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 System
o Action-Based Resolution
o Doom Pool & Crisis Pool
o Stress & Trauma: based on setting
o Initiative: Composure + Resolve + any Power or Talent

o Prime Sets: Attributes & Skills; others varying by setting
o Attributes
 Physical: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina
 Mental: Intelligence, Wits, Resolve
 Social: Presence, Manipulation, Composure
 Primary Set (d10, d8, d6), Secondary Set (d8, d6, d6), Tertiary Set (d6, d6, d4)
o Skills
 Gain 12 points for Skills & Specialties; 4 Flex Points
 Specialties: Characters may purchase Specialties in skills, with the following limits:
 Must be purchased starting at d6, up to d12
 May only have 1 Specialty of each die type
 Know is an exception; may have any number of Specialties at each die type
 List
 Athletics: Running, jumping, climbing trees
 Contacts: how well connected
 Craft: Crafting things, includes building, assembling, or creating stuff
 General allows non-specialized crafting; others are a Specialty
 Deceive: Deceiving or conning somebody, using spin
 Drive: Land and surface vehicles, including cars, boats, and trucks
 Empathy: ability to understand the emotions of others
 Fight: All kinds of close combat, including weapons or fists
 Influence: Making others do, think, act, or feel the way you want them to
 Know: General knowledge and recall. Use specialties to cover specific areas: Business,
Navigation, Religion, Animals, Fine Arts, etc. Know always includes a free specialty of the
player’s choice
 Labor: Carrying out tasks of manual labor, lifting, pushing, digging, pulling, hauling
 Mechanic: Repairing things
 Medicine: Taking care of people. Heal, treatment of injury, but also counseling
 Notice: Spotting, sensing, or hearing things
 Perform: Acting, putting on a show
 Pilot: Piloting air vehicles or spacecraft
 Rapport: positive ways of influencing people
 Resources: Access to money and other wealth
 Shoot: Guns, big rocket launchers, things that you point and shoot
 Sneak: Sneaking around. Sneakily
 Survive: Surviving in the outdoors or wherever
 Technology: Using things like computers, gadgets, and devices
 Thievery: sleight of hand and picking locks
 Will: ability to push through, strength of conviction
o Distinctions
 Primary Distinction is flexible and will change
 Additional Distinctions can be purchased, up to 3 additional Distinctions
o Talents
 Characters do not start with any, but different settings may have them
 Characters may purchase Talent slots

Character Advancement
Method: Session Record

Training Up
• Step up a Specialty: 1 session
• Turn a Skill Point into a Flex Skill Point: 1 session
• Step up a Skill or Relationship: 2 sessions
• Unlock a new SFX: 2 sessions
• Step up a Power: 3 sessions
• Purchase a Talent Slot: 3 sessions
• Increase number of Flex Points: 3 sessions
• Step up one Attribute die and step down another: 4 sessions
• Purchase a Distinction slot: 4 sessions
• Step up one Attribute die: 5 sessions

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