesian generation with patriotic awareness and social solidarity
among the natives[8].
3.2 Villa Isola as a Modernist Architecture In Indonesia
Villa Isola was deisgned by C.W.P Schoemaker and build in 1933 as a residence of Dutch
businessman (DW. Berretty). In 1936 was functioning as part of The Savoy Homann
Hotel (named Villa Isola) until 1942. In 1947 was used for Independence soldier office,
and the building was damaged by the war. Villa Isola was constructed based on the Art
Deco Style one of the modern architecture style. The Art Decorative style was born after
the World War I and World War II ended before that much applied in many fields, for
example, exterior, interior, furniture, sculptures, posters, clothing, jewelry, etc[4]. The
Art Deco style entrance and developed in the Bandung City, since the 1920s, it starts
when the Governor Jendral J.P de Graaf van Limburg Strium wanted to move the capital
of the Dutch-East Indies to Bandung 1915.
The characteristic of Art Deco in Villa Isola is a symmetric form on a floor plan, curved
and cylindrical elements on the side of the building and the simple façade without
ornament.As an architect Schoemaker use a local approach, in villa Isola the use of Java
Cosmology[2], it was his interpretation of modern architecture in Indonesia that blend
modern European architecture with local nature and culture approach.

4. Conclusion
Schoemaker Villa Isola appeared in establishment in 1933. It has a unique form and style,
curved and cylindrical elements. In early modern architecture building in Indonesia Villa
Isola a novelty in modernity of Indonesian architecture.
The Villa Isola applied an Art Deco Style that impact of modern movement in western
Europe and North America. A symmetrical floor plan, curved and cylindrical form,
simple facade, and synthesis of modern European architecture with local nature and
culture approach reflects Schoemaker understanding of modern architecture vision in

[1] Ricklefs, MC. (1993), A History of Modern Indonesia since c. 130, Stanford
University Press, 2nd edition.
[2] Kusno, A (2009), Gaya Imperium yang Hidup Kembali Setelah Mati, PT. Gramedia
Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.
[3] Salura,P., Sudikno A., Suryono,A. Conservation of Dutch Colonial Architecture
Heritage on Rectorate Building of Education University of Indonesia in Bandung.
Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 3(8)418-422, 2013),2-4.
[4] Dewi, S.,Saryanto Tinjauan Furnitur Art Deco pada Villa Isola),2-3.
[5] Wijaya,. K, putra., Harmanda, J. Dwicahyo, S., Yuniar Erwin. Kajian Pencahayaan
Alami pada Bangunan Villa Isola Bandung. Jurnal Reka Karsa, 1, 2 2014)
[6] Handinanto. Studi Perbandungan Karya Tiga Arsitek Belanda Kelahiran Jawa di
Indonesia, Staf Pengajar Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, Jurusan Arsitektur,
Universitas Kristen Petra),9-14.
[7] Handinanto. Liem Bwan Tjie Arsitek Modern Generasi Pertama diIndonesia(1891-
1966), Staf Pengajar Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, Jurusan Arsitektur,
Universitas Kristen Petra), 119-120.
[8] Wiryomarto, B. SoeJoedi and Architecture In Modern Indonesia: A Critical Post-
Colonial Study. International Journal of Architectural Research), 177-178.

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