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1. What is organizational culture? How can it be establish?

Organizational culture is generally understood as all of a company's beliefs,

values and attitudes, and how these influence the behavior of its employees. Culture

affects how people experience an organization—that is, what it is like for a customer

to buy from a company or a supplier to work with it.

In order to mold the values, norms, beliefs, and behaviors within the

organization, an organizational culture must be established via conscious efforts and

persistent activity.

2. What is the effect of organizational culture to transformational leadership?

Organizational culture can have a significant impact on the success or

failure of an organizational transformation. A strong, positive culture that supports

change and employee development can lead to a more engaged workforce and a

smoother transition.

3. Define adaptive organizational culture? What is the advantage of adaptive

organizational culture?

An Adaptive Corporate Culture is one that enables the organization to

adapt quickly and effectively to internal and external pressures for change. A
corporate culture that consistently supports a positive psychological environment

will ensure the workforce will be more resilient against stress.

Benefits of a good company culture

 Better onboarding process
 Increased retention
 Elevated productivity
 Employee Development
 Well defined goals
 Enhances the company brand
 Increased joy at work

4. Differentiate transactional culture and transformational culture.

Transactional leaders work within the existing organizational culture, while

transformational leaders emphasize new ideas and “transform” the corporate


5. What is Organizational Description Questionnaire?

The Organizational Description Questionnaire (ODQ) is a twenty-eight

item questionnaire which helps members of an organization explore the

relationship between leadership style and their organizational culture.

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