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Republic of the Philippines

President Ramon Magsaysay State University

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Fernandez, Josephine A
BSE-English 3A

II. Conceptual Understanding

Directions: Explain briefly the following concepts in your own words.

1. Representational Arts
Representational art is a form of art that depicts recognizable objects or
figures in a realistic or lifelike manner. This can include portraits,
landscapes, still life paintings, and other types of art that aim to represent the
physical world in a way that is recognizable and true to life. Representational
art can be created using a variety of media, including paint, pencil, charcoal,
and digital tools. It can also encompass a wide range of styles, from
photorealistic to impressionistic and everything in between. Overall,
representational art is a way for artists to capture the world around them
and share it with others in a way that is visually compelling and meaningful.

2. Non- Representational Arts

Non-representational art, is a type of art that does not attempt to depict
recognizable objects or figures from the physical world. Instead, it
emphasizes color, form, texture, and other visual elements to create a
composition that is independent of any specific reference to reality. In non-
representational art, the focus is on the interplay of the various elements of
the artwork, such as line, shape, color, and texture, and the emotional or
psychological responses they evoke in the viewer. This type of art often
allows for more experimentation and freedom of expression, as the artist is

Humanities ǁ Reading Visual Arts

not limited by the constraints of representing a specific subject or object.
Non-representational art can take many forms, including abstract paintings,
sculptures, installations, and digital art, and can range from simple
geometric shapes to complex, layered compositions. Overall, non-
representational art is a way for artists to explore the potential of visual
language and create works that communicate on a purely abstract or
emotional level.

3. Realism
Realism is a style of art that aimed to represent the world in a truthful and
objective way, often depicting scenes from everyday life. Realism rejected the
idealization and stylization that were common in art before its emergence,
instead emphasizing the importance of accurate depiction of the physical
world. Realist paintings often feature ordinary people engaged in everyday
activities, such as working in factories or fields, and the artists focused on
representing details and textures that would make the scenes feel true to life.
The artists often used a naturalistic style, with careful attention to light and
shadow, as well as composition and perspective. Realism was a significant
departure from the traditional art forms that had dominated the art world
up to that point, and it had a profound impact on the development of modern
art. It paved the way for other movements, such as Impressionism, which
also focused on capturing the fleeting moments of everyday life but in a more
subjective and emotional way. Overall, realism was an important artistic
movement that sought to capture the world as it really was, and its legacy
continues to influence art to this day.

4. Surrealism
Surrealism is an artistic movement characterized by its exploration of the
irrational and unconscious mind through art. Surrealist artists sought to
liberate the creative potential of the subconscious mind, often by juxtaposing
seemingly unrelated objects or images in unexpected ways to create
dreamlike or absurd compositions. Surrealist artists sought to tap into this
creative potential by creating artworks that challenged conventional ways of
thinking and presented new, often unsettling, ideas. It can be expressed in a
variety of media, including painting, sculpture, photography, and film. It
remains an influential force in the art world today, and its emphasis on the

Humanities ǁ Reading Visual Arts

exploration of the subconscious mind continues to inspire artists around the

Humanities ǁ Reading Visual Arts

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