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Analog Communications

(Subject Code: EC3101, No. of Credits: 4)


Unit-I:Introduction:Communication System, Analog and Digital Messages, Signal-to-noise ratio, Channel Bandwidth and rate of
communication, Modulation, Randomness, Redundancy and Coding.Introduction to signals: Size of signal, Classification of Signals, Some
useful signal operations.

Unit-II::Amplitude(Linear) Modulation: Baseband and Carrier communication, Amplitude modulation: Double sideband, Amplitude
Modulation(AM), Quadrature Amplitude Modulation(QAM), Amplitude modulation: Single sideband, Amplitude modulation: Vestigial sideband,
Carrier Acquisition, Super hetero dyne AM Receiver, Television.

Unit-III:Angle (Exponential) Modulation:Concept of Instantaneous Frequency, Bandwidth of Angle-Modulated Waves, Generation of FM

Waves, Demodulation of FM, Interference in Angle-Modulated Systems, FM receiver.

Unit-IV:Introduction to theory of probability:Concept of Probability, Random Variables, Statistical Averages(Means), Central Limit Theorem,
Corelation, Linear Mean Square Estimation.

Unit-V:Random Processes:From Random Variable to Random Process, Power spectral Density of a Random Process, Multiple Random
Processes, Transmission of Random Processes through Linear Systems, Bandpass Random Processes, Optimum Filtering: Wiener-Hopf Filter.

Unit-VI:Behavior of Analog Systems in the Presence of noise:Baseband Systems, Amplitude-Modulated Systems, Angle-Modulated Systems.


(1)Books: (i) Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, BP Lathi (ii)Communication Systems by Simon haykin (iii)communication
systems by AB carlson.
Analog communicationCourse Lecture Plan
Units of Study Material (by Video Lectures Typical example Assignments Examination details
syllabus Prof V.V.Rao) (by Prof problems and
surendraprasad.) solutions
Lecture 1:
Introduction to
engineering (54
Chapter 1: Minutes)
Representation of Lecture 2:
signals(20 Pages) Introduction 2 (56
Lecture 3: Brief
review of signals and EST
systems (49 Minutes)
Lecture 4: The Hilbert Mid 1
(20 Marks
Chapter1:Representation Transform(47 Objective &
of signals(pg: 95 to 110) Minutes) (20 Marks
Typical example 40 Marks
4 Assignments for Descriptive)
Unit-I Lecture 5: low pass problems and Descriptive)
Unit-I and Unit-II
& Chapter 1: equivalent of solutions for Unit-I
Part of Unit-II syllabus will be Syllabus
Representation of bandpass signal and Unit-II syllabus Syllabus
uploaded covered within
signals(pg: 119 to 126) representation (52 will be uploaded covered in
first 25 days of
Minutes) total 80 days
For this you can refer to Lecture 6: of instruction
B.P.Lathi chapter Fundamentals of period in a
3(Modern digital and Analog Signal semester
analog communication transmission(50
systems) Minutes)
Lecture 7: Amplitude
Modulation (49
Chapter 4:Linear Minutes)
modulation(pg no:1 to Lecture 8: Amplitude
30) Modulation 2(53
Lecture 9: Single Side
Band, Suppressed
sideband & VSB
Modulation (47

Lecture 10: Single

Side Band,
Suppressed sideband
& VSB Modulation
2(48 minutes)
Lecture 11: Single
Side Band,
Chapter 4:Linear Suppressed sideband
modulation(pg no:64 to & VSB Modulation 3
100) &somepart of
receivers(54 minutes)
Part of Unit- Lecture 12:
II Superheterodyne
& part of receivers (50 Mid 2
unit III Minutes)
Lecture Typical example (20 Marks
13:Superheterodyne problems and 4 Assignments for Descriptive)
receivers (48 solutions for Unit- Unit-II, Unit-III
Minutes) II, Unit-III syllabus syllabus will be Syllabus
will be uploaded uploaded covered within
Lecture 15: Angle second 25 days
Chapter 5:Angle Modulations (48 of instruction
modulation(pg no:1 to Minutes) period
Lecture 16: Angle
Modulations (52
Lecture 17:
Generation and
Detection (50
Lecture 18:
Generation and
Detection (51

Lecture 19:
Demodulation of
Modulated Signals
(50 Minutes)
Lecture 20:
Demodulation of
Modulated Signals2
Chapter 5:Angle (53 Minutes)
modulation(pg no:37 to Lecture 21:
70) Demodulation of
Modulated Signals3
(48 Minutes)
Lecture 22: Feedback
Demodulators (52
Lecture 23: Feedback
Demodulators 2(53
Part of Unit- Chapter 5:Angle Lecture 24: Feedback Typical example 4 Assignments for Mid 3
III and Unit- modulation(pg no:37 to Demodulators3(52 problems and part of Unit-V and
IV 70) Minutes) solutions for part of Unit-VI syllabus (20 Marks
Unit-III and Unit- will be uploaded in Descriptive)
Lecture 25: FM VIsyllabus will be our institute server
Receiverss (54 uploaded in our Syllabus
Minutes) institute server covered within
Lecture 26: TV third 25 days of
Transmission (57 instruction
Minutes) period
Lecture 27 : Review
of Probabilty theory
and Random
Variables (58
Lecture 28: Review of
Probabilty theory and
Lecture 29: Random
Pracesses (56
Lecture 30: Random
Pracesses (56
Unit-V & Chapter 7 : Noise Minutes)
Unit-VI performance of various Lecture 33: Behavior
modulation schemes(pg of Communication
No :1 to 22) System in the
presence of Noise(53
Lecture 34: Behavior
of Communication
System in the
presence of Noise(56
Lecture 35: Behavior
of Communication
System in the
presence of

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