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Nothing was important to Daisy.

Because she was lazy, she would

carelessly put her rubbish anywhere. One day, her mother made the
decision that Daisy would spend a month living with her grandmother
in order to teach her manners because the town where her grandmother
resides is not particularly metropolitan. Both wifi and signal are
weak. Because she thought it was uninteresting, Daisy detested being
there. Then, after settling down beside a pond, she would remain in
the neighboring woodland. She thought the forest to be fascinating
because it was lovely and abundant in creatures and flowers. Every
time, she would pack snacks to eat there. She would, however, discard
the trash in the pond rather than bringing it with her because of how
lazy she was. She continued doing this while being unaware that she
had already enraged the forest fairy Cielo." 1 Small Steps, Big
Changes "As per usual, Daisy went into the forest one day but she
became aware of an unusual situation. The woodland appeared darker
than usual, and there didn't seem to be much life there. In front of
her at that point was Cielo. Incredulous at what she was seeing,
Daisy broke out in hysterics. Cielo cursed Daisy, turning her into a
frog, because he was upset with her for what she had done to the
pond. Daisy struggled for days to keep her nightly frog
transformation from being discovered. She finally gave in to the
pressure one day and made the decision to attempt talking to Cielo
once more to beg for her pardon. She noticed a bunch of adolescents
entering the woodland as she made her way there by hopping. She was
oblivious of this since she believed she was the only person who knew
about that specific location. She silently followed them to see what
they would do. The adolescents partied all night long and left the
woodland in a terrible state of disarray." 2 Small Steps, Big Changes
"Even after searching for Cielo for weeks, Daisy was unable to locate
her. She made the decision to spend her final time in the forest
before leaving the town since she was beginning to lose hope. She
went inside as she usually did, but she was astonished to see so many
people there. She concluded that the area became more well-known
after she spotted the teenagers there. Daisy, still in her frog form,
continued to ignore everyone and just chose to hunker down next to a
tree branch. She noticed another frog crying there. Daisy felt sad
seeing this and spoke to the animal. As she assumed it was due to her
current state, she was not astonished when she realized she
understood what the animal was saying. The frog explained to Daisy
how those teens murdered her child. It was meant to be a typical day
when her son drank water from the pond, but due to the debris and
dirt, he accidentally consumed something foreign and succumbed." 3
Small Steps, Big Changes "Daisy listened to the story and then turned
to look at the woodland. It was a vast cry from how it had previously
seemed. It was covered in rubbish, and the trees had writing done in
spray paint. For the first time since moving here, Daisy felt sorrow
for the forest where she had once found solace despite the
adjustments she had to make. Daisy understood that she in some way
thought of the forest as her home, but what about the creatures that
were raised here? Daisy was immediately aware that action was
required. When she is in her human shape in the afternoons, she will
speak to the town's leaders and explain how these adolescents are
destroying the forest and offer to clean it up. As they were unaware
that the lovely forest they were attempting to preserve was being
destroyed, the officials and other volunteers assisted her. Daisy
would visit there daily to clean. She suddenly realized where she was
going to put the rubbish she had collected." 4 Small Steps, Big
Changes "In light of this, Daisy had an idea and chose to present it
to the town's leaders. a recycling initiative in which town residents
are obligated to take part in order to reduce the amount of trash
generated. Daisy observed significant changes as a result of these
concepts and chose not to stop there. She spread awareness of the
three R's among the town residents and stressed the value of
reducing, reusing, and recycling. She worked tirelessly to persuade
others to care about the environment, and she did whatever it took to
win their belief. After seeing everything, Cielo managed to free
Daisy of her curse. Cielo also thanks Daisy for helping to return the
forest, their home, back and for making people appreciate nature

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