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This chapter contains detailed presentation and discussion of data analysis and the

results of this study. the findings are presented under the following major headings:

demographic and socio-economic characteristics, coping mechanism, significance of 4Ps

program. the main determining factor of response was the effects of inflation to 4Ps



We interviewed a total of 5 individuals living in Borongan City. Since the method of

choosing the participants is based on the researcher’s personal choice, most of interviewees

came from the barangay of the researchers that met the criteria of being a participant of this


Bases on the interviews, the researchers present three major themes in this section.

The first addresses the major impacts of inflation to 4Ps beneficiaries’ daily lives. The second

is all about the coping mechanism of the 4Ps beneficiaries with today’s inflation. The third is

the significance of 4Ps program and how it assists the 4Ps beneficiaries especially with

today’s inflation.

Age & Sex of Participants

Participants of all ages (30 through to over 60) were represented, with slight numbers

in the lowest age bracket 40 below and 41-50 categories accounting for One (20%) and Two

(40%) of the participants, respectively (Table 4.1). The oldest age bracket was 51 and above

years which accounted for Two (40%) of the participants. In additional, the findings of this

study showed that all of the participants Five (100%) were females.
Table 1.1

Code name Age Sex

XX 50 Female

XY 36 Female

XXY 60 Female

YYX 48 Female

XXYY 54 Female

Educational levels of the respondents

The majority of research shows a connection between education and Individual

actions and knowledge. The respondents' educational backgrounds are displayed in Figure 1.1

Figure 1.1

No. of participants

3 1 XXYY
2.5 YYX
2 1 1 XXY
1.5 XY
1 1 1 XX
El em en t ar y Hi gh Sc h o o l High School C o l l eg e C o m p l et e
C o m p l et e Dropout C o m p l et e

Level of education

Figure 1.1: A chart that shows the education level of the participants.

In general, the results revealed that three (60%) were High School graduates, whereas

two (40%) did not complete high school.

Occupation & Income

According to the interview, a majority of three participants (60% XXYY, XY, YYX)

were classified as being unemployed, which included housewives and those without a job.

The final two individuals (40% XXY, XX) were categorized as having part-time work, street

cleaners, and other occupations (Table 1.2). The findings also indicate that the participants'

salaries were minimal. XXY has a job that pays off 160 pesos per day and a housewife at the

same time. In additional, XX is a Street Cleaner with the weekly income of 250 Pesos. The

results are summarized in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2

1000 4000


XY No i nc ome 1 0 0 0 -2 5 0 0 2 5 0 0 -5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 p eso s
p eso s p eso s p eso s ab o v e

Monthly Income

Figure 1.2: The monthly incomes of the participants.

Inflation has a number of negative consequences for 4Ps beneficiaries.

Full of difficulties, the participants claim that inflation is tough for them and that this

is because they don't have a job or a source of money. In the words of XX, a 48-year-old

housewife, "Inflation has an enormous adverse effect; even 100 Pesos might be used to

purchase a fish for lunch or dinner. However, even 500 Pesos is insufficient to purchase a lot
of goods or food nowadays due to inflation” Moreover, one of the participants YYX 50-year-

old housewife said that inflation makes their lives even more difficult that they have to

manage their money well.

In conjunction, inflation is one the main issues that people are currently facing right

now and the low wage is one of the factors why people are struggling to fight with today’s

inflation. XY, a 36-year-old street cleaner, said that "Our lives are becoming increasingly

challenging due to inflation" Low earnings make the lives of the 4Ps beneficiaries more

challenging, "The budget we have is not enough to cover our needs," one of our

participant said. "The salary didn't even increase while the price of goods for our daily needs

increased instead." Making their lives more difficult.

Third, one of the participants XXY, a 60-year-old part-timer simultaneously

housewife, she mentioned that they are greatly affected by the inflation these days. She stated

“It’s difficult, since my husband is sick causes having no income leading their family’s health

getting affected, that’s why I have to do any work that is available just to somehow provide

an education and needs of my family” Likewise one of the participants XXYY, a 54-year-old

housewife who’s greatly affected “It’s difficult since, only one our family is the only one who

has a job with small salary” she also said, their budget is not enough to cover their daily


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