English 6

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Puerto Princesa City, Palawan

4th Mastery Test in English 6

Name: _____________________________________ Score: _______

Grade Level: ____________________________________

DIRECTIONS: Read the questions carefully and encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. True or False: When sharing your opinion with others, it is important to listen to their
a) True b) False
2. Which of the following is an example of sharing your opinion respectfully?
a) Interrupting others while they are speaking
b) Dismissing someone's opinion without listening
c) Asking questions to understand different viewpoints
d) Talking over others to make your point
3. When discussing opinions, it is important to use "I statements." Which of the following is an "I
a) "You're wrong!"
b) "I don't agree with you because..."
c) "Everyone should think like me!"
d) "Your opinion doesn't matter."
4. Which of the following is an appropriate way to disagree with someone's opinion?
a) Insulting the person for having a different viewpoint
b) Presenting evidence to support your own opinion
c) Ignoring the person and refusing to engage in the discussion
d) Shouting and being aggressive
5. Which of the following actions fosters a positive and inclusive environment for sharing
a) Making fun of someone for their opinion
b) Encouraging others to express their thoughts and ideas
c) Discouraging different perspectives from being heard
d) Belittling others for their opinions
6. What is an affix?
a) A type of punctuation mark
b) A word that can stand alone and has a specific meaning
c) A word part added to the beginning or end of a base word to change its meaning
d) A type of verb tense
7. Which of the following is a prefix?
a) Un- b) -ly
c) -ing d) -ful

8. True or False: A prefix is added to the end of a base word.

a) True b) False
c) Depends on the word d) None of the above

9. What does the prefix "re-" mean?

a) Before b) Again
c) Not d) Future

10. Which of the following words contains a suffix?

a) Jump b) Quick
c) Happily d) Break

11. True or False: A suffix changes the grammatical function of a word.

a) True b) False
c) Sometimes d) It depends on the word

12. What does the suffix "-able" mean?

a) Full of b) Pertaining to
c) Capable of d) Without

13. Which of the following words has a prefix that changes the meaning to its opposite?
a) Happy b) Unhappy
c) Smiling d) Joyful

14. What is the meaning of the prefix "dis-"?

a) Not or opposite of b) To or toward
c) Again or back d) With or together

15. Which of the following words has a suffix that changes a verb into a noun?
a) Run b) Quick
c) Runner d) Speed

16. I ___________ ride a bicycle when I was younger.

a) can b) could
c) will d) would
17. ________ you please lend me your pencil?
a) Can b) Could
c) Will d) Would
18. She _________ visit her grandparents’ next weekend.
a) can b) could
c) will d) would
19. We ____________ go to the park if the weather is nice.
a) can b) could
c) will d) would
20. _________ you like to join us for dinner tonight?
a) Can b) Could
c) Will d) Would
21. What is the negative form of "could"?
a) Cannot b) Can't
c) Couldn't d) Won't
22. Which modal is used to talk about a possibility or a future action that is not definite?
a) Can b) Could
c) Will d) Would
23. What is the negative form of "can"?
a) Cannot b) Can't
c) Couldn't d) Won't
24. What is the purpose of persuasive text?
a) To entertain the reader
b) To inform the reader
c) To persuade the reader
d) To describe the reader's feelings
25. Which of the following is NOT a persuasive technique used in persuasive writing?
a) Emotional appeal
b) Facts and statistics
c) Repetition of ideas
d) Objective tone
26. What is a call to action in persuasive writing?
a) The conclusion of the text
b) A statement that supports the author's opinion
c) A request or suggestion for the reader to take a specific action
d) An opposing viewpoint
27. What is the purpose of informative text?
a) To entertain the reader
b) To persuade the reader
c) To provide information to the reader
d) To express the writer's opinion
28. What are some common features of informative text?
a) Personal anecdotes and stories
b) Emotional language and strong opinions
c) Facts, evidence, and examples
d) Dramatic plot twists and cliffhangers
29. What is the main goal of organizing information in informative text?
a) To confuse the reader with complex ideas
b) To present information in a clear and logical manner
c) To include personal biases and opinions
d) To create suspense and intrigue the reader
30. Which of the following is an important skill when reading informative text?
a) Making personal judgments and assumptions
b) Relying solely on personal opinions
c) Asking questions to clarify understanding
d) Ignoring unfamiliar vocabulary

Prepared by:

English Teacher

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