Item Analysis

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Item analysis- is the act of analyzing student responses to individual exam questions with the
intention of evaluating exam quality. It is an important tool to uphold test effectiveness and
1. Index of Difficulty- refers to the percentage of learners who answered an item correctly
and ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
2. Index of Discrimination- refers to the power of the item to discriminate the students
between those scored high and low in the over all test.

Formala of Index of Difficulty

Ru + Ri

Ru- number of students in the upper group who answer the item correctly.
Ri- number of students in the lower group who answer the item correctly.
N- number of students who attempted to answer the items.
This is the table of level of difficulty

Index Range Difficulty Level

0.00-0.20 Very difficult
0.21-0.40 Difficult
0.41-0.60 Average, Moderate, Difficulty
0.61-0.80 Easy
0.81-1.00 Very Easy

Formala of Index of Difficulty

Ru + Ri
(½) N

Ru- number of students in the upper group who answer the item correctly.
Ri- number of students in the lower group who answer the item correctly.
N- number of students who attempted to answer the items.

Index Range Discrimination Level

0.19 and below Poor item, should be eliminated or needed to
be revised
0.20-0.29 Marginal item, needs some revision
0.30-0.39 Reasonably good item but possibly for
0.40 and above Very good item

Discrimination Level
Poor item
Fair item
Good item
Very good item


1. Administer the test to the number of valid sample.
Central Limits Theorem (CLT)
N ≥ 30
2. Rank or Arrange from Highest to the Lowest.
Table 1:

1. 50 11. 43 21. 29
9. 46 19. 33 29. 12
8. 46 18. 34 28. 13
7. 47 17. 35 27. 15
6. 47 16. 37 26. 20
5. 48 15. 38 25. 22
4. 49 14. 38 24. 25
3. 49 13. 40 23. 27
2. 50 12. 42 22. 28
10.45 20. 30 30. 7

Table 2:

1. 50 11. 43 21. 29
2. 50 12. 42 22. 28
3. 49 13. 40 23. 27
4. 49 14. 38 24. 25
5. 48 15. 38 25. 22
6. 47 16. 37 26. 20
7. 47 17. 35 27. 15
8. 46 18. 34 28. 13
9. 46 19. 33 29. 12
10.45 20. 30 30. 7

3. Identification of groups. Upper limit and Lower Limit

UL or LL= N x 27%

Truman Kelley- showed in 1939 that when each group consists of 27% highest degree
of certainly that those in the high group are really superior (with respect the quality measured by
the test) to those in the law group.
=8.1= 9 students

Item No. Upper Lower Index of Index of Discriminating Discrimining
Limit Limit Difficulty Difficulty Power Power
Interpretatio Interpretation
1 6 3 0.50 Average 0.33 Good Item
2 6 4 0.56 Average 0.22 Fair Item
3 5 3 0.44 Average 0.22 Fair Item
4 7 2 0.50 Average 0.56 Very good
5 4 1 0.28 Difficult 0.33 Good Item
6 8 1 0.50 Average 0.78 Very good
7 3 6 0.50 Average 0.33 Good Item
8 2 0 0.11 Very Difficult 0.22 Fair Item
9 5 4 0.50 Average 0.11 Poor Item
10 6 4 0.56 Average 0.22 Fair Item



Item No. Upper Lower Index of Index of Discriminating Discrimining
Limit Limit Difficulty Difficulty Power Power
Interpretatio Interpretation
1 7 3 0.36 Difficult 0.29 Fair Item
2 8 5 0.46 Average 0.21 Fair Item
3 6 1 0.25 Difficult 0.35 Good Item
4 4 3 0.25 Difficult 0.07 Poor Item
5 7 5 0.43 Average 0.14 Poor Item
6 8 4 0.43 Average 0.29 Fair Item
7 2 1 0.11 Very Difficult 0.07 Poor Item
8 9 4 0.46 Average 0.36 Good Item
9 5 3 0.29 Difficult 0.14 Poor Item
10 10 4 0.50 Average 0.43 Very good
Item No. Upper Lower Index of Index of Discriminating Discrimining
Limit Limit Difficulty Difficulty Power Power
Interpretatio Interpretation
1 7 3

2 8 5

3 6 1

4 4 3

5 7 5

6 8 4

7 2 1

8 9 4

9 5 3

10 10 4


Item No. Upper Lower Index of Index of Discriminating Discrimining
Limit Limit Difficulty Difficulty Power Power
Interpretatio Interpretation
1 7 3

2 8 5

3 6 1

4 4 3

5 7 5

6 8 4

7 2 1

8 9 4

9 5 3

10 10 4

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