Pickled Market Research Report - Catherine Ouellet-Compressed

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Pickled A Major Project

Market Research Report

Catherine Ouellet
February 2023
Table of







Pickled is a new subsidiary of the Canadian brand Pickled Canadian, that aims
to disrupt the UK market and become the number one pickle brand and
healthy snack brand in the UK. This market research report focuses on the UK
market and will provide insights into the target audience, meal deals, and mar-
keting tactics that will be crucial to the success of the brand.

With the increasing popularity of healthy and convenient snacks, there is a

growing demand for pickle-based products in the UK. Pickled offers a range of
high-quality pickles, made from the freshest ingredients, and packed with
flavor. The goal is to create a new and exciting product that appeals to a broad
range of consumers and provides a delicious and healthy snack option.

To achieve the goal of becoming the number one pickle brand in the UK,
Pickled will focus on developing a clear understanding of the target audience,
creating appealing packaging, and executing a well-planned and impactful
launch campaign. Through a combination of research, analysis, and consumer
co-creation, this market research report will provide a comprehensive over-
view of the opportunities and challenges faced by Pickled in the UK market
and provide a roadmap for success.

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Pickles have a long and rich history that dates back thousands of years. Pickling
was initially used to preserve food in ancient times, especially in areas with hot
climates where food would quickly spoil. As pickling techniques improved, the
practice of pickling food began to spread throughout the world, and pickles
became a staple food in many cultures including Asian, Eastern European, and
later in America when immigrants brought over their pickling traditions in the
19th century (Pruitt, 2019). Pickles continue to be a popular food in many
cultures today, and they are widely consumed as a snack, condiment, and
ingredient in many dishes due to the taste and health benefits.


The market for pickles and fermented snacks in the UK, particularly in the
London area, has seen significant growth in recent years. According to Mintel
(2019), the sales of fermented foods and drinks in the UK increased by 41%
between 2014 and 2019, with the popularity of probiotics being a key driver of
growth in the market. This trend is expected to continue, with the fermented
food and drink industry estimated to generate profits of $533 million world-
wide by 2026 (Campisi, 2022).

In London specifically, there has been a rise in demand for fermented products,
particularly among younger age groups. A survey conducted by Mintel (2022)
found that 45% of Londoners aged 25-34 include fermented foods in their diet,
with 34% stating that they believe fermented foods have health benefits.

The increasing popularity of fermented foods can be attributed to a variety of

factors. One reason is the focus on health and wellness, as many fermented
foods have probiotic benefits and can aid in digestion. Additionally, the trend
towards plant-based and vegan diets can also be contributed to the growth of
fermented foods, as they can provide a source of flavour and nutrition in these
diets (FMI, n.d).

In terms of pickles specifically, a report by Unilever (n.d.) found that the popu-
larity of pickled products has increased by 149% in 2020. This trend is expected

to continue, with pickles being seen as a healthier snack option due to their
low calorie and fat content.

Overall, the market for pickles and fermented snacks in the UK, and particularly
in the London area, is a growing and lucrative one. With increasing demand for
healthier snack options and the belief in the health benefits of fermented
foods, it is expected that this trend will continue in the coming years.

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Snacking is a near universal habit. According to a report conducted by Mintel
(2022), 96% of people surveyed had eaten food as snacks in the past two
weeks. The reason for snacking and the variety of snacks are largely impacted
by the needs and situations that the individuals are in. Snack uses can vary as a
form of treat, energy booster or be hunger induced. Most snacking is done in
the home with 86% of individuals claiming to eat snacks there, but the
out-of-home consumption of snacks is increasing since the pandemic, with
41% claiming to eat snacks at their place of work or study.

There is also a large variety of snacks available. However, chocolate is the most
eaten sweet snack at 64% whilst crisps are the most popular savory snack at
62%. Younger people (16–34-year-olds) are also eating more fresh fruits and
vegetables as part of their snacking habits, most likely due to their source of
nutrients and the higher consumption of dips such as hummus within this age
group. (Mintel, 2022).

New or limited-edition flavours also have a significant impact for brands. In

fact, 58% of snack buyers are persuaded to buy food in this category. This is
especially true for younger demographics, as 65% of 16-24s are prompted to
buy new or limited-edition items, compared to the over-65s at only 16% (Mint-
el, 2022).

In addition to off-the-shelve snacks, meal deals are a popular meal option avail-
able in the UK. It is pre-packaged food combination that includes a main item,
a snack item, and a drink. Meal deals are widely available at convenience stores,
grocery stores and even pharmacies and generally range between £3-5.
According to The Grocer (n.d), meal deals are purchased by one third of adult
consumers (especially men), at least once a week.

The primary motivators for purchasing meal deals are convenience and value
for money. With busy lifestyles, consumers look for quick and convenient food
options that can be consumed on-the-go (Mintel, 2020). The incentive of get-
ting multiple items in one package for a fixed price is also an attractive factor
for consumers who are cost-conscious (The Grocer, n.d).

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In 2019, the UK government announced its upcoming restrictions on High Fat,
Sugar & Salt (HFSS) or "less than healthy" snacks and drinks, with the aim of
reducing childhood obesity (GOV.UK, 2021). These restrictions will include
measures such as limiting store location and promotion, as well as restricting
advertising of HFSS products on television and online during children's pro-
gramming and on other platforms that have a high audience of children.

The restrictions are slowly coming into effect in the UK market and are expect-
ed to be fully implemented by 2024 (Caines, 2022). The impact of these restric-
tions on food and drink industry will depend on the products offered by the
brand. If the brand offers HFSS products, they will be subject to the restrictions
mentioned above and may face challenges in terms of advertising and promo-
tion. If the brand offers healthier alternatives, they may have an opportunity to
fill the gap in the market created by the restrictions on HFSS products.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) restrictions means all food and
drink advertisements in the UK must adhere to the Committee of Advertising
Practice (CAP) Code, which includes specific rules on the advertising of food
and drink products to children (ASA, 2019). The ASA also has specific guidelines
on the advertising of "less healthy" food and drink products, which includes
HFSS products to children (ASA, 2017). A new brand in the food and drink
industry will need to ensure that their advertising complies with these guide-
lines to avoid any issues with the ASA.

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The major players in the UK pickle industry include Mrs. Elswood, and Heinz.
These companies offer a variety of pickles and condiment products, including
pickled onions, pickled gherkins, and pickle relish. These companies sell their
pickle products through a variety of channels, including supermarkets, grocery
stores, and online retailers. They can also be found in restaurants and other
food establishments such as hotels.

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The UK competitors are family centric, and they cultivate a sense of nostalgia.
Heinz for example, has been the N.1 tomato ketchup brand in the world and
has a long 150-year-old history (Heinz, n.d). Their current tagline ‘Grown not
made’, is a clear Unique Selling Point (USP) that educates audiences that their
product range is natural and does not contain added preservatives, colours, or

Similarly, Mrs. Elswood pickles have been available to the UK market for the
past 75 years. However, the company behind Mrs. Elswood are targeting their
audience via an Emotional Selling Point (ESP). In 2022 the company changed
their logo to a digitize format for newer generations. Mat Moyes, Empire
Bespoke Foods senior brand manager commented “People empathised with
this character — Mrs. Elswood... They saw her as cute, old-fashioned, very
dependable, and loyal – qualities close to one’s heart.” (The JC, 2022).

Figure 1: Mrs Elswood rebranding (The Jewish Chronicles, 2022)

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Van Holten's is a US-based company that specialize in pickles, including mer-

chandise and a variety of pickle products such as pickle popsicles. They also
offer a unique alternative to traditional pickles with their pickle-in-a-pouch
products which allows for on-the-go snacking. They offer a variety of flavours
and sizes, including jumbo pickles, dill pickles and spicy pickles.

Chamoy pickle kits are a recent trend on TikTok, where people are using the
popular Mexican condiment and Van Holten’s pickle-in-a-pouch, in addition to
sour sweets and crisps to create new and unique flavours of pickles. According
to data from TikTok, in the first 3 month of 2021, when the pickle kits began
trending, videos with the hashtag #ChamoyPickle had over 50 million views
(Berryman, 2023). Today, the same hashtag has over 578 million views (Tik Tok,
2023). The trend has been popular among users of all ages, and it has generat-
ed a lot of engagement, with many users posting their own versions of Chamoy
pickles. Prices for Chamoy pickle kits in the UK vary depending on the retailer,
with the two most popular being Etsy and The Chamoy Guys. Some kits can be
found at an average price of £19, while others can be as high as £50.

& Findings

Two focus groups were conducted to gather primary data on attitudes towards
pickles, healthy snacks, and the target audience’s social media preferences. The
first focus group consisted of working individuals from England, Greece, Italy,
and the United States, all living in the UK. The participants age ranged between
25-30 years old and consisted of five females and two males. The second focus
group consisted of students from England, India, Italy, Spain, and the United
States, all living in the UK. The participants age ranged between 19-24 years old
and consisted of seven females and one male. The focus groups were conduct-
ed on the 5th and 8th of December 2022. The first via the video communica-
tions platform Zoom, and the second in person on the UWL campus. The tran-
scripts of the focus groups are available in the appendix of the market report
and were transcribed via Otter.ai. The first focus group has the participants
categorized under an ABC system, while the second group is under a 123
system. The data was analysed using Thematic Analysis. Evidence of this can
also be found in the appendix.


The discrepancy between both groups about their knowledge of pickles was
large. The millennials all liked pickles and were able to identify several different
flavours. However, most participants from the Gen Z group had never tried a
pickle or did not like them. Some of the Gen Z participants identified them-
selves as picky eaters.

“If you go to Lidl, they have these jars that are this big of pickles and the pickles
are huge. And they are like dill, honey, and vinegar. They are the best pickles.”
(Participant A, 2:24)

“I like pickled onions I can eat them, but not like pickled pickles. do you not I
mean?” (Participant 1, 1:37)

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Both focus groups had similar responses when asked about their favorite
healthy snacks, with apple and peanut butter, cucumbers, and dried fruit being
the most popular choices. Most individuals in both groups reported buying
meal deals, although the snack options varied from person to person. Popular
snack choices included Proper Corn, crisps, mango, and malt loaf bars. The larg-
est gap between the millennial and the Gen Z groups were sweet or savory.
Most millennials would choose a sweet snack such as pre-cut fruit or a granola
bar whilst almost all the Gen Z group would choose the crisps for their meal
deal snack option.

“Mango. Always the mango.” (Participant G, 4:47)

“They have malt loaf as well. That Soreen malt loaf that’s nice. They do little bars
of that.” (Participant D, 5:06)

Both groups also had similar responses when it came to the smell factor of their
meals. They both took into consideration that the boiled egg options at various
grocery stores is not to their liking, especially if they are buying a meal deal to
eat at school or work.

“Yeah, just yeah, that’s violent. You definitely need to eat it outside. You will be
remembered for that, by all of your co-workers. Yeah, its terrible.” (Participant F,

The most popular social media platform for both groups is TikTok. Neither
group were able to identify a food specific influencer on any specific platform,
however Participant E mentioned if they saw a celebrity making a fun recipe,
they would get the ingredients to make the meal. For the older target audi-
ence, the platform is simply an entertainment tool, but Gen Z utilise it for
recommendations and purchases.

The TikTok trend of Chamoy pickles was discussed in both focus groups. Partici-
pant 5 from the Gen Z focus group recognized the trend, as it is something they
did while in school in America. Participant C from the millennial focus group
had also seen the trend appear on their TikTok, and said it was something they
would like to try.

“Oh yeah, I like, you can order from Tik Tok. Ive ordered from Tik Tok.” (Partici-
pant 4, 7:02)

“People just used to do that back where I lived like all the time, so the fact that
its a Tik Tok trend is kind of.. it makes me laugh. We had them like that at school.”
(Participant 5, 1:26)

“My Tik Tok is full of people having pickles and they wrap it in like, a chewy
thing. And then they put Chamoy on it and like crisps and that, I would try.”
(Participant C, 8:17)

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Both focus groups were shown a variety of the Van Holten’s pickle-in-a-pouch
packaging. The initial reactions from both groups were positive. They liked the
idea of a pickle as a snack option and the millennials liked the characters for the
most part. However, upon further investigation, both groups found many
problems with the packaging including negative connotations, misplacement
of information and overall appearance.

Figure 2: Van Holten’s Pickle-In-A-Pouch (Chili Mojo, nd)

For each different flavour of pickle, Van Holten’s has an assigned character and
name. Participant E found one of the characters on the pouch named “sour sis”
to be both misogynistic and racist. According to USA Today (2021), the term ‘sis’
is Black linguistic appropriation and perpetuates racism. The owner and presi-
dent of Van Holten’s is a white male, therefore, the language used for this spe-
cific pickle flavour is problematic. Another issue pointed out by the Gen Z focus
group is the appearance of the cartoon pickle. Participants found that the
pickle looked quite phallic and the ‘yellow juice’ surrounding it looked very

The overall packaging was an issue for the Gen Z group. Participant 3 men-
tioned that it looked like a food product which would be available at lower end
stores, and mentioned it looked very unhealthy. They also noticed that other
health-based products have very minimalistic clean packaging which is synon-
ymous with this industry.

“It looks like something you pick up on like a sketchy pound shop.” (Participant
3, 9:14)

“And I feel like packaging on like healthy snacks, and like foods at like Whole
Foods or Planet Organic have like minimalistic packaging and that's what like
tells you.” (Participant 3, 10:41)

Another issue found by the Gen Z group was the misplacement of what they
believed was the most important information. Participants 1, 3 & 6 did not
know that pickles are healthy, with no fats, sugars, or calories. This information
is on the back of the packaging, whilst they believed it should be on the front.
The millennial group was also confused by the Nutrition Facts, which stated
that the pickle was 1/7 of a serving. Participant D noted that this did not make
sense as the pickles are made for on-the-go consumption but do not come in
resealable containers.

“I had no idea zero calories.” (Participant 1, 10:38)

“Like if you were to show me this like this, I did not see like, like that was a true
reaction. I had no idea this is like low calories.” (Participant 3, 10:56)

“That pickle looks huge as well, youre not just going to reseal it and have it for
later, or are you?” (Participant D, 10:32)

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Each group was shown a variety of past successful campaigns for a variety of
products. They both enjoyed the Coca-Cola “Share a Coke” campaign, although
there was frustration for many who could not find a Coke bottle with their
name on it. Another campaign was for 19 Crime Wines, who used an AR simula-
tion to bring the characters on their bottles to life. Both focus groups found this
to be gimmicky and overly done. Some participants added some of their favou-
rite campaigns which included “Lays: Say it With a Smile” from India and the
“Always: Run like a Girl”. The millennial group all agreed that they liked Christ-
mas ads the most. Participant C added that a pickle advent calendar could be
very interesting.

“I don't know like I don't know if I buy a bottle of wine. I'm probably not expect-
ed to be lectured about, like not in a negative way. But I’m probably wanting to
get messed up real quick with this cheap bottle of wine. You don’t think about
oh, this guy went to Australia, because he was this and that. Yeah. Because he
was you know, isn't that and by the way.” (Participant F, 15:56)

[What are your favourite campaigns?] “Yeah, it was like smiles and like you
could like take pictures and put hashtags.” (Participant 4, 15:13)

“Oh, all of them, I love the Christmas adverts.” (Participant B, 16:43)

“You could have a pickle advent calendar. Just a bite of a pickle everyday. Just
chop it into 25.” (Participant C, 10:32)

Both focus groups were offered to watch a ASMR pickle eating video. In gener-
al, the Gen Z group felt more comfortable with ASMR, but the ASMR content
was very specific to each individual. Participants C, 1, 3, 4, and 6 liked content
such as honeycomb eating, unboxing videos and soap cutting. Although the
overall sentiment for ASMR videos were varied, the reaction to food related
content made some of the participants extremely uncomfortable. The video
was not played for the millennial group as they were overly uncomfortable.

“Definitely no. Ive seen one with a pickle once, and it was, almost put me off the
food, so. Won’t be watching those again.” (Participant D, 19:21)

“This is making me uncomfortable. Its like my worst nightmare come to life.”

(Participant 1, 16:44)

Figure 3: Pickle ASMR (Now This News, 2018)

The launch campaign will target health conscious zillennials, aged 23-34, both
male and female, with a social grade of B1C1. Zillennials were chosen based on
demographic, behaviour, and motivation. Based on the primary research, the
demographic of zillennials regularly purchases meal deals and snacks, indicat-
ing they have busy lifestyles and are looking for convenient and affordable
food options. They are also tech-savvy and active on social media and enjoy
staying up to date with the latest trends and products (Gibbs, 2017).

As this is a launch campaign, targeting individuals who already have knowl-

edge of fermented foods and pickles is necessary. It is found that individuals
with Asian, American, and Eastern European backgrounds have a higher con-
sumption of these products, therefore, London areas with higher level of these
cultural backgrounds will be targeted (Food and Nutrition, 2012). This includes
areas such as Tower Hamlets & Newham which has 40% of the population iden-
tifying as Asian, and areas such as Richmond and Golders Green which contain
high demographics of American and Eastern European backgrounds (ONS,
2021). It is also important to note, that with the growing popularity of vegan-
ism amongst this age group, and London being the “vegan capital of the
world”, that areas such as Camden and Hackney with high levels of vegans
should also be targeted (Plant Based News, 2022).

…€„ ’Š„„„€­…†

Sophia is a 26-year-old, living in Hackney, London.

She recently moved to the UK from the USA
through a work mobility scheme. She works as a
receptionist at a Mayfair hotel but when she has
time off, she travels around the UK and Europe.
She likes to update her family and friends back
home through her TikTok account and is an avid
content creator. Because she’s always on the go,
she often buys meal deals and tries to pick the
healthiest options.

Figure 4: Female Vector (Vector Stock, nd)

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This is a typical weekday for Sophia, from the moment she wakes up, to the
moment she goes to sleep.

Sophia wakes up and checks her
TikTok first thing. She wakes up
early for work so normally she
does not have time for breakfast.

Sophia takes the tube to go to
her work in Mayfair. Once arrived
at Bond St Station, she stops at
the local M&S for a meal deal and
a coffee.
During her lunch break, Sophia
goes to a local park and eats her
meal deal. She might take this
time to read her latest book or
catch up on TikTok.

Sophia finishes work and takes
the tube back home.

Sophia meets up with her flat-
mates and they make a vegan
dinner together. They are trying
Veganuary and Sophia is docu- 10:00PM
menting the experince on her Sophia takes a shower and gets
TikTok. ready for bed. She watches her
favourite show on Netflix with a
cup of chamomille tea and goes
to sleep.

Overview & Tactics

The new pickle brand Pickled will launch a comprehensive campaign that
incorporates ten tactics to build brand awareness and establish a strong brand
presence in the UK market. These tactics aim to reach the target audience of
zillennials, primarily active on Instagram and TikTok, and appeal to their prefer-
ences for transparent and healthy brands. The campaign is designed to gener-
ate excitement, build brand awareness, establish credibility, and drive growth
in the market.

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Due to the growing restrictions on the food & drink industry, a new brand that
can offer healthy products will not be limited by these restrictions. Therefore, a
strategic recipe that adheres to the UK government’s guidelines should be
created for Pickled. This is also for the consistency of the pickle brand. The
recipe should follow the table below to ensure that the overall nutrients do not
surpass the government guidelines. Food items with a final score of 4 or more
are considered HFSS.

Figure 5: Nutrients Table (The Good Food Group, 2022)

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Pickled is a new brand to the UK market and should have strong brand guide-
lines. These will help clearly define the rules and standards and ensure that all
representations of the brand are consistent and cohesive, regardless of the
channel or medium.

The components of this tactics will include:

- The Logo
- The Colour Palette
- Typography
- Imagery
- Tone of Voice

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The insight gained from the Investigation & Findings portion of this market
report shows that the packaging functionality and aesthetic is vital, especially
for a new brand. This tactic will focus on the design of the packaging.

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This tactic is to create awareness and consideration for the target audience.
This tactic will explore partnering with grocery stores, food delivery platforms
and other mediums where the audience can try the products before purchase.

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This tactic will focus on creating a webpage which includes a brand story,
ingredients, and store. Gen Z gravitate towards transparent brands, therefore
all the information about the company and its employees will be included
(Bapna, 2021).

…  ” ­…„Š…­ „ 

According to the primary data, most Zillennials are active on Instagram and
TikTok. Therefore content will be created to reach the target audience virtually.
Content like the Chamoy pickle trend should be explored, whilst ASMR content
should be avoided.

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Alongside the content on the owned media channels, this tactic will focus on
advertising activations throughout the target audience’s preferred channels.
This may include video content, stories, and stills.

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This tactic refers to the placement of Pickled products within storefronts and
meal deal collaborations. Based on the non-HFSS recipe, Pickled should be able
to advertise and promote its products freely and without restriction. This is a
form of unobtrusive marketing, which can lead to a more positive consumer
experience with the brand (Chiakpo, 2020).

… „…’ƒ…€ ‚

Hosting a launch party for a new pickle brand is a valuable tactic for several rea-
sons, including:

1. Building excitement
2. Creating buzz
3. Sampling
4. Networking
5. Brand Awareness

By hosting a launch party, Pickled can create a sense of excitement and mo-
mentum around the launch, build brand awareness, and get valuable feedback
and exposure for the product. These factors can contribute to the success of
the launch and help to establish the new pickle brand in the market.

… „€„„„…„

A well-written press release can have a significant impact on the success of the
new pickle brand, by generating media coverage, building brand awareness,
and establishing credibility. By including key information about the product, its
unique features, and its target audience, the press release can help to position
Pickled for success and drive growth in the market.


In conclusion, Pickled has the potential to tap into the pickle market in the UK,
where there is a growing demand for fermented food products, especially
among specific cultural backgrounds. While established brands like Heinz and
Mrs Elswood have dominated the market, there is a gap for a pickle snack
option like Van Holten's pickle-in-a-pouch. However, Pickled may face chal-
lenges from government restrictions on HFSS products and additional prob-
lems with the ASA, if its products do not comply with the guidelines.

Primary research shows that while some individuals are knowledgeable and
enthusiastic about pickles, others have limited knowledge and may not view
them as a desirable snack option, making marketing efforts crucial for this
target audience. The packaging of Van Holten’s pickles was met with a negative
response, indicating that careful consideration should be given to the design
and messaging of the packaging. Social media platforms such as TikTok and
Instagram can be leveraged to market Pickled, while the dislike of ASMR eating
videos suggests that this type of content may not be an effective marketing
tool for the target audience. The results of this study suggest that there is
potential for pickles as a snack option, but the target audience and their prefer-
ences should be carefully considered in product development and marketing


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Figure 2 (nd) Available at: https://www.chilemojo.com.au/collections/pick-

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tor/cute-woman-cartoon-drawing-design-vector-28090157 [Accessed 30 Jan.

Figure 5 (2022) Available at: https://thegoodfoodgroup.-

co.uk/hfss-what-is-it-how-will-it-affect-your-brand/ [Accessed 30 Oct. 2022].

Gibbs, A. (2017). Creative, authentic, mobile: The characteristics of Generation

Z. [online] PwC. Available at: https://www.pwc.com.au/digitalpulse/cre-
ative-authentic-mobile-gen-z.html [Accessed 30 Oct. 2022].

GOV.UK (2021). New advertising rules to help tackle childhood obesity. [on-
line] GOV.UK. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-adver-
tising-rules-to-help-tackle-childhood-obesity [Accessed 4 Jan. 2023].

GOV.UK. (2022). Restricting promotions of products high in fat, sugar or salt

by location and by volume price: implementation guidance. [online] Available
at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/restricting-promo-

Inocencio, J. (2016). ‘Grown, not made,’ says Heinz Tomato Ketchup in its latest
ad campaign. [online] adobo Magazine Online. Available at: https://www.ad-
gn/ [Accessed 4 Jan. 2023].

Mills, A. (2022). HFSS: What is it & how will it affect your brand? [online] The
Good Food Group. Available at: https://thegoodfoodgroup.-
co.uk/hfss-what-is-it-how-will-it-affect-your-brand/ [Accessed 30 Oct. 2022].

Mintel (2022). Consumer Snacking - UK - 2022. [online] portal.mintel.com.

Available at: https://reports.mintel.com/display/1148145/ [Accessed 5 Jan.
2023]. 18
ONS (2022). Ethnic group, England and Wales - Office for National Statistics.
[online] www.ons.gov.uk. Available at: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopu-
[Accessed 6 Jan. 2023].

Pruitt, S. (2019). The Juicy 4,000-Year History of Pickles. [online] HISTORY. Avail-
able at: https://www.history.com/news/pickles-history-timeline#:~:tex-
t=Pickles%20got%20their%20start%20more [Accessed 6 Feb. 2023].

The Grocer (2020). The Grocer -Lunch Meal Deals Research on behalf of The
Grocer. [online] The Grocer. Available at: https://harris-interactive.-
loads/sites/7/2020/03/Lunch-Meal-Deals-Grocer-Report-Nov-19.pdf [Ac-
cessed 18 Oct. 2022].

The JC (2022). Mrs Elswood launches all new pickle jar in first new look since
the 90s. [online] The Jewish Chronicles. Available at: https://www.the-
Kk [Accessed 4 Jan. 2023].

Tik Tok (n.d.). #chamoypickles on TikTok | TikTok Search. [online] www.tik-

tok.com. Available at: https://www.tiktok.com/search?q=%23chamoypick-
les&t=1675550101009 [Accessed 4 Jan. 2023].

Unilever (n.d.). Modern Food Trends - Plant based, Fermented and More. [on-
line] Unilever Food Solutions US. Available at: https://www.unileverfoodsolu-
pularity%20of%20fermented%20foods [Accessed 31 Oct. 2022].

USA Today (2021). USA TODAY. [online] www.usatoday.com. Available at:

es-not-honoring-that-racism/7639721002/ [Accessed 4 Jan. 2023].


­’ €­’‰•’„ ­†

1. Hello everyone and thank you for participating in my focus group today
about pickles and healthy snacks. How are you enjoying AD&PR so far? (work:
/funny story or something that may have happened at work?)

2. So, we are talking about pickles today. Who here likes pickles? (Sub Com-
mentary: I myself, love Mrs Elswood Haimisha pickles. they have that perfect
dill taste that reminds me of back home)

3. What are some of your favourite healthy snacks? What do you like about

4. Does anyone buy meal deals? What do you normally get for the snack

5. Do you ever try something new? Why? What made you pick it up?

6. Have you ever purchased something because you saw a video on Tik-Tok?
Or from an influencer review?

7. Showing them Van Holten’s pickle (view image below) What do you think
about this packaging? What do you like/dislike about it?

8. What would you change about the packaging?

9. What cool brands have you seen recently? What do they do? (Sub Com-
mentary: Have you heard of 19 Crimes Wine? The character on the bottle
comes to life through the app.) https://www.you-

10. Does anyone here like ASMR food videos?

11. Is there anything else you would like to add today? Anything we’ve

­„  ­€ˆŽ­€ ­’ €­’‰–“—



18.12.22 18.12.22 18.12.22

18.12.22 18.12.22 18.12.22



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Catherine Ouellet 0:10

Okay, beautiful. Let's just get into it and then if she joins us later, that's fine. Okay, so

Participant A 0:19
Maria says hi.

Catherine Ouellet 0:22

Hi Frini. Oh my God, where are you?

Participant A 0:26

Catherine Ouellet 0:29

Why are you at work on Monday?

Participant A 0:31
Wine list and stock take.

Catherine Ouellet 0:33

Oh no, well hopefully this will make it a little less boring.

Okay, so I'm supposed to give you all this document to fill out. I'll give it to you when I see you at work. Megan, I might have to send it to you by email or something, just sign it virtually. But it's just to say whatever you share with us today or with me today is confidential.

If I quote you, I will not use your name. It is going to be audio recorded. But other than that, if you have any questions, just let me know. And then if you choose at any point, even after the focus group, if you want to retract anything that you say or you don't want to be a part of it at all, I can remove anything. So there's
nothing like that. So I guess just because I can't have anything signed for the focus group itself. Can I just get like a verbal? Yes, from everyone that it's okay, that I'm recording and things like that?

Participant E 1:24
Yes, yes.

Catherine Ouellet 1:27

All right. So let's get into it. So we're talking about pickles, pickles and healthy snacks so just any I think everyone here kind of likes pickles or someone not like pickles?

Participant F 1:45
I like pickles.

Catherine Ouellet 1:47

Is there any like favorite pickles that you have?

Participant F 1:52
I wouldn't I wouldn't say that I have a favourite pickle.Probably just a regular pickle.

Catherine Ouellet 1:58

Like sweet pickle or sour pickle or like a dill pickle.

Participant F 2:02
Something in between. Like in between dill and sour a little bit.

Participant E 2:04
Yeah same.

Participant D 2:06
What are the ones you normally have in burgers? Normal sweet one.

Catherine Ouellet 2:09

I think that's like a very standard English pickle isnt it?

Participant F 2:13
Yeah, one is with vinegar and one is with salt right? That's it? Yeah. I would go for. But...

Participant A 2:24
If you go to Lidl they have these jars that are this big of pickles and the pickles are huge. And they are like dill, honey and vinegar. They are the best pickles.

Catherine Ouellet 2:34

Oh thats so cool. I've never had... it says honey on it?

Participant A 2:38
They have some that say honey, they have some that dont.

Participant E 2:40
The ones from Hooters. They're like fried pickles. Those are really good. I dont go to Hooters for fried pickles. But they're fried pickles are really good.

Catherine Ouellet 2:57

Yeah, I prefer the big ones too. I don't like the teeny tiny ones. They they don't have that like crunch like that juicy crunch. I dont know if anybody knows what I'm talking about.

Participant D 3:08
Too much taste in one go.

Catherine Ouellet 3:11

And what was I gonna say, what is my next question. Does anybody else like other like healthy snacks? Is there something else that is kind of like your go to for healthy snacks.

Participant C 3:22
Carrots and hummus. So good.

Participant D 3:24
Good shout. Does a banana count?

Catherine Ouellet 3:26

Yeah, bananas count. why not.

Participant C 3:28
Banana and peanut butter.

Participant G 3:29
See I was going to say apple and peanut butter.

Participant C 3:30
yeah, I'm with you there. But I find that peanut butter slides off the apple. So annoying.

Participant G 3:34
Not if its crunchy. Cause then you can kind of press it into it.

Catherine Ouellet 3:35

Has anyone had a edamame pods?

Participant G 3:46

Catherine Ouellet 3:46

I could eat that all day and never get tired of it.

Participant C 3:49
Especially with salt on the outisde.

Catherine Ouellet 3:51

Yeah. Patron peppers. Yum.

Participant C 3:53
Or the, what are they, the sweet pea. Sugar snap peas. Theyre really good.

Catherine Ouellet 3:59

I like those as well.

Participant A 3:59
I know this might sound boring but easy-peelers.

Catherine Ouellet 4:02

Thats not boring. But I think the ones in Canada are better than the ones here. Sorry guys.

Is anyone here from the UK? I don't yeah megan's from the UK and then Ben is from the UK.

The rest of the group. Frini you're from Greece. Marisa is US. Roxy is from Germany and Italy. Okay, so we have a very mixed group.

Does anyone ever get the meal deals that you can get like a Tesco or Sainsbury's or something like that?

Participant G 4:39
Unfortunately, yes.

Catherine Ouellet 4:40


Participant D 4:40
Tesco meal deal for the win.

Participant C 4:41
I know its a good day when I get a meal deal.

Catherine Ouellet 4:46

What do you get for the snack option?

Participant G 4:47
Mango. Always the mango.

Participant C 4:49
Really? I always get like Proper Corn. Like the sweet and salty one.

Catherine Ouellet 0:10
Okay, beautiful. Let's just get into it and then if she joins us later, that's fine. Okay, so

Participant A 0:19
Maria says hi.

Catherine Ouellet 0:22

Hi Frini. Oh my God, where are you?

Participant A 0:26

Catherine Ouellet 0:29

Why are you at work on Monday?

Participant A 0:31
Wine list and stock take.

Catherine Ouellet 0:33

Oh no, well hopefully this will make it a little less boring.

Okay, so I'm supposed to give you all this document to fill out. I'll give it to you when I see you at work. Megan, I might have to send it to you by email or something, just sign it virtually. But it's just to say whatever you share with us today or with me today is confidential.

If I quote you, I will not use your name. It is going to be audio recorded. But other than that, if you have any questions, just let me know. And then if you choose at any point, even after the focus group, if you want to retract anything that you say or you don't want to be a part of it at all, I can remove anything. So there's nothing
like that. So I guess just because I can't have anything signed for the focus group itself. Can I just get like a verbal? Yes, from everyone that it's okay, that I'm recording and things like that?

Participant E 1:24
Yes, yes.

Catherine Ouellet 1:27

All right. So let's get into it. So we're talking about pickles, pickles and healthy snacks so just any I think everyone here kind of likes pickles or someone not like pickles?

Participant F 1:45
I like pickles.

Catherine Ouellet 1:47

Is there any like favorite pickles that you have?

Participant F 1:52
I wouldn't I wouldn't say that I have a favourite pickle.Probably just a regular pickle.

Catherine Ouellet 1:58

Like sweet pickle or sour pickle or like a dill pickle.

Participant F 2:02
Something in between. Like in between dill and sour a little bit.

Participant E 2:04
Yeah same.

Participant D 2:06
What are the ones you normally have in burgers? Normal sweet one.

Catherine Ouellet 2:09

I think that's like a very standard English pickle isnt it?

Participant F 2:13
Yeah, one is with vinegar and one is with salt right? That's it? Yeah. I would go for. But...

Participant A 2:24
If you go to Lidl they have these jars that are this big of pickles and the pickles are huge. And they are like dill, honey and vinegar. They are the best pickles.

Catherine Ouellet 2:34

Oh thats so cool. I've never had... it says honey on it?

Participant A 2:38
They have some that say honey, they have some that dont.

Participant E 2:40
The ones from Hooters. They're like fried pickles. Those are really good. I dont go to Hooters for fried pickles. But they're fried pickles are really good.

Catherine Ouellet 2:57

Yeah, I prefer the big ones too. I don't like the teeny tiny ones. They they don't have that like crunch like that juicy crunch. I dont know if anybody knows what I'm talking about.

Participant D 3:08
Too much taste in one go.

Catherine Ouellet 3:11

And what was I gonna say, what is my next question. Does anybody else like other like healthy snacks? Is there something else that is kind of like your go to for healthy snacks.

Participant C 3:22
Carrots and hummus. So good.

Participant D 3:24
Good shout. Does a banana count?

Catherine Ouellet 3:26

Yeah, bananas count. why not.

Participant C 3:28
Banana and peanut butter.

Participant G 3:29
See I was going to say apple and peanut butter.

Participant C 3:30
yeah, I'm with you there. But I find that peanut butter slides off the apple. So annoying.

Participant G 3:34
Not if its crunchy. Cause then you can kind of press it into it.

Catherine Ouellet 3:35

Has anyone had a edamame pods?

Participant G 3:46

Catherine Ouellet 3:46

I could eat that all day and never get tired of it.

Participant C 3:49
Especially with salt on the outisde.

Catherine Ouellet 3:51

Yeah. Patron peppers. Yum.

Participant C 3:53
Or the, what are they, the sweet pea. Sugar snap peas. Theyre really good.

Catherine Ouellet 3:59

I like those as well.

Participant A 3:59
I know this might sound boring but easy-peelers.

Catherine Ouellet 4:02

Thats not boring. But I think the ones in Canada are better than the ones here. Sorry guys.

Is anyone here from the UK? I don't yeah megan's from the UK and then Ben is from the UK.

The rest of the group. Frini you're from Greece. Marisa is US. Roxy is from Germany and Italy. Okay, so we have a very mixed group.

Does anyone ever get the meal deals that you can get like a Tesco or Sainsbury's or something like that?

Participant G 4:39
Unfortunately, yes.

Catherine Ouellet 4:40


Participant D 4:40
Tesco meal deal for the win.

Participant C 4:41
I know its a good day when I get a meal deal.

Catherine Ouellet 4:46

What do you get for the snack option?

Participant G 4:47
Mango. Always the mango.

Participant C 4:49
Really? I always get like Proper Corn. Like the sweet and salty one.

Catherine Ouellet 0:10
Okay, beautiful. Let's just get into it and then if she joins us later, that's fine. Okay, so

Participant A 0:19
Maria says hi.

Catherine Ouellet 0:22

Hi Frini. Oh my God, where are you?

Participant A 0:26

Catherine Ouellet 0:29

Why are you at work on Monday?

Participant A 0:31
Wine list and stock take.

Catherine Ouellet 0:33

Oh no, well hopefully this will make it a little less boring.

Okay, so I'm supposed to give you all this document to fill out. I'll give it to you when I see you at work. Megan, I might have to send it to you by email or something, just sign it virtually. But it's just to say whatever you share with us today or with me today is confidential.

If I quote you, I will not use your name. It is going to be audio recorded. But other than that, if you have any questions, just let me know. And then if you choose at any point, even after the focus group, if you want to retract anything that you say or you don't want to be a part of it at all, I can remove
anything. So there's nothing like that. So I guess just because I can't have anything signed for the focus group itself. Can I just get like a verbal? Yes, from everyone that it's okay, that I'm recording and things like that?

Participant E 1:24
Yes, yes.

Catherine Ouellet 1:27

All right. So let's get into it. So we're talking about pickles, pickles and healthy snacks so just any I think everyone here kind of likes pickles or someone not like pickles?

Participant F 1:45
I like pickles.

Catherine Ouellet 1:47

Is there any like favorite pickles that you have?

Participant F 1:52
I wouldn't I wouldn't say that I have a favourite pickle.Probably just a regular pickle.

Catherine Ouellet 1:58

Like sweet pickle or sour pickle or like a dill pickle.

Participant F 2:02
Something in between. Like in between dill and sour a little bit.

Participant E 2:04
Yeah same.

Participant D 2:06
What are the ones you normally have in burgers? Normal sweet one.

Catherine Ouellet 2:09

I think that's like a very standard English pickle isnt it?

Participant F 2:13
Yeah, one is with vinegar and one is with salt right? That's it? Yeah. I would go for. But...

Participant A 2:24
If you go to Lidl they have these jars that are this big of pickles and the pickles are huge. And they are like dill, honey and vinegar. They are the best pickles.

Catherine Ouellet 2:34

Oh thats so cool. I've never had... it says honey on it?

Participant A 2:38
They have some that say honey, they have some that dont.

Participant E 2:40
The ones from Hooters. They're like fried pickles. Those are really good. I dont go to Hooters for fried pickles. But they're fried pickles are really good.

Catherine Ouellet 2:57

Yeah, I prefer the big ones too. I don't like the teeny tiny ones. They they don't have that like crunch like that juicy crunch. I dont know if anybody knows what I'm talking about.

Participant D 3:08
Too much taste in one go.

Catherine Ouellet 3:11

And what was I gonna say, what is my next question. Does anybody else like other like healthy snacks? Is there something else that is kind of like your go to for healthy snacks.

Participant C 3:22
Carrots and hummus. So good.

Participant D 3:24
Good shout. Does a banana count?

Catherine Ouellet 3:26

Yeah, bananas count. why not.

Participant C 3:28
Banana and peanut butter.

Participant G 3:29
See I was going to say apple and peanut butter.

Participant C 3:30
yeah, I'm with you there. But I find that peanut butter slides off the apple. So annoying.

Participant G 3:34
Not if its crunchy. Cause then you can kind of press it into it.

Catherine Ouellet 3:35

Has anyone had a edamame pods?

Participant G 3:46

Catherine Ouellet 3:46

I could eat that all day and never get tired of it.

Participant C 3:49
Especially with salt on the outisde.

Catherine Ouellet 3:51

Yeah. Patron peppers. Yum.

Participant C 3:53
Or the, what are they, the sweet pea. Sugar snap peas. Theyre really good.

Catherine Ouellet 3:59

I like those as well.

Participant A 3:59
I know this might sound boring but easy-peelers.

Catherine Ouellet 4:02

Thats not boring. But I think the ones in Canada are better than the ones here. Sorry guys.

Is anyone here from the UK? I don't yeah megan's from the UK and then Ben is from the UK.

The rest of the group. Frini you're from Greece. Marisa is US. Roxy is from Germany and Italy. Okay, so we have a very mixed group.

Does anyone ever get the meal deals that you can get like a Tesco or Sainsbury's or something like that?

Participant G 4:39
Unfortunately, yes.

Catherine Ouellet 4:40


Participant D 4:40
Tesco meal deal for the win.

Participant C 4:41
I know its a good day when I get a meal deal.

Catherine Ouellet 4:46

What do you get for the snack option?

Participant G 4:47
Mango. Always the mango.

Participant C 4:49
Really? I always get like Proper Corn. Like the sweet and salty one.

Catherine Ouellet 4:54
Oh the popcorn?

Participant E 5:00
I usually get like a granola bar.

Participant C 4:55
Yeah, it's good. Or Hula Hoops.

Catherine Ouellet 5:00

They have granola bars as a snack option?

Participant E 5:02
I think so yeah.

Catherine Ouellet 5:03

Yeah sometimes they do. Depends where.

Participant D 5:06
They have malt loaf as well. That Soreen malt loaf thats nice. They do little bars of that.

Participant A 5:11
Have you ever tried the banana Soreen?

Participant C 5:13
Yes. And the apple one.

Participant A 5:16
The banana was so good.

Participant C 5:17
Yeah. Its like banana bread. I like to add butter to my malt loaf though. Like so much butter. But like lots of butter as well.

Participant D 5:27
Smuther it in butter.

Participant C 5:27
Like both sides.

Catherine Ouellet 5:30

So basically megan you just want the butter.

Participant C 5:33
Its so good. Oh dear.

Catherine Ouellet 5:36

And do you guys always kind of pick the same thing for the meal deal or do you switch it up? Depending on what you get?

Participant D 5:41
Yeah same thing.

Participant C 5:41
I normally get the same thing.

You get those rolls Roxy which I find peculiar.

Participant G 5:48
What rolls?

Participant C 5:49
When you come to work?

Participant G 5:50
Oh yeah but thats because they are sold out of the good stuff.

Participant D 5:52
I mean, I don't think I'll ever pick up a fruit packet by choice. Unless it's the only thing left.

Participant G 5:58
No. See no, the mango just slaps. I love mango. Like it always has to be.

Participant D 6:02
The mango yeah but I feel like two slices of sliced apple is like, it doesn really count.

Participant C 6:05
Yeah, I wouldnt pick the apple of grapes pot because it just think it's a waste. Yeah. Okay.

Participant A 6:12
All the pre-cut fruit is kind of sad.

Participant E 6:16
All the pre-cut what?

Participant A 6:17
All the pre-cut fruit is a bit sad. Like the apples.

Participant C 6:21
It's always a bit mushy.

Catherine Ouellet 6:22

Does anyone ever pick up the egg?

Participant G 6:25
No I got it once and it was so bad.

Participant C 6:27
Why is there a pot of two eggs and spinach? I just dont understand why you would want that.

Participant F 6:30
Yeah just yeah, thats violent. You definitely need to eat it outside. You will be remembered for that, by all of your co-workers. Yeah its terrible.

Catherine Ouellet 6:48

And has anyone and this doesn't have to be specifically to food but has anyone ever purchased something because we saw it on Tik Tok? Or because they saw like an influencer using it or something like that.

Participant G 7:03

Participant E 7:07
Not food wise, but if they're like making something I'll get the ingredients to make the same thing.

Catherine Ouellet 7:11

Okay cool. I know I bought like makeup because Jeffree Star when he was not the crazy person, actually he has always been a crazy person. I used to like watch his reviews and then if he said the product was good I would buy it.

Participant G 7:24
Jeffree Star approved.

Catherine Ouellet 7:30

I think I saw, it's like more of a craving though. You see some someone eating something. And you're like, oh my god, it looks so good. Then you get the craving for it.

Participant D 7:38
Like cigarettes, when you see people smoking in a movie.

Participant A 7:42
Its like if you ever watch mad men, you cant stop smoking.

Participant D 7:45
That's exactly it. That's what Im thinking about.

Catherine Ouellet 7:48

Did you watch Mad Men Frini?

Participant A 7:50
Yep. I occasionally watch TV, not very often. And that was many years ago.

Catherine Ouellet 7:59

I love that show. I've watched it so many times. Okay, and I dont how I'm gonna do this because I was gonna pass them out. But this is and actually I dont know Marisa if you know this company. It's called Van Holten and this is their packaging. So hang on. Let me...

Participant C 8:14
Ive seen those.

Catherine Ouellet 8:15

Have you seen them?

Participant C 8:17
My Tik Tok is full of people having pickles and they wrap it in like, a chewy thing. And then they put Chamoy on it and like crisps and that, I would try.

Catherine Ouellet 8:26

On a pickle?

Participant C 8:27
Yeah they get big pickles like that. Ive seen people try those pickles.

Catherine Ouellet 8:33

So they have like 'Hot mama'. And these pickles, I should have left one in there. They were the biggest pickles. I mean, this one is the 'Big Papa', its bigger than my head.

Participant C 8:46
Yeah, I think you can get them in the UK cause ive seen people try them or people or they werent in the UK. Im not really sure, but I have seen them.

Catherine Ouellet 8:51

What do you think of them?

Participant D 8:52
Its a great idea.

Participant C 8:54
Yeah, its great marketing.

Catherine Ouellet 8:56

I wish I could pass them out would be so much easier.

Participant C 9:00
The garlic one looks interesting.

Catherine Ouellet 9:00

Let me see if I can share it easier. Is that like a full screen or no? Yeah. Oh, there's a video should we watch the video?

Participant D 9:00
Oh, you could collect them all like Pokemon.

Catherine Ouellet 9:16

Oh my god, it's 11 minutes. We're not watching 11 minutes.

Participant D 9:37
Catherine thats you in 10 years. Online pickle reviews.

Catherine Ouellet 9:41

I dont know if Ill ever get that accent but.

Participant D 9:43
They really are big arent they?

Participant A 9:43
I really wish I could try these.

Catherine Ouellet 9:53

I know, I was going to bring pickles and everything so that everybody could try. Maybe Ill bring them in and just add it as like a after thought or something. Okay, I really want to see if they show the full size, out of the package, before they cut it. They are, massive.

Participant C 10:13
Do people just eat the whole pickle?

Catherine Ouellet 10:20

Well, this is the thing is that with these ones when I bought them it says one seventh of the pickle is one serving. But who's gonna cut a pickle in seven and then go back to it later.

Participant C 10:31
Yeah but then its like you know the tubes of like fruit pastels, I think seven of them in a serving. I will eat the whole packet. I'm not gonna leave like four behind.

Participant D 10:32
That pickle looks huge as well, youre not just going to reseal it and have it for later, or are you?

Participant C 10:42
Just take a bite and leave it.

Participant G 10:46
A pickle a day no? You have one pickle for the week.

Participant D 10:50
There you go, a pickle a day keeps Catherine away.

Participant C 10:32
You could have a pickle advent calendar. Just a bite of a pickle everyday. Just chop it into 25.

Catherine Ouellet 11:01

Everyday a different pickle. Actually wait while I'm here. Have you ever heard of cinnamon heart pickles?

Participant C 11:06

Catherine Ouellet 11:07

They are the most bizarre things I've ever seen. And you actually use like the little cinnamon candies like the red hots that you have here. And they dye the pickles bright red.

Participant C 11:15
That must be so bad for you. All of that dye, unless its like a natural dye.

Catherine Ouellet 11:24

Yeah. I dont know.

Participant C 11:26
It looks like sweets.

Participant A 11:27
Would you try to make this at home?

Catherine Ouellet 11:30

Would you?

Participant A 11:31
No, would you?

Catherine Ouellet 11:33

No, well I dont know. I love cinnamon hearts.

Participant C 11:34
Oh my god. Theres pickled grapes. oh gosh. Pickled grapes.

Catherine Ouellet 11:44

Pickled grapes. I didn't know there was a thing.

Participant C 11:46
It seems quite popular.

Participant D 11:47
If you mistake that for an olive then youre in trouble.

Participant C 11:52
It might taste a bit like an olive.

Catherine Ouellet 11:54

A grape?

Participant C 11:55
A pickled grape. I love olives. I drink the olive brine so good.

Catherine Ouellet 11:59

I'm the same with the pickle juice. I don't empty, when I finish the jar of pickles, I keep the liquid and it's great for hangover.

Participant C 12:11
Is it?

Catherine Ouellet 12:11

Yeah, because its full of electrolytes. it's like drinking Gatorade or Lucozade or whatever you guys have.

Participant D 12:15
You just need 18 chewing gums afterwards.

Catherine Ouellet 12:24

what's on the list? oh for the packaging thats this bad boy is there anything that you would change? Would you keep the characters?

Participant D 12:35
Yeah the characters make it more fun.

Participant E 12:38
I saw one that said, it was one. I don't think you have it. But it's it's something sis.

Catherine Ouellet 12:46

Oh 'sour sis'?

Participant E 12:47
Yeah, I don't know about that one. But all the other ones seem like okay.

Catherine Ouellet 12:52

This one's 'garlic joe', zesty garlic, and he goes to the gym.

Participant D 12:59
Eat pickles, get ripped.

Participant C 13:02
I just can't imagine the smell of that one. Garlic and pickles together.

Catherine Ouellet 13:06

I can actually still smell them. It smells the best actually. It reminds me the most of what a North American pickle was like yeah, its vinaigry and garlicky but I like dill, I dont know if I have dill pickle oh yeah.

Participant C 13:25
What is the difference between a dill pickle and pickle?

Catherine Ouellet 13:28

The dill.

Participant C 13:30
What is dill?

Participant A 13:36
It's the herb. It's a hairy herb.

Participant F 13:39
its something that completes usually like the flavoring of fish right? Like, you have it with herring, you have it with salmon usually. Or like sometimes with sour cream i think. Yeah. Herring is a fish. Big fish. That is pretty lean. It doesn't have a lot of fat too.

Participant A 14:01
You can pickle herring.

Participant F 14:02
Yeah, that's the I mean, surely you can pickled that with dill right?

Catherine Ouellet 14:17

Is there and again, this doesn't have to be specific to food but you guys can you think of any cool brands and like what they've done recently, I had one example that I wanted to show you have you. Has anyone heard of 19 crimes?

Participant A 14:30
Yeah. Its a terrible wine, dont drink it.

Participant F 14:37
What's it what's the crime? What's is the situation?

Participant A 14:39
The crime is the wine.

Participant F 14:41
It was a trick question wasn't it?

Catherine Ouellet 14:46

But basically what they've done is that the label on the on the wine bottle comes to life through your phone. I'll just show I don't know if I can skip directly to that.

Participant E 14:55
I never bought 19 crimes.

Participant 7 15:11
19 crimes video*

Catherine Ouellet 15:19

So other than the quality of the wine, Frini, what do you think of that?

Participant A 15:23
I cant get past that, but they clearly spent like a ton of money on theyre like sort of ads campaign situation because they're very distinct, right? They're everywhere. And it's cool because like all of the labels have like a different story and stuff.

Participant D 15:39
Yeah you do see them in all shops. It's not like you see certain wines in certain shops. Thats everywhere.

Participant F 15:43
That explains a lot. I don't know I'm conflicted about it really. Because you don't associate wine with a specific history of a country you associated with like luxury and like, you know, whatever, whatever. That whatever it is.

Participant D 15:56
Not criminals.

Participant F 15:56
I don't know like I don't know if I buy a bottle of wine. I'm probably not expected to be lectured about, like not in a negative way. But im probably wanting to get messed up real quick with this cheap bottle of wine. You dont think about oh, this guy went to Australia, because he was this and that.
Yeah. Because he was you know, isn't that and by the way.

Participant A 16:15
Yeah but it adds character. Right.

Participant G 16:18
Is the wine Australian?

Participant F 16:20
I don't understand the link, you know.

Participant E 16:23
It literally adds character.

Participant F 16:26
Oh, okay. Okay, okay, fair enough.

Catherine Ouellet 16:32

Is there any other brands that you can think of that you were like really impressed with? How they promote themselves or in any aspect really is there a brand that come to mind?

Marks & Spencers do their Christmas advert, thats pretty good.

Participant C 16:42
Oh John Lewis.

Participant B 16:43
Oh all of them, I love the Christmas adverts.

Participant C 16:44
I agree.

Participant G 16:43
I need a TV to play them though. Ben and I watched the football yesterday and I was just like, please tell me there will be ads playing in the half time, thats all I cared about.

Participant D 16:44
Its not ike the Super Bowl ads. Like that's a big thing. In the World Cup final there will be bigger ads at half time.

Catherine Ouellet 17:06


Participant D 17:07
But they are boring.

Catherine Ouellet 17:09

Does anybody remember this campaign?

Participant C 17:11
Yeah, see that was good because you would go into a shop and look for your name and if you found it, you're more likely to buy it.

Participant G 17:16
But they never had my name.

Participant F 17:17
Yeah you just had to get the like generic one.

Catherine Ouellet 17:26

Wait I wonder, did you have? Is a Gianluca?

Participant F 17:30

Catherine Ouellet 17:31

Gianmarco, sorry. Did you have this campaign? Were you in Italy when they did this? I'm curious if they had different. So do they have like your basic Italian names?

Participant F 17:39
Yeah, I mean, yeah really basic Italian names. Like, it wasn't, I mean, I suppose even those are, you know, like, not all the variety. Its just a small category of names and possibly the most used ones. They would have liked plain names like you know. Maria. Something like that. Like really basic names.

Catherine Ouellet 17:58

So it was I'm guessing they did it specific to areas.

Participant A 18:01
They did it in Greece as well.

Catherine Ouellet 18:03

Did they?

Participant G 18:04
In Finland too.

Catherine Ouellet 18:05

Oh thats sweet. I remember when, when they came out with this campaign, they actually had this photo booth in Piccadilly, was it Piccadilly or Trafalgar Square. Anyways, it was like a photo booth and then they would print whatever picture onto your bottle.

Participant C 18:25
Omg thats so cool.

Participant G 18:25
Im sorry, I think I'll have to head off.

Participant C 18:36
Me too.

Catherine Ouellet 18:36

We are almost done, so that's fine. Thank you. Both. Are you both leaving?

Participant C 18:39
I need to leave at 6.

Catherine Ouellet 18:43

I'll be very quick, but thank you, Roxy for joining. I appreciate it. I will be super quick. Let me see here. Okay. ASMR videos, what do we think yay or nay?

Participant C 18:57
Oh no no no. Especially eating ones, unless it's crunchy, but I don't want to hear you chewing.

Participant G 19:01
like even the Tik Tok adverts that they have like right before.... oh sorry you go.

Catherine Ouellet 19:17

Oh wait sorry, I thought someone was going to say something. But its a big hard no to ASMR.

Participant G 19:21

Participant D 19:21
Definetly no. Ive seen one with a pickle once, and it was, almost put me off the food, so. Wont be watching those again.

Participant C 19:26
I do quite like the honeycomb ones though. That's quite fun.

Catherine Ouellet 19:30

Have you heard the whispering ones?

Participant B 19:34
I hate the whispering ones, it make me feel quite weird.

Participant C 19:38
I absolutely hate the whispering ones. It made me feel a little bit sick.

Catherine Ouellet 19:41

Shall we just watch a pickle ASMR?

Participant D 19:43

Participant G 19:44
I have to go.

Catherine Ouellet 19:45

Okay no pickle ASMR and that's it actually. So do you guys have any questions or anything else to add just really quickly or?

Participant C 19:54
I dont think so.

Catherine Ouellet 19:55

No? Okay. Thank you so much.

Participant C 19:58
Thank you, its good to see you.

Participant G 20:00
Thank you.

Catherine Ouellet 20:01

I hope to see you soon.

Yeah, definitely, my exams are done on the 14th. So I'm a free woman after that.

Do you have school in January or?

Participant C 20:09
Yeah but there isnt exams until June.

Catherine Ouellet 20:15

Gian enjoy the gym! Thank you again!

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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Catherine Ouellet 0:04

So we I think you guys all have kind of an idea of what we're talking about pickles, healthy snacks, things like that. Yeah, yeah. Okay, perfect. So do you guys like pickles?

Participant 1 0:20
I don't.

Catherine Ouellet 0:22


Participant 2 0:23
I love pickles.

Catherine Ouellet 0:24

You do love pickles?

Participant 1 0:26
What the jar things?

Participant 4 0:27

Participant 2 0:28
Well they can be sliced as well.

Participant 1 0:30
No, I don't like those.

Participant 5 0:32
Do you mean specifically like pickles pickles? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 0:36


Catherine Ouellet 0:46

but it's not just the teeny tiny ones like this is my favourite pickle in the UK.

Participant 1 0:50
Not the big ones.

Unknown Speaker 0:57


Catherine Ouellet 0:57

know I am like a pickle addict actually keep the liquid and then just kind of

I feel so judge.

Participant 2 1:09
i like salty.

Catherine Ouellet 1:14

Actually it's funny that you say that because there's like this new TikTok trend where people are putting chamoy and then like those sour belts on it on a pickle.

Participant 5 1:25
I saw it.

Catherine Ouellet 1:26

You saw it?

Participant 5 1:26
But mmm...

People just used to do that back where I lived like all the time, so the fact that its a Tik Tok trend is kind of.. it makes me laugh. We had them like that at school.

Participant 3 1:37

Participant 1 1:37
i like pickled onions i can eat them but not like pickled pickles. do you not I mean?

Catherine Ouellet 1:59

have you had pickle in just like brine? because there's those just the salty ones actually.

can you just water and salt some put sugar in it to make them sweeter?

Participant 1 2:14
Oh no, no, no.

This is taking my hunger actually I was really hungry before this but now.

Catherine Ouellet 2:27

Do you have any kind of favorite healthy snacks? Is there anything that ticks the boxes?

Participant 5 2:32
I have I like dried fruit.

Participant 1 2:34
oh yeah.

Participant 5 2:35
But sometimes they can put too much sugar but I have a there's a place next to my house and they're quite healthy and I really like the way they make them. theres not too much sugar or anything.

Catherine Ouellet 2:44

what kind of fruits is it?

Participant 5 2:45
mango is my favorite. And I like dried bananas dry kiwi but mango is.

Participant 1 2:49
and pineapple dry pineapple

Participant 4 2:51
oh and papaya Good.

Participant 5 2:52
sometimes is quite sugary so not when it's too sugary.

Catherine Ouellet 2:56

Anything else?

Participant 1 2:57
i just like normal cucumbers just I don't like them pickled.

Participant 3 3:00
I do like cucumbers.

Catherine Ouellet 3:01

yeah cucumbers and humus or just cucumbers alone?

Participant 1 3:05
I don't like humus.

Catherine Ouellet 3:07


Participant 1 3:11
I don't know what I like. I just think kind of like plain and simple just like little mini cucumbers. I've been getting those from like Tesco and they're really just like good to snack on. Yeah, or like Marks and Spencers do that flavored grapes and they're really good.

Catherine Ouellet 3:24

Cotton candy ones?

Participant 1 3:25
Yeah. So im hunting for the mango ones because apparently they've got mango flavor grapes out and also Kiwi grapes but I've not found them yet and Ive been to Waitrose and...

Catherine Ouellet 3:34

Thats so cool.

Participant 5 3:36
I want to try the cotton candy ones.

Participant 1 3:39
There so good. like It's nice

Catherine Ouellet 3:47

frozen pineapple if you've ever frozen them?

Participant 1 3:50

ususally get the big bags in the freezer section of shops. It's just like having a munch on that

Catherine Ouellet 3:58

Does anyone ever get meal deals from Sainsbury's or anything like that?

Participant 1 4:09

Only in certain shops. M&S. Its a win for me.

Catherine Ouellet 4:14

Why M&S?

Participant 1 4:15
Because I feel like it tastes better and like the other shops and I just like the like the range they do in there. Even though it's a bit more expensive. I'd rather pay for something like more and I get one from like Sainsbury's, which doesn't have that good selection or like Tesco but now the tesco meal deal is actually
like 3.50. So there's not actually a real price difference. I don't think now.

Catherine Ouellet 4:34

How much is the M&S that's one for Yeah.

Participant 1 4:37
I think it's maybe about 4.50 And yeah.

Catherine Ouellet 4:42

What do you pick for the snack option.

Participant 1 4:44
Fruit normally. Yeah,

Catherine Ouellet 4:47

who else gets the meal deals?

Participant 5 4:48
I guess. Crisps.

Participant 3 4:50
Yeah me too.

Participant 2 4:50

Participant 1 4:51
sometimes crisps but.

Participant 5 4:52
You know why? Because i dont like the sandwiches in general and the crisps is just something think they just kind of compliment them you know what I mean?

Catherine Ouellet 5:00

so embarrassing. I literally I look for the most expensive options for all three for the drinks for the

Participant 2 5:07

Participant 1 5:08
The cost of living crisis.

Catherine Ouellet 5:10

The coconut water that I get is like two pounds 50 itself. So I'm like, yeah this is worth it.

Participant 1 5:15
The smoothies theyre always like two pounds something. Or do you know I guess apple and it has like peanut butter like that within m&s and

Catherine Ouellet 5:23

They do?

Participant 1 5:24
Yeah like sliced apple and then it has a little like, peanut butter thing. And i like that. yes, that is one of my favorites.

Participant 5 5:31
Is peanut butter considered healthy though?

Participant 1 5:34
Depends how it's made i think. Its got apple I mean so.

Catherine Ouellet 5:39

Do you always stick with the same thing like you'll always go for the fruit box or you'll always go for the crisps? You just try whatever is available?

Participant 1 5:46
Depends if I've got crisps in my bag already. if I was like at working, sometimes I'll just grab crisps from my cupboard at home and then go and get my meal deal because I already had crisps I'd get that fruit option. Yeah, with the meal deal.

Participant 6 6:01
I never had any deal.

Catherine Ouellet 6:03

You've never had to deal?

Participant 6 6:04
I hate sandwiches. I cannot eat them.

Catherine Ouellet 6:07

they dont have any hot options do they? Gregs doesn't do meal deals. do they?

Participant 1 6:17
yeah they do but with cold sandwiches

Catherine Ouellet 6:20

just cold.

Participant 1 6:21
They have to get those baguette things.

Participant 5 6:24
they have hot stuff in pret-a-manger but i dont think its a meal deal.

Participant 1 6:29
Pret is too prestigious for meal deals.

Catherine Ouellet 6:32

And then in terms of this doesn't necessarily have to be food. It can be anything. Have you ever bought something because an influencer showed it on their Tiktok or Instagram or YouTube

Participant 1 6:43
Grapes. yeah.

Participant 7 6:44
If Garfield is an influencer? Because I tried lasagna just because of Garfield.

Catherine Ouellet 6:50

Look at that the OG influencer? Yeah.

Participant 4 6:55
I buy stuff like even from even Tiktok shops.

Catherine Ouellet 6:59

Oh yeah. Ive done that. Things you need to get from Amazon.

Participant 4 7:02
Oh yeah I like, you can order from Tik Tok. Iver ordered from Tik Tok.

Participant 3 7:07
Its so dangerous.

actual link tree right. Yeah. It's actually verify the product.

Participant 1 7:20
I would just rather buy it on the website...

Participant 3 7:22
depends if its on sale on Tik Tok.

Participant 4 7:24
Yeah, it's a really cheap as well.

Catherine Ouellet 7:27

The only thing I don't like about it is that half more than half of this stuff is normally only available in the US shop. And then I'm like

Participant 3 7:35
it's just people that oh, it's in my bio. It's in my Tik Tok shop. They get commission off of that. I have a friend that does it

Participant 7 7:41
oh is that why they do it?

Participant 3 7:43
Yeah because they sell and then they get a commission off of it... got some packages.

Catherine Ouellet 7:54

You might recognize these pickle packages. single pickles actually I'm sorry they still smell like the pickles.

Participant 1 8:06
Big papa?

Catherine Ouellet 8:07

They are massive like the biggest pickles I have ever seen. that one was, look at the serving size. It's supposed to be seven servings.

Participant 1 8:15
I've seen the people open these on Tik Tok and like eaten them.

Catherine Ouellet 8:23

they're a bit awkward.

Participant 6 8:24
This is awkward. I like it but I like more natural...

Unknown Speaker 8:35

the character inaudible*

Unknown Speaker 8:50


Unknown Speaker 8:50

Can I ask something? why are you showing this?

Catherine Ouellet 9:03

I'm just curious what you think about the packaging.

Participant 1 9:06
I love the packaging.

Participant 6 9:10
When I think about it, I just feel like its dangerous.

Catherine Ouellet 9:13

This looks dangerous? why?

Participant 3 9:14
It looks like something you pick up on like a sketchy pound shop. Here. Does this not look weird?

Catherine Ouellet 9:19

like you mean it looks cheap?

Participant 3 9:20
Like you should not eat this.

Participant 5 9:24
The way he's presenting the actual people like 'Big Papa', 'Hot Mama'... maybe even a different colour?

Participant 1 9:33
If it was something I would enjoy eating and I saw 'Big Papa' I feel like but Im biased because it's funny

Participant 3 9:40
This is one sassy pickle right here.

Participant 1 9:42
But like that for me. A bit childish.

Participant 6 9:48
It looks like its bad things inside.

Participant 5 9:48
Yeah, but what does the yellow define?

Catherine Ouellet 9:55

Well, these ones actually they're not when you buy them. They're not refrigerated or anything. They're just kind of sitting on their sad little shelf. And I think in Canada when I bought them I think there... what?

Participant 1 10:07
They got no calories?

Participant 6 10:07
Pickles have calories.

Catherine Ouellet 10:09

No no there super healthy. Its just the salt.

Participant 3 10:13
why did i think that its like bad?

Catherine Ouellet 10:16

well, the thing was pickles are anything that's fermented like kumbucha or kefir is that it's good for your gut health as well. So I'm trying to create a brand of pickles where I may or may not go through like silly way or the really health perspective, but I haven't decided yet what what's going to happen

Participant 4 10:33
it'd be interesting than how you sell.

Participant 3 10:35
Cause I didnt know they were healthy.

Catherine Ouellet 10:35

Yeah. Have a look too on the back.

Participant 1 10:38
I had no idea zero calories.

Participant 2 10:40
Yeah, why dont they have this on the front?

Participant 3 10:41
And I feel like packaging on like healthy snacks, and like foods at like Whole Foods or planet organic have like minimalistic packaging and that's what like tells you.

Participant 2 10:48
This just looks like its full of sugar.

Catherine Ouellet 10:49

So like you know what to look for.

Participant 3 10:52
Yeah, yeah,

Participant 1 10:52
like this just looks like its deep fried and oily with the yellow do you know what I mean.

Participant 3 10:56
Like if you were to show me this like this, I did not see like, like that was a true reaction. I had no idea this is like low calories.

Participant 5 11:01
just to be honest, so many people just buy things and don't look at the ingredients. Or what they have. Just grab it.

Participant 1 11:07

Participant 5 11:08

But you always know by the ingredients... inaudible*

Participant 1 11:14
I know what's in it.

Participant 5 11:16
But do you look at the nutritional facts?

Participant 1 11:18
Well, if its got like a lot of salt and like oil in the end I would be like

Participant 5 11:23
but not always.

Participant 1 11:23
Sometimes it depends what Im getting. But I'm quite like, if I have something like I will stick with that and this is just what I eat. Do you know what this reminds me of as well as anyone seen that movie?Thats what the packaging reminds me of, like something from that 'Sausage Party".

Catherine Ouellet 12:00

That was a really, really successful movie. Not!

Participant 2 12:02
It was like it was pretty offensive

Participant 5 12:05
It was really odd.

Participant 3 12:11
does anyone have an iPhone charger. 10 People and no one has an Iphone charger?

Catherine Ouellet 12:17

do you? Oh no. that's for keyboard. In the SU cafe, there's charging ports that you can rent. You can take them out but...

Participant 2 12:29
charging bank with cables.

Catherine Ouellet 12:31

Yeah, yeah, they're built in i think.

Anyways, alright, and then more on the like brand aspect of things. It doesn't have to be related to food. Do you know of any brands that are doing like really cool, experience based stuff? Like to helping. You guys are all over 19-20. You can all drink. So 19 Crime wines, do you guys know them? So they basically
have this thing so on every bottle of wine, they have a picture of a dude and you can scan it and then it's like AR so it comes to life.

Unknown Speaker 13:18

video commentary*

Catherine Ouellet 13:22

something like that, or Yeah, it was a few years ago, actually five five years ago or like did Kristin show you this yet? Oh, there's an ad, how on point.

Participant 6 13:35
Oh, yeah, I know one.

Catherine Ouellet 13:36


Participant 6 13:37
But its from Spain. is from a burger company that in the allergens, they put things like allergic to my mother in law or anything. So like funny things and theyre creating like a Tik Tok with all the funny things that the people are writing on the allergens.

Catherine Ouellet 13:53

Okay. Thats neat. Does anybody remember? The Coca Cola "share coke" campaign?

Participant 1 14:01

Catherine Ouellet 14:01

The names on the coke bottle.

Participant 6 14:06
I liked it. But my name was never. it's never... inaudible.

Catherine Ouellet 14:09

Actually the other focus group that I did there was an Italian his name was Gianluca and he said my name never came up it was very generate names like Maria. What's your name?

Participant 4 14:23
Chanel. I wasn't even expecting my name to come.

Catherine Ouellet 14:26

To be fair, my name is Catherine is very very simple. I've never found a coke bottle with my name on it. So, it worked but it didnt work.

Participant 6 14:32
they tried to make it simpler, like Father, mother.

Catherine Ouellet 14:36

yes. They did do that as well.

Participant 4 14:38
Oh yeah. That also.

Catherine Ouellet 14:41

Any other cool brands?

Participant 1 14:42
Vaseline did that with like, at Christmas, I think it was like a couple years ago. You could like print your name on the vaseline tin and you order it online when it comes.

Participant 5 14:48
Oh the Fenty perfume. Some followers have been invited from the company and then they go there, choose their own perfume and then they get their name printed and printed on and imprinted on the bottom.

Participant 6 15:00
That was like a PR.

Participant 5 15:03
But something.

Participant 4 15:03
I showed this to class yesterday that say with a smile.

Catherine Ouellet 15:11

Oh yes. Is this an actual campaign?

Participant 4 15:13
Yeah, it was like smiles and like you could like take pictures and put hashtags

The always campaign also.

Catherine Ouellet 15:22


Participant 4 15:22
Yeah. And it was like, run like a girl.

Catherine Ouellet 15:28

Cool. And then what else do I have. I have one final question. I have no idea how you're gonna react. Oh, it's next question. Does anyone like ASMR videos?

Participant 5 15:40

Participant 3 15:41
It depends on what?

Participant 1 15:42
I don't like to breathing ones. I hate those. Those made me feel uncomfortable.

Participant 4 15:52
Oh and the ones where they spray water on the microphone. That's so good. It's like such a soothing sound. It's like the spray with like a spray thing and in water. And it sounds like... I've seen it on Tik Tok.

Participant 1 16:05
you know the one of the things and people pop them?

Participant 4 16:08
I love those videos!

Catherine Ouellet 16:11

that was like the original...

Participant 6 16:15
packaging like when open to opening things.

Catherine Ouellet 16:18

Oh yeah like unboxing?

Participant 1 16:20
But actual human ones make me feel uncomfortable.

Participant 3 16:23
I dont like when they talk to me...

Participant 4 16:24
Yeah, the weirdest ones... inaudible*

Catherine Ouellet 16:38

Im going to skip the whispering part to save all of our ears. Tell me if this is a vibe.

Participant 1 16:44

This is making me uncomfortable. Its like my worst nightmare come to life.

Participant 6 16:55
And when they do *tapping*.

Catherine Ouellet 17:04

Are you ready?

Participant 1 17:05
Im actaully going to cry.

Participant 2 17:07
Oh I love this video! This video is so bad. This is one of my favorite videos.

Participant 4 17:12
Its so satisfying.

Participant 1 17:17
I actually feel sick.

Participant 6 17:19
I get mad.

Catherine Ouellet 17:20

So what is the vibe? She hates it.

Participant 6 17:24
no no, no.

Unknown Speaker 17:31


Participant 1 17:33
I like initial crunch and then the rest I'm like, Yeah

Participant 3 17:40
I dont like the smacking.

The whole thing is unnecessary. Just close your mouth.

Participant 5 17:51
like, it sounds like shut your mouth.

Participant 1 17:54
it's just the combination of like everything to me

Participant 3 17:59
like close your mouth. I dont like hearing that.

Participant 1 18:02
Why are you smacking your lips together at your like big age.

Participant 3 18:06
I get it was just for a video but like no.

Participant 1 18:09
The little boy I nany for does that. And I'm like no, don't do that. You come from like a civilized household. Like why are you doing that?

Participant 6 18:17

Participant 1 18:17
Close your mouth.

Catherine Ouellet 18:18

That should be the campaign name 'close your mouth.'

Participant 1 18:21
Eat pickles with dignity, grace and decorum.

Catherine Ouellet 18:24

That was very Miss America. She's beauty. She is grace. Yeah, okay. Let's continue. Okay, so that's actually all of the questions. Do you guys have any questions or anything? I didn't touch on that. You want clarification or?

Participant 6 18:42
Are your pickles going to be flavored?

Catherine Ouellet 18:44

What flavours are you? Yeah pickles. You should try them. No, I will bring my favorite pickles. You can try.

Participant 1 18:55
You can film my reaction as content for your campaign.

Participant 2 18:58
we can do it as a ASMR.

Participant 3 19:00

Also what if it's your first time actually liking a pickle?

Participant 1 19:02
Ive only ever liked, I don't eat pickles so Ive only ever had it in like a McDonald's burger. You know, like, I take one bite

Catherine Ouellet 19:10

No, but those are not like real pickles. Those are fake.

Participant 1 19:13
I'm scared but that scares me. Like that woman eating that pickle made me feel physically sick. Uncomfortable. I couldn't look at it. The pickle scares me.

Catherine Ouellet 19:32

I'll just bring the rest of the class some and then if brave enough.

Participant 1 19:35
I would potentially try it but it does really like scare me. Like im not trying the 'Big Papa'.

Participant 6 19:45
What about a martini?

Participant 2 19:45
Isnt that with olives?

Catherine Ouellet 19:52

In Canada you can ask for pickle juice instead of olive juice.

Participant 2 19:55
I would love that.

Participant 1 19:56
See I dont like olives. Does that mean I'm not gonna like pickles?

Catherine Ouellet 19:59

You don't like olives?

Participant 1 20:00

Catherine Ouellet 20:00

But you see that;s in a salt brine. No? Do you normally eat green foods or? do you eat green foods?

Participant 1 20:18
Yeah, I love that. I love vegetables and that are eat but basically like all veg and fruit and stuff but I dont just feel like im fushy but like with what I

Participant 2 20:29
oh yeah Im really fussy with meat.

Participant 4 20:36
Im so picky I dont even like onion.

Catherine Ouellet 20:38

Any way?

Participant 4 20:40
Any way. with things like I just pick the onions out.

Unknown Speaker 20:46


Participant 1 21:06
I had not had a bit of puff of air come up thats why I gave it back to you.

Participant 3 21:13
You liked these?

Catherine Ouellet 21:15

I didn't like the actual pickles but I miss. I miss white vinegar because here you guys only have malt vinegar

Participant 1 21:21
No in big supermarkets, like you can get white vinegar.

Catherine Ouellet 21:30

Are you sure its not malt white vinegar. It's because I once had to pickled eggs which is another weird thing that I eat. with like salt. Inaudible*

What about like Kim Chi? has anyone tried that?

Participant 1 21:53
Is that pickled cabbage?

Catherine Ouellet 21:54

Has anyone tried kombucha?

Participant 2 21:56
Yes. I love kombucha. Its like a probiotic drink. It has like a lot of good bacteria in it.

Catherine Ouellet 22:08

Kefir reminds me of gone of milk right?

the fact that you're drinking gone off milk, right? It's just bizarre to me, but yogurt as well is a probiotic.

Participant 1 22:29
I don't really like dairy stuff like that. I love cheese. I don't like milk. And I don't really like yogurt either. Yeah I like almond or coconut.

Yogurt I have to have it thick. Like I have to have it, put it over my head and it's not going to drop on my head.

Unknown Speaker 23:02


Catherine Ouellet 23:08

Thank you so much. Ill see you next week.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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