Jurnal Perspektif Agama

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1 JUNI 2021



Wahidatul Maghfiroh1, Susminingsih2, Anis Wahdati3, dan Ahmad Subiyadi4

Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pekalongan
wahidatulmaghfiroh@gmail.com; susminingsih@iaianpekalongan.ac.id;
aniswahdati06@gmail.com; ahmad.subiyadi@iainpekalongan.ac.id


This study aims to find out the level of traditional retail competition and strategies
developed by traditional retail to remain resilient in modern business competition in an
Islamic perspective. This study uses qualitative approach with phenomenological research
type. The data is obtained from secondary data, namely data on the number of traditional
retail and some modern retail in Wiradesa Subdistrict, Pekalongan Regency, Central Java.
Research data obtained by interview techniques to business owners and consumers,
observations and documentation. The population in this study was 8 modern retail (3
Alfamart, 5 Indomart), and 428 traditional retail (grocery stores and grocery stores) in
Wiradesa Sub-district. Samples taken were 1 Alfamart in Gumawang Village, 1 Indomart
in Gumawang Village, Adam's Shop in Gumawang Village, and Blue Shop in Kemplong
Village, Pekalongan Regency. Data triangulation is used to maintain the validity of data.
The study found that: (1) strategies developed by traditional retail are a) communication
strategies as well as social relations with consumers as the implementation of Islamic
values in the field of business services, b) cheaper pricing strategies, (2) modern retail
applies a variety of promotions to attract consumers, (3) the business development system
of both types of retail conducted does not deviate from Islamic business ethics.

Keywords: traditional retail, modern retail, competitive strategy, Islamic business ethics.


Grocery 30
A competition strategy is needed Stores
for retail managers in both traditional and 4. Gumawang Grocery 17
modern retail. The modern retail Stores
paradigm is a view that emphasizes retail 5. Mayangan Grocery 21
management using a modern approach. 6. Kepatihan Grocery 15
While the traditional retail paradigm is a Stores
view that emphasizes retail management Grocery 32
using traditional approaches. The Stores
traditional retail paradigm is still widely 7. Kemplong Grocery 7
understood by merchants or conventional Stores
retailers such as pre-planned stores Grocery
(sellers of household needs) located in 8. Karangjati 9
villages or suburban locations (Utami, 9. Pekuncen Grocery 54
2008). Stores
Alfamart and Indomart outlets in 10. Kampil Grocery 36
Indonesia are one form of modern retail. 11. Kadipaten Grocery 34
Alfamart and Indomart are franchise Stores
businesses that provide basic needs and 12. Wiradesa Grocery 37
daily needs. If noticed, this business Stores
actually already exists in the form of 13. Delegtukang Grocery 22
traditional retail in the form of grocery
Grocery 11
stores, which we are familiar with Stores
grocery stores or food stalls. In the 14. Waru Kidul Grocery 10
context of society, traditional retail is Small
known as small retail which is a place to Stores
sell food or grocery items such as 15. Waru Lor Grocery 13
groceries, while grocery is interpreted as
16. Petukangan Grocery 19
a tool of flexibility that is always sounded Stores
by the hawker of merchandise to attract Amount 428
the attention of buyers and goods for Source: Department of Industry, Trade and
daily needs ( Yoga Tantular Rachman, Cooperatives Pekalongan Regency,
2013). The existence of traditional retail December 2020 (Data processed).
or grocery stores in the community of
Wiradesa Subdistrict, Pekalongan, The existence of modern market
Central Java is shown in Table 1: chains in the field of retail business, such
as hypermarkets, supermarkets, and
Table 1. minimarkets, becomes a serious
Number of Grocery Stores in Wiradesa competitor to the existence of traditional
Subdistrict, markets. The presence of a modern
Pekalongan Regency, Central Java market that is currently developing into a
No. Village Type Amount franchise system has penetrated into the
1. Kauman Grocery 21
village. This has the potential to defeat
Stores the existence of traditional markets, even
2. Bondansari Grocery 33 destroying the existence of traditional
Small markets (Fahmi Radhi, 2008).
Stores The advantages of one stop
Grocery 7 shopping and convenience in shopping
3. Bener


become one of the advantages of the 3. Types of undirected merchandise

modern market. In addition, the modern 4. No brand selection
market is supported by technological 5. Less attention to suppliers
advances and management, able to 6. Doing simple sales recording
provide competing on price, so that the 7. Do not evaluate the profit per
price of goods in the modern market is product
even cheaper than the price of products in 8. Unplanned Cash Flow
traditional markets. This advantage can 9. Business development is not
be a serious threat to the traditional planned
market to be able to compete with the
modern market (Fahmi Radhi, 2008). The The modern retail paradigm is a
reality of the competition is reflected in view that emphasizes retail management
Table 2 which contains retail sales data using a modern approach. Some of the
for 2016-2020. characteristics of modern retail
management paradigm are as follows
Table 2 (Utami, 2008):
Retail Sales Data for 2016-2020 1. Strategic location is an important
Type factor in the retail business
Years Traditional 2. Careful prediction of potential
market buyers
2016 18,4% 9,4%
2017 7% 2,9%
3. Management of directed
2018 7,4% 2,2% merchandise types
2019 9% 0,6% 4. Very strict brand selection of
2020 16% 0,3% suppliers
Amount 57,8% 15,4% 5. Conducting sales recording
* Data processed from various sources carefully
6. Evaluate the profit per product
8. Planned business development
The word retail can be understood Modern retail such as department
as all activities related to the sale or stores and supermarkets in Indonesia
distribution of goods and services directly have not been clearly standardized, either
to the end consumer, where the focus of according to business scale, orientation or
the activity is directed to increase the business status. Nevertheless, it is clear
value of goods and services for personal that supermarkets are selling secondary
use and not business use (Utami, 2008). necessities such as clothing, accessories,
The traditional retail paradigm is a view and other complementary items.
that emphasizes retail management using Department stores and supermarkets can
conventional and traditional approaches. be classified according to the scale of
The traditional retail paradigm is still their business, such as floor area, large
widely understood by merchants or turnover, and network. The minimum
conventional retailers such as pre-planned area for department stores and
stores (sellers of household needs) supermarkets is 600 m2 per outlet or
located in villages or suburban locations. chainstore with the same total area. The
The characteristics include (Utami, figure is based on the calculation of the
2008): average floor area of existing department
1. Less choosing the location stores and supermarkets associated with
2. Does not count potential buyers the facilities/ facilities available. The


floor area for department stores is Business actors should be suspected or

generally at least 5,000 m2 while the considered to have mastery over the
supermarket is about 1,200 m2. However, production and or marketing of goods and
in Indonesia the limit does not always or services as referred to in paragraph (1)
apply, such as matahari which some if:
outlets have an area of less than 5,000 m2 a. The goods and or services
(Bob Foster, 2008). concerned have no substitution,
The increasing network of modern b. Resulting in other businesses can
markets engaged in retail businesses, not enter into the same business
such as hypermarkets, supermarkets, and competition of goods and or
minimarkets, is feared to be a serious services,
threat to the existence of traditional c. One business actor or one group
markets. The modern market also offers a of business actors control more
variety of competitive advantages that than 50% (fifty percent) of the
traditional markets do not have. In market share of one particular
addition to offering the concept of one type of goods or services.
stop shopping and convenience in In the third part of the market
shopping, which is supported by mastery chapter 19 law No. 5 of 1999, it
technological and management is explained that businesses are
excellence, the modern market also uses prohibited from conducting one or more
price instruments in competing on price. activities, either alone or with other
The price of various products sold in the businesses, which may result in
modern market is actually cheaper than monopoly practices and or unfair
the selling price of the same products business competition in the form of:
sold in traditional markets. With the a. Refuse and or deter certain
various advantages possessed by the businesses from conducting the
modern market, it is impossible if same business activities in the
traditional market traders to be able to relevant market;
survive the disproportionate fanfare b. Turn off the business of its
(Fahmi Radhi, 2008). competitors in the market
concerned so that it can lead to
Competition Strategy monopoly practices and or unfair
Business competition based on Law business competition.
No. 5 of 1999 on the prohibition of
monopoly practices and unfair To face business competition,
competition. Monopoly in Law No. 5 of businesses need to take a strategy to be
1999 explained that monopoly practice is able to compete with other businesses.
the concentration of economic power by Business strategies are defined as actions,
one or more businesses resulting in the reactions and decisions to create and
control of production and or marketing of exploit a marketing mix and make the
certain goods and or services so as to most of it by minimizing costs (Hisrich,
cause unhealthy business competition and et.al. 2008). The business strategy
can harm the public interest (Presiden includes 2 strategies, namely:
Republik Indonesia, 1997). In article 17, a. A new business strategy is the
it is explained that businesses are creation of opportunities from new
prohibited from having control over the businesses, including resources as a
production and or marketing of goods and competitive advantage and
or services that may result in monopoly entrepreneurial resources;
practices and unfair business competition.


b. Growth strategy is a strategy that Distribution is the way the

focuses on where to look for company distributes its goods,
opportunities to grow where ranging from the company to the
companies may already have a information of the end consumer.
foundation for a sustainable Distribution strategies are important
competitive advantage. These in the company's efforts to serve
strategies include penetration consumers on time and on target.
strategies, market development Delays in distribution resulted in
strategies, product development the company losing time and
strategies and diversification quality of goods as well as the
strategies. taking of opportunities by
Business competition requires d. Promotion
innovation and strategy of various Promotion is the last marketing mix
aspects, both product quality, price, activity. Promotion is the most
service and marketing strategy. In a powerful means to attract and retain
business strategy, it is also necessary to its consumers. One of the purposes
make the most of the marketing mix. of the company's promotion is to
Marketing mix is a controlled marketing inform all kinds of products offered
tool such as product, price, promotions, and try to attract new potential
place, which can be combined by the customers. There are four kinds of
company to produce the desired response promotional tools that can be used
in the target market (Al Arif, 2012) : by each company in promoting its
a. Products. products, both goods and services,
In marketing mix, the step to be including advertising, sales
done is product strategy. This is promotion, publicity, personal
important because the product sales.
becomes a selling point for a
company. Product strategies that Islamic Business Ethics
need to be developed include Amidst the strong current offer of
determining logos and mottos, various integration paradigms,
creating brands, creating packaging, Islamization of science including the
and label decisions. mainstraim approach and still considered
b. Price relevant to compose and develop islamic
Price is a number of values (in scientific integrase (Waluyo, 2021).
currency) that consumers must pay Islamic business is a series of business
to buy or enjoy the goods or activities in various forms that are not
services offered. Pricing is very limited to the amount of ownership
important to note considering that (goods / services) including profit, but
price is one of the causes of the limited in how to obtain it and the
practice or whether a product and utilization of its property because of halal
service is offered. Wrong in and haram rules (Veithzal Rivai, 2013).
determining the price will be fatal Allah explains it in Surah Al-Baqarah (2)
to the product offered and fatal to verse 188:
the product offered and result in the
non-sale of the product in the ِ ‫َوالَ ت َأ ْ ُكلُواْ أ َ ْم َوالَ ُك ْم بَ ْينَ ُكم بِ ْال‬
ْ‫بط ِل َوتُْْلُوا‬
ِ ِ ‫بِ َها أِلَى ْال ُح ّك ِام ِلت َا ْء ُكلُواْ فَ ِريقًا ِ ّم ْن أ َ ْم َو‬
c. Distribution
١٨٨ َ‫اْلثْ ِم َوأ َ ْنت ُ ْم ت َ ْعلَ ُم ْون‬ِ ْ ‫اس ِب‬
ِ َّ‫الن‬


And do not consume one d. Tabligh, invite and give examples

another's property by to other parties to implement the
falsehood, and do not provisions of Islamic teachings in
bring it to the judge, that daily life (various sources).
you may consume some of Business actors/ companies must
it with sin while you have a mandate by displaying an attitude
know. of openness, honesty, optimal service,
and ihsan (doing the best) in everything,
Allah SWT forbids not to eat the let alone related to community service.
property of others in a false way. What is With the nature of trust, businesses have
meant by "eating" here is "using" or a responsibility to practice their
"utilizing" as can be used in Arabic and obligations. The nature of tabligh can be
other languages. But what is meant by conveyed by businesses wisely (wisdom),
falsehood is in a way that is not according patient, argumentative, and persuasive
to the law that Allah has decreed.Islamic will foster a solid and strong
business ethics has actually been taught humanitarian relationship.
by the Prophet SAW. when conducting Islamic business ethics uphold the
trade. Characteristics of the Prophet spirit of mutual trust, honesty, and
Muhammad saw., as a trader is in justice, while between company owners
addition to his dedication and tenacity and employees develop a family spirit
also has the nature of shiddiq, fathanah, (brotherhood). For example in a company
amanah, dan tabligh (Wirausaha that Islamic employee salaries can be
berbasis syariah c/ H.B. Ma ruf lowered if the company is really losing
Abdullah ; editor, Budi Rahmat Hakim | money and employees also get bonuses if
Dinas Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah the company's profits increase.
DIY, no date). The characteristics are still
added Istiqomah, namely: RESEARCH MODEL
a. Shiddiq, means to have honesty and
always based on speech, belief and Figure 1. Research Model
deeds on the basis of values yag
taught Islam. Istiqomah or Traditional Modern
consistent in faith and good values, Retail Retail
despite facing temptations and
challenges. Istiqomah in goodness
is displayed in firmness, patience
and tenacity so as to produce Government Strategies
something optimal. Intervention Developed
b. Fathanah, means to understand,
understand, and deeply internalize
all that is his duty and obligation.
This trait will give rise to creativity Business
and the ability to do a variety of Competition
useful innovations.
c. Amanah, responsibilities in
carrying out each task and
obligation. Trust is displayed in
openness, honesty, optimal service, Reviewed
and ihsan (virtue) in all things. from Islamic


The existence of traditional retail products that have varied, the building of
and modern retail resulted in a a fixed store, closest to Alfamart or
relationship between the two. The Indomart. In this case consists of 1
relationship between the two gave rise to grocery store in Gumawang Village
government intervention as well as their located around Alfamart and Indomart
respective strategies. Then came the and Biru Store located in Kemplong
business competition. Then, the Village, Wiradesa District. Sampling
relationship in its business competition is techniques in this study using purposive
reviewed from the Islamic business. sampling. Researchers conducted
observations on several modern retail and
Research Methods traditional retail in Wiradesa Sub-district,
Types and Approaches of Research then took some samples that were
This research is a field study using considered good. Data retrieval
qualitative approach, which is a research techniques in this study are a)
procedure that produces descriptive data observations that are non-participant
in the form of written or spoken words observers. Researchers looked at how
from people and observed behaviors business strategies and competition are
(Moleong, 2006). This type of research is applied by traditional retail businesses
phenomenological research. and modern retail. This observation was
Phenomenology is the science of conducted in Alfamart and Indomart
symptoms or what things appear (Metode Gumawang village, Adam's Shop
Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif & Gumawang village, and Kemplong
Penelitian Gabungan - Prof. Dr. A. Muri Village Blue Shop, Wiradesa Subdistrict,
Yusuf, M.Pd. - Google Buku, no date). b) unstructured interview to the head of
modern retail, traditional retail owner,
Population, Sample and Sampling and 5 consumers from each retail store, c)
Techniques documents obtained in the form of data
The population in this study was 8 on the number of traditional and modern
modern retail consisting of 3 alfamart and retail in Pekalongan. Data obtained from
5 Indomart in Wiradesa Sub-district, as interviews, observations, books, journals,
well as 428 traditional retail in the form and previous research collected by
of grocery stores and food stalls scattered authors related to problems in this study.
in Wiradesa Subdistrict. Purposive Primary data obtained from
sampling techniques are used to traditional retail and modern retail
determine samples. The samples in this owners as well as interviews to
study are traditional retail and modern consumers include strategies applied and
retail traders in Wiradesa Subdistrict, understanding Islamic business concepts,
Pekalongan, namely 2 modern retails from modern retail and traditional retail.
consisting of 1 Alfamart and 1 Indomart Secondary data obtained from the
in Gumawang village where in Wiradesa Department of Industry, Trade, and
sub-district there is only 1 Franchise- Cooperatives, especially in the field of
based Indomart and 1 Franchise-based trade pekalongan in the form of data on
Alfamart in Gumawang village. the number of minimarkets and the
number of grocery stores and food stalls.
Measurement, Data, Data Collection In addition, data is also obtained from
Techniques, and Analysis literature on Islamic business and
Traditional retail taken is a grocery business competition. In testing the
store with criteria: it has been established validity of the data, researchers used data
more than 5 years, and the type of triangulation techniques. Data


triangulation can be done by testing the profit of 10-20% of the purchase

researcher's understanding with the price. The selling price set by
informant's understanding of what the grocery stores is cheaper compared
informant informs the researcher. to modern retail. This is also
Triangulation is done in four ways: 1) strengthened by the results of
Source triangulation, which is to compare interviews with consumers, from 5
and check back the degree of trust of Alfamart consumers and 5
information obtained through different Indomart consumers said if not in
times and tools in qualitative methods the promotion period, the selling
(M.A, 1998). Data analysis is done by price in Alfamart and Indomart is
comparing the correctness of data from more expensive than the market
various sources of information, namely price (Asih, 2018) and ( Interview
from interview sources to traders, Latifah, 2018). While Store Biru
observations, and data from the and Store Adam, it is said to be
Department of Industry, Trade, and cheaper selling price by 5
Cooperatives pekalongan. 2) consumers Adam Store and 5
Triangulation Method is with two method Consumers Blue Store (Mufidah,
strategies, namely: (a) checking the 2018) and (Alfauzan, 2018). Here
degree of trust discovery of research are some price comparisons of
results of several data collection products sold in both retailers:
techniques and (b) checking the degree of
trust of several data sources with the Table 3
same method (M.A, 1998). Researchers Product Price Comparison
check the veracity of the data through Traditional
Modern retail retail
different informants, where researchers Product
retrieve data from several informants not name Alfamart Indomart Blue Adam
just one informant. The data analysis Store Store
technique used is economic Rice rojo Rp. Rp. Rp. Rp.
phenomenology. In this study, lele 5 kg 61.300 61.300 60.000 60.000
researchers tried to get as close as
White Rp. Rp. Rp. Rp.
possible to the object of the study. sugar 1 kg 12.500 12.500 11.200 11.200
Researchers become consumers of each
store, conduct interviews to owners or Aqua Rp. 3.600 Rp. 3.600 Rp. Rp.
consumers, and observe from the bottle 600 2.300 2.500
phenomenon of retail business Delicious Rp. 2.400 Rp. 2.400 Rp. 2.200
competition that occurs. fried 2.200
Source: Data processed from various interviews
DISCUSSION with Alfamart, Indomart, Biru Store, and Adam
Store in February 2018.
1. Business Competition between
Traditional Retail and Modern Retail According from Table 3, the
in Wiradesa Subdistrict, Pekalongan. price of products between modern
a. Price retail and traditional retail has a
In pricing products sold, difference of Rp.1000–Rp. 1,300.
modern retailers such as Alfamart The price of products in modern
and Indomart set an average profit retail is more expensive because
of 20-40% of the purchase price. modern retail provides better
While the grocery store in this case facilities compared to traditional
Store Biru and Store Adam set a retail in the form of a comfortable


place to shop, better service, and so the market. Brands are also one of
on. This is as stated by the head of the considerations in selling
Alfamart stores, Muji Asih in a past products, both traditional retail and
interview, "In setting the price, modern retail equally pay attention
Alfamart in addition to following to the brand of the product to be
the market price also provides a sold, namely by deciding to sell
price to the existing facilities, so products with a trusted brand.
that the price of products in Consumers get a guarantee in the
Alfamart is more expensive than form of return of damaged or
grocery stores" (Interview Asih, expired goods as long as there is a
2018). label, can be exchanged for the
same goods. The following data is
b. Product presented in Table 4 below:
The products sold by modern
retail are more varied compared to Table 4.
traditional retail. Alfamart sells a Comparison of Product
variety of products that number Items in Traditional and
3000 items, Indomart as many as Modern Retail
2000 items, while Store Adam as
Indicator Alfamart Indomart Biru Adam
many as 500 items, and Biru Store Store Store
as many as 1000 items. The types Number of 3000 2000 1000 500
of products sold are almost the items sold items items items items
same, namely in the form of House There is There is There is There
groceries, detergents, snacks, soft brand not is not
drinks, soaps, shampoos, mineral MUI halal All All All All
label products products products produ
water, and sabegainya. However, cts
there are some types of products in Packaging Must be Must be Must be Must
Alfamart and Indomart that are not good good good be
sold in grocery stores, as well as good
children's toys, etc. Merk Trusted Trusted Trusted Trust
Indomart and Alfamart also
Product Receive Receive Receive Recei
issue house brands or products guarantee a return a return a return ve a
labeled Indomart or Alfamart, as of of of return
well as mineral water, rice, cooking damaged damaged damaged of
oil, tissue, snacks labeled Alfamart goods goods goods dama
or Indomart. Usually house brand
products issued by Alfamart or Source: Results of interview with Head of
Indomart are cheaper than other Alfamart, Indomart, Biru Store and Adam
similar branded products. Thus, this Store in February 2018
becomes one of the attractiveness
of consumers to buy similar c. Service
products at a cheaper price. There are differences in
In providing products, terms of service to consumers
modern retail or traditional retail between traditional retail and
equally pay attention to MUI halal modern retail. In modern retail,
label, as well as the packaging and service is done in two ways, namely
quality of the products to be sold. direct and indirect interaction to
Goods sold in the market will be consumers. Broadly speaking,
sold more than less sold goods in Indomart and Alfamart provide


services through direct interaction This is done with the aim of

through 3S, namely greetings, retaining customers. In terms of
smiles, greetings. In addition, it facilities provided, Biru Store and
also offers baskets to consumers, Adam Store do not provide many
assists consumers in finding the facilities as provided by Alfamart
goods they need, and emphasizes and Indomart. The service of the
friendliness to consumers. place is provided roughly, there is
Employee friendliness to no air conditioning, cctv, adequate
consumers is also recognized by lighting, and toilet. Blue Store that
consumers, 5 Alfamart consumers already has employees also does
and 5 Indomart consumers say that not have written rules that must be
in terms of service, they serve with done by employees. The principle
a friendly, polite, and smile of work carried out is gotong
(Interview Asih, 2018 & Interview royong, where in work is done
Latifah, 2018). together and help each other. While
In the form of indirect at Adam Store, the owner who acts
services, Indomart and Alfamart as a waiter and cashier also just
pay attention to the facilities runs as it is. The comparison of
provided to consumers, such as services of both types of retail is
lighting, air conditioning, clean reflected in Table 5 below.
rooms, product arrangements, clean
toilets, seating, and so on. In Table 5.
addition, Indomart and Alfamart Comparison of Services in fourth
also apply SOP that must be Retail
adhered to by every employee to Indicator Alfamart Indomart Biru Adam
Store Store
maintain the credibility of the store. Direct 3S 3S Frien Frien
In addition to the above services, service (Greeting (Greeting dly dly
Alfamart and Indomart also apply s, Smiles, s, Smiles,
integrity and high commitment to Regards) Regards)
employees in working. The work Indirect Complet Complet Not Not
service e e Comp Comp
culture applied by Alfamart is high facilities facilities lete lete
integrity, innovation for better facilit facilit
progress, highest quality and ies ies
productivity, teamwork, and Operational
customer satisfaction through the Procedure There There
There is There is
Standard of is not is not
best standards of service. While at work
Indomart, the work culture applied Source: Results of interview with Head of
is summarized in "Ten steps Alfamart, Indomart, Biru Store and Adam Store in
Towards Prima Store" as described. February 2018
While in traditional retail, the
service is applied only to the work d. Promotion
culture that occurs in the general In modern retail, promotions
public. Biru Store or Adam Store are widely done, ranging from
do not apply the rules of work in product promotions, promotions
writing as applied by Indomart and given to members, and monthly
alafamart. However, Biru Store and promotions. Product promotion is
Adam Store only emphasize done by issuing a catalog /
hospitality to consumers, such as newspaper promo once a week that
giving smiles, and serving well. is distributed to the public or


consumers. So that consumers can who have been formed for a long
know what products are in the time, as well as maintaining good
promotion period. This product relationships with consumers and
promo can also be seen through supliyer. This is reinforced by the
alfamart or Indomart official results of interviews with
website. Catalog / Newspaper consumers Alfamart, Indomart,
promo provided is always updated Biru Store, and Adam Store, that
and alternated, so consumers must they say Alfamart and Indomart
also update information issued by often do promotions 2-4 times a
Alfamart and Indomart. month, while Biru Store and Adam
Another promotion given by Store rarely do promotions. The
Alfamart and Indomart is a discount following data is presented in Table
on the price of the product after 6 follows:
making a purchase with a certain
nominal limit. In Alfamart, it is Table 6.
known as JSM Alfamart promo Promotion Comparison on the
while in Indomart it is known as four Retails
cheap redeem. This promotion is Indicator Alfamart Indomart Biru Adam
Store Store
usually consumers who spend more Weekly Newspapers/ Newspapers/
than Rp. 50,000 can buy certain deals promo promo
items at a cheaper price. Member Don't Don't
catalogues catalogues
do do
promos are also applied in Alfamart Monthly JSM Cheap
prom promoti
and Indomart. Consumers who have promo redeem
otions ons
Member Discount Discount
registered as Alfamart or Indomart promo
members, can have a member card, Source: Results of interview with Head of
with the member card, consumers Alfamart, Indomart, Biru Store and Adam Store
get a discounted price in each in February 2018
purchase by showing the member
card to the cashier. In addition, e. Place
there are also bonuses or Alfamart and Indomart in
sweepstakes offered by certain determining the location of the
products with lucky lottery winners business choose a strategic place,
will get prizes such as bonus usually on the side of the highway,
dinning sets, sightseeing, and so on. or the center of the crowd. Its easy-
While in Adam Store and to-reach location can be an
Blue Store, do not do promotions as attraction for consumers to buy.
done by Alfamart and Indomart. In Then for the arrangement of the
running its business, Biru Store and place, lay out the store is arranged
Adam Store only do promotions in in such a way with the arrangement
the form of sales of certain products of products in the shelves grouped
at cheaper prices. It is also done by type of goods. Similar items will
because supliyer provides price be placed in one shelf so as to make
promotions to stores. Supliyer gives it easier for consumers to find the
a price promotion to the store, and desired product.
the store will sell the product at a In the arrangement of the
low price. In addition, the store place, Alfamart and Indomart also
does not provide promotions of any prioritize the cleanliness and
kind. Both stores rely solely on the neatness of the store, as well as
trust of consumers or customers operational facilities that are


maintained and maintained should it is also not a consideration of the

also be considered. In terms of owner, most importantly they
distance with similar stores, compete healthily. Then for the
Alfamart and Indomart do not pay arrangement of products, Biru Store
attention to this. In the rules of and Adam Store have implemented
Pekalongan Regent Regulation No. the arrangement of goods based on
23 of 2016 concerning Guidelines the type of product, so that this can
for Implementation of Pekalongan facilitate consumers in finding the
District Regulation No. 1 of 2014 desired product. However, in terms
concerning The Arrangement, of structuring, cleanliness, neatness
Construction and Supervision of is still not noticed. Like Adam
Traditional Markets, Shopping Store and Blue Store, although the
Centers and Modern Stores as arrangement of goods has been
amended by Pekalongan District grouped by type, but the
Regulation No. 10 of 2015 arrangement of shelves still looks
concerning Amendments to less neat and there are still some
Pekalongan District Regulation No. products that look dusty on the
1 of 2014 concerning The shelves. The price listed on the
Arrangement, Development and shelf also sometimes does not
Supervision of Traditional Markets match the price recorded in the
, Shopping Centers and Modern room. The following data is
Stores, in Chapter II on The presented in the form of a table 7:
Arrangement of People's Markets,
Shopping Centers and Convenience Table 7.
Stores article 3 explained that the Comparison of Places in fourth
establishment of networked Retail
minimarkets are not allowed to be Components Alfamart Indomart Biru Adam
Store Store
less than 1,000 (one thousand) Venue Strategic Strategic Not Not
meters from the people's market. selection paying paying
From these rules, there are no rules attentio attentio
regarding distance with similar n n
businesses. So Alfamart and Store Lay Grouped Grouped Groupe Groupe
out by item by item d by d by
Indomart do not pay attention to the type type item item
distance of its stores with similar type type
businesses around it. Hygiene Highly Highly Highly Highly
While Adam Store and Biru noticed noticed noticed noticed
Store, in determining the location Neatness Highly Highly Under- Under-
noticed noticed noticed noticed
of the business does not consider
Facilities Complet Complet Incomp Incomp
some things as alfamart and e e lete lete
Indomart do. The location of the Source: Results of interview with Head of
shop is in that place because the Alfamart, Indomart, Biru Store and Adam Store in
land that the owner has is in that February 2018
place, and the shop land is also part
of the house land. Not because of a From the discussion, it can be
certain strategy set, but only a concluded that there is a difference
coincidence if the store owned is in in business competition strategy
the center of the crowd. between traditional retail and
Determination of the distance modern retail. Competition will be
between similar businesses around sharper if certain industry


conditions encourage companies to to you." (An-nisa' [4] :

undertake price-cutting strategies or 29)
other strategies to boost sales
volume, as well as make aggressive In sura An Nisa' verse 29 it is
strategic moves to improve their explained that the prohibition of
position by exploiting competitors' Allah SWT consumes wealth in a
weaknesses (Hariadi, 2005). This is false way. The word bathil is
also done by Adam Store and Biru referred to as Maghrib (Maysir,
Store where these two stores set gharar, and riba). Business
cheaper rices than Indomart and development that includes price
alfamart, thus becoming a strength aspects, modern retail and
in their business. Meanwhile, traditional retail does not do
Alfamart and Indomart, with their Maghrib elements (Maysir, gharar,
more expensive products, use and usury). Alfamart, Indomart,
promotional strategies that are not Adam Store, and Biru Store do not
carried out by Adam Store and Biru maysir against the set price. This
Store, so this is the strength of can be seen from the price set
Alfamart and Indomart. Business against the product in accordance
competition is happening, making with the facilities provided.
each store look for a strategy to Alfamart and Indomart take profits
maintain its business. as much as 20-40% can be
considered reasonable because it is
2. Business Development System balanced with the facilities
between Traditional Retail and provided to consumers so as to
Modern Retail Reviewed from Islamic provide convenience in shopping.
Business Concept and Business Unlike Adam Store and Blue Store,
Competition where they take profit as much as
10-20% of the purchase price, but
a. Business Development System they do not provide more facilities
reviewed from Islamic Business like Indomart and Alfamart do. So
Concept. Analysis of business the price set by Adam Store and
development system seen from the Biru Storeis cheaper compared to
legal basis in Islamic economy in Alfamart and Indomart. This
the letter An-nisa' [4] : 29 which becomes reasonable because the set
reads: price is offset by the facilities
ْ‫َيا أ َ ُّي َها َّالذِينَ آ َمنُواْ الَ ت َأ ْ ُكلُوا‬ This is reinforced by Ibn
‫اط ِل إِالَّ أَن‬ ِ َ‫أ َ ْم َوالَ ُك ْم بَ ْينَ ُك ْم بِ ْالب‬ Taymiyah's opinion on fair prices.
‫اض ِ ّمن ُك ْم‬ٍ ‫ارة ً َعن ت ََر‬ َ ‫ت َ ُكونَ ِت َج‬ Ibn Taymiyah used two terms in
َ ّ ‫َوالَ ت َ ْقتُلُواْ أَنفُ َس ُك ْم إِ َّن‬
‫ّللا َكانَ بِ ُك ْم‬ referring to the price of equal
٢٩- ً ‫َر ِحيما‬ compensation ('iwadh al-mitsl) and
the equivalent price (tsaman al-
“Believers, do not mitsl). He stated, "An equivalent
consume each other's price is the standard price that
property in vain, except applies when a society sells its
in the manner of mutual wares and is generally acceptable as
business. And do not an equivalent to such goods or
kill yourselves; Indeed, similar items at a special time and
Allah is Most Merciful place"(Adiwarman Azwar Karim,


2012). It is understood that an In this case, Alfamart and Indomart

equivalent price is a price that is there is a tight competition, where
acceptable to society in general. there is Indomart must be next to
The price set by Alfamart and Alfamart. These two modern
Indomart is also still fair, and the retailers compete with similar
public still accepts the price set by businesses. The intense competition
this modern retail. between Alfamart and Indomart can
Products sold by Alfamart, be seen from the strategy of each
Indomart, Biru Store, and Adam store that always issues new
Store are also clearly displayed on innovations to attract consumers
shelves. So that consumers can see shopping. Such as ease of shopping,
directly the goods they will buy. In convenience in shopping, as well as
addition, products are also obtained a variety of promotions that can
from suppliers that have been attract consumers. This situation,
trusted. Thus, there is no element of indirectly can turn off similar
gharar (obscurity) in the sale of businesses around it, such as
products. Like Adam Store and grocery stores. In this case,
Biru Store, although both are still Alfamart and Indomart do not
classified as traditional retail, but consider other similar businesses
these two stores have arranged around it. Thus, grocery stores that
products sold on shelves according have less capital can not keep up
to the type of products, in addition with the existing competition, and
some products located in the can finally be eliminated by
storefront can also be seen by Alfamart and Indomart which have
consumers, so there is no element quite a lot of capital and issue many
of obscurity in these four new innovations. As in point two
businesses. article 1 of Law No. 5 of 1999
In terms of service, concerning the prohibition of
promotion, and place, these four monopoly practices and unfair
businesses also do not do things competition that in control of
that violate Islamic law. Alfamart production resulting in other
and Indomart provide the best businesses can not enter into the
service to consumers such as giving same business competition goods
smiles, offering baskets, and and or services. The study found
providing a friendly attitude to that small-capitalized businesses
consumers, this does not violate would be eliminated by large-
Islamic rules. The promotion is also capital businesses, as was the case
fair, where in doing promotion to between traditional retail and
these four businesses do not drop modern retail, where traditional
similar businesses around it. retail could not enter into business
However, in the selection of places, competition with modern retail.
these four businesses do not pay Alfamart and indomart issue
attention to similar efforts around house brand products where the
it. product is not available in other
stores, only sold in Alfamart and
b. Business Development System Indomart itself. In this case,
reviewed from Business Alfamart and Indomart try to create
Competition their own products at a cheaper
price and there are no substitutions


in other stores. This is, as point one, Biru Store is a strength in its business.
where one indication of mastery Meanwhile, Alfamart and Indomart, with
over production can occur. The their more expensive products, use
existence of Indomart and Alfamart promotional strategies that are not carried
indicates monopoly practices, out by Adam Store and Biru Store, so this
where Alfamart and Indomart are is a strength for Alfamart and Indomart.
already spread throughout The business development system
Indonesia, as well as controlling is reviewed from the Islamic business
market share in Indonesia. concept, judging from the foundation of
In the phenomenon being Islamic law, both modern retail such as
researched by the authors, there is Alfamart, Indomart, and traditional retail
unhealthy competition between such as Biru Store, and Adam Store, all
modern retail and traditional retail. of which do not do MAGRIB in running
This unhealthy competition occurs their business. Both types of retail do not
because traditional retail with a perpetuate Islamic values. The strategy
small capital must face modern applied there is also an element of
retail with a large capital. This is honesty, professional, friendship.
certainly detrimental to traditional However, for the element of sincerity and
retail, because with its capital sacred intentions because worship is only
limitations it cannot balance itself found in Adam Store and Blue Store.
with the innovations made by From Islamic business ethics, both types
modern retail. Monopoly practices of retail apply the nature of shiddiq and
and unfair competition can shut trust. On the nature of fathonah, which in
down the business of its terms of business is associated with
competitors in the market creativity, only Alfamart and Indomart
concerned. This can also happen in apply, while Adam Store and Blue Store
traditional retail where the business are not. On the nature of Tabligh, this is
can be turned off by the existence attributed to giving examples to others
of modern retail. Modern retail with found only in the Blue Store and Adam
all its innovations can attract Store.
consumers to shop more in modern When viewed from its business
retail than traditional retail with all competition, business competition
its limitations. Thus, traditional between modern retail and traditional
retail businesses will be retail contains elements of monopoly and
marginalized if they cannot unfair competition. Where, Adam Store
innovate better than modern retail. and Biru Store, small capital businesses
must face competition Alfamart and
CONCLUSION Indomart businesses with large capital.
Alfamart and Indomart also monopolize
Business competition between the market whose existence can turn off
modern retail and traditional retail in the traditional retail around it, one of
Wiradesa Subdistrict, Pekalongan, which is with the production of house
Central Java is very tight. Business brands.
competition that occurs between the two
retails occurs from each retail to maintain REFERENCE
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