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A Project Development Study Presented to

The Faculty of College of Industrial Technology
Balayan, Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Industrial Technology
Major in Computer Technology


Marinel P. De La Rosa
Ralph Ellis C. Munarriz
Kali Jhon Pablo P. Santiago
Baby Hazyl O. Tiquio

This project development study entitled “Sustainable, Manageable,

Accessible, Reliable, and Transparent (SMART): Design and Development

of Mobile Application Ecosystem for Municipality of Calaca”, prepared and

submitted by Marinel P. De La Rosa, Ralph Ellis C. Munarriz, Kali Jhon Pablo P.

Santiago, Baby Hazyl O. Tiquio in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of Bachelor of Industrial Technology Major in Computer Technology has

been examined and recommended for acceptance and approval for Oral




Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of





Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Industrial Technology Major in Computer Technology

________________ Engr. RHOBERT E. ALVAREZ

Date Dean of Colleges
BatStateU - Balayan


The researchers would like to give their sincerest gratitude and

appreciation to the people that stayed, gave their unconditional love and support,

and guidance throughout the development of this study, we show our thanks to

the following:

To our family, for giving us strength and for always being by our side,

showing their undying support to any difficulties and decisions we make, and the

financial support throughout our education

To Michelle M. Del Rosario and Kathleen Bayungan, for encouraging and

guiding us throughout the development of the study and for utilizing any available

time in prepping us for our defenses

To Engr. Rhobert E. Alvarez, for giving us critical advice and

recommendations needed to further improve the study, as well as giving the time

to review it and the authorization to pursue it

To our adviser Romeo Jousef A. Laxamana, for carefully analyzing the

paper and the guidance to further improve it, for the assistance in the

construction of the study and project study and, for giving his time

To the co-researchers, for their support and for sharing additional

knowledge, and to the Pestelos family for giving us a place to work together

when needed.

And more so than any other, to the Almighty God for blessing us in his

grace, by giving us the strength that we need for our daily trials and for giving us

the opportunities to pursue our dreams and be a better person.


This study is wholeheartedly dedicated

To those professionals and experts who shared their words, knowledge and

encouragement to finish the study.

To their family who continually provide their moral, emotional and financial


To those co researchers, who gave their effort, help and inspiration

And lastly, to Mighty God, thank you for guidance, strength, peace of mind,

protection and skills and for giving us a healthy life.

Thank you for all these.

M. P. D

R. E. C. M

K. J. P. P .S

B. H. O. T


The study entitled Design and Development of SMART: A Mobile

Application Ecosystem for Municipality of Calaca is intended to be used by the

municipality of Calaca and its citizens. It enables people to do municipal

transactions as well as to call for emergency help with a single tap and, report

problems through the use of a mobile application and their phones.

The developed study’s purpose is to grant efficiency to its users by

providing them its features and functionality of being able to fill up different kinds

of forms, call for an emergency or report a problem. When filling up the forms the

user is greeted with a simple format for easy input, but it will also require images

of important documents to be added before submission, they will then be notified

when it’s done processing or still lacks any important documents. The application

can also be used in emergency occurrences by providing a list of emergency

departments, when clicked will automatically contact that department of their

choice. The application also has a section where its users can report problems or

accidents that commonly occur in a certain place. They can submit that report

once they put in the requirements needed. The application is integrated into a

web portal to be able to send the documents and reports to the municipality

Through planning the development of the mobile application the

researchers gathered the necessary ideas and information from experts as well

as the technical requirements for the said application.

Keywords: Mobile Application, Municipal Transactions, Emergency, and

Report Availability

TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………. i
APPROVAL SHEET ……………………………………………………. ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………………………. iii
DEDICATION ……………………………………………………. iv
ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………. v
TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………….. vi
LIST OF TABLES …………………………………………………….. vii
LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………….. viii
Introduction….…………………………………………………... 1
Objectives of the Study ………………………………………... 4
Scope, Limitation, and Delimitation of the Study…………… 5
Significance of the Study ……………….………..…………… 6
Definition of Terms……………..………………………...…….. 6


Conceptual Literature …….……………………………………. 9
Research Literature……….……………………………………. 15
Synthesis…………………..…………………………………….. 24
Conceptual Framework….……………………………………... 30
Conceptual Paradigm…..………………………………………. 31


Research Design………………………………………………... 33
Project Concepts………………………………………………… 33
Evaluation of the Existing Transaction system…...…………. 35
Design Stage……………….…………………………………… 36
Materials Selection Stage…..………………………………….. 36
Development Stage…………………………………………... 37

Testing and Evaluation Stage…………………………………. 37
Time Allotment…………………………………………………... 39


Evaluating the existing transaction system ………………...... 41
Business Permit and Licensing Office……………….…….….. 41
Municipal Civil Registrar Office ………….………………….... 42
Office of the Municipal Assessor …………..…………………. 43
Planning and Department Coordinator …….…………….…… 44
Design…………………………………………………………….. 44
Bills and Materials……………………………………………….. 55
Project Development…………………………………..………… 56


Summary ……………………………………………………….... 69
Findings ………………………………………………………...... 70
Conclusions …………………………………………….……..…. 71
Recommendations.…………………………………………….... 71

Bibliography……………………………………………………………………... 46

Table Page
1 Gantt Chart………………………………………………….. 43

2 Table of Materials and Its Functions……………………... 53

3 Bill of Materials………………………….…………………. 56

4 Requesting system.......................................................... 74

5 Monitoring status ( Request Forms)................................ 74

6 Monitoring status (Emergency Report)........................ 74

7 Link................................................................................ 75


Figure Page

1 Conceptual Paradigm………………………………… 31

2 Process flow ………………………………………….. 35

3 Entity Relationship Diagram…………………………. 36

4 Login/Sign up Flowchart……………………………… 47

5 Form Request Flowchart……………………………… 48

6 Emergency Flowchart ……………………………....... 49

7 Software Architecture…………………………………. 53

8 Welcome Page ………………………………………... 58

9 Sign up Page ………………………………………… 59

10 Login Page …………………………...………………. 60

11 Home page …………………………………………… 61

12 Taskbar……………………………………………….. 62

13 Emergency Report…………………………………… 63

14 Bureau of Fire Protection……………………………. 64

15 Police Station ………………………………………… 65

16 Emergency Request ………………………………… 66

17 Requesting a form …………………………………… 67

18 Form fill outs………………………………………….. 68

19 Request a Form…………………………………… 69

20 Request Document ……………………………… 70

21 Notification interface……………………………... 71




The computer is one of the common materials used by an employee and

worker on a daily basis. We have transactions using the computer and some of

these transactions are manually done. Storing data and information at the same

time is a problem that when we use manual process, it is inevitable that there will

be a loss of record, torn and worst it is difficult to update because you will have to

look it up. There have been problems concerning manual operations which also

includes the use of important documents where it would most likely take up a lot

of space and inventory. As papers pile, it will also cause confusion on locating a

specific document and that’s why computers are now being widely used to aid in

those kinds of problems. As computers are being used for business-related

operations, smartphones have also become popular because of today’s

technology where various activities can be done on a smartphone with the

availability of the internet. Online transactions have become a trend because it

offers huge convenience its users it enables them to buy things online like

necessities, food and even pay for bills by just using an application which also

has the availability of paperless transactions. A mobile application or an app’s

purpose is to serve and provide users with its features. It has certain roles that

can do simple tasks, and some operate on similar services to those of a

computer but in a more compact and simplified way. According to Bakuchi

(2019), apps are generally small, individual software units with limited function.

With the trend of mobile applications becoming more flexible and its capabilities

expanding, the approach in developing specifically for mobile applications

becomes more sophisticated and can be implemented in many business-related

matters, taking advantage of its compact and accessible form. An application’s

uses have now evolved, contributing to performing tasks that help us in our daily

lives and provide convenience in many different ways. It has come a long way for

it to enable us to do this and it proves that our lives are now modernized and are

near the future. With just a few simple presses of a button, it can perform tasks

just simply through the application itself.

Smart cities have also become more discernible nowadays through the

rapid changes in our world it also made people's lives more efficient and

convenient. We all know that every person has a mobile phone in their person

and is commonly used daily. Online transactions have also become more popular

with the help of mobile apps having the ability to access them. The research

revolves around the use of a mobile application and how it can help turn a

municipality into somewhat like a smart city, where providing service for its

citizens as well as utilizing the capabilities are made easier through its use and


The difficulty of getting requirements in the Municipality is a very common

problem people experienced time and time again. Lacking the efficiency needed

to accomplish certain tasks and processing documents. Before even filling the

requirements there are queues people needed to go through, making it more

time-consuming.On this common problem, the researchers would like to provide

a mobile application in providing the solution with the ability to access and

request certain requirements efficiently at anytime and anywhere, introducing a

modern approach to improve the productivity of the citizens of Calaca. We need

this mobile application because Calaca is a soon to be City which may help

transactions in the Municipality. It is not ambitious for the researchers to seek a

better and more modern transaction. Just like the various mobile applications that

already exist in our market there are also the various problems that are limited

due to the scope of the study. In the Go Manila App where this mobile application

is mostly for online application payments only and when paying taxes, permits

and other services the features of the mobile application are limited although they

propose additional features to be added but some of them and they will add are

also related to online payment as well. There is also Smart City with only digital

services and only a few features available such as reporting issues, questions

and suggestions.

To provide the citizens access to communicate with the municipality

department which is in Office of the Municipal Planning and Development

Coordinator, Business Permit and Licensing Office, Office of the Municipal

Assessor and the Municipal Civil Registrar and reporting and requesting a

emergency to MRRM, BFP and Police station.

The researchers aimed to provide a tool that enables citizens of Calaca to

have a fast and easy way of making transactions effortlessly and less time-

consuming. The researchers have observed that only a limited number of people

will be able to use this application, for it will need certain and specific

requirements for it to be accessed, to ensure the person behind the app is

legitimate and the information they provide is not falsely made. In this light that

the design and development of SMART mobile application ecosystem were


Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to design and develop a SMART mobile

application ecosystem for municipality of Calaca specifically this aimed:

1. Evaluate the existing transaction system in the Office of the Municipal

Planning and Development Coordinator, Business Permit and Licensing Office,

Office of the Municipal Assessor and Municipal Civil Registrar.

2. Design a SMART mobile application ecosystem for Municipality of Calaca in

terms of:

2.1. Software Design

2.2. Flowchart

3. Determine the tools and materials needed in the development of the SMART

mobile application ecosystem for Municipality of Calaca.

4. Develop the SMART mobile application ecosystem for Municipality of Calaca

5. Test and evaluate the SMART mobile application ecosystem for Municipality of

Calaca in terms of:

5.1. Registration System

5.2. Request system

5.3. Monitoring status

5.4. Link

Scope, Limitation, and Delimitation of the Study

The study focused on the design and development of the SMART mobile

application ecosystem for the Municipality of Calaca.

The main consideration of the study is the design and development of a

SMART mobile application ecosystem for the Municipality of Calaca. Part of also

of the study is the evaluation of the existing transaction system in the Office of

the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator, Business Permit and

Licensing Office, Office of the Municipal Assessor and Municipal Civil Registrar

which will serve as a reference in the design of the proposed output. Finally, it is

a vital part of the study to test the developed machine in terms of log in system,

request system, monitoring system and link.

The researchers evaluate the existing transaction system In terms of

design and operation. The design of the forms and their transactions of how they

operate each form will be the basis of the study. The mobile application system is

only limited in sending and providing information for the citizens of Calaca but

only up to 4 different departments in Municipality which is the Office of the

Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator, Business Permit and

Licensing Office, Office of the Municipal Assessor and Municipal Civil Registrar.

Requesting a emergency assistance is also the scope of the study, by sending a

emergency request to MRRM, BFP and Police station

This study excludes the Office of the Mayor, Vice Mayor, Sangguniang

Bayan, Executive Assistance, Municipal Administrator, Municipal planning and

department coordinator, Human resources and management officers, General

services, Budget, Accountant, Treasurer, Acessor, Agriculturist and Philpost that

are not connected to the study. Aside from that, it is delimited to people who

once lived in Calaca. Also, the study does not cover transactions that do not deal

with the study.

Significance of the Study

This study is deemed to be beneficial to the citizens of Calaca and future


For the citizens of Calaca, this study will help them in accessing different

transactions and information in Calaca. The study can help in terms of providing

transparent effective and accountable service in creating an application.

For the municipality of Calaca, this study will help the municipal hall by

having lessen the manual transaction inside the municipality.

For future researchers, who will conduct a study regarding the mobile

application ecosystem, the study can provide information that can be used as a

Guide for accomplishing their study.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are intended for a better understanding of the

research paper:

AdobePhotoshop. Photoshop is Adobe's photo editing, image creation,

and graphic design software. It provides many image editing features for raster

(pixel-based) images as well as vector graphics (Marget Rouse, 2015). The study

has made use of this term in creating the Logo and to add design to the SMART

mobile application.

Android Studio. According to Margaret Rouse 2018, Android Studio is

the official integrated development environment (IDE) for android application

Development. The android studio uses a Gradle-based build system, emulator,

code templates, and Github integration. The study has made use of this term in

developing and designing the application.

Java. According to Paul Leahy, 2019 known as a high-level language

because it can be read and written easily by humans. The study has made use

of this term as it is one of the programming languages used in creating Android


Angular JS. It is a structural framework for developing dynamic web apps.

It allows developers to use HTML as template language and lets HTML's syntax

to express application's components briefly but clearly. (Guro99 2019). The study

use this for their mobile ionic framework.

Mobile Application. A mobile app is a software application designed for

use on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, rather than desktop or

laptop computers (Rouse, 2013). The study has made use of this term in

describing the functionality and capabilities it has.

Php. Originally stood for the Personal Home Page, then renamed to

Hypertext Preprocessor. It is an open source server-side scripting language. It is

use for scripting language.(Kamil Karczmarkzyl 2019). The study us this for their


Smart City. It is a city that uses technology to provide services and solve

city problems. The main goals of a smart city are to improve policy efficiency,

reduce waste and inconvenience, improve social and economic quality, and

maximize social inclusion (Maria Gorini, 2017). The study has made use of this

term for the application will aid in the development of a smart city.

Software Application. According to Rouse 2018, it is referred to as an

application program or application software, is a computer software package that

Performs a specific function directly for an end-user or, in some cases, for

another application. The study has made use of this term in designing and

developing an application.

Rest API. An API, or application programming interface, is a set of rules

that define how applications or devices can connect to and communicate with

each other. A REST API is an API that conforms to the design principles of the

REST, or representational state transfer architectural style. (IBM cloud Education

2021). The use this for their API.



This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalization or

conclusion, methodologies, synthesis, conceptual framework, and paradigm.

Those that were included in this chapter helps in familiarizing that are relevant to

the present study, to give evidence to the study.

Conceptual Literature

This section discusses conceptual literature. The researchers gathered

information from published journals and articles. This will be the basis of

researchers to the study.

Mobile Application Ecosystem.

According to Klaess (2020), it refers to the connections between apps, as

well as to a given application’s connections to devices, processes, and people.

The mobile ecosystem connects people who use various mobile applications to

be used in their daily lives. Developers have been growing because of the profit

mobile applications can provide and with increasing numbers of developers, the

Mobile Application Ecosystem also grows as well. The Mobile Application

Ecosystem has a wide variety of uses and its functionality always keeps evolving.

With the availability of the Internet of Things, applications have been used to

interact with appliances within people’s households

As the evolution of the mobile application ecosystem progresses it can

now be used for enabling Smart Cities. Smart cities require different types of

technology to provide different kinds of services to provide for the city’s citizens.

It can now provide various tasks like paying bills, online transactions, and

enabling paperless documentation. With the availability of these functions, it can

help in many various tasks while staying compact, portable, accessible, and


Technical Requirements.

Adewusi et al (2015), develop and design a mobile application for an

emergency response system. The researcher uses MySQL, a fully managed

database service to deploy cloud-native applications using the world’s most

popular open-source database. Then Integrated Development Environment is

software for building applications that combines common developer tools into a

single graphical user interface (GUI). They also use a Microsoft Visual studio to

design their stations. The researchers also used C++ and Java as their

programming language. To use their application the user must register as a first-

timer, then select the emergency type and send an emergency test.

This application will locate the victim through its navigational features. The

emergency response system ensures that the responsibility to deal with

emergencies is placed first on the individual and then on successive levels of

government, as the resources and expertise of each are needed. The

Emergency response system comprises of the front-end and back-end. In

developing the application, the importance of a mobile application is to have a

database like MySQL. It is an open-source relational database management

system. The Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (ADT) –Mobile

Phone(Android) is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE that is designed to give you a

powerful, integrated environment in which to build Android applications.

Programming Language (Java) –Mobile Phone (Android) Java is an official

language of Android development and is supported by Android Studio. The

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012(Ultimate) workstation this Visual Studio 2012 guide

shows how to install Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate edition step by step.

Microsoft .NET programmers and software developers can download Visual

Studio 2012 free for trial purposes and use VS2012. And the last is Programming

Language(C#) –Work Station Programming languages are for humans to read

and understand. The program source code must be translated into machine

language so that the computer can execute the program (as the computer only

understands machine language.

The developed mobile app was tested when a fire outbreak occurred at a

named location in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria. The result obtained shows that

the developed mobile app accurately works well for the intended purpose. Thus,

the developed mobile app could be used to coordinate victim/eye witness to

emergency response team activities. The mobile app is one of the important

resources that we need today. This application will locate the victim through its

navigational features.

User Interface

Mishra (2019) stated that for a developer, it is essential to know the

importance of User Interface/User Experience in the mobile application. Even

applications with great functionality can fail to reach its user if it is hard to

navigate, one of the important parts of an application is its appeal to its user and

must be easy to use to compel the users further. Having a user-friendly app and

creating an impressive design may present itself to the users and provides

catchy content and easy navigation but is also important to keep in mind to keep

it normal & simple to lessen the feeling of being cluttered, with this we can give

the user what they are looking for.

Developers must remember when making an application it is important to

deliver a good impression to attract more users to utilize the benefits that it has,

the more users the more feedback we can receive to further improve the

application. The key to making an application is making it engaging and

interactive, research is also important to know what audience we are going to

deliver it to and match their preference.

Mobile App Development

According to Mroczkowska (2020), mobile app development focuses on

creating software that will utilize the unique features of a mobile device’s

hardware. People that are new to app development usually have limited choices

on how they can produce their application and it is usually expensive. Hiring a

freelancer might be the easiest choice to make and also the cheapest but finding

a reliable one can be pretty hard and some are usually lacking inexperience.

When developing applications the thing that attracts users other than its

functionality is the design and interface. Through developing an application, the

access to a broad range of Application Programming Interface (API) also helps to

accelerate the development work and extend the boundaries of app usage, this

also enables the application to exchange or transfer data with the server or with

other applications, which can be utilized in many different ways on how

applications can be used. It can be of help in many business-related procedures

and is also widely used due to the functionality of both smartphones and mobile


Emergency Response Application.

According to Balahadia et Al( 2016), smartphones and social media play a

vital role in our lives today as it permits connectivity in the community regardless

of space. As previously mentioned, Smartphones are increasingly used

throughout the Philippines due to the increase of local manufacturers of

smartphones whose prices are far less cheap than those of their counterparts

abroad. The AppLERT was built using Android SDK and Laravel with ReactJS.

The app was eventually installed in a Debian 8 for testing running in a Cherry

Mobile Flare S4 ANDROID OS VERSION Lollipop. The smartphone was

selected primarily because of its GPS capability. The web application on the

other hand was programmed using Laravel and ReactJS. It utilizes the Google

Map API for the visualization of the map, Initial testing reveals the correct

location of the user. The AppLERT, if utilized, can help the community in times of

crisis, ordeal whenever disasters or accidents take place.

The application can serve as a medium that permits the victim to get help

from the responders provided that an internet (data) connection is available. By

giving emergency responders the right information using multimedia data

(picture) and the inclusion of GPS tracking data, finding the victim and saving

him/her from more harm that might come while waiting for a response unit will be

lessened. In addition, Facebook integration will allow more readers to notice

incidents taking place in an area so that it can be avoided. The posts will be seen

through newsfeeds covering the area where the disaster/incident is taking place.

Literature has provided us that smartphones can now be used to save lives.

GPS tracking is now an essential part of any smartphone device in the

country that permits proper identification of areas where a victim in need of help

is. In some studies and existing applications regarding emergency management

also revealed that having additional multimedia information to deliver

comprehensive reports on incidents would greatly assist the emergency manager

in making a better assessment of a disaster situation and perform efficient and

timely responses correspondingly. Furthermore, due to its portable and ease-of-

use characteristics, mobile devices have been proven to be a must-have utility in

disaster management areas, especially when considering a quick emergency


Web Portal.

According to Bhaskar (2020), Web portals are designed and created for a

specific group of users and cannot be accessed naturally like in websites where

a large number of people can just naturally come and go. Since it is only

intended for a certain group of people, it can be considered that a web portal is a

private sector on the web. Web portals usually have a unique URL code which

also requires its users to provide an ID, username, and passwords upon

entering. Without these requirements, any normal web browser cannot access

the portal. A web portal has numerous forms of services where it can be used

like management systems for gathering and sharing data amongst its users. Web

portals development has also been increasing due to its interactive and dynamic

content and is made for various content. Some schools have also made use of

web portals to provide services and important data like schedules, grades, etc.

Web portals can be navigated and can provide personalization and

notification as well as task management and can be integrated into applications.

With its limits to certain users, it can still be accessed through different devices.

Research Literature

This section elaborates on different books, thesis, and internet materials

that are similarly closed to the researcher's study. This will be the foundation of

knowledge of their study.

According to Abrina (2019), in his article Noveleta launches Cavite’s 1st e-

business processing. From now on, taxpayers, constituents and other clients in

this third-class municipality can now transact their official business online with the

establishment. DICT has developed a cloud-based e-BPLS software that allows

the taxpayers to file their application for new and renewal of business permits

online, enabling the local government units (LGUs) to process these applications

electronically," Padre said. The electronic system helps constituents on ease of

access to information on business transactions including the retirement of

businesses lines; computerizes assessment of fees, taxes and charges;

processes online printing of Tax Order of Payment and Business Permit; and

provides endorsement module for the Office of the Building Official and other

LGU concerned offices.

According to Bhatia 2016, the Oman Muscat Municipality provide a mobile

application named Baladiyeti. The mobile application were capable to provide

online transaction for renewal of rental, contracts, municipal licenses and

construction permit. The application said to reduce time providing online

transactions for different operation. Baladiyeti mobile application we're also

capable to give different services like providing parking space, payment of

parking fines and application for job vacancies. The citizen of Oman Muscat will

no longer need to visit any office to settle their contracts or fines for violations.

Calderoni et al 2012 make location-aware mobile services for a smart city

design, implementation, and deployment. A smart city is a high-performance

urban context, where citizens are more aware of, and more integrated into the

city life, city information system. In this paper, the design, implement and deploy

a smart application that retrieves and conveys to the user relevant information to

the user’s surroundings. The mobile application they present as a case study

helps users (citizens) to locate useful objects around their current location. In the

design and architecture of their mobile application, the information is retrieved by

querying the server infrastructure and is presented ordered by distance from the

user. Distances are updated during the user’s movements. In the design of the

application and of the computing infrastructure behind it, they adopt a pragmatic,

practical approach, based on the integration of existing technologies and newly

proposed solutions. The software engineering used in this section provides a

detailed scheme representing the architecture of the entire application, designed

according to UML (Unified Modeling Language) standards. UML is a visual

language for system design and engineering and object-oriented software


UML is designed as a mobile application for the Android operating system

while the server-side provides the content to mobile clients through a web

service. The client-side requires an interface, which is exposed by the provider

side. They develop this interface as a web service that serves each client request

after authentication. They use MySQL Cluster. MySQL Cluster is an open-source

transactional database. It is designed to be a distributed, multi-master

architecture without single points of failure. In particular, our application can take

advantage of the possibility to scale horizontally on different servers. Another key

feature of the MySQL cluster for our application is its ability to perform automatic

data partitioning (sharing) with load balancing and the possibility to add nodes to

a running cluster that allows a great amount of scalability.

To test the mobile application the researchers have a collaboration with

the municipality of Cesena, this experimental implementation follows the general

scheme proposed in the work, but is currently limited in the infrastructure to a

centralized database solution due to the limited number of items and users that

will be served in this first experiment. The application, currently in an advanced

stage of development, will be distributed to the public for free through the Android

official application. They use this in different locations museums, hotels,

restaurants, gas stations, supermarkets, bookstores, cinemas, clubs, hospitals,

and pharmacies. The first experiment or the implementation done by a private

company could involve a dedicated database as a service (DBaaS) infrastructure

managed by an independent party (for instance, a company specializing in data

management). In this scenario, the service provider would only be responsible for

the development of the application and its marketing, delegating the

infrastructure component to a third party. For the result of the experiment weakly

location-dependent (in Google, for instance, sending location information is

optional, and in the case, this information is not provided the location of the user

is guessed using the IP address), here we return a location-aware object list. So,

advertising is location-aware too.

For the conclusion, while the application they present as a case study is

innovative by itself, comprehensive studies on the entire production cycle of

location-aware smart city applications and the related issues are still missing

from the scientific literature. Therepaper fills that void, providing a study on the

design, implementation, and deployment of a smart mobile application that

retrieves, and conveys to the user relevant information coming from a city’s

intelligent infrastructure. The researcher recommends that smart cities are a

relatively new and developing concept, their contribution opens the way to other

future works on the subject, and they believe that they contribute to preparing a

solid ground over which to build the cities of tomorrow.

Kunttu (2019) developing a smart city through a mobile application. The

enablers of a smart city such as the Internet of things (IoT) and Artificial

Intelligence (AI). The researcher uses these enablers to develop in the

composition of various aspects of smart aspects like transportation, governance,

education, safety, and communication. The researcher provides some features to

the user like events, public transportation, information, digital library card, health

platform, care time allocation, schedules for free-time sports activities, and

feedback channel. The researchers of this study discuss and conclude that the

application has a great impact, helps citizens. The application provides the user

with a set of digital services that facilitate everyday communication with the city

and enable flexible utilization of the most common city services.

The concept of a smart city to make cities better places to live in. The

features of a smart mobile application are related to a smart economy in terms of

innovation, entrepreneurship, flexibility, or productivity, resource management,

and transport systems, smart governance with implications for participation,

decision-making, and transparent governance structures. The technological

development enablers the smart city concept involving the commercial of the

methods of artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), and machine

learning, rely on sophisticated data collection and analysis. The smart city

concept forms a smart city ecosystem that represents an extended smart space,

from personal surroundings to the larger community and the entire city.

The purpose of the study is to make a practical contribution to the wide

aspects of smart city development by presenting a mobile tool for citizens to set

digital services needed in the city. The smartphone application provides the user

with different platforms like in communication with the city authorities on the most

common everyday issues, including questions, suggestions, general feedback,

and reporting on the wide variety of city services including education, public

transportation, and also the health care.

According to Paris 2019 a journalist from Rappler, San Juan Mayor

Francis Zamora sign a memorandum agreement for San Juan city mobile

application. The citizen of the Municipal was expectedly Have easier transaction

with the city government, which is developed by a software developer Multisys

Technologies. The mobile application will be called Makabagong San Juan

application would provide the following electronic local government unit services

like business permit, licensing, real property tax system, senior citizen

management, motorized vehicle permit system, civil registry information and so

called Sanggunian Management. The mobile application will also provide an E -

wallet also the announcement about events as well as allow user to report

accident and receive quick emergency response.

St.Amour (2019), in his article he discuss that cloud Linux server Centos 7

is good to use. For the first it is good to use beacuse of its security.It is an access

control mechanism that can enforce rules on processes and files, based on

policies that we define.Extended support. One thing that’s important to remember

for anyone running an application in production is stability and, support for the

platform.Package Management

Adding on to the benefits extended support, if you have an application or

site in production, you don’t want it to change, or have the packages updated

when you need to run a specific version. A Wealth of Documentation

Because CentOS is a widely used platform throughout the web hosting world, it

has become the de facto industry standard. Another of the benefits of its wide

use is the amount of information and documentation available for it.

Tsampoulatidis et al (2013). They develop Improve MyCity Citizens

Requests, Complaints & Suggestions. ImproveMyCity is an open source platform

that enables residents to directly report to their public administration local issues

about their neighborhood such as discarded trash bins, faulty street lights, broke

tiles on sidewalks, illegal advertising boards. The ImproveMyCity platform

consists of three main components the web-based front-end for reporting issues

through a desktop PC, the smartphone-based front-endfor reporting issues

through a mobile phone, and the back-end infrastructure and related interfaces

for administering the incoming issues.

Through these components the ImproveMyCity platform implements a

variety of functionalities that are employed with the purpose to establish a two-

way dialogue between the municipality and its citizens. The application enables

citizens to report local problems such as potholes, illegal trash dumping, faulty

street lights, broke tiles on sidewalks, and illegal advertising boards. The

submitted issues are displayed on the city's map. Users may add photos and

comments. Moreover, they can suggest solutions for improving the environment

of their neighborhood. An integrated management system submitted issues are

managed through a web based environment that is based on Joomla content

management system. The management is distributed to the Departments of the


The provided service is open for the citizens of the municipality who can

create an account and start submitting issues. All services are available through

the World Wide Web (WWW). There is no need for special network

infrastructure. Users who use the service from their home computer should have

a broadband internet access through an ADSL line. Users that use the service

with a smartphone, should use a 3G or Wi-Fi broadband connection. The service

doesn’t require the deployment of any special hardware. The web-based services

can be hosted on the same infrastructure that hosts the website of the

municipality, or transferred in a dedicated server if the number of registered

users becomes considerably high.

Moreover, the ImproveMyCity platform is characterized by its simple

installation process, its extensive customization options and its minimum

requirements in terms of additional hardware or external software libraries. This

makes it ideal for municipalities that are reluctant to invest any resources, until

they are convinced about the benefits of citizen-government collaboration for

urban maintenance and improvement.

The GO Manila, LGU’s one-stop mobile app for its e-services that City of

Manila launched. This mobile application aims to provide a fast, effective, and

convenient application of documents, as well as filing and payment of taxes,

permits, and other financial services. The app offers online application and

payment like the Community Tax Certificate, Real Property Tax, Business Tax,

Birth Certificate, Occupational Permit, and Health Certificate and it extend the

services of the app it added the Health Services, Social Welfare, Senior

Citizens ,Traffic Management, Civil Registry that includes the Birth Certificate,

Marriage certificate and Death Certificate.

The Disaster and Risk Management, Environment and Waste

Management, Engineering and Public World's and also the Manila Cemetery.

according to the GO Manila website, the mobile application is soon to add other

services on the platform .The online payment for ordinance violations of

motorists, the electronic management and also administration systems for

hospitals and health centers of the city, it added also the social amelioration

programs for beneficiaries, and public markets; as well as an online job board for

employment. Users may also enjoy the app’s PIN for security and e-wallet

feature for loading, sending, and receiving of funds (Sta. Ana, 2020).


The concepts and ideas of the authors of different studies, conference

papers, and articles were reviewed and analyzed by the researchers to further

expand information about the similarities and how it relates to the current study.

The gathered information was used to ensure accuracy and relevance to help

further understand and is also discussed in the synthesis. In this part of the

chapter, it talks about how the conceptual literature and research literatures are

beneficial to the study of the researchers. To move towards the development and

improvement of the present study

Misha stated the importance of user interface and user experience. The

researcher will design a mobile application that is user friendly. Having a user-

friendly application will leave to their mind a good impression. The researcher will

provide the users with a good design to be able to use properly the mobile

application. This will be the guide of the proposed study to create a good

interface of a mobile application. The researcher will put catchy content and easy

navigation but is also important to keep in mind to keep it normal and simple to

lessen the feeling of being scattered, with this the researcher can give the user

what they are looking for. It will be beneficial to the researcher it will create a

huge impact in designing the mobile application.

Bhatia 2016, both studies Have a similarities in the transaction that they

will be featured. The Municipal licenses and construction permits. However they

have the dissimilarities because the present study will be a startup for the

Municipal Mobile application. But it has different featured that will be featured in

the mobile application. While the existing study only featured some documents

that offers by the Municipal.

Adewusi develops and designs an emergency response system. The

researcher will use this as a technical requirement where the existing study uses

a My SQL as their database and programming tools like C++ and Java and

Android Studio to build their mobile application. The researcher includes this

system as their feature to the mobile application. The proposed study has a wide

scope of the study.

Klaess refers to the mobile ecosystem that connects people who use

various mobile applications to be used in their daily lives. The researcher will

create a mobile application ecosystem with a broad range of scope. The mobile

application ecosystem will interact with diverse people and will use diverse

processes and systems.

The study of Mroczkowska is related to the present study because it

focuses also on creating software and develop an application that also attracts

users in the design and interface. The previous study also enables the

application to exchange or transfer data with the server or with other applicants

and it is also widely used for the functionality of both smartphones and mobile


The study of Khuram contributes to developing a sustainable plan for a

mobile application because it emphasizes and focuses on the design scalability

that is also important in the present study that any feature can be added at any

time during the mobile app development process. It is related in the present

study because of the update to add the latest components and functionalities

with the only objective of improving the user experience.

The web portal by Bhaskar contributes to the present study because the

mobile application integrates to a web portal, a web portal has numerous forms

of services where it can be used like management systems to gather and share

data to its users. It is also focused on Interactivity and dynamic content made the

web portal that navigated and provides personalization and notification as well as

task management and integrated to applications.

In this study, Balahadia et al were similar to the present study because

both studies use a mobile application to be feasible for their study. Both

applications will be medium for citizens in times of crisis and disaster. The

present study will be beneficial to the community.

Mroczkowska creates a mobile application focused on creating unique and

utilized features of mobile devices. The study is beneficial to the study for its

contribution in designing mobile applications and deliver a good impressive

mobile application.

The study of St. Amour 2019 is similar to the existing study because the

study both used a cloud linux centos 7.

This section of the synthesis discusses the similarities and dissimilarities

of the research literature with the present study. The gathered information is

used to compare researches and determine the distinction and the benefits of the

present study

Calderoni develops a mobile application designed to locate awareness for

a mobile serviced for a smart city which design to deploy and implement, which

has similarities to the present study. Both studies use a My SQL for their

database and Android software application to build their mobile application. But

both study also has dissimilarities. The proposed study uses C++ and Java as its

programming language. Luca added that the proposed study has a wide scope of

the study. The proposed study will not only focus on giving an alarm for the

citizen meanwhile the existing study only focuses on retrieving and conveying to

the user relevant in surroundings. Also, the proposed mobile application

ecosystem will be integrated into a web portal.

The study of Kunttu is similar to the present study because of the various

aspects and components, especially the government, security, and

communication and also some features like information and health platforms. It

has also the same objectives as the researchers because the aim is to help the

citizens. However, It has dissimilarities to the study for it has different features

like Barangay and Municipal information and transactions that help the citizens to

easily transact in different departments in Municipality and with other Barangays

in the easiest way through using an application also adding that the study has

covered in requesting assistance in case of emergencies.

Adewusi developed and designed a mobile application for an emergency

response system. It is similar to the proposed study because the study applied

MySQL for database and C++ for programming language. Both studies aim to

give citizen alarm in case of emergency and disaster. However they have

dissimilarities, the proposed study will use the emergency response as one of the

features for the mobile application. The proposed study will not only be

concentrated on requesting emergency personnel but it is also intended for

sending certain types of documents to be processed in the municipality.

The existing and present study has similarities in terms of the content

features indicated within the mobile application. The proposed mobile application

will contain four departments from the municipality that will specify the

transaction. But in terms of dissimilarities the proposed study will be integrate to

a web portal while the existing will be integrate to a kiosk. The proposed mobile

application will be created on Android platform using C++ and java as a

programming tools. The

proposed study has a limit in terms of too much features to avoid lag to the

mobile application.

Tsampoulatidis et al (2013). develop a mobile application that titled

Improve My City Citizens Requests, Complaints & Suggestions ImproveMyCity. It

is similar to the proposed study because it was integrated to a web portal. Both

study were have a wide scope of functionalities and features. Also both study

focus on enabling citizen to make requests, complaints and suggestion for their

municipality. However the proposed and existing study have dissimilarities like

the proposed study use MYSQL database while the existing study uses Joomla

content management system.The proposed study will use Android studio for the

building of application fast, efficient and open source platform. Also the study will

use different programming language like C++ and Java those programming

laguages was a official language that may use in Android studio.

The Go Manila App (2020) is somewhat similar to the proposed study

because the application have the same intention to provide a fast, effective, and

convenient application in different documents to serve the citizens and some

features like Disaster and Risk Management, Civil Registry and in Health

Services .The present study focused on different departments in

Municipality,Police Department and BFP station that the SMART mobile

application offers for every citizens the easiest way to transact and give a quality

services. The Go Manila app developed in the year of 2019 but it discovered in

2020 when the pandemic arise, The SMART mobile application aim to serve and

help every citizens in different transactions. The present study have 3 categories

in the feature of the Mobile application itself which is the Forms, the Emergency

and also the Information that every citizens easily recognize what the services

they need.

The study of Abrina 2019, is somewhat similar to the present study

because both studies has transacted their requirements using a online process.

The previous study is dissimilar to the existing study because of the other

focused departments.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers thoroughly analyzed each information and data from

various sources regarding the design and development of mobile applications for

the Municipality of Calaca. The researchers also considered the software and

programming tools that use in existing studies that may use by the researchers to

be more feasible the present study.

Based on the information and data gathered, the researchers came up

with the study of designing and developing a mobile application for the

municipality of Calaca. The researchers constructed the layout of the design of

the mobile application, flowchart and system considering the software and tools

used to give the needed efficient performance of mobile application. In designing

and planning, the researcher use user friendly software and tool in programming

the mobile application. The functions of the mobile application were also taken

into account. The efficiency, functionality, accuracy, weaknesses, strength and

response time of the mobile application were thoroughly studied.

After having all software and tools needed, the researchers pursued in

development of mobile application base on the design and layout created. As for

the evaluation of mobile application to know if the mobile application was

efficient, accurate and functional series of test was performed. This stage was

important to the study to examine the accuracy of the mobile application.

The researchers have used an IPO model for this study.


Gathered Planning Developed SMART:

Information Designing Application

Technical Developing Ecosystem for

Municipality of
Knowledge and Testing and
Skills Evaluating
Tools and

Figure1. Conceptual Paradigm of the: “Design and Development of SMART:

A Mobile Application Ecosystem for Municipality of Calaca”

The first stage in developing the mobile application was the evolution of

existing studies about mobile application and collecting information and data from

different sources. Also the researchers evaluate the existing transactions in the

municipality. The principle used was also taken into consideration. The

researchers also consider the designing layout the existing mobile application as

well as the software and tools for programming that used.

After gathering the data needed, the researcher pursued to the next stage

where the preparation of the projects plan was under taken. This part includes

the construction of flow chart, diagrams and design of the mobile application as

well as the software and tools needed to create the mobile application.

As for the development stage, the fabrication and construction of the

mobile application was based on the desired way out and design made. Several

test s were also done to check the performance of the system and its accuracy

and reliability. All the results from the experimentations were recorded and

discussed afterwards.

After carrying out all the steps and procedures, the development of the mobile

application as a medium of transaction from different document, was made




This chapter deals with the methodologies and procedures for the design

and development of SMART Mobile Application Ecosystem for the Municipality of


Research Design

The researcher will use scrum methodology this is an agile working

method that delivers complexity. It is intended for programming development but

it applies to any kind of project. Scrum framework is a simple, adaptable, and

complex framework. It is an iterative process, focuses on an initial simplified

implementation which progressively gains more complexity and a broader feature

set until the system complete.

Project Concepts

The researcher gathered information and data about the design and

development of mobile application system. This collected data will use to create

a mobile application. The mobile application was designed to be a mobile

application ready for the citizen of Calaca. Set notification during the emergency

and disaster and sent the different request of documents in Municipality of

Calaca. The function of the mobile application and the security of data in the

mobile application were also ensured. The present study aimed to help the

citizen to set and sent different notifications and requests. It would be easier for

the citizen of Calaca.

Design stage

Evaluation of
the existing Material
mobile Selection Stage

Testing and

Figure2. Process flow of the: “Design and Development

Of (SMART): A Mobile Application Ecosystem
For Municipality of Calaca

Figure 2 shows the integration of the SMART Mobile Application

Ecosystem for the Municipality of Calaca. The mobile application was designed

to help and lessen the time. The brain of the study is the web portal that

integrates the mobile application to the portal, in requesting the forms and legal

documents from the Municipality and notifying the constituent for the schedule to

get their documents. Once the web portal receives the forms, the web portal will

provide the schedule for receiving the documents and will notify its users.

Therefore, the proponents used a scrum method to validate the mobile

application for its functionality. Every development will undergo constant analysis

and checking to meet the expected outcome for the project.

Evaluation of the Existing Transaction system

The researchers evaluated the existing transaction system and

procedures on how the selected departments operates their transactions within

Calaca, where they mostly rely on the use of manual inputs like with the use of a

template documents, a pencil and/or a ball point pen, and traditional operations

with the use of a computer and printers. The selected departments that were

evaluated were also interviewed by the researchers and were asked if they are

willing to coordinate with them in order to provide an alternative approach that

may help in a more efficient and digital way of doing transactions, in which they

happily agreed to. The researchers have managed to acquire the

acknowledgements of four departments and will be used as available services

within the SMART application

The researchers also used existing studies in order to gather information

and data to design and develop the SMART application. Additionally the

researchers also evaluated existing application that uses online transactions

which will used to acquire additional insight on how should an application

operates and what it should contain, it is also used as reference in order to

compare and contrast with the present study and to acquire different ideas for

creating a unique and innovated application for the citizens of Calaca.

Design stage

The ideas and data gathered were the basis of the researchers to plan the

design of the mobile application. The design of existing mobile applications were

used for enabling smart cities was taken into consideration for the design of the

proposed study, which mainly consist of a clean interface for easy navigation and

appropriate color scheme to match the theme of Calaca. The researchers

determined the design and technical requirements for the development of the

SMART application, in regards with its design it will also need icons in order for

users to easily recognize various contents. Through this phase, the researcher

will continue to gather information and data to improve and develop the

technicalities of the mobile application.

Materials Selection Stage

The researcher studied different platforms and tools that will be deemed

useful for the development of the application as well as other the appropriate

tools and software needed for its design. The researchers have also attended

webinars in order to inquire the recommended tools and information that will be

used for the project.

The researchers will mainly use an open source programming application

and a software designing tool which is Android Studio and Adobe Photoshop. It is

commonly used and very suitable for developing a mobile applications and

creating unique designs. Also the researcher use JAVA for their programming

language. To develop the mobile application use Php for their backend, Angular

Js for their mobile ionic framework and API for their Rest API. Also the main

component of the mobile application is the hosting and server.

Development stage

For the development of the SMART application, the researchers will use

various codes such as Php, JavaScript, and with Android Studio in other to input

the application’s functionalities. To develop the mobile application use Php for

their backend, Angular Js for their mobile ionic framework and API for their Rest

API.The integration of the application with the SMART web portal is critical for

observing the process of the transactions across departments and is highly put

into consideration for added information.

To ensure the users are a citizen of Calaca the researchers acquired the

voter’s ID of the citizens intended for their log in, which is highly secure and

lessen the chance of being hacked since it’s long input

Testing and Evaluation Stage

This stage discusses the testing and evaluation of the SMART mobile

application to assess its functionality, accuracy and response time. In terms of

functionality, the mobile application will consist of 2 major parts; for emergencies

and reporting problems and for municipal transactions. In the course of

emergencies the application can provide various emergency hotlines in which

can immediately call the departments on a single press. Another option on the

emergency section is for conducting a report on various problems concerning on

the areas within Calaca. The second main feature of the application is for

municipal transactions in which users can digitally complete forms but they will

still need to send the necessary requirements to validate their requests. In order

to test these operations work accordingly, the SMART application will need to

successfully send these data to the SMART web portal and provide the history of

certain services that were used as well as being able to acquire notifications from

the SMART web portal. To succeed on this the researchers will use the method

of constant trial and error during the programming phase to test each component

if it’s working the way it is supposed to do.

Time Allotment

The table represents the time allotted on the progress and tasks

accomplished for the development of the Design and Development of Mobile of a

SMART: Mobile Application Ecosystem for Municipality of Calaca. It is

considered that the development of the application will take months for its




Activities Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan
Gathering of


On the 28th of August, the researchers planned out possible topics for their

proposed thesis which was approved in the month of September. The

researchers have come up with this topic intended to aid the municipal and

barangays in filling up important documents in a more convenient manner as well

as helping with emergencies and local problem. After securing the topic, the

researchers gathered important information through the months of October and

November including the technical requirements that are needed for the

development of the application, some of which were inquired from experts that

have experience in programming applications. Through gathering the

information, the researchers used the remaining days of December was allocated

to select the necessary materials that will be needed for its development. The

month of January was allotted for the design and development of the SMART

application which is also to be integrated into the SMART web portal.

Figure3. Entity Relationship Diagram: “Design and Development
Of (SMART): A Mobile Application Ecosystem
For Municipality of Calaca

Entity Relationship Diagram of the Mobile Application

Figure3 shows the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of the developed

mobile application ecosystem for Municipality of Calaca, it is stored in the

database and are composed of different entities and attributes. The eight tables

the: users, requested forms, logs, admin request activities, forms, requestor doc,

digital forms and form requirement items. The table smart-calaca-db users, this

part stores all the email/account created by each user and records the time on

which they created one and updates each time the user updates it. The users

and requested forms tables are the master tables and relationship are built using

the other six tables, logs, admin request activities, forms requestor doc digital

forms and form requested items. The requested forms, forms, form requirement

items table’s relationship is dedicated in performing in completing the form

transaction process, also with the requested forms table it also forms a

relationship between admin request activities and requestor documents through

requesting and making a form.



This chapter presents the data collected, interpretation and presentation of

the design and development of mobile application for the municipality of Calaca.

1. Evaluating the existing transaction system

This discusses the evaluation of the existing transaction system within the

municipality of Calaca. Especially to the department of Municipal Planning and

Development Coordinator, Business Permit and Licensing Office, Municipal

Assessor and Municipal Civil Registrar. The researchers conducted interview and

observation to the following departments to be able to know what the transaction

systems of the following department are:

1.1 Business Permit and Licensing Office

Business Permit and Licensing Office is the one who issues business

permit to all business within the municipality. The researchers found out that the

transaction system used by Business Permit and Licensing Office is manual


First, the applicant need to present locational clearance. After that the

citizens will file the application together with the requirements. Then the citizen

will now proceed to the receiving station to get the queue number and wait to be

called. After that there’s someone will assess the applicant if the applicant

application is for processing inspection If the application of the citizen is for

processing, the locational clearance will be release after three working days.

And if the applicant’s application is assessed for inspection the locational clear

and will be released after five working days. Next is the assessing of fees. The

citizen will now go to BPLO department to ask for the business registrations form

that to be filled out by the applicant and to have its notarized. The applicant

needs to bring certain requirement like accredited insurance and cedula. After

that the applicant needs to submit the application to the BPLO assessor. The

assessor will now assess how much the citizen fee .After the assessment the

citizen will how go to BPLO officer to have the validated assessment. Next the

submission, the citizen will now submit his/her application and assessment to the

receiving section of the BPLO. The BPLO staff will give the citizen a receiving


The citizen can process the payment if the BPLO turned over the citizen’s

application to the cashier office. The citizen needs to go to treasurer/ cashier

office to pay the mayors permit fee. After that the citizen need to go to fire

department and sanitary department to get the fire and sanitary permit. After the

long process the citizen need to submit the paid application together with the fire

and sanitary permit. Wait for 15-30 minutes for the issuance of Mayor's and

Business and department.

1.2 Municipal Civil Registrar Office

Civil registrar is one of the departments in the municipality, because its

process is always continued. The researcher found out that the process in civil

registrar is a manual transaction that results in delay to the citizen.

In registering marriage certificates for on time couples, they need to

submit the accomplished requirements like marriage in quadruplicate copies and

sign to the logbook as proof of receipt, the civil registrar now record the

document then the department will released the marriage certificate. For delay

registration, they need to submit the required documents; the civil registrar now

will review the documents. After that the process the couples need to go to

municipal treasurer to pay the corresponding fee. Return to the civil registrar

present the OR to registration office. In requesting documents the researchers

found out that requesting birth certificate, death certificate and certificate of no

marriage have manual transaction. In civil registrar’s office, there’s someone who

will assess the citizens.

Then the civil registrar officer will discuss to the citizen what requirement

he/she should bring to process the citizen request. After that the citizen will wait

to 7-14 days to claim the issuance of his/her request.

1.3 Office of the Municipal Assessor

The municipal assessor transaction system has manual transaction which

the citizens need to go to first in Municipal Hall.

The citizen must approach first the assessment clerk and present certain

requirement. After that the citizen needs to fill up the request slip and present

required documents. The citizens need to pay certification fees and after that the

preparation of the request documents. Lastly, the approval and releasing of the

document will release.

1.4 Office of the Municipal Planning and Department Coordinator

The researchers observed that the department gives a piece of paper that

list of the requirement. After that the citizens need to fill out the form for the

locational clearance certificate of zoning compliance. Then the citizens need to

submit the application to the window that assesses the citizens. Lastly the

citizens need to wait for the issuance of the paper

2. Design of the SMART Mobile Application

This section shows figures including the logging in process, and flow chart

pertaining to the build and flow of operations of the mobile application as well as

how it operates.


Signup via

Enter First name, \ Middle name,

Enter Email,
Last name, Address. Contact No.
Birthdate, Password, confirm
password, Email, Username

Fill up Required
No No
Valid Valid user Success
Credentials Credential Signup

Yes Yes


Emergency Valid
Logout Notification Forms
Request Credentials


Figure4.Login/Sign up Flowchart: “Design and Development

of (SMART): A Mobile Application Ecosystem
for Municipality of Calaca

Figure 3 shows the applicants' login/signup and verification process by

using the mobile application, in which they would fill out all of details that the

mobile application requires before joining the application.

The mobile application starts with the required registration, which requires

the users to login to the application first the user must go through the logging in

phase, which comprises the log in and password. Applicants must provide the full

name, including the last name, first name, and middle name, and also an email

address. The contact number, gender, and birth date all are particularly


Request Select and Request

Form Form

Upload Docs needed

in requirements

Waiting for


View update
and Status of

No Yes Yes
Downloadable Download
If Status is
request Requested
Document Documents


Figure5. Form Request Flowchart: “Design and Development

of (SMART): A Mobile Application Ecosystem

for Municipality of Calaca

On figure 4 after the recipient has successfully registered themselves, the

recipient(s) are now able to request certain department forms. It can provide

forms of the Business Permit and licensing Office, Municipal Civil Registrar

Office, Office of the Municipal Assessor and the form of the Office of the

Municipal Planning and Department Coordinator. Upon choosing the desired

form they must wait for the response/approval and they will be notified upon

updates. They can also check their status in case they miss a notification. When

their request is approved they can now download the requested document where

they will insert all the necessary information and attach pictures of any required

documents, after this they can now send their filled out forms.

Emergency Input Fields

Notify user

View All Details in

Emergency Request


Figure6: Emergency Flowchart “Design and Development

of (SMART): A Mobile Application Ecosystem

for Municipality of Calaca
Upon pressing the Emergency Hotlines & Report, the recipient will be

greeted with two additional options: to report and to make an emergency call.

Within the call section the departments: MDDRM, Rural Health Center, BFP, and

PNP are available, and upon choosing the report option the recipient can put the

area of the incident, type of incident and descriptions/remarks then they must

also include the place of the incident and the type of accident.

User Admin Requestors

Create Emergency
Admin Web Portal

Notify Admin for Request

Emergency Report Docs

Send Tracking

Notify Admin
Request Form




Figure7: Software Architecture “Design and Development

of (SMART): A Mobile Application Ecosystem
for Municipality of Calaca

Figure 7 illustrates the overall structure and operation of the mobile

application together with the integrated web portal. The data that the

Requestors/Users sends, like the emergency reports and document requests

travels to a dedicated server in order for the web portal and the application to

send and receive data to each other. The web portal will then be notified of the

incoming data to be received by the User Admin where he/she will provide the

appropriate activity in return to the data that he/she received. The activities will

be tracked for additional information and troubleshooting and are stored in the

SMART Calaca database.

3. The Materials Used for the Development of the Project Study

Table 2

The Materials and its Functions

Materials Function

Android Studio
A programming application used for
Specifically making android

Cs2 Android Photoshop

A designing and editing software
which is useful for making logos,
icons, different text style logos, etc.

Provides an efficient and stable

Cloud Linus Centos 7
server by providing users a separate
Lightweight Virtualized Environment
(LVE) which handles the transfer of
data and saves server resource
Angular Js Used for formatting documents by
using HTML. It is very useful in
providing static documents where its
contents remains at its original size
and cannot be easily change.
Used to create a more secure
environment, and to provide a unique
identifier for the application

Rest API
Used for integrating the application
and web portal allowing them to
interact with each other.

Table 3

Bill of Materials

Unit/ Unit
Quantity Unit Price Total Amount
Subscription Description

1 N/A ₱0.00 ₱0.00

1 N/A CS2 Adobe ₱0.00 ₱0.00

6 Monthly Linux ₱3,429.51 ₱20,577.06
CentOS 7
6 Monthly Go Daddy ₱750 ₱4,500

1 Yearly I.T Service ₱35,000 ₱35,000

TOTAL: ₱ 60,077.06

4. The Developed SMART Mobile Application Ecosystem.

The development of the SMART mobile application is based on the

planned software design and flowchart. The mobile app contains different data

and information as well as the codes for the whole system to run the mobile app

smoothly. The sending of requests in the app is the main function in the system.

The project is integrated in SMART Web Portal Ecosystem. The app is for the

sender and the web portal is for the receiver.

The mobile application for the sender, has a welcome page, log in and

sign up once the mobile app opens. The first thing that a user must do is to click

the sign up and create an account to register on the app. After the user gets

registered, they can log in to the app by inputting their username and password.

If they successfully log in to the app they automatically go to the dashboard. The

home screen of the app has two options on the top of the screen and these are

the request form and emergency request. The user can request from the button

provided in the home screen, the birth certificate application, assessor’s

certificate, assessor’s requirement document, office of the municipal planning

and development coordinator. And also they can also request for the emergency

option from 4 buttons, the municipal risk reduction, and bureau of fire protection,

police and request. And for the task bar at the left corner of the app it also has

buttons that can help the users to simply use the mobile app, home, request

forms, emergency request, notification, forms and log out.

Figure 8. Welcome Page

The figure 7 shows the welcome page where the user needs to sign up

with their email and at the bottom of it is the login now, if the user is currently

logged in they will simply click the login now.

Figure 9. Sign up Page

In the sign-up page displayed in the figure 8, it consists of a textbox that

needs to be filled up by the users. There is a text box that is needed to enter the

information which are the first name , middle name and last name where the

user needs to input and will use it in logging in to the app. The desired username

of the user must be input, the latest contact number, address, the email and

password and reenter the password for the confirmation. And last, click the join

us to have an account and after that the "successfully logged in" will appear.

Figure 10.Login Page

This figure 10 shows the login page where the user needs to input their

email and password then click the login button to successfully enter the

application. This phase is needed if the users log out their account in the mobile

app. Once the user have created an account already and log out their account,

the user didn't create an account again but click the log in now to enter the email

and password of the user to go to the homepage of the mobile application.

Figure 11. Home page

This figure shows the home page that has 2 function buttons that is the

main component of the mobile app, the request form and the emergency request.

At the lower part of the homepage is the reminders that the users need to

request documents first, upload documents and lastly the wait and approve for

the schedule that the web portal assigned.

Figure 12. Taskbar

The figure shows the task bar that has 6 buttons, once you click the home

the homepage will appear. The request forms that will appear in the 4

departments with different forms that are needed to fill up to request the forms

that the web portal will received. The emergency request is also needed by the

users to report an emergency information to notify the MRRPM, BFP, and police


Figure 13. Emergency Report

This figure shows the Municipal risk reduction management emergency

report with 2 different number which is mobile number and telephone number.

Once the user click the number it is automatically call the MRRM. It is optional to

create a report or call. If the users has no regular load to make a call, it has

another option which is creating an emergency report.

Figure 14. Bureau of Fire Protection

This figure shows the phase of emergency report which has also the

hotline numbers. It is optional also to create emergency report or just click the

number to automatically call the fire protection. It is also not suitable for the users

that dont have an regular to load to make a call.

Figure 15.Police Station

This figure shows the emergency report which is the police station, it has

also the emergency hotlines and once the users don’t have load it is optional to

create an emergency report.

Figure 16. Emergency Request

This figure shows the emergency request interface if the users request an

emergency. This phase is a emergency request that will allow the users to fill up

the text box which is the area of incident that requires an exact address of the

incident. The type of incident is also vital to ensure what happened. The last text

box has description or remarks that are optional whether you need to add

information. All types of emergency requests have the same form to be filled up

in different departments which are the MRRM, BFP and the police station.

Figure 17.Requesting a form

This figure shows the request interface, the first step that is needed is to

request the document and after that it will proceed to the next phase which is the

form fill outs.

Figure 18. Form fill outs

This figure shows the departments that will use as the reference to

request a form and upload a documents in the mobile app. The birth certificate

application, assessor’s certificates, assessor’s requirement document and office

of the municipal planning and development coordinator are the 4 departments

that will pop out once it click the form fill outs in taskbar. This every department is

the main component to the mobile app, it will provide the basic form that is

needed to fill up to complete the first process which is choosing of the form will

needed to request.

Figure 19.Request a Form

This figure shows the interface of every request form that is needed to

comply with every requirement. First is to fill up the form by clicking the link to

download the document that will be the reference that will be used to fill up the

form. The valid ID that is needed for validity and assurance of the information

and also the uploaded documents that will also be essential to put those pictures.

After that click the upload button and wait for the processed documents.

Figure 20. Request Document

This figure shows the 3 process that is needed to see whether the

requested document is process quickly. The request is at the first tab which all

those documents that requested is at the request tab , after the web portal

received the documents it will pop out in the progress tab that will see the user

request date , the request number and lastly is the closed tab.

Figure 21.Notification interface

This figure shows the notification interface that appears where the request

document is and in this phase the schedule is also appear.

5. Testing and Evaluation
The researcher found out the result of the mobile application ecosystem

after conducting a couple of testing and evaluation. They focus on the log in

system, request system, monitoring status and on providing a fast and accurate

request for every department and in emergency report to notify the users.

The researchers test the login system of the output to monitor the users

that will used the mobile app. The log in process which the users will register and

create an account. In this phase the users filled up the basic information that is

needed to test and evaluate the mobile app.

The request system of the output is tested and evaluated by the

researchers to know if the request is received by the web portal. They conduct a

series of trials to test the accuracy of the mobile app. In the first 10 trials, the

mobile app failed 5 times and there’s a lot of error that the researcher’s

experienced. In the 10 trials for the second time there are 3 trials failed in

requesting a document and in emergency, the researcher’s find the root of errors

and debug. After another 10 trials the documents is successfully requested, it will

be seen in the notification tab if the requested documents are in different


In monitoring status of the mobile application, the internet connection is

considerably test and because of this the speed of the app is affected in

requesting a document and emergency report. The speed of the app is the best

thing in testing and evaluating, in monitoring status of the output the document it

took a minute to notify the users and this phase the monitoring status is depend

on web portal and after that it took less than a minute to receive a progress of the


When it comes to link of the whole system to the web portal the fast

internet connection is considered. This requirement is needed for the full and fast

functionality of the mobile application. The researchers discovered that the

mobile app will not utilize if the users does not have an email account to sign up,

the account served as to verify every user. The app won’t open if the user

doesn’t have internet connection. It will display the homepage after the users

signed up, the request documents are observable in the notification of the app in

determining if the request is received by the portal. It will display in the

notification tab where the document is. The schedule will notify the users and the

mobile application is successfully running.

Table 4. Registration System

Trial No. Activity Remarks

1 Creating account Successfully Created

2 Log In Successfully Created

Table 5. Monitoring Status (Requesting Forms)

Trial No. Activity Remarks

1 Birth Certificate Application Successfully Requested

2 Business Permit Successfully Requested

3 Licensing Office Successfully Requested

4 Assessor Successfully Requested

Table 6. Monitoring Status (Emergency Report)

Trial No. Activity Remarks

1 Municipal Risk Reduction Emergency Report

Management Successfully Sent

2 Bureau of Fire Protection Emergency Report

Successfully Sent

3 Police Emergency Report

Successfully Sent

Table 7. Link

Trial No. Activity Remarks

1 Waiting for upload documents File successfully uploaded

2 Checking the documents File is now checking

3 Pending documents File is in progress

4 Waiting for payment Ready for payment

5 Waiting to approved Ready to claim the requested


Chapter V

This chapters present the summary findings, conclusion and

recommendation of the project.


This study aims to design and develop a mobile application ecosystem for

the municipality of Calaca. The proposed study can be used to have a

sustainable, manageable, accessible, reliable and transparent transaction using

mobile phones period aside from this, the citizen will be more aware and well

informed about the whole process of the mobile application.

The citizen will easily request document in municipality. To achieve the

proposed study, the researchers were able to gather information through different

sources to find out the changes which can be provided to develop improved

output. The researchers evaluated existing transaction in the municipality of

Calaca. The researchers found out that the municipality of Calaca have manual

transaction. The results in consuming so much time for the citizen in queuing for

the documents. The researchers study the flow of the transaction of every

departments. The researchers found out that the three department is connected

while the one has own transaction process. Differential facts from the existing

transaction we're used to consider to generate the design and function of the

mobile application and also consulted the professionals for suggestions and

ideas to make the mobile application more effective and reliable to designated


The gathered information and data serve as the foundation on how study

was constructed and through these data the researchers were able to produce

the target functions and design of the project. To create the mobile application

that researchers use an Android studio for the development of mobile application.

Also the proponent use a java as their programming language. For the back end

the researcher decided to use Php . Well in the mobile ionic framework the

researchers use angular js . Lastly for the API of the mobile application the

researcher use API.

After designing and developing the application, the researchers figure out

the result of the smart mobile application after conducting series of testing and

evaluation on the application. They focus on the functionality of the app,

accuracy of the requesting and scheduling document, and the response time in

providing the schedule about the request documents.

And the researchers also test the log in system and request system of the

mobile application to know if the request document can be seen on the web

portal. The researchers also tested monitoring status and link of the mobile

application in the testing and evaluation stage. The mobile application was

shown off to a professional to learn more and fill the needs of the application to

run it properly at an accurate time.


After the construction of the project the proponents came up with the

following findings:

1. The current transaction system in the municipality of Calaca is a manual

transaction. Where the citizens of Calaca encounter a slow process transaction

and time-consuming queuing. The proponent considered the manual transaction

in the municipality to designed and develop the mobile application.

2. In designing the mobile application, the researchers create a software design

and flowchart. This is essential to determine the result of the designed and

developed mobile application. The flowchart and software design focus solely on

the mobile applications design, features and function.

3. In determining the materials to be used, the functions and specification of the

materials must be thoroughly researched. The server and the hosting of the

mobile application is the main component of the mobile application.

4. In the construction and development of the project, the mobile application use

Android studio for the development of mobile application. The proponent also use

Java as their programming language. The mobile application use Php foe their

backend, Angular Js for Ionic framework and API for the Rest API.

5. Testing and evaluation are done and the result is accurate as expected by the

researchers. The registration system, request system, monitoring status and link

of the mobile application are tested by the researchers.


Through different findings, the following conclusions were established:

1. Before the construction of the proposed study, it is better to evaluate the

existing transaction system in the Municipality of Calaca. The evaluated

existing transaction system in four department of Municipality of Calaca

helped the proponents to come up the concepts of Design and

development of smart mobile application, for requesting and scheduling

the request document.

2. In designing the mobile application, the researchers created the mobile

application using a software design and flowchart. This is critical for

determining the result of the designed and developed mobile application.

The mobile application program works well with the entire system.

3. In materials, use in developing the mobile application were affordable and

easily accessible in the local market place.

4. The software components are essentials for the development of the

mobile application ecosystem.

5. After series of test and evaluation, the mobile application concluded that

the system is accurate, reliable and functional.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following

recommendation were presented.

1. The future researchers can expand the mobile application by adding

different department’s transaction.

2. The developed mobile application should be uploaded in android play


3. The future researchers can enhance more the application by adding

design and features.

4. The mobile application should be updated to higher version for the better

functionality of application.

5. The mobile application should use higher programming languages and

tools to upgrade the functionality and for the better transaction.



Puting Bato West,Calaca Batangas




Date of Birth : June 14, 2001

Place of Birth : Calaca, Batangas
Age : 19
Height : 5'2
Weight : 47
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Mother : Marissa P. De La Rosa
Father : Arnel P. De La Rosa


Tertiary level : Batangas state university- Balayan Campus

Bachelor of Industrial Technology
Balayan, Batangas

Senior High : Calaca Senior Highschool

Madalunot, Calaca, Batangas

Secondary level : Pedro A. Paterno National High School

Puting Bato East, Calaca, Batangas

Primary level : Dila Elementary School

Dila,Calaca, Batangas


Putol Tuy Batangas




Date of Birth : Oct 21, 1998

Place of Birth : Madonna Hospital Balayan, Batangas
Age : 22
Height : 5'4
Weight : 47
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Mother : Lelies C. Munarriz
Father : Arnel M. Munarriz


Tertiary level : Batangas state university- Balayan Campus

Bachelor of Industrial Technology
Balayan, Batangas

Senior High : Immaculate Conception College

Plaza Mabini Balayan, Batangas

Secondary level : Immaculate Conception College

Plaza Mabini Balayan, Batangas

Primary level : Immaculate Conception College

Plaza Mabini Balayan, Batangas


Pantay Calaca Batangas




Date of Birth : February 29 2000

Place of Birth : Pantay Calaca Batangas
Age : 21
Height : 5'5
Weight : 56kg
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Mother : Marilyn P. Santiago
Father : Marvic S. Santiago


Tertiary level : Batangas state university- Balayan Campus

Bachelor of Industrial Technology
Balayan, Batangas

Senior High : Calaca Senior Highschool

Madalunot Calaca Batangas

Secondary level : Dacanlao G Agoncillio National Highaschool

Dacanlao Calaca Batangas

Primary level : Pantay Elementary School

Pantay Calaca Batangas


Tuyon Tuyon Tuy Batangas




Date of Birth : November 22, 1998

Place of Birth : Tuyon Tuyon Tuy Batangas
Age : 22
Height : 5
Weight : 47kg
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Born Again Christian
Mother : Ma. Cecilia Tiquio
Father : Geraldo Tiquio


Tertiary level : Batangas state university- Balayan Campus

Bachelor of Industrial Technology
Balayan, Batangas

Senior High :

Secondary level : Jose Lopez Manzano Tuy National Highschool


Primary level : Gregorio Agoncillo Elementary School



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