726118-Chapter - 5

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Exponential Functions sso you wi pict an identy near snd exponent ions rom eatuances TGoroare graphs, tables, aod equine of Tea ard exporertal Lnctons. Fe Copsruct otaeartuecton vem an © rth sence ‘Conarot an exponential uocton trom 8 Ggoamere seque fe Gompareforruisa fr airpi nteres se might seers nal but any banks wil caarge you money for not having TEDeY snd they'll pay you snoney if you have 08, BS. banks mede about Boa bition in overdrat foos—a 36% increase from 2006. By contrest, personal sarest fncone in 2008 was orer $1 tition! Wor you depoett money in abankc account which acces inverest, Your ony feoomn' just ait mere, wasting for you to withdraw i. The bank lends this money to People viho want to buy 2278, houses, and pay for college. Fonts cottoct interest on these loans and reward you fer yout contxbution. The more troney you hawe ia an interest-earning aboount, the mare you exe rewarded! CF em ena aroun ps the intrest cared. erent he betnce nthe ncn) Nica conscera denosting money into ‘i } ams sro etre each yea, ene al han ou te Sit / a pobre ree Aon ks ‘The balance ater 1 yaar wud bo $500 + $8000 62,0 . 8510. Te blence afer 2 years woul be 8510» S00 02 $520, and 30 on, oS mcf, The aeurt i the rail othe aroun ste. aeoount si mance /,. smechamnis ties. | Number), tears) | tlre) (doers) (E> | seine ste ng che oo = —s = rat cenu st ne the 2 t a! teagan) = 20 | 1000+ wane = 5 selon Se [| 2 onan 89-9 hin = 2. 'sths problem stuation a saquense? Ito, deseibe the saquance typ ane! how yOu knew. Fits not a secures, exon wry oat {eure int Sit he { rwentrdstae wc | | ancartent et, 8. Suppose P, represents the account alance srt yoare, So, P aprcents tro scoount balance aft O yeas the cginel principe), Py rerenents the acoount lance year F,roprsonis the sooo balenon after? yaa, ana rarest ra, wnt dose Praesent? 206 Chapter 5 Sepoconst Psciene - 5. le this en arthatc or geomsirs sequence? How do you know Determine the ‘emmon diterence or Cominon ati om he frie in Question 4 6 “14, Use tha funtion you wrote in Question 9 to detrmine Nicos account bance iter: Substitute te cg princes! Pans the camman dirs or rman 12, Use the intersection fate ofa wiltake forthe balance in Neos accent to errs oth LotP represent ine account bales ater fyaors. Use your answcrs ri Questions 6 and 7 wt the the snc esl hata | formal fre balance A nthe sale invest be mens fron il teen oe pica s 8, Witte Nico's bolance inthe simple interact count f ” cescrtbed in Quostion 1 9 function of im. Racal y 2 158% Use the ction o vent he vals in your tae a 10. Detamire which unin emily proces he smpe itret forme, Expl 298 coapteré. pe 51 Companng tinearand Bxpeneial Funcons = 200 Ina compound interest accaun acceunl het sas 2% compouniirtcest each yar, te balance a out bs $500 + $500(002)~ $59, the balanos at 8510(8.02) ~ $520.20, anc eon. 8 metres areata ow anc fea yrs parce year For exami, S500 ie deposited rg ae 0D nfo an account tat eae 6% compound nec to show Puls aeceunt balance a een completed ory 1 teem _Nuriber ) Ietarot Earned ‘eolers) T0s0005)~ 525 1050+ YosE 08) = 110.5 Suppose that , represents Raut crn! principal arc reenesents the interest tein ‘the compound interest eccaunt. So, represent neal in ountin tam Py tert year. Youcan use the Distriutve Property 9 rent hs oma as Paesn a 2. Use he Disbutive Property ta unt afr te reprecet the balance in th Irems ot, ter the given umber year. The Store ha been done for you 4 lth en atest or ome squares? How do you kon? Determithe inmon ference or conan ratio rom the formulas in Gueaton «4 Supetiure Raut org! pina and tre common Aforone or comme ti ito the exp formula fo the sequence. 15. Lot Pe ropresent u's aonount balance ater years. Remember that tie st less than tha rm umber Vio he formu fore balances Pi} nthe compound terest sosourt as a furcicn oie 6, Wie the balance in Reus compound interest ascount s afunction f tine. Reel thet the eign prinspale $1000 are tha erst ra Is 5%. Use the function very 300 Choptees Exponent Fua=tne ed 8 Talk the Talk Q G3 * reroestanncnussconuncinomeacanstiscompa tet te vals to the are 7, Determine which fetion ial epreserts tne compound interest fra. Ce cnn “Sire ero | Compound rat cunniy om ae | 8, Use the teten you wrote Question 6 to determing the account balance ate 2. Byear, bi. 100 yar 8. Use te intersection fetus of granhing clator to deterring the umber of years ital oe forthe Bence in saeco a. mac $1800, 2. Tra islokng fo some facil ave, Hehehe ton to noe $1000 toe Ras oecar. The covpound eee accor woud cet Fi 8 0-ime ta Up foe of $200. Th sure woul yo Teel You now kro the formule 7 smele andl compound ars The spl inert orl a P=Pt Rat seat represents the balance in the acount ater years. P, ap Principal andr represents the interact eta ach yee tina a dona). ue 40] x [, 0000) . Crop rasp interest ane compound i Than, eksich the graphs on the given gr. Use i hor wher, repriconts the ae principal, an epesonts __]} and Exponent Fonesons = 300 6: “amien oon bee See 20.900 -29,c000.015) = 19,700 ~ “The population of Downtewn wl bs 19,700 poonle PROBLEM J Downtown and Uptown 4 Ath but over many year Al these tine, Upiouns pepsi edhe poplin of Upton Sou 2 ave rm Cowtown a erleo 1296 pa been growing ate of 18% each” 4. wate ths incencent ane ependant quate in each etuction? 2. hich city’s population can bo represented as an increasing function, ad which con 2 2 yee rom now represen esa decreasing tnt on ‘The population wi Property. The stone a been cone for you 6 20,000 20,000(0.0165 20,0001 = 0.018) yore from no bi. 2 years tom no 4 How can yout thatthe to an oxponsntal nto? Exel your mason. Gi 18 Use the compound intrest formuia and your expressions in What happens inerasing populatien, Recall ta he fru er comoun iterate FX) — FM +9, hal Quest 7 to wite te uncon, De showing Dowatowri's (wher the cavum | ropteeenss the smpunt inthe scoot ara cenan amaunofime in yar rth population docine as ction of ne n yar eee Pe at ‘ Ce inert ate wten 2 a csi, ana the time yore 5. it anda 8. Wite te anton, Ut, sho rnpeund ntereatforme, subitute Upiowms starting popular 8 Think about each function as representing & soquence thats muti nach ime to gat he nt tr Ingach sequence? fr Uptown’ ook th 9 a funtion of ine + to Question @ ar clei fy tat your nose 62 GrapasofSeponentis Puneoae SOT 10, Explain how the commen atin How many yaar far now wil hs populations of Downtown an Upon be equal nares in Dopation are increasing cr docossra, Determine te apevoxiete polation, PRosuem(@9 Graphing, Finally! 4. Use the TRACE function on your caleulaoro determine when te poption of a ft fences for Dowmnoun ar soa Dowrtoun was. Then dotarine when he poguaton of Uptown wan, Wt Hee ar the unetion agen Dawitown: Of) = 20000 ~ Bas Uatoume LAW ~ e000 = 0.018 1. Use graphing calculator to graph both uncon using the bounds 09,10) 1, 20,609) 2. Let's aratyz0 the yimvreepte ofeach funtion by, trterpt the ning of hoy ieoreopt inten of thie problem stuaton Enc population function you graphed ha a horton asymptote & horgontal asymtote Desert now yu can determine the neve ofeach functon using jas the ie horzental ie that a fercion gts closer ane stosero, but never ntarsoots ‘2 How ong wil it tae er Dowetowns poziationw be aif of what its ow? rte the quaton forthe hexzonialaeymptate ofeach api funtion, 7. Dose ne erzarta aymetate make sane in tar ofthis pele sution? Explain your reaseing. How eng wilt tae for Untowns papulstion 0 duble rom what te now? 308 Chaptor Exponential Fctone 52 Grapes xpoaential Funcuene 309 ; PROBLEM GJ The Multiple Representations of Exponentials srinterept Interval of nreasseec ace: donmcte Nea range: : pi > =# inert asprptote deri: j sane troops eral of increalcecease 810 w Chapters, sxponentat Fnctions 52 Graphs of Begone Puncion 917 ‘Yes cone ection othe lomny = osc Essa or amaongl crap, theres heal | tortie eet ‘elec part dtl 1 tee net * sie ransition ast ad oxponents + eoonate netaen notary * pumert ofa tncaon * Forzontl wanton Ev pier eroqrammers wmite and use functions in much the seme way as you de in faathematics. For example, « plogrammer may write tue function fabol) in @ fsinting langage, This function calculates the absofuta value ofthe variable x Be tame of te function is “tabs, " and the variable inside the paronthases is known itis argument Input is “passed” (efther from the program Itself or fom a user af Re rogram} vo ths argument, and the function “returns” an output—in tis case, the 8. Given aneton ofthe frm fy = ab 1 What dos the evista you? mtion related io the functions you have baen studying? be. What does he nel tll you? 812 w Chapters Expenetiat Finctens (99. What co you n PRostEn Vertical Translations om too lnearfunetens shown 5. ite e y-alue of aac onsare pao tha three gen of) =) +3 | a= 09~3 i uation is the neh a ction. isin efor fe) = a1 hare You can wie me given unetons ce and oe ofthe baie urction For exams, becae gil = x you ca subst ge fren asshovn oe 8 a= “— a 6. Use the abe to compar the ores pire ofthe graphs of ie an to th ordre 2. Deserbe the operation pated one bse function ot eeu in ach othe fecuatons fe care Coordinate notation ee netaton tht uses ordered prs to describe transtormation in & al ‘Use a graphing clause to graph each function wth the bounds {19,10} (10, ‘Than, sketon ho graph of eich function, Labo ach aah af — ja rerlation 9)-+ey + 8), une 6s area number inate oatio to repesert he vartcal translation of exch tanto S14 chapters exponcaat Puntons om O15 der have exponential funetions hou 11. We nays of ch ec ; uo + m- e119 nog = 2 st) =(21+8 d= (2-9 tis cass, fis) ~ is thelbasi urction because its the spl! exponent ncn 9. Use a graphing clultr fo graph cach uncon with Than, sketch ne graph of ene tncton, Label each gr a pers ttre hati function nf, What do you notice? Ae he ul ered pars of the grep ob) and to the ore 48. Explain how you know that he graphs of ‘ph of Ae | Pt ofthe grephe of sand othe rine ofthe ore ‘hn bee urcton a 60 you ncn? Aa real ne same when yl pared re graph othe naa ures in Quston 4? WL G+ ve cotterctone += en +a erte te Sm iS 316 & Chapter Eiponen 3 Treaton f Linea and ‘Comsicerthe tree exponential funclens showm, where A} ~ 2's the basic fun Compare fa) =x + 6 tothe tale notion gl) = xtor’ <0 nen the luneten Thats, 9 nas aces oH) an 3 wae abtractes rom A. ich the anc operates, So, nth Compare fi) ~ 6 +k tothe baie funtion hi) = York 0 In th prob, th operation ha tment of function bo tha base etn ant wh int fo fnetion bi). To tev raph of 2 futon zs shown. Seen tre graphs of" torres i you mst subettte x 3 nt the argument er td, as shown, One) + a We = nie +9) = 208 veloc the vrabi in th untion 1. te the tanton 17, int he aquatin a each function afer 3 vrical rarslaon down 6 unis & pe) = Be plo 5s Comper he graphe of end i 2 tho graph ofthe bale unetion Wat do al or re roo glen ructons. You can use your ach graph elation tots bask function. thevalin oo. roe fe = 87-1 barton fe ~Bfore 0 thee eae ca | | sagt yas oS [ amocketiie Compare fn | te Yatemedatect Bina pee 8, Tho graph of uncon ti shown. Ske bra) 5 pare the reed pas of te raphe af we) ane ws 1 he rere ars of tne graph cf te asic fates Mit What do you nolo ‘A hortzontal translation of graph sg shit of te eis reef orig icant rslaton ates the x-coordmale of ech point on te graph, ‘You ca use the cocina rotator shown fo inccate a hizo! aration 2. othe easton of sen unton ater Jaton et unt. == pe 99 a.y, havea rl number ms] 8 6. Use ccorsinats notation ta repeesent the horizon transition of wich function nee ao “ae RE 1 Fes -“e Function, lhe gre 3) or de= 3), _ (See : \ ase eto ahr ni ee unirnee << fad o slerocted \ obese ( “Gears ee \ Sec ty fons Linea: and ZiooneslPunecone @ S24 820 © Chapters ont vc PROBLEM (EJ The Curious Case of Linear Functions 3 a ‘Consider the thee tar urctons show where anc a tranclations ot gph + a= om +8 turk Tetrion otis) same esta ersten ti rabies caseuen|epvheno = HoH +5 5 tin tat pote 28 sane eto Docorbs the transition ofthe graph ot Iranetation of he gaph of that prducse A. Then, desi the hat peduces hy, ee Inject ge Resavelin that pate) tthe sae otha rnin tat padres ee) ecnse 1) veri atin mc] hrc role. 2. Wich function hasan aporston pestormeet on gs? Wiich tine formed on the argument of gi)? ‘Toswe wn Tobias is coret,conalde @ segment ofthe basic fancton gh) ~ x. The function ‘sshown 25a detted Ine, ane tha sagment ofthe unction is shown a8 28, Rete 50 that tin tom of « 8. Than, our i 2 ta Ite tems of. What do you notion? 822 § captors. cone Punstiane (69 essa or inoar et Rrpaneeent Tua S29 B24 we Chapter xpos 3 Tensions of Lest and Exponerisl Funcions = 925 a= +0 _ 8 nhs esnon, you wt refeton } » fliot nser and exponent leo tle ania, = =. Ineors vetcally. + Rte iar and exponen _ + determine coescimnice of graph 1 Shor onstormatons, = ork —| maw | o> tec — | dy frntar with many different :ypes of "reflections" in mathe prosent, tis 1s a good indicatlon ofa rection ‘The power 2! ove for Tm this lesson, you will learn about reflecting functions. Wa negative sigs! 828 w Chapter Rrsonenl Funeins

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